Ch. [64]

In My Arms





The dark circles under Kyuhyun’s eyes were so prominent that even when Heechul tried to cover them it was impossible. He was sitting down in one of the most hidden tables of that café. He didn’t seem to be able to blink or even move. He looked like a statue; a wasted one. He was almost just skin and bones. His body could barely stand still and he wasn’t hungry but there was coffee in front of him to pretend he was.


His throat was dry and his eyes were filled with unshed tears. Every day, his condition worsened and there was nothing he wished more than finding Hyukjae already.


A figure appeared in front of him and he looked up, sighing softly before looking down his cup of coffee once again. “Something?” Siwon asked as he sat down by his side, grabbing the cup of coffee from Kyuhyun’s hands to drink from it. It was cold already.


Kyuhyun shook his head. “The two investigators say she’s doing nothing out of the ordinary in her life but I don’t trust them…,” he said, almost in a whisper, because even his will to talk was gone. “I’ll hire another private investigator, the best one in the whole country…”


Siwon sighed and massaged his temple. Kyuhyun has been drinking the pills but even like that he can’t sleep. He’s worried all the time about Hyukjae and when he does sleep, he has nightmares. He has not been eating well and when Heechul forces him to, he throws up or gets sick. Siwon is not different. He has taken vacation for a few weeks simply because he can’t work anymore. Kyuhyun has to get some help from the managers, though he still gets a little distracted by work, as soon as he has free time, Hyukjae’s image comes to his mind and it’s hard to make it stop.


Kyuhyun wasn’t Kyuhyun anymore. He had become a sack of bones, wasted and tired. “Will she come?” Siwon asked, drinking again from the coffee as he took out two pills, vitamins, for Kyuhyun. “Take them.”


Kyuhyun looked at Siwon and down at the pills, shaking his head. “I don’t want to,” he said. “She will come, she said she would.”


“I didn’t ask if you wanted, I told you to take them,” Siwon said firmly. “Don’t make me do it for you.”


Kyuhyun eyed Siwon before taking the pills to his lips, swallowing them at once. It has been a while since he has been taking them because he can’t eat properly anymore without bursting out in cries and loud sobs. His life was a mess.


It had been three months already. They have been watching carefully every movement Seohyun does, every single phone call, every step she took. But there was nothing. They listed the possibilities but the investigators found nothing. They lost the count of how many persons they have investigated.


A figure appeared in front of them and Kyuhyun frowned at the same time that Siwon gasped. It was Seohyun with a small, but still slightly visible womb under her blouse.


Seohyun looked at the two men in front of her. It was heartbreaking. She looked at Siwon with almost tender eyes, clenching her fists tightly because Hyukjae had done that. Siwon’s features were still handsome but it was obvious the kidnapping had taken a toll on him. She glanced at Kyuhyun. He was even worst. The once handsome and firm man was now nothing but a mere name. Secretly, Seohyun wished to not remember Kyuhyun like that but as he was before. “Gentlemen,” she called coldly, sitting down in front of them.


Siwon was looking at her confused and then at Kyuhyun, as if asking if it was her being pregnant for real.


“Where is he?” Kyuhyun asked dryly and Seohyun chuckles bitterly, remembering that firm and stern voice that she once even loved.


“Are you talking about Hyukjae?” Seohyun asked and placed one of her hands on her fake womb. “I don’t know, why don’t you ask someone else?”


Kyuhyun frowned. “You were the only one who would hate him enough,” he said and Seohyun shook her head, smiling sweetly.


“I know you wish it was me Kyuhyun, but it’s not. You’re following me, your investigators are, don’t you think they would already know something?” She asked.


“Who’s the father?” Siwon asked and Seohyun doubted for a second if she should answer to that. Simply, because Siwon was still the gentleman she once met.


“Kyuhyun,” Seohyun said, looking at the man now frowning deeply at her.


“We both know that’s not true,” Kyuhyun defended.


“This is your baby Kyuhyun, and I won’t be at peace until you finally recognize it,” Seohyun said and she pursed her lips as he saw the frown on Siwon’s face.


“If that’s my baby for real, Seohyun,” Kyuhyun started with a firm voice, even when it was so low and husky. “Then I’ll make myself responsible, I’ll take care of him, not you. If that’s my baby for real, I’ll take him away from you and bring him home with me.”


Seohyun gasped. Certainly, Kyuhyun wasn’t someone he could easily manipulate. “Who said I would give you my baby, Kyuhyun?”


“Stop,” Siwon said firmly, with a low and dangerous voice. “Seohyun,” his eyes were piercing her façade. “Where’s Hyukjae?”


Seohyun’s heart was beating harshly against her chest but she refused to let down her face and stood up, pretending to be offended for such words. “I don’t know. And you know what? I don’t care. He ruined my life, if he’s dead then so be it. I don’t care and I didn’t do anything to him,” he turned towards Kyuhyun and frowned. “I have someone else to take care of now,” she held her bag and turned around, leaving the place as soon as she could and quickly going up her car.


Kyuhyun’s eyes looked at the distance, at nothing in particular and Siwon sighed as he rested back tiredly. “You did it?” Kyuhyun asked and Siwon hummed lowly, chuckling for himself.


“She has the beeper in her bag, we’ll know where she goes from now,” Siwon informed and Kyuhyun nodded for himself. He knew Seohyun would definitely get mad or anxious so they would take advantage of that to introduce the small electronic into her bag. “She only has to wear the same bag all the time…”


“She will,” Kyuhyun said and stood up. “She’s smart but she gets panicked if she thinks she’s been discovered and she doesn’t have time to worry about things like her bag.”


“I hope so Kyuhyun,” Siwon whispered as he stood up as well, following Kyuhyun as the other walked out from the place. “About that baby-”


“It’s not my baby Siwon,” Kyuhyun said walking towards Siwon’s car parked nearly. “It can’t be my baby, I’m not stupid.”


Siwon nodded and sighed relieved, jumping up his car as he waited for Kyuhyun to do the same, taking out his cell phone. “Should we follow her now?”


Kyuhyun looked down at his lap, thinking deeply. “No…,” he said and shook his head. “She’s not risking herself right now. Let’s just monitor first…”


Siwon ran his fingers through his hair in frustration. “Kyuhyun, it’s been almost three months, we don’t have time to-”


“I know we don’t have time!” Kyuhyun exclaimed, louder than he intended and Siwon looked at him with pity. Kyuhyun was so wasted and desperate that he was losing his mind. “I know we don’t have time…,” he whispered again. “But Hyukjae… we only have one chance to get him… I don’t want to ruin it…”


Siwon looked at the screen of his phone, showing how Seohyun was now going through the streets with the direction of her own house. “Three days, Kyuhyun,” he warned and Kyuhyun nodded, covering his face.


Siwon knew that Kyuhyun didn’t want him to see him cry. Not again. Not like every day since Hyukjae had been kidnapped.




Hyukjae opened his eyes slowly, feeling instantly dizzy. He closed them again and after a few seconds, he opened them, only to be welcomed by a white ceiling. He reincorporated himself slowly, holding his head that was hurting badly. “You’re finally away,” a man’s voice said and Hyukjae looked up, flinching when he realized it was one of the men that took care of him.


The man said nothing and went out, closing the white door behind him.


It was then, that Hyukjae realized he was somewhere new. The room was decently bigger. He was now sitting on a bed that was actually comfortable and with clean blankets. He looked up and saw the walls. They weren’t specially clean but there was no more Hyukjae could ask for.


Aside from the bed and the blankets, the room was completely empty. He stood up slowly, smelling the enclosed air of the room. It smelled like orchids. There were no windows and it was only enlighten by electricity.


Hyukjae looked around and found a door, frowning softly before walking towards it and open it. It was a bathroom, a decent one with a shower.


Seohyun was serious about her plan. She would keep him alive and take his baby. And that of course would mean he had to be in good conditions to grow a healthy baby. At least he had a small advantage now.


Hyukjae took his hands to his womb and looked at the bathroom, frowning softly as he tried to focus on a way he could escape from there. “I need time…,” he whispered for himself. Time was what he had the most.


The plan was simple. Hyukjae would study everyone’s movements and the hour in which they changed their schedules and shifts. He also had to make sure to study their movements, to check if they had a cell phone or a radio, something he could use later.


The door cracked open and Hyukjae turned alarmed towards the source of noise, freezing as he saw an European man enter with a low face and white coat. A doctor? He bit his lower lip backing away slightly until he reached the far corner of the room. “W-Who are you?” He didn’t intend to sound so scared and terrified.


The doctor looked up at him but said nothing, probably not understanding what he said. Seohyun was smart. He tried the same sentence in French and English, a little of broken German but it didn’t work and the man mumbled incoherent sounds that Hyukjae had no idea what they meant.


A small table with different things was brought and everyone left but the doctor. Hyukjae couldn’t even dare himself to move from his place.


The man in white motioned him to lie on the bed and Hyukjae shook his head scared. The other man motioned him again, with a tender expression this time.


Hyukjae walked to the bed cautiously, hugging his womb before reaching the bed and laying down carefully, not tearing his eyes away from the man.


Ultrasound. That was what it was about and Hyukjae couldn’t help but cry when the man touched a small white point on the screen and then motioned his own head. Was that his baby? It was the very first time Hyukjae saw his baby and it made him realize something that he didn’t know he hadn’t. It’s real. I’m having a baby.


The doctor was forced up and away from him and Hyukjae cried silently until Wang Lei came to feed him.


“I saw my baby,” Hyukjae said softly, looking at Wang Lei even when he knew he didn’t understand what he was saying. “He’s tiny, can you believe it? He’s growing inside me,” he continued, even when he would get no answer. He opened his mouth when Wang Lei placed the spoonful of decent food in front of his mouth and ate slowly. “I don’t know what he told me but he gave me thumbs up, that means my baby is healthy, right?” he asked before eating another spoonful of food. “I can’t wait to tell it to Kyu-”


And he froze. He couldn’t tell it to Kyuhyun. He wasn’t even sure if he would see him away. Ever since a week ago, he had been in a relatively nice room with at least a bathroom and clean clothes every two days. He felt so lonely that he had learnt to talk to himself and sigh to the nothingness. He would count numbers and sometimes even dance a little. Only because he didn’t want to go insane. But what if they killed him after giving birth? Hyukjae had to come up with a plan soon enough.


That afternoon, as Hyukjae took a shower; he smiled for himself.


He looked at the small window, not bigger than his own head. But he didn’t care about it. He reached his hand up and seized the thickness of the wall. Not even four of his own fingers.


Hyukjae smiled.


He had a plan already.






A/N: Angsty + mpreg requested fic~

I know, I know; not a good chapter- But hey, Hyuk has a plan and WonKyu got a little smarter-

I love you guys! <3

Does any of you want a spoiler for next chapter? kkkk

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I just wrote the wedding hahaha! I think you will like it as much as I did! ^^


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khchullie #1
Chapter 78: please update
159 streak #2
Chapter 78: Hi.... I'm wondering if this will still be updated?
I would really like to know what will happen to Hyuk 🥺
Exo_nism #3
Chapter 67: Are you okay ??
Exo_nism #4
Chapter 67: Are you okay ??
Chapter 78: Its been 3 years already... im just hoping that kyu does not give up.. as well to you authornim?
mistymountains 193 streak #6
Nice story!
Lichoiyin #7
Chapter 76: Miss this fanfic, hope you update soon and hope you are well xxx ?
angel1980 #8
Will reread it now
Chapter 78: I just finished this chapter TT.TT i freaking love this so much but i tear up/bwal my eyes out every time i think about the little flower hyukjae was putting on the grave of his own baby.
And while i am writing this comment i am too crying TT
I wish you will / can update soon bcs i really need an ending, hopefully a happy one
good job!!