GUY WIFE (better with you)








I woke up from the irritating sound of my alarm clock. It was seven in the morning and sun is already up. I scramble out and fix my bed. I went to the bathroom and prepared myself for the day. Its school day and I'm a college student meaning I don't need to wear uniform. Any casual clothes will do. I finished my bathe and change my clothes and don't forget the wig. I headed downstairs and went straight to the kitchen. Luhan was there and almost done with his breakfast.

"Good morning, wifey." I greeted with a big smile and take the seat across him.

"Good morning too, hubby" Luhan casually said and stood up, carrying his dirty dishes to the sink. I frown, it's not the way I want him to greet me back but then I shrug it.

"wifey, where's my breakfast?" I asked and looked around to see any sight of food.

"Sorry I forgot to cook for two, you can order outside" Luhan replied, still in his poker face.

"YAH wifey you promised to cook for me." I cried. He promised to cook for me but then he immediately forgot about it.

Suddenly, Luhan flick my forehead. I look at him and he was grinning, "you're gullible too, hubby. Here's your breakfast." In swift moment a plate of bacon and egg with toast appeared on his hand. My mouth watered at the sight of the food. I grab the plate from his hand and started eating.


Omo it's perfectly cooked, I thought as the food savoured in my mouth.


Luhan was there, sitting across the table and watching. I kinda get used to my wife watching me.

Wait I just call him 'my wife' again. Tsk getting used to it too.

I drank some water before speaking, "Wifey, you're the BEST" I said and gave him a two thumbs up. "This food is great. You cook better than umma"

"t- thanks I guess. Hubby, need a ride to your school?" Luhan asked. Now that he mentioned about it, I noticed he was well- groomed and his bag was settled on one of the chairs.

"Thanks, wifey but I need to go to my house to get some of my things first." I said.

"Well then I'll get going. Don’t forget to close the windows, lock the door and make sure to unplug everything." Luhan reminded me and gave the spare key.

Wow he even reminded me like my mom. Tsk totally my wife.

"Bye, wifey. Don't tell umma what I said earlier." I said and wave at him while he was still at the front door.

"Sure. Bye, hubby" Luhan answered back and went out of the house.

Shoot, I forgot to tell wifey that I'll be transferring to his school. I mentally scolded myself for forgetting.

I'll tell him later, I mentally reminded myself.






I was on my way to the university when I remembered __________'s compliment on my cooking. I blushed because it was rare for me to receive compliments on my cooking since I only cooked for my friends. Umma and appa are way too busy to even share a meal with me but it was fine with me.

I'm happy __________ appreciated the breakfast I made for her even though it was only bacon and egg with toast.

I stopped my car when I saw the red traffic light just then I remembered I did not make any lunch for __________ and I won't be able to go home to cook lunch for her. I took my phone and dialed her number. Thank god we exchange numbers last night. After three rings __________ answered my call.

"Yoboseyo" __________ said from the other line.

"Hubby I forgot to cook lunch fo..."

"It’s okay, wifey. I'll be at my parents house by lunch, I'll have my lunch there but I will definitely eat dinner at home. Are you driving?" __________ cut me off.

"No, the traffic light is still red." I answered. I felt relieved that I won't be feeling guilty for forgetting her lunch. The traffic light went orange, signaling to get ready.

"Good, don't call when you're driving, arraso. I'll hang up now. Focus and drive safely bye." __________ said and hung up. I smiled and lock my phone. The traffic light turn green and I resumed driving.

(A/N: woah! See that? They're sweet. I'm so awesome.)





(Later that afternoon... Maybe past 3:00 pm.)




I was hanging with my friends at the usual hang out place in the university that overlooks the entrance.

"Let's eat" Suho blurted out.

"neh I'm hungry. Your treat" Xiumin chimed and looked at Suho with pleading eyes.

"neh hyung, treat us" Baekhyun, Chanyeol, Sehun, Tao and I said in unison with matching puppy eyes.

"arasso, arasso, I'll treat everyone even without your puppy eyes." Suho said in a defeated tone and pointed to Baekhyun, Chanyeol, Sehun, Tao and I that were doing puppy eyes.

Sehun clapped his hands while jumping in excitement, "I want ice cream" Sehun gleefully said.

"I know you can't resist us hyung. I want ice cream too." Chanyeol hugged Suho's arm then did some fist pump. I swear this kid is reverse. He acts cute but his deep voice doesn't match his actions.

Suho pretended to gag but I smirk. I know deep inside that Suho can't resist us especially when we're doing our aegyo.


"WAH IS THAT A MASERATI?!" Chen exclaimed all of a sudden, pointing to a black maserati that was entering the university gates. I know how much a car lover Chen is and this maserati is not an exemption to his kin sight. Chen's eyes were twinkling at the sight of the park. I must admit I'd like maserati too. Whoever owns that maserati might be a hot shot. All of us were watching the car parked but I got shock when I saw the person who went out of it.


It was...


It was ___________

Wah I didn't know ___________ owns a maserati. And what is she doing here?


"What can I say the owner looks quite good too." Kai muttered that bring me back to reality.

"You're right. I hope I have a friend like him so I can ride in his car or might as well borrow his car" Chen beamed. I became alert. Chen is the kind of person who approaches anyone if he like to.

"YAH I'm hungry, you guys coming or what?" Suho said impatiently. He's getting hungrier by the minute and he can't stand waiting any longer. Kris came by Suho's side and tried to calm him down.

"We're coming hyung" Sehun and Tao said in unison and lead the way. The others followed except for me.

"Guys I remember I need to do something. I'll try to catch up if I can." I said and run off, without waiting for anyone's reply. All of them looked confused but they shrugged it and went off, except for one.

Something is wrong? He thought and followed the rest.






I parked my car in my wife's university or should I say my university too since I would be going here starting tomorrow. I'm here to submit some documents for my transfer and I was hoping to see my wifey around.

I was walking at the hallway and I can see girls staring at me.

Yeah GIRLS not boys. I can't blame them because I dressed like a guy right now and I even walk like one. I ignored their stares until someone pulled me and drag me to who knows where. I was too shock to give any reaction. The man dragging me stops and turned to me. It was... Luhan.

"What are you doing here" Luhan asked.

"Oh wifey, I forgot to tell you that our parents decided to transfer me here in your university because my previous school is far from our house and it wouldn't be convenient. I'm here to drop some of my documents in the office." I explained. Luhan sigh and looked bothered.

"You okay, wifey?" I asked.

"I'm fine. I just thought... uh forget it. You know your way to the office?" Luhan asked and I nodded.

"Hubby, don't call me wifey when we're here, okay." I chuckled. He doesn't want me to call him wifey but now his calling me hubby. Haha we're used calling each other wifey and hubby that we didn't notice ourselves saying it.

"What’s funny?" Luhan asked, confused.

I thought that Luhan was not yet ready to let anyone know about me and I respect it. I straightened my posture and act formal and civilize as I could, "Excuse me mister but who are you and why are you calling me hubby?"

"bwoh?" Luhan looked more confused now that made me chuckle again.

"Yah wifey don't call me hubby in here or someone might hear you. Tell me if you're ready to tell anyone. From this time, think of it as though we just met for the first time, arasso." I whispered and went back to my original position.

"I called you hub... I mean that?" Luhan asked. I was right he didn't notice it. I nodded in response with a smile.

"I didn't notice I did." Luhan sheepishly said and rub the back of his neck.

I chuckled and scan the area for his possible friends, "you don't have a class?" I asked about his class instead of asking where his friends are.

"I'm free, 5 pm is my next class. I was hanging out with my friends when I saw you. By the way, the maserati, was that yours?" I felt guilty all of a sudden.

"Neh, appa gave it to me as a reward from our bet."

"Wah luxurious reward for a bet, can you tell me what the bet was? And while you’re telling me we can walk to the office." Luhan lead the way and I had no choice but to follow.

"You don't need to know it wasn't that big deal and you don't have to accompany me. I know my way to the office." I said.

"Don't be a killjoy, I wanna know please" Luhan cutely pouted.

I laugh, "Yah mister is that how you act to the person who you met for the first time"

Luhan pouted more and ignored what I say. "PLEASSSEEEEE"

"Fine" I laughly said, defeated by my wifey pout. "Back when I was high school which is last year, I was an above average learner student. My whole student life I wasn't able to place myself in the top students list but one day I saw a picture of a black maserati while I was surfing in my laptop and thought. That time I thought I wanted to have that car. I was shy to ask my parents to buy me a maserati."

"WAH so you mean you make a bet to your parents to buy you a maserati if you can make yourself in the top student list?" Luhan in. I nodded.

"You have the maserati meaning you were able to make it on the top student list." Luhan summed up and was looking at you in awe. I nodded again.

"The real thing was I don't just need to be in the top list which I say was really hard to do since I was an average learner but I have to make it to the top to win the bet. Mind you, I don't know how to drive that time but I was so eager to have that car. I bury myself in studying and learning how to drive. Luckily all my sweats and hard work pay off. I made it to the top and viola my appa bought me the maserati." I ended. Not being boastful but I like telling it when someone ask me about my car. I feel the overflowing happiness of having something that you know you worked hard for.

Okay I'm daydreaming again. I forgot wifey's with me. I look at Luhan and he was staring me in awe. He turned mute, not knowing what to say. It gain him more respect for you.

I noticed the office was near so I decided to stop, "thank you for walking me here, mister. You can go back to your friends now, bye." I bowed and entered the room.







I was in awe when ___________ tell me the story of her car. Instead of asking her parents to buy her the car, she made the bet out of it. The bet was surreal for an average learner to achieve but __________ worked hard for it and was able to win the bet. The story seemed unbelievable. I thought it only happens in the movies but when I looked at __________'s eyes I see sincerity, fulfillment and happiness. It gain me respect for her.

I'm happy to know her even if our situation was a bit off. She didn't decide selfishly and make things easy. I'm still wondering why she agreed on marrying me but I know there's a reason in every decision she made and I'm willing to wait until the she ready to tell me.

I decided to go to my friends. Before I leave, I glance at the closed door where __________ entered and smile.



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rudelysweetk21 #1
Chapter 74: lol really interesting story, i don't really like story with ___ name but anyhow i read this and glad i did because i enjoyed reading :) thanks
Neva_end #2
You have done a great job author :). It was totally awesome.
pinkypn #3
Chapter 74: is the story sort of a spin-off/sequel. gongchan and bunghee wasnt there for the birth of the child or wasnt notified
lovelycookies #4
Chapter 74: Waaa! It's an end. *Clasp clasp* it's good story. Good job, authornim.^o^
lovelycookies #5
Chapter 74: Waaa! It's an end. *Clasp clasp* it's good story. Good job, authornim.^o^
Chapter 73: omg... happy ending... i will miss this story so much... /wipes my tears/ <3 I LOVE GUYS WIFEY EVER N EVVERRR
Chapter 73: Waah~ it already end~huhuhu~ i hope you can make a story about the other member love life!!! again i really love this!!
lovelycookies #8
Chapter 72: Waaaa! Best updates from you, authornim! Waaa! ^^
lovelycookies #9
Chapter 68: sweet Lulu.. >3<
Chapter 68: yaayy!!! finally!!!!1