GUY WIFE (better with you)








"Wifey, I'll go in." I said after I knock on Luhan's room. I slowly opened the door and peeked inside. Luhan was already in his casual clothes and was lying on his bed while looking blankly at the ceiling.

"Wifey... I brought you milk and brownies." I informed and place the milk and brownies on his side table. Luhan hmm-ed.

"Haha I at making coffees so I brought you milk." I said randomly to lit up the mood of the atmosphere as I sit on the floor. I know Luhan is germaphobe so instead of sitting on his bed, I sat on the floor while leaning my back on his bed. Luhan was still quite.

"You know wifey you can always tell me about it." I said. I know something is off. Luhan wouldn't get himself drunk for no reason.

"It's about Eunji..." Luhan started.


*What about her? Don't tell me he confessed?* I wanted to ask but I keep quiet and motioned Luhan to continue.


"I confessed," Luhan confessed and I felt myself stiffened. "But she rejected me." Luhan's voice was shaky.


*Luhan was rejected? Should I be happy, now?* I thought but I can't feel any joy in seeing Luhan sad because Eunji rejected him. I was silent.


"Are you sure?" I asked after a few minutes of silence.

"She just walked away and left without a word." Luhan answered and I heared small sobs from him.

"Wifey, don't cry." I lend Luhan my handkerchief without looking at him. I don't wanna see him cry, especially for another girl, Eunji. It breaks me. "You weren't rejected so don't cry. If Eunji left without a word it just mean she didn't totally rejected you... She may be confused or shocked with your sudden confession." I encouraged, even though every word I said is silently torturing me.

"You think so?" Luhan asked as he sat up on his bed.


"Yeah and just a little piece of advice give her space and time to think about it but make sure she know that you will wait for her answer. This semestral break would perfect, so stop sulking. You're getting cuter." I teased and stood up.

Luhan chuckled, "I know."


"Arrogant deer." I scoffed and we laughed.


"Hey wanna go to my room?" I asked.


Luhan looked intensely at me then suddenly crossed his arms around his body. "hubby don't..."


"e. If you don't want, it's fine with me." I cut him and marched out of Luhan's room.


*That e deer*







I chuckled when ___________ walked out of the room. I was thankful she consoled me. I do feel better now. ___________ has a point. Maybe Eunji was just confused or shocked by my sudden confession. I won't give up. I won't give up until I hear it directly from Eunji's mouth.


*Thanks hubby*


"Hey, I didn't say I'm not coming" I chuckled as I followed ___________ to her room that she just entered. I looked around and the room was pretty normal except for the arrangement of her things. Half of the room was empty, just plain white walls. Another half of ___________'s room was filled with her bed, cabinet, study table and mostly of her things.  Oh and her room doesn't look girly, it's simple just a simple combination of cream, and white walls.

"What's with the sign on your door? Your room looks normal." I asked.

"Don't underestimate my room wifey. You haven't seen it all yet." ___________ smirked and covered my eyes with her handkerchief. "Don't take the blind fold off until I say so" ___________ warned when I tried to untie the blindfold. I stood still. With blindfolds on, I knew instantly that the room got dark. I jumped a bit when ___________ suddenly placed her hand on my shoulder and guided me to sit down. I landed on something soft.

"Wifey, you can take off your blindfold." ___________ said. I untie the blindfold and came face to face with the woods. I was dumbfounded.




"It's a video I took when I went to watch sunset." ___________ informed just before I ask her something.


*Video?* I looked around. We were still in ___________'s room. I realized we're like in a movie theater except that we're in a room, ___________'s room.


"Told you not to underestimate my room." ___________ smirk. "Listen to this." she put one of the earphones in my ear.


(A/N: Listen to the instrumental of EXO's - Angel)


I listened to it while watching the video in front us. It was an instrumental song that I never heard before. I like its melody and I feel the song matching the view of the sun beautifully setting on the horizon. The song ended and the sun was no longer to be seen.

"I like its melody. I haven't heard of it before. What's its title and why is it only instrumental?" I asked as I took off the earphone.

"Thank you. I composed it but I haven't written the lyrics yet." ___________ answered. I was in awe (>o<). She really does make good music.


"I know I'm great." ___________ blurt out and smirk.

I was blank at first but when I realized what ___________ said, I scoffed. "arrogant hubby."

___________ just laugh, "Come on wifey I know you think I am, just admit it." and mock.

"I wasn't thinking of anything okay." I scoffed even more.

"Awh kyeopta, wifey is too shy to admit his hubby is great. Don't worry I know." ___________ was laughing and pinch my cheeks.

"Yah, you've been pinching my cheeks lately." I whined.

"Cause you're being cute, like now." She tried to pinch my cheeks again but this time I dodge it. ___________ laughed and went up to her laptop that was connected to the hanging projector.

"What are you doing?" I went to her and check what ___________ was doing.

"Go, sit there, I'll find something fun to watch." ___________ shoo-ed. I didn't budge and peeked at her laptop. She clicked something then closed it and drag me back to where we were sitting earlier, to the floor.


The video started rolling. The video was a bit plane and serious at the beginning but the next clip made us die in laughter. The clip showed two boxers punching each other but as the song Ma Boy of Sistar played they started dancing to it. I have seen Ma Boy's music video once or twice and the dance step was quite y and with the two boxers copying their dance moves adding their own twist to it makes it too hilarious. We were clutching our stomach and rolling on the floor, dying in laughter. The next videos were all funny and I can't remember any second without laughing so hard.

(A/N: Here's the url of MA BOY's video:


After 30 minutes, the series of funny videos ended. We were already sweating with too much laughter when it ended.


"That was... D A E B A K." I emphasized the word and held two thumbs up.


"I know, that was the use of the warning on my door." ___________ point out. I laughed, so that was the reason behind her warning message on her front door. Tricky.

"Hey, good thing I remember. I need to give you something." ___________ snapped and abruptly stood up. She went to her cabinet and pulled her roley out. I followed her and curiously watched her looked for something inside her roley. With a mere second she pulled out a small box. I was intrigued. What could have ___________ possibly give me.

"Here, I supposed to give you this when I arrived from Japan but you know what happened... (A/N: Remember all the drama. Maknaes crying and Luhan walking out.) I have forgotten about it but here it is." ___________ handed me the small brown box that was nicely tied with white ribbon. I opened it, full of excitement. I pulled a keychain inside the box. I gasped when I saw its design.



"This... This is..."


"That's you wifey, isn't it cute?" ___________ beamed.


I smiled from ear to ear. It was really cute. The keychain design was a mini me. I remember wearing the same clothes as the ones in the keychain. I wonder where she bought this. I think this is customized. "Yeah it's really cute but how...”


"I passed at this awesome accessory shop at Japan, they were selling and making personalized and customized keychains. I was curious on how they made it so I persuade the owner to let me watch and make my own design. She agreed and there was this guy in their shop that was a genius in making a chibi. He made chibi from what he sees. It was cool so I showed him a picture of you. After 5 minutes, he was finished and hand me the drawing. I used it as my guide to make the keychain. With the little help of some staff, they made the face part to make sure it's detailed and looks similar with the chibi drawing. We baked it, let it cool off and viola it turns to that. Isn't it cool?" ___________ tell, full of enthusiasm.


(A/N: *Chibi is a cute cartoon. Idols have some chibi's like the one Uee used as wallpaper in the drama You're Beautiful.

*The keychain ___________ gave is a Luhan look-a-like chibi polymer clay keychain.)


"I'll put it on my phone. Thank you for making me this and thank you for consoling me." I sincerely said and smiled. Without ___________, I think I would possibly be mopping and sulking in my room, thinking how pitiful I am because Eunji indirectly rejected me.

"No biggy, that's what hubby's do for their wifey. I vow that remember." ___________ grinning while patting my head. I flushed pink when I remember that scene.





I stopped laughing when I noticed ___________ staring straight at me.

"Let’s be happy, wifey" ___________ whispered and kissed my cheek.


*End of Flashback*



I frown. I'm thankful but sometimes I thought of regretting it when ___________ started teasing. She never fails to win.





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rudelysweetk21 #1
Chapter 74: lol really interesting story, i don't really like story with ___ name but anyhow i read this and glad i did because i enjoyed reading :) thanks
Neva_end #2
You have done a great job author :). It was totally awesome.
pinkypn #3
Chapter 74: is the story sort of a spin-off/sequel. gongchan and bunghee wasnt there for the birth of the child or wasnt notified
lovelycookies #4
Chapter 74: Waaa! It's an end. *Clasp clasp* it's good story. Good job, authornim.^o^
lovelycookies #5
Chapter 74: Waaa! It's an end. *Clasp clasp* it's good story. Good job, authornim.^o^
Chapter 73: omg... happy ending... i will miss this story so much... /wipes my tears/ <3 I LOVE GUYS WIFEY EVER N EVVERRR
Chapter 73: Waah~ it already end~huhuhu~ i hope you can make a story about the other member love life!!! again i really love this!!
lovelycookies #8
Chapter 72: Waaaa! Best updates from you, authornim! Waaa! ^^
lovelycookies #9
Chapter 68: sweet Lulu.. >3<
Chapter 68: yaayy!!! finally!!!!1