Kim Jonghyun's Love, Kiss, Heart ; Everything

This SHINee Girl's Love Pain From Living with SHINee

Jonghyun POV

I walked into the room with puffy red eyes, dark bags under those red eyes,  lifeless. I slumped down into the metal chair, tears running down my cheeks. I couldn't even talk or see her face clearly, or even breathe right for that matter. It's been a month now and it's finally my turn. Everyone else has talked to her and now it's my turn.

"K-Kyung ah....wake up.." I whispered through tears," This is too much for me Kyung....I can't take it. I don't want to lose you again..." I paused and looked up at the ceiling before focusing on her again, " Kyung please. I miss you, you're too precious to me. You mean the world to me. Everything...," I started to sob uncontrollably," Don't you get it Kyung? I love you. I love you so much I can't lose you, I can't ever forget you. I love you so much I'll lose my sanity if this goes on!" I put my face in my hands and put my head on the edge of her bed," How do you expect me to forget you? How can I forget my first kiss..."


"Aish, don't freaking underestimate me!" Kyung snapped when I tried to grab the bag in her hand.

I put my hands up in mock surrender," I'm sorry if I was just trying to help!"  I rubbed my head when something hard hit," Ow what was that?" We both looked to up see what the source was. Only to find those mistletoe things tied on to the top of the lamp post. I shad to squint due to the light in my face to see exactly what it was.

"Oh hell I am not losing my first kiss to you." Kyung muttered," It's not like anyone's here anyways. We don't' have to follow the rules or whatever." something, maybe a pebble , appeared out of no where and hit Kyung's head," Ow."

I rolled my eyes," Well looks like someone is here, or something is making us go through with this." We both sighed and glared at each other.

"Like hell I want you to be my first kiss. You got lucky."  We both snapped in unison and our faces flushed in the cold weather,"Aish let's just get it over with." We muttered again in unison.

Kyung turned to face me and it's almost like I just realized just how much taller I am then her. She has to look up to see me. I never  noticed how cute she was.  Ah shoulder length raven hair, a long white pea coat, black fingerless gloves, brown boots. I realize I never really looked at her face before either, or at least when we weren't shouting at each other. Cute face I thought. Pretty big brown eyes, pale pink lips, that look so inviting right now and- HOLY WHAT AM I THINKING? Aish this is that annoying girl that has an obsession with chocopies that also causes arguments with you 24/7 Kim Jonghyun! What am I thinking?  Her face flushed and I guess my staring was noticeable.

"Well..uh.. get this over with." She muttered awkwardly.

"Uh..yeah.." I agreed for once. I couldn't stop staring at her. How did I never notice just how cute she was? I bent down a bit, so that I looked her right in the eye and slowly leaned in, closing my eyes. Right when my lip touched her, i felt my heart beat faster. Eh? What's this feeling? I slowly brought my hands up to cup her face and I heard her drop the bag that was in her hand. She ran her cold fingers through my hair and we stayed like that for what felt like forever. I opened my eyes and slowly moved away from her and our faces flushed immediately. We jerked away from each other and she quickly grabbed the bag she had placed on the snowy ground.

"W-we s-should -h-hur-hurry up." She stuttered and refused to look at my face. She started speed walking back home. I stood there in a daze and put my hand to where my heart would be. What just happened?

Flashback end

I felt a very small sad smile creep on my lips," I thank umma for sending us out to go and get her, whatever it was she needed back then. If she hadn't, we wouldn't have walked home together, we wouldn't have kissed... I remember after that..we didn't argue as much. We started to really get to know each other, not just shouting at each other....and then after a while we became friends and very soon..I officially asked you knowingly..."


"Aigo~ Jonghyun oppa!" Kyung shouted and ran towards me. I pulled her into a hug right away.

"Sup Kyung?" I chuckled, holding her in my arms and swayed a little.

" I don't know, you just told me to meet you here." She laughed.

I smiled and pulled away from her," About that...There's something I need  to talk to you about."


I pointed up above me, to the very lamp post from the Christmas a few months back where we kissed," Do you remember this place?"

"Y-yeah, it's where we.." Kyung stopped and her face flushed. Aw how cute.

"Kissed?" I finished, tilting my head innocently and she nodded,"Speaking of that time we kissed..." I smiled and playfully leaned into her face so that our noses were touching. Her face blushed a darker shade of red," Can I kiss you again? Can I hold you hand everyday? Can I go out in public with you and tell everyone what you mean to me?"

She paused," W-wha- what are you talking about?"

I  pulled her into my chest," Be my girl? Mine to love, mine to kiss, to hold, my one and only?" I felt my heart beat faster, waiting for her response.

"Yes." She whispered into my ear.

I pulled away from her excited but kept my hands on her waist," REALLY?"

She laughed and smiled bashfully," Yes really."

I pulled her back into my arms and lifted her a good foot off the ground and spun around while she laughed," THIS GIRL IS MY GIRLFRIEND EVERYONE!" I shouted, getting the attention of everyone around us. I wanted them to know.


I put my arm around her shoulders while she leaned her head on my shoulder," Hmm.. so when should we tell our parents?"

"Well we sure as hell can't tell mine. Or at least my dad...and brother. You know their rules about my love life." She sighed.

"No dating until you graduate college." I sighed," I know I know. So why did you say yes to me?"

"Yah, do you want us to break up on the very first day? It's only been 5 hours."

"No, I' m just curious. You always talk about how strict the males in your family are about you dating."

She blushed," Well I said yes because..." She stopped walking and leaned into my ear," Because I like you." She whispered.

I grinned and acted like I didn't hear her," Hm?~ What did you say?"

She pouted and punched  my arm playfully," You already heard me!"

"No I didn't~" I cooed innocently.

She blushed and leaned into my ear again," Because I like you."

"Hm? I'm sorry Kyung, you're going to have to speak louder."

"BECAUSE I LIKE YOU!" She shouted into my ear and giggled when I practically jumped away from her," Happy now?"

I smiled and stayed seated on the ground right in front of my house," The happiest man alive."

"OMO!! THIS MOMENT NEEDS A PICTURE!!" Umma shouted, running out of the house with a camera in her hands. Ah I love my mom, she really likes taking pictures,"Aish Jonghyun! Stand up, go and hug your girlfriend!" She rushed.

I raised my eyebrows," Umma wha are you talking about-"

"OH I ALREADY KNOW ABOUT YOU TWO NOW LET ME TAKE A PICTURE!!" She laughed, waving her arms around frantically. I chuckled and hugged Kyung, resting my chin on her head -oh I love doing so, my arms around her waist," Aigo~ Kyung-ah! Smile!"

"Omoni...I don't like taking pictures." She sighed and pouted.

I smirked at my mom," Umma, on my cue take a picture."

Kyung looked up at me," What are you going to do Kim Jonghyun?"

"This." I laughed and tickled her tummy with one hand, keeping a firm hold on her.

"Yah! Kim J-Jonghyun!" She said between laughs, I smiled when I saw umma snapping pictures madly.

Flashback end

"I've always kept this picture in my wallet. No one knows about it being in my wallet but me. It's been in here ever since umma got the pictures printed..." I whispered gazing at the picture fondly," Do you remember this picture Kyung? Do you remember everything we've been through? Do you know just how much I love you? Hell, I don't even know. I can't really put it to words just how much I do love you.... " I calmed down a bit, I could see well enough, breathe fine, but my heart is not okay. This is painful. this is killing me," I have to cry until I go blind? Shout and beg until I lose my ability to talk? How much longer does this have to go on?"


"Aish...Yah Kim Jonghyun, if you're not going to get out of bed then at least let me!" Kyung sighed. I heard the door open and Kyung's mood went up," Omoni~! Help me!"

Umma laughed," Aigo too cute! Don't you let go of her Jonghyun!"

I smiled to myself and pulled Kyung closer to me," Just five more minutes..."

"You've been saying that for the past 30.." Kyung muttered," How much longer?"

Flashback end

"Now it's my turn to ask how long you want to sleep. A month? Maybe two, or three? Or maybe a year or maybe...," I shuttered at the thought," ...forever? Kyung don't you dare leave me like that. Don't you dare leave me overall. Don't scare me anymore than you already have. There's still things I haven't made up for..."


My heart sank as Kyung ran away from me giggling. I'm going to hate myself for this. I'll never forgive myself for this. I don't get her dad. He said himself that he would let us stay together and yet...he'll pull me aside and tell me to do this. This dirty dirty world.

"Oppa...." Kyung slowly walked towards me, tilting her head ," Are you okay?"

I gave her a sad smile," Kyung....I..we.."


"We have to talk." I whispered

Her eyes filled with concern and worry ,her bright smile faded into a frown," Okay..."

I bit my lip and grabbed her hands in mine," If you count this year then we've been dating for 7 years now..."

She gave me a small smile," Yeah."

"But now...." I paused," We....we have to break up." Those four words came out of my mouth.

Her eyes widened," B-bwuah?"

"We have to break up. We're over, through, done."

"D-did I do some-something wrong?" She stuttered, her eyes tearing up. I could see her fighting, trying to force them back.

"No, it's not you. It's just.." I paused. I honestly didn't think she would ask why,"  It's suggested that we don't date when we're trainees. Our instructor found out about me and you so...he told me to pick between you and my musical career."

"I...I see. I understand.." She whispered and her hands let go of mine, falling to her sides.

"I'm sorry."

"No it's fine. I understand...." She stuck out her hand in between us," We can still be friends though..right?"

I stared at her hand. Was this really happening? I expected her to either be bawling her eyes out and not even listening to me or just be pissed. I reluctantly shook her hand," Yeah..we can still be..friends."

Flashback end

"I can never be just friends with you. That day killed me, but today. With what's going on right now. This is a 100 times worse, a million times worse. I'm on the very verge of dying. I wonder how it must have felt for you to hear those words..' We're done because my music career is more important.' was pretty much what I said. The day you came back and when I opened the door, I thought for sure after that you were going to hate us. Hate me, but instead of hating me.... You acted like nothing had happened between us except for us being good childhood I did the same...and you don't know how hard it was. I wanted to just hold you and never let go. I can never let you go. No matter how hard, how many times, I just can't. "


I sighed and slowly walked out of my room and bumped into someone," Oh sorry." I muttered.

"It's okay." A familiar voice replied. I looked up to see who it was. Kyung. It's been a week now, since we broke up. Kyung moved back into Songdam's room. We said we would still be friends but..we don't really talk.

"Oh...Kyung. Good morning."

" too..." She replied. I started to move away awkwardly she stopped me, " Ah Jonghyun..." I wasn't surprised when she didn't add oppa after my name," I just thought you should know..ah...I'm going back home soon. Back to Gyeonggi-do."

I always forget that's that's really where Kyung's home is. She's born in Seoul but her home is in Gyeonggi-do, she's just here because her mom makes her live here with us for school. I felt my heart sank," Oh..really...I see. When are you leaving?"

She paused," This weekend."

I forced a smile," I'll be sure to say goodbye to my best friend."

She cracked a small sad smile," friend..."


"Aigo, Kyung-ah~ You can stay! You don't have to go!" Umma sobbed, making a scene at the airport.

"Ah omoni, I think it's time I stop bothering your family. I've stayed at your home long enough , I feel bad." She sighed.


"Ah but it's been a while since I've seen my big brother. I miss him."

"Well.." Umma frowned," I guess I have to let you go then..."

Uppa smiled and patted her shoulder," Travel safely Kyung."

She smiled," I'll try."

Songdam noona sniffled," Yah, you take good care of yourself okay?" She pulled Kyung in a hug while I stood there with my hands in my pockets.

Kyung hugged her back," You too Unni."

They let go of each other and I forced a smile when Kyung looked at me," You.." I paused, my family stared at me to see what I would do,"  You..take care Kyung."

She smiled but I could see the disappointment in her eyes," too.."

We stood there awkwardly until I extended my arms out," No goodbye hug for me?" I asked.

She slowly walked into my arms and hugged me. I could feel her hesitating to let go. Her eyes met mine for a split second and I saw everything. The sadness, disappointment and love she was holding back.She walked on to her flight without another word. As I watched her slowly disappear, my eyes watered up," Bye Kyung....saranghae." I whispered as Songdam let me cry on her shoulder.

Flashback end

I started sobbing uncontrollably ," Don't you know how much I love you Kyung?! I can't lose you! Hell I've been listening and singing to 7 years of Love for this past month and watched myself find it relatable. Kyung, wake up please. I love you Kyung. Saranghae saranghae, how many times do I have to say it until you understand that I love you so much? Well I love you. I, Kim Jonghyun love you, Lee Yun Kyungsoon so much...and I always will. No matter what.


You can listen to the song yourself and see if it's relatable to their love. Good video with subs here ; . Also, This is the last time where I will take suggestions for titles names. Next chapter we'll be putting titles to a vote. the stuff that came out of my own head and the stuff you lovely readers suggest. I suggest you take advantage of this haha. Anyhow~ I'm thinking about having the next chapter in Kyung's 'POV', how and what I mean by that will be a surprise but, would you all like that? Or should we just get to the end already? haha. That chapter in Kyung's POV would give the fic I think 3 more chapters become the grand finale. Don't forget to subscribe and comment :D

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i'm reading this again after 4 years!!!
allkpop4ever #2
Chapter 127: Where's the sequel? I ship like, everyone except Jonghyun with Kyung. Sorry I think my fav ship is probably KyungxEllijah. I mean, he fit shot for her and everything! I totally saw that coming with Taehyun being gay for him though! I was like, YES I WAS RIGHT WOOHOOO!! An then my sis was looking at me like I was insane!^~^ anyways, I hope to see the sequel soon!!^•^
Nim_Hee #3
Chapter 39: Need minkyung so badly
Chapter 126: In all the fics I have read (the majority of them anyway) Krystal and Sekyung are always the villians.
Chapter 97: Is... Jonghyun her ex? :3
Chapter 83: Tbh I ship ChocoMochi more than JongKyung... Yea xD
14 streak #7
Chapter 127: i cant stop reading this story and im sad that it ended but im also happy that theres a sequel for this ^^
i envy that fact that she has many idol friends and male idol crushing on her ^^
Chapter 3: How does she know that many idols? How?
omo so funny!!
immaninja13 #10
I commented my opinion in the sequel XD