GUY WIFE (better with you)
Two hours passed and finally emergency room opened, the doctor coming out. They all stood up.
"How's __________/ Noona?" They asked immediately.
"We were able prevent the blood from spreading. We also stopped the bleeding. She's in her room, you guys can check on her.
"Thank you doc." They all bowed and head to __________'s room.
At __________'s Room
"Shorty, how are you feeling?" Chanyeol softly asked and seat beside the patient's bed.
"Better. At least it's not as painful as before. I'm sorry for making you worry." __________ weakly smiled. Chanyeol meekly smiled and ruffled her hair. He was grateful his best friend is safe harm.
"Hyungs, Noona, Luhan hyung is calling." Sehun said as he stared at his ringing phone. __________ motioned Sehun to hand her his phone. __________ accepted the call but didn't say anything.
"Yeobseyo? Sehun? Where are you guys? I came to the house but no one is here including hubby. Sehun are you there?" Luhan bombarded over the line.
"Wifey..." __________ said.
"Hubby? Where is Sehun? Why is his phone with you and where are you even?" Luhan questioned.
"Is Eunji safe? Did you sent her home already?" __________ asked instead of answering Luhan's questions.
"Yes to both questions. Yah! Why aren't you answering my questions." Luhan complained. __________ chuckled, she can imagine Luhan pouting at the other line.
"Wifey, don't pout." __________ teased.
"I'm not pouting. Now answer my question." Luhan demanded.
"Hmm we're... we are uhm." __________ stuttered.
"Hyung we're in a hospital." Sehun yelled that earned him a smack from Chanyeol.
"MWORAGO?! Wifey, why are you in the hospital?" Luhan worriedly asked.
"I... kinda have this stomach pain and they brought me here but I'm fine now." __________ sheepishly said and rub the back of her neck.
"I'm gonna see that myself." Luhan said and hang up the phone.
"Sehunnie, now Luhan's gonna come here." __________ whined.
"But noona hyung got to know." Sehun defended.
"Sehun is right, __________. How are we going to keep this a secret? We can't say we went to the club then tomorrow he see you like that." Kris interrupted.
"Aehh ara ara... Ouch!" __________ winced when her stomach ache at her sudden movement. The boys jerked up in their seat.
"YAH DON'T MOVE TO MUCH!" Chanyeol scolded.
"I have a favor to ask. Can you guys not tell Luhan about the operation? I'll explain it myself okay." __________ requested and the boys nodded in agreement.

Luhan arrived to their house after safely bringing Eunji home. He was confused when he turned the doorknob of their front door and it was locked. He knocked but no one answered. Luckily he brought his spare key and opened the door with it. The room was the same when he left except that there was no one in the living room. The house was quiet. He went to __________'s room only to see it open but he see no __________.
Luhan started to worry.
*Did something happened when he was gone? Was it bad? Where is __________? Where are his friends? Is this why I felt uneasy even though I knew Eunji was safe?* Luhan was never fully relieved when he knew Eunji was safe. He felt wrong and uneasy for unknown reason.
Luhan dialed __________'s number but it was out of reached.
*Sehun* Luhan thought of the maknae and dialed his number. Sehun would always pick-up his calls. After a few rings, Sehun accepted the call or he thought was Sehun.
"Yeobseyo? Sehun? Where are you guys? I came to the house but no one is here including hubby." Luhan bombarded over the line, "Sehun are you there?" He noticed Sehun hasn't said a word.
"Wifey..." Instead of Sehun's voice, it was __________'s. Luhan's heart raced at the hearing of her voice. He let out a breath that he didn't know he was holding in. A sigh of relief.
"Hubby? Where is Sehun? Why is his phone with you and where are you even?" Luhan asked from question to question.
"Is Eunji safe? Did you sent her home already?" __________ asked instead of answering his questions.
"Yes to both questions. Yah! Why aren't you answering my questions." Luhan complained, while pouting.
*Where did they go that they didn't bother to tell me?* Luhan thought. __________ chuckles snapped Luhan to reality.
"Wifey, don't pout." __________ teased.
"I'm not pouting. Now answer my question." Luhan stopped pouting and demanded __________ for answers.
"Hmm we're... we are uhm." __________ stuttered.
"Hyung we're in a hospital." Luhan heard Sehun yelled from the background.
"MWORAGO?! Wifey, why are you in the hospital?" Luhan worriedly asked. He was back in his panic mode. Why the hell are they in the hospital? I left them for like two hours and then when he came back he would knew they're in the hospital.
"I... kinda have this stomach pain and they brought me here but I'm fine now." __________ sheepishly answered. Luhan sigh.
"I'm gonna see that myself." Luhan said and hang up the phone. He locked the door and drived to the hospital.
At the Hospital
"Nurse, what is the room of the patient Xi __________?" Luhan asked the nurse assigned at the receiving counter.
"What is your relationship with the patient, sir?" The nurse asked as she looked at the list of the patients admitted for the day at her computer.
"I'm her husband." Luhan immediately answered.
The nurse looked at him, "She's in room 402" she informed. Luhan thank  the nurse and searched for __________'s room number. Just as he was about to open the door of __________'s room, it opened and there came out his friends.
"Guys...", "Hyung/ Luhan" They all said in recognition.
"How is __________?" Luhan asked.
"She's fine. We already have to go, visiting hours is over." Suho informed and patted Luhan's back.
"Okay" Luhan entered the room while his friends exited, leaving him and __________ alone.
"wifey" __________ called but she was not looking straight to Luhan's eyes. She was fidgetting with her fingers.
"Explain" Luhan commanded as he crossed his arms and sit on the free space in __________'s bed.
"I... " __________ stuttered. She can't possibly tell Luhan that a man punch her. "The doctor said that... uhm... it was food poison. I think it was because of the food I ate before I went home." She lied. Luhan flicked her forehead.
"Ouch, yah why'd you do that?" __________ cried and rubbed her forehead.
"Because you're making me worried?" Luhan moved closer to __________ and soothingly massage her forehead.
"Does your stomach still hurt?" Luhan asked in concern. It was the first since they're married that __________ got sick or injured. __________ nodded and bit her lower lip. She like the warm touch of Luhan on her forehead. Luhan's touch washed away the physical pain she have.
"Hubby, you're not going to buy or eat anything without my knowing, okay." Luhan ordered. He was worried and didn't want anything like this happen again.
__________ nodded but tilted her head to the side, "Waeyo?" She asked.
"Waeyo?" Luhan repeated her question. He smirked with raised eyebrow, "You're really asking me that hubby? Waeyo? Have you forgoten that you got food poison?" He questioned in a sarcastic tone but it was all because he's worried.
"Ah yeah but wifey what if I'm at uni, I need to eat lunch and what if you're not home?" __________ asked.
*Tsk __________ you were food poison and you're still thinking of food. Unbelievable.* Luhan thought.
"I'm going to make you a lunch box when you go to uni. If I'm not around, go to D.O., Lay, Kris, Chanyeol or any of them. Hmm wait don't go to Kris. He at cooking and you might get another food poison if you eat his food." Luhan joked but the thing about Kris was he really at cooking. Luhan remembered when he asked Kris to cook ramen and it taste ughh, no offense meant to Kris. He shuddered at the thought. "Just go to either Lay or D.O., clear?"
__________ nodded as she felt sleepy, tired for all that happened in that one single day and Luhan noticed it.
"Go to sleep, hubby." Luhan said and tucked __________ with the blanket.
"But wifey, how about you?" __________ asked, concerned with her eyes half open.
"Nuh," Luhan shook his head. "don't worry I'll be fine just go to sleep." He sincerely said and smile. __________ closed her eyes and drifted to dreamland.
"I'm really sorry this has to happen on your special day." Luhan mumbled while fixing her bangs.
*And please stop making me worry. You're making my heart raced and stop beating whenever that happens.* Luhan thought as he placed his hand over his chest right above his heart. It was already beating normally, unlike earlier. 
Hello... I've updated...
It's double update by the way...
I hop e you guys like it...
I can't promise to update tomorrow.
My head is pounding really hard because I catch cold..
and yeah just wanted to share...
I have this colleague.. she barely has work to do..
and guess what she wanted me to do..
She wanted me to encode all the names of the students enrolled at our school..
tell me... she's insane and laz y.. 
it's her report not mine..
don't want to think of her. .. she pissed me off...
Good News... 
I gained more subbies.. now they are 14...
SO HAPPY.. I feel like my head ache gone..
Thanks for the comments...
To the readers..  just watch out what will happen to Eunji and Lay...
Bayyyeeeeeeeeeeehhhhhhhhhhhhh  !!!
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rudelysweetk21 #1
Chapter 74: lol really interesting story, i don't really like story with ___ name but anyhow i read this and glad i did because i enjoyed reading :) thanks
Neva_end #2
You have done a great job author :). It was totally awesome.
pinkypn #3
Chapter 74: is the story sort of a spin-off/sequel. gongchan and bunghee wasnt there for the birth of the child or wasnt notified
lovelycookies #4
Chapter 74: Waaa! It's an end. *Clasp clasp* it's good story. Good job, authornim.^o^
lovelycookies #5
Chapter 74: Waaa! It's an end. *Clasp clasp* it's good story. Good job, authornim.^o^
Chapter 73: omg... happy ending... i will miss this story so much... /wipes my tears/ <3 I LOVE GUYS WIFEY EVER N EVVERRR
Chapter 73: Waah~ it already end~huhuhu~ i hope you can make a story about the other member love life!!! again i really love this!!
lovelycookies #8
Chapter 72: Waaaa! Best updates from you, authornim! Waaa! ^^
lovelycookies #9
Chapter 68: sweet Lulu.. >3<
Chapter 68: yaayy!!! finally!!!!1