LOVE.LIFE. ETERNITY (Book of Love 2)
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“Peace is the beauty of life. It is sunshine. It is the smile of a child, the love of a mother, the joy of a father, the togetherness of a family. It is the advancement of man, the victory of a just cause, the triumph of truth. Peace is all of these and more and more”


                                             {It’s a family affair}


The Glam family is going to rock the industry once again. Ishi Shin-Kwon kicked off her Asian tour two days ago with a very beautiful production and a jam packed stadium. She celebrated her birthday with 20,000 fans and even gave them a wonderful surprise. The singer who is already a mother of one announced that she and husband, G-dragon is expecting another baby that made everybody go wild. Not only that, their five year old daughter, Athena Hera Kwon, gave a special performance as well. The “glam baby” is only supposed to sing one song but because the crowd insisted for another one, she happily gave them what they want, singing Whitney Houston’s I will always love you and even asked her mother to sing with her. It shocked everybody present for the little girl has a beautiful voice.

“It’s really shocking…but on the other hand…it’s not…she’s a daughter of two wonderful singers…she’s got their musical blood…her tone is perfect…she’s only a kid but her timbre is already like a teenager or even an adult…her pitch is high as well” an executive said.

“G-dragon is the one who stayed with her in rehearsals and he’s also the one coaching her…from the way it looks…Athena really enjoys singing very much…she’s so much like her parents” a YG representative said.

Now that the little Kwon have shown her talent, it was said that she’ll be one of Ishi’s guests in the concert. JYP Entertainment released an official announcement saying that Miss A together with YG’s G-dragon and Athena Kwon will be joining Ishi for her Asian tour.

“We have to make some changes since Ishi is in a very sensitive situation right now…she’s pregnant and as much as possible…we don’t want to push her to the curb…so along with JYP Sajangnim…the team and Ishi have decided to put some guests on the show…Miss A are good friends with her and they willingly agreed to be on the show….and of course…G-dragon can’t be left behind…this is also a good thing for he can watch over his wife all throughout the tour…as for Athena…she told her parents that she wants to sing again…that’s why they’re letting her perform” a JYP representative said.

With this, the fans got more excited. They are not only going to see Ishi live on stage, but they’re going to see Miss A, G-dragon and Athena as well.

Ishi’s Love.Life.Eternity concert will be held in four countries around Asia. Philippines, Singapore, Hong Kong and Japan to be exact. 




There are times wherein you just don’t know what to do anymore. Just take my situation now for example. I’m pregnant but I need to attend to some commitments and even if I know that it’s quite risky, I feel like I have a responsibility to the people that I have to stand up to. These people has waited for a long time just to see me and I’ve waited for this as well because this is my first time to have a concert tour in Asia.

It’s been two week since my concert tour kicked off and I’m having a blast for I’ve got a lot of people behind me who are ready to support my craziness. Right after my concert in Seoul, JYP Sajangnim called for an emergency meeting for he’s not that good with me having a concert while pregnant.

“Ishi…I don’t know how you do it...are you alright? Aren’t you feeling sick at all?” he asked and I shook my head right away.

“Sajangnim I’m fine…there’s nothing to worry about…I can push through with this concert…I’m telling you…it’s all good…after all…I’m not moving around the stage that much…I have a  few upbeat songs and I’m not dancing as well…singing will not give any impact to the baby…trust me” I told him and he sighed.

“But still…the mere fact that you need to go to different places is enough to make you tired…we really have to have another plan…you performing on stage for two and a half hours will surely put you and the baby in a dangerous situation” Sajangnim said and I suddenly realized that he’s got a point.

Actually, I’m also worried about myself right now. Thing is, I don’t want to disappoint the people who has bought tickets already. As a matter of fact, the show’s sold out and cancelling it would surely make the people sad. I know and I’m confident that I can do this.

“What if we put guests on the show” I told them and they looked at each other.

“That sounds good…but….do you have someone in mind?” an executive asked and I started thinking.

Truth is, I really don’t have someone in mind and the thought of having front acts just popped out of my mind randomly.

“Can I have 2AM and 2PM’s schedules please?” Sajangnim asked and his secretary called the groups’ handlers right away.

After waiting for I don’t know how long, his secretary walked in the room just to say that 2AM and 2PM’s schedules are full and they can’t squeeze my concert in it at all. At that point, I’m all ready to give the show up for I can’t think of anything to do anymore. I know that I can’t risk my health and most especially the baby.

“Actually Sajangnim…Miss A’s schedules are not that full…I know it because I just checked it a few hours ago” a staff in and I suddenly feel like there’s still hope.

“Alright…contact their managers and handlers…then inform them about this…I want answers as soon as possible” Sajangnim instructed and I started praying so hard.

Lo and behold, after an hour, a staff came in the room and told us good news. The girls of Miss A agreed to be my guests for the concert and they are even ready to cancel their three weeks rest just for me. They are really angels sent down from heaven for they just saved me.

“It seems like today is really your lucky day Ishi Kwon” Eon said and I giggled.

“What more can I say? God really loves me” I told him, making him laugh.

My special day ended with me, G-dragon and Athena, dining in a fancy restaurant. My daughter became an instant superstar after her surprise performance and she even trended on Twitter once again. My husband and I are really proud of her for she really gave her all to that seven minutes performance.

“How did the two of you come up with that idea?” I asked while eating.

“Omma…it’s your husband’s’s not mine” Athena answered in an Ajhumma tone and all G-dragon and I can do is shook our heads and sigh.

“Baby…I heard her singing in her playroom days ago …so I made her sing a song of her choice and recorded it…then this wonderful idea came to mind…and she agreed with it” G-dragon pinched our daughter’s cheek, making her scrunch her nose.

“But seriously Oppa…I appreciate the effort...your surprises are just over the top…you guys really made me so happy today” I told them and they giggled.

“I’m the one who is supposed to be telling that to you…baby…I’m happy because we’ve succeeded…we’ll be having another baby” he reached for my hand and squeezed it.

“So it is true? Omma….you’re really pregnant? You have a baby inside your tummy?” Athena asked, her face blank.

The moment I saw our daughter’s blank face, I suddenly felt so worried. I don’t know, but from what I can see and feel, Athena is really not good with my pregnancy at all. Truth is, she really doesn’t want to have a sibling and she’s so open to us with that. Now, I personally don’t know how to deal with this matter for I know that our daughter will greatly be affected by it.

“Munchkin” G-dragon called and transferred her to his lap.

“It is true that Omma is going to have another baby…well…WE ARE going to have a baby in the house soon…which means that…you’re going to be an Unnie…how’s that?” he asked and Athena just stared at him, then at me.

“Beautiful” I reached for her hand and kissed it “Having a baby brother or sister is great…just look at Aunt Dami and Appa…they are siblings and they look so happy…it’s much fun to have a playmate than to be alone” I told her and she’s still in her mute mode.

“Will you still love me even with a new baby?” she asked and I got shocked with how she voiced that question out.

“Aigoo…of course! Athena…you are our first baby…and no matter how many siblings you have…our love for you will still stay the same…nothing will change…the only thing that will change is…there’s going to be two of you already…other than that…nothing” I told her and she leaned back on G-dragon’s chest and rested her head with her eyes closed.

“She’s thinking” my husband mouthed and I smiled at him.

I know that Athena is going to have a hard time grasping reality as of the moment for she’s used to being a single child. All the attention is on her and now that there’s going to be another one, it only means that she’s going to share the spotlight already.

“I can’t do anything about it…right?” she suddenly spoke, her head still resting and eyes still closed.

“You can’t Munchkin because the baby is already in Omma’s tummy” G-dragon told her and she looked up at him.

“Why do I have to go through this? Alright….I’m fine with the baby already Appa” she told him and it made me laugh for she really sounds like an adult who doesn’t have any choice at all.

“Aigoo…thank you beautiful” I kissed her hand again and she exhaled.

“That baby better be a girl coz I really don’t want to have another man in the house” she said and we looked at her curiously.

“Why is that?” G-dragon asked and I’m waiting for her answer with full interest.

“Because…” she said and sighed “Appa alone is already hard to handle…what more have another one like him?” she continued and it mad

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lienabudakbaik #1
Chapter 64: Finished!!! Its so amazing..
lienabudakbaik #2
Chapter 64: Finished!!! Its so amazing..
Chapter 64: Finished! I love youuuuu (you know that right?)
Chapter 64: finished reading :))) ...... once again amazing story <333333333333
goood joooob author-nim .... :D
Autumnaree #5
Chapter 53: wow, your characters realy go through the ringer.
unnie4ver #6
Chapter 64: It's 1:18am here. Gosh this story seems sooooo real...with the twitter and everything! Good job authornim! <3
Chapter 64: Kyaaa I finished it! Daebak! Tgis Fic made me Cry,laugh,nervous and its awesome! Author-nim daebak"
Chapter 13: Im loving the twitter post's BIG TIME!!
savygirl #9
Authornim im so inlnve with ur wrting skills my fave i she drives me crazy did u knw that i even posted a pic of gd and georgna wilson on my instagram coz im so inlove with. That story :-) oh btw georgina liked that pic too :-)
Chapter 64: omg. this was my first ever fanfic and THANKS SIMPLY FOR WRITING SUCH AN AMAZING STORY!