Betrayed? Never.

This SHINee Girl's Love Pain From Living with SHINee


He put his index finger to his lips and removed his mask, " Shh... I'll explain." He sat down next to me, " I would remove the ropes but I can't. You've been drugged by the way too."

"Elijah, there better be a good explanation to this." I snapped. Yes, I'm a little upset. Elijah? Elijah Park kidnapping me? My closest friend?

"Do you remember me saying that I had to protect you?" He asked and I nodded," This is what I was protecting you from and I failed to do so.  Remember AeSook mentioning my step cousin, Taehyun?," I nodded slowly and he continued," Taehyun has never been very stable in his," Elijah  tapped his head with his index finger," He's an only child and has been for quite some time until his dad married my aunt. During that time we were in care of our aunt, including me who came back from college. Taehyun quickly grew clingy to us both and refused to let anyone else be our friend."

"What does this have to do with me?" I asked.

"I'm getting there. Remember how I always had that crowd of fangirls following me around on campus and then they just slowly disappeared or they just backed off?" He didn't say anything after that and I'm guessing he's expecting me to tie things together.

The thought came to me and my eyes widened," You mean...Taehyun did it?"

Elijah nodded," He found out about you being a close friend and us rooming together, so then that one night he tried to..." Elijah gulped at the thought," Kill you..." He stared at me," I'm sorry I got you into this. I didn't want to do this Kyung! He threatened me into it!! He said he would kill you , and even Ae Sook!"

I shook my head," It's fine...I rather constantly get kidnapped or attacked then lose a friend like you." I should explain here, Elijah and I have our own little friend symbol, we make a triangle with our hands to show each other that we see each other when we're in public. It's weird I guess but I don't care. It might not make sense to anyone else but it makes sense to us and that's all that matters.  I might be crazy, risking my life just to be friends with someone? I'm not ready to give up a friend like Elijah.

I opened my mouth but Elijah raised his hand to shush me, " he's coming." Elijah gracefully leaped over to the light switch and turned the light off. Pitch black room again. Ops take that back, Taehyun walked in and the lights. I pretended to just regain consciousness. Huh, Elijah put on his mask back on too.

"Annyeong Kyung~" Taehyun cooed. Huh, his voice sounds really gentle. Yet apparently, he's the one who tried to kill me and has now kidnapped me.

"Who are you?" I asked. I'm not going to blow Elijah's cover.

Taehyun didn't wear a mask , in fact it looks like he just came back from an outing or something. He doesn't look that bad either, kinda cute actually . He smiled sweetly," Kyung~ Did you know that I'm like your biggest fan, ever?"

I quickly glanced at Elijah and the split second that I looked into his eyes told me to go along with it," Oh really?"

"Yeah! You were born on January 31 1992~ Your favorite color is blue, your favorite foods are Choco pies and galbi, you were born in Seoul in the same hospital as my step cousin, you also go to the same college as him AND live in the same house! In fact he even helped me bring you here!" Oh great, so I have a possible bi-polar obsessive fan that wants to kill me?

"Elijah? Park Hyung Seok?" I asked, just keep going along with this.

"Yeah! He's right there!" Taehyun pointed to Elijah in the corner," He helped me kidnap you." Taehyun added.

I smiled and nodded at everything Taehyun said, I would glance over at Elijah to see what to do every once in a while. Oh he better help me get out of here. Take that back, I know that he will do whatever it takes to get me out of here.


Jonghyun POV

Oh WHY??!! I've only had Kyung back for like a week and now she's been KIDNAPPED? Oh god, I bet it's the same guy who attacked her that one time. WHY DAMN IT!!? I get want her back here. Now.

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i'm reading this again after 4 years!!!
allkpop4ever #2
Chapter 127: Where's the sequel? I ship like, everyone except Jonghyun with Kyung. Sorry I think my fav ship is probably KyungxEllijah. I mean, he fit shot for her and everything! I totally saw that coming with Taehyun being gay for him though! I was like, YES I WAS RIGHT WOOHOOO!! An then my sis was looking at me like I was insane!^~^ anyways, I hope to see the sequel soon!!^•^
Nim_Hee #3
Chapter 39: Need minkyung so badly
Chapter 126: In all the fics I have read (the majority of them anyway) Krystal and Sekyung are always the villians.
Chapter 97: Is... Jonghyun her ex? :3
Chapter 83: Tbh I ship ChocoMochi more than JongKyung... Yea xD
14 streak #7
Chapter 127: i cant stop reading this story and im sad that it ended but im also happy that theres a sequel for this ^^
i envy that fact that she has many idol friends and male idol crushing on her ^^
Chapter 3: How does she know that many idols? How?
omo so funny!!
immaninja13 #10
I commented my opinion in the sequel XD