Duets and Amber

This SHINee Girl's Love Pain From Living with SHINee


"Kyung Kyung Kyung~ Should sing a duet will Jonghyun. No more than one song, duets!" Teukie suggested while we were on Sukira.

"Eh? I have a horrible voice." I laughed.

"Are you calling me a horrible teacher?" Kyuhyun asked.

"Oh ani ani!" I put my hands in mock surrender. Honestly Super Junior KRY members gave me singing lessons for quite some time.

Then that's what happened, I was forced into singing duets with Jonghyun. The first song, my brother had sung with Jonghyun for a duet ; Please Don't go.

Out of all the songs why this one? I can relate to it so much.

Teukie is making me sing songs that my brother sang, duets with Jonghyun for Please Don't Go,  One Year Later and for the last few minutes of Sukira I even sang The Name I Loved.


"I'm never singing a duet with you ever again." I told Jonghyun.

He chuckled, " Come on~ Our voices sound good together~"

I hid my face in my hands, " Ugh.."

He patted my back, " Well I gotta go."

I'll admit, I'm surprised by that. Jonghyun usually spends the rest of his free time with me, " Where are you going?"

He smiled at me before leaving, " No where~"

That weirdo....

Anyhow, now I seriously have nothing to do. the rest of the guys are sleeping, I'm finished with all my papers, and everyone else is busy. Wait a sec...I have girlfriends! Like friends tat are girls, I'm straight. Hm...someone I haven't even seen since I've arrived at Seoul. Oh I know~ F(x) . I quickly called Amber.


"Amber~ I'm bored, you free?" I asked immediately.

She laughed, " Yeah I'm free, I'll come to your place then?"

"Hm..the guys are sleeping, I'll go over to your place."

"Do you know where our dorm is?"

"Yes~ "

"Okay, we'll see you soon."

I had to walk to their dorm. Ah I wish my car was here. But then again, I'm a go green person, so I'm doing some good.


"Unni! You're here!" amber exclaimed when she saw me.

"Yes I am." I laughed. I always thought amber was older than me but actually she's younger than me by a few months.

"Ah all the others are busy, it's just you and me." She grinned.

"Time to party hard then?" I asked.

" OF COURSE!!" Amber shouted.

By partying hard we mean blasting music and running around the dorm screaming.


"Where in the world did you go?" Onew yawned, walking out of his room.

"Hang out with Amber." I croaked. Oh that will stop in a bit, too much screaming xD

"Oh that's nice, you made new friends."

"No, I've known Amber for a while."

"Oh, I'm really not surprised. You know too many idols sis."

Onew's been doing that a lot after umma pranked him. He's been calling me sis instead of Kyung. Sir, I have a name.

Knock Knock, huh wonder who that could be. It's not Jonghyun , he has keys. Super Junior Oppas are sleeping, I checked before I left. They're so busy. I opened the door and then,


Despite the fact that I didn't even see who the heck was at the door. The stinging feeling on my cheek already told me who it was.

A/n Short chapter >.< But It's because I'll probably be updating more than once today. Double update whoot whoot ^-^ Ah, next chapter is going to be...surprising? Subscribe and comment~

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i'm reading this again after 4 years!!!
allkpop4ever #2
Chapter 127: Where's the sequel? I ship like, everyone except Jonghyun with Kyung. Sorry I think my fav ship is probably KyungxEllijah. I mean, he fit shot for her and everything! I totally saw that coming with Taehyun being gay for him though! I was like, YES I WAS RIGHT WOOHOOO!! An then my sis was looking at me like I was insane!^~^ anyways, I hope to see the sequel soon!!^•^
Nim_Hee #3
Chapter 39: Need minkyung so badly
Chapter 126: In all the fics I have read (the majority of them anyway) Krystal and Sekyung are always the villians.
Chapter 97: Is... Jonghyun her ex? :3
Chapter 83: Tbh I ship ChocoMochi more than JongKyung... Yea xD
14 streak #7
Chapter 127: i cant stop reading this story and im sad that it ended but im also happy that theres a sequel for this ^^
i envy that fact that she has many idol friends and male idol crushing on her ^^
Chapter 3: How does she know that many idols? How?
omo so funny!!
immaninja13 #10
I commented my opinion in the sequel XD