GUY WIFE (better with you)





"Oppa, where are we going?" Eunji asked as she turned to me.

"Noona we're going to Lo..." Sehun buts in and was about to tell Eunji our destination when Xiumin hyung covered his mouth to stop the maknae for spilling the information.

Tsk maknae control your excitement will you and to think you were one of those who suggested to keep it a secret to Eunji until we get there.

And how can he hear Eunji while he's sitting at the back? Is he mutant that has super hearing powers that we don't know or he didn't tell? Tsk

"So oppa?" Eunji asked, snapping me back to reality. She was waiting for my answer.

"It's a secret, we'll be there any minute now" I assured her.

"We're here" Kris announced as he safely parked his car. I opened the car door and help Eunji out. As soon as Eunji was out, the rest immediately followed with the younger ones trying to pry their hyungs aside so they can be out already.


I saw Eunji gasp as she saw the view in front of her. I chuckle at her cute expression though it was kinda of expected. Who wouldn't have that reaction? It's LOTTE WORLD in front of us, offering us different rides and sights of fun. Just a few steps away are all we need.


Suho gathered everyone as he noticed that all of us were out of the car. I tap Eunji's shoulder and brought her to the rest of the guys so we can listen to anything Suho wanted to say.

"Okay guys as you can see where in..."

"LOTTE WORLD" Sehun, Tao, Chanyeol and Baekhyun exclaimed in unison, cutting off Suho. The latter just eyed them and instantly they quite down, letting their hyung finish what he had to say. Never mess with the leader or you get it. Though his leadership was not really implemented or spoken it was as if like an unspoken rule. And that unspoken rule is to not interrupt when the unspoken leader is talking but never the less his approachable and patient unlike their second leader, Kris. Kris is less patient than Suho but once he commanded or wanted us to behave, he could really do it in a less than a minute.

Okay let’s stop here and go back to what Suho was saying.

"Were in Lotte world but since all the rides are mostly in pair, I prepared the partners. Chanyeol and Baekhyun, you are partners." Suho pointed them. Chanyeol and Baekhyun, gleefully agreed. I swear they're gonna exchange faces sooner or later. They're always together. They're inseparable.

"Kai and D.O." Suho continued. The two mentioned just nod in agreement and didn't say anything else.

"I'm going with Kris ge" Tao beamed and clinged his arm to Kris arm and do a little aegyo. Kris being a er of Tao's aegyo, nodded. Well that partner wasn't a shock. Suho sigh and continue with the partners.

"Xiumin hyung and Chen, Lay and Sehun and lastly Luhan ge and Eunji." Suho finished.

"How about you Suho?" I asked as I noticed he doesn't have anyone to be paired.

"I'll come with Lay and Sehun for the meantime. I've got to go somewhere in an hour or two." Suho replied and gave us a knowing look. We nodded in understanding and proceed to buy tickets.

"Oppa, why does Suho oppa had to leave?" Eunji asked in a whisper as we walked to the ticket booth.

"It's a business thing but he always come back if he had time left" I explained. It was true, even though Suho is still studying he also manages their family business. That is why from time to time he had to bail out to attend some meetings or any business related matters.

Eunji mouthed an 'o' and finally we entered Lotte World. Tao immediately pulled Kris to some ride. Suho, Sehun and Lay went to the bubble tea shop. Baekhyun, Chanyeol and the rest run off to different directions. Now I was alone with Eunji by my side.

"I guess that just left the two of us." I said and rub the back of my head as I look at Eunji.

"Neh I guess so. They're cute running off like children." Eunji chuckled as she looked at the directions the guys run off.

"So where do you want to go first?" I asked.

"Let’s go there" Eunji pointed a kiddy ride not too far from us. I quietly chuckle, guess she's not fond of scary rides.

"Kajah" I exclaimed and did a fist pump.






I was driving my car fast, turning to different routes I know that can lead me to shortest way to the cafe Mr. Lee and I have to meet. I'm driving like I was in a drag race, forgetting the fact that I might get arrested cause of fast driving but not reckless driving. That I can assure. I like car racing and I've been doing it if I have my free time.

Back to what happen earlier, I wasn't expecting to meet my wifey's friends. I abruptly stop with my thoughts and realized I'm using the 'my' word again. *Psh whatever, it's not like wifey's gonna know it*. I must admit wifey's friends were all good looking, handsome for short. There's one more thing that I had to admit, their reactions when they knew about me being Luhan's wife were...




I chuckle as I remember their shock faces. I wasn't able to introduce myself to them but I'm sure there would be next time and hopefully wifey would survive this day with his friends questions.

Not too far, I saw the cafe Mr. Lee and I have to meet. I looked at my wrist watch and I'm 5 minutes late. I quickly parked my car, get my things and entered the cafe. I scanned the cafe and there Mr. Lee was sitting on a table far end from the left side of the cafe. I fasten my pace and approach him.

"Annyeonghaseyo Mr. Lee, sorry I'm late." I politely greet and did a ninety degree bow.

Mr. Lee chuckle, "There... there, it's okay. You're not that late. Come on, take a seat." Mr. Lee pointed the empty seat across him. I nodded and did as told. Mr. Lee called a waiter and we ordered.

"Did you finish it?" Mr. Lee asked after the waiter left.

"Neh Mr. Lee, here" I took out the demo tapes from my bag. By the way my bag is not a shoulder bag or anything girly at all. It's more of a back pack and in all honesty I'm not into bags. Unlike other girls who owned hundreds of them, I just own three bags. One suitcase, a small sling bag and a back pack which I'm using at the moment.

"Good but ___________ what did I tell you about calling me Mr. Lee?" Mr. Lee asked, snapping me back to reality.





"Annyeonghaseyo, Mr. Lee" the 15 year old ___________ greeted her grandfather's friend and bowed.

"Wow your granddaughter had grown well and beautiful." Mr. Lee patted ___________'s grandfather's back. "I could make her an idol if you want." he continued.


___________'s grandfather shook his head, "I want her to finish her studies first but of course it would be my ___________'s choice whether she would like to be an idol or not."


Mr. Lee turned his attention to ___________, "___________-sshi, would you like to be an idol just like the ones you saw on televisions?" and asked. ___________ was silently listening to the two adults conversation and she liked the fact that her grandfather let decide for her own.


___________ shook her head, "I'm sorry Mr. Lee but I want to finish my studies first plus I don't sing and dance that well." and politely decline the offer.


Mr. Lee gently patted ___________'s head and chuckle. "Aww what a pity, I really wanted you to be my talent but your plans are good too. Study well and graduate, fighting!" he held out his fist a bit and did a fighting cheer.


"Thank you Mr. Lee." ___________ gave a genuine smile.

"One more thing call me uncle and not Mr. Lee nor haraboji, it makes me feel old" Mr. Lee jokingly said.

"Neh Mr. L... Uncle" ___________ said.


*End of Flashback*



"To call you, uncle." I sheepishly said.

"Right, so ___________..." Mr. Lee was saying and was cut off when the waiter arrived with our food. The waiter place our foods and drinks on our table then left.

"Let's eat first, we'll talk later." Mr. Lee said and we both dig in to our foods. I don't need to be told twice if it comes to food, all I did was to control my pace in eating.

After a few minutes of eating and savoring the food, we finished.

"That was good." Mr. Lee commented as he fix his suit. I agreed and wipe the not existing dirt on my face.

"So ___________, you didn't tell me you got married." Mr. Lee started while eyeing my wedding ring.

I straightened my sitting posture and apologetically bowed, feeling guilty of not telling him "Mianehyo".

"Why didn't you tell me? I thought I'm your uncle." Mr. Lee said making me feel guiltier.

"Mianehyo, it was all too sudden." I explain, not looking straight to Mr. Lee's eyes.

Mr. Lee chuckle. I looked at him, confused on why he suddenly chuckle.

"It's okay, just tell me about it." Mr. Lee gently patted my head. I nod and told him everything. We spent our time updating Mr. Lee about the happenings in my life and about his new talents that soon to debut. Mr. Lee also asked me to meet them and maybe compose songs for them. I agreed but not just yet. Being a college student is taking up my time and I don't want them to wait specially Mr. Lee.




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rudelysweetk21 #1
Chapter 74: lol really interesting story, i don't really like story with ___ name but anyhow i read this and glad i did because i enjoyed reading :) thanks
Neva_end #2
You have done a great job author :). It was totally awesome.
pinkypn #3
Chapter 74: is the story sort of a spin-off/sequel. gongchan and bunghee wasnt there for the birth of the child or wasnt notified
lovelycookies #4
Chapter 74: Waaa! It's an end. *Clasp clasp* it's good story. Good job, authornim.^o^
lovelycookies #5
Chapter 74: Waaa! It's an end. *Clasp clasp* it's good story. Good job, authornim.^o^
Chapter 73: omg... happy ending... i will miss this story so much... /wipes my tears/ <3 I LOVE GUYS WIFEY EVER N EVVERRR
Chapter 73: Waah~ it already end~huhuhu~ i hope you can make a story about the other member love life!!! again i really love this!!
lovelycookies #8
Chapter 72: Waaaa! Best updates from you, authornim! Waaa! ^^
lovelycookies #9
Chapter 68: sweet Lulu.. >3<
Chapter 68: yaayy!!! finally!!!!1