GUY WIFE (better with you)








The thirteen year old boy Gongchan wondered around the city of Seoul. He had run from orphanage. He never liked to be in that place. He knows he have a family the only problem was he doesn't know where they are. They separated by accident five years ago and until then he haven't seen them. He was having a hard time living in the city with no money. He learned how to steal just for him to be able to eat. He thought of coming back to the orphanage but his eagerness to find his family is stronger. He always wonder around Seoul hoping to bump to his parents but chances were not on his side. Whenever he feels sad and wanted to give up, he pass into a particular school, Seoul National School. He wanted to study but the orphanage he was previously in couldn't afford to give them a proper education.


One particular afternoon changed his whole life forever. Gongchan went to the market after he spent his day watching the student of Seoul National School enters and exits the school. In any minute the sky is going to get dark. He was hungry. He hasn’t eaten breakfast and lunch that day. He planned to steal an apple from the basket displayed at the distance. He slowly maneuvered to his target. He was about to get the apple but the ahjumma turned around and caught him.


"You insolent kid. Thief, I will bring you to the police so you would learn your lesson and won't harm anyone." The big ahjumma scold while gripping Gongchan's arm, not wanting him to let go.

"Ahjumma please let go of my dongsaeng. He was just playing around. Here's the money for the apple that he took." A girl in Seoul National School uniform appeared while lying that they were somewhat connected. It was the fourteen year-old ___________. The ahjumma was suspicious but still reached for the money the girl held.

"Kids these days. Don't play around like that or it will get you in trouble." The ahjumma warned and left to her spot next to her fruit goods.

"Come with me." The girl said and dragged the thirteen year-old Gongchan to a dukkbukki shop. She ordered two servings of dukkbukki. They silently took the seat on an empty table and waited for their orders. Their order came and the girl started digging on to her food while Gongchan was just silent and does nothing.

"Hey dongsaeng, eat before it turns cold. The food is for you. I already paid for it so don't worry and eat." She urged and gave Gongchan a genuine smile. Gongchan picked his chopsticks and started eating. It's the first normal meal he have eaten since he run from the orphanage.

"I always saw you staring outside our school." The girl stated. Gongchan looked at her. She seen me staring at her school, he thought. "I wonder, do you want to study? I mean I never saw you in uniform." She asked.

Gongchan thought he would lose nothing if he tells the truth to a stranger. "I wanted to attend school but the orphanage I run from can't afford to give us a proper education." He confessed.

"Well then I'll help you with that. I'll help you enroll next school year since its already mid-year of school today." She firmly said and finished her food. Gongchan is flabbergasted. He was thinking if the girl in front of her is crazy. As he looked at her, he thought the girl would be the same age or a year older than him. How would she afford to send me to school, he thought.

"Do you have a place to sleep?" She asked again and Gongchan shook his head.

"Okay, come with me." They left the shop and ride a bus. After a 20 minutes' bus ride they went off the bus and walked. ___________ led the way while Gongchan followed her. They stop in front of an old apartment house. ___________ took a key from her bag and opened the apartment's door.

"My grandfather owned this and from now on dongsaeng, you will live here but alone. Is that okay with you?" Gongchan nodded. How could he possibly complain? Now he doesn't have any problems in where to sleep at nights, he has a place to go home.

"Good, I'll show you your room." ___________ again led the way. Luckily even though the apartment is not in use, it was always equipped.

"Thank you noona but why are you helping me?" Gongchan can't help to ask as they finished fixing his bed.

"I'd like to help. If I know I can help, I would." ___________ smiled. She stood up and dusted the invisible dirt on her skirt. "I need to go home now. I don't have school tomorrow so expect for me to be here. I leave you these," ___________ place some bills and the apartment key on Gongchan's hand. "use that to buy breakfast. There's a grocery nearby. Don't get lost, arraso. I really need to go home. Lock the door, bye." ___________ smiled and left.



Next Day


Gongchan was still surprised when he woke up in warm and soft bed. Everything was real and happening. He went to the bathroom and wash his face. He went back to the room and get the bills on the table that the noona gave him last night. He went out to buy breakfast but made sure the apartment was locked before he leaves. He came back half an hour after and decided to freshen up in case the noona arrived. ___________ arrived an hour later.


"Dongsaeng" she called. Gongchan immediately run to meet her. "I borrowed clothes from a friend. You would look like a scarecrow if you wore hadaboji's clothes." She giggled at the thought and handed the bag with her friend’s clothes. Gongchan accepted it, took a bath and changed into new clothes. He feels fresh.

"Noona, I'm ready." Gongchan hollered as skipped to the living room where ___________ was.

"Good, we'll go somewhere."




"Noona, where are we going?" Gongchan curiously asked.

"We're going to Lotte World to see my aunt." ___________ happily sang.

"Lotte World? I heard about that place. I think it's an amusement park." He was oblivious of the fact that Lotte World is best amusement park there is in Seoul.

"Yes and where going to meet my aunt and ask her for job. I want you to learn to be responsible and independent while earning at the same time. It's good to feel accomplished when you know you did it yourself." Gongchan absorbed everything ___________ said. He knows he can't have everything for free. He had to learn how to earn money legally to sustain his daily needs. His mind matured when he started living on the streets.


*End of Flashback*



"___________'s aunt gave us jobs. We earn of course. The funny part was that we just knew each other’s name at that day when ___________'s aunt asked for my name. Another school year started and noona as promised enrolled me at her school. She paid all my school fees until I graduated high school while I pay for my daily needs. It wasn't that hard though since she told me to be responsible." Gongchan stopped.


*___________ is amazing girl.* Suho thought, admiringly.


*No wonder everyone we meet that knows ___________ would always say Luhan was a lucky guy for marrying ___________. I agree to it now.* Kris thought.


"Figures why he treasures hubby so much. I really am lucky.* Luhan thought.


"Shorty is AMAZINGGGG..." Chanyeol exclaimed.


"I don't know if any of you experienced this but noona gives the best gifts. When I graduated high school as for gift, she surprised me when she brought my biological parents to my graduation ceremony with the help of ___________'s hadaboji.


Chen agreed, he remembered when it was his birthday, ___________ gift was a signed album of his favorite singer.


"Yeah ___________ noona gave the best presents. He gave Chen hyung a signed album of his favorite singer and recently noona gave Luhan hyung this keychain." Tao showed Gongchan the keychain, hanging on Luhan's phone.

"Can I ask a favor to please not tell noona that I tell you guys about the fact that she helped me." EXO nodded in agreement.

Gongchan stood up, "Gong Chan Shik- imnida. I'm ___________'s dongsaeng. I'm 19 years old and I live in Japan. I'll be vacationing here for a week." He formally introduced and bowed. EXO also stood up and introduced themselves.

"Can you tell us more about ___________." Luhan asked after they finished introducing themselves.

"Noona is nice. If she's asked for a favor that's doable at the moment, she would do it without hesitation. She knows a lot of languages but I'm not sure how many. She travels to different country a lot. Noona is talented and worked for SMEnt. When she decides on something, no one can change it except for her hadaboji and Minhyuk hyung. All in all noona is nice, talented and very pretty."

"Who's that Minhyuk hyung?" Baekhyun inquired. It was intriguing when Gongchan tell them that only two persons can change every unbreakable decision ___________ have.

"Minhyuk hyung is one of noona's bestfriend. Noona once told me that Minhyuk hyung saved her life that's maybe the reason why hyung can change her decision but he lived in Canada today." EXO awed.

"Jonghyun hyung from SHINee also said that noona is pretty but we never seen her dressed as a girl. Hyung, do you have a picture of noona dressed up as girl?" Kai asked.

"I do but I won't show it to you guys. Private property." Gongchan teased. The younger ones plead. "No, asked noona to dressed as a girl so you could see with your own eyes how pretty noona is." Gongchan stubborn said.


"I'm back." ___________'s voice resonated around the house. As she passed the living room to the kitchen, the smell of mouth-watering dukkbukki lingered around the living room.


"I bought dukkbukki for everyone, come to the kitchen now." ___________ hollered from the kitchen. 






Annyeong I updated 4 chapters...

Enjoy reading.. and hope to see more of your comments... >.< 

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rudelysweetk21 #1
Chapter 74: lol really interesting story, i don't really like story with ___ name but anyhow i read this and glad i did because i enjoyed reading :) thanks
Neva_end #2
You have done a great job author :). It was totally awesome.
pinkypn #3
Chapter 74: is the story sort of a spin-off/sequel. gongchan and bunghee wasnt there for the birth of the child or wasnt notified
lovelycookies #4
Chapter 74: Waaa! It's an end. *Clasp clasp* it's good story. Good job, authornim.^o^
lovelycookies #5
Chapter 74: Waaa! It's an end. *Clasp clasp* it's good story. Good job, authornim.^o^
Chapter 73: omg... happy ending... i will miss this story so much... /wipes my tears/ <3 I LOVE GUYS WIFEY EVER N EVVERRR
Chapter 73: Waah~ it already end~huhuhu~ i hope you can make a story about the other member love life!!! again i really love this!!
lovelycookies #8
Chapter 72: Waaaa! Best updates from you, authornim! Waaa! ^^
lovelycookies #9
Chapter 68: sweet Lulu.. >3<
Chapter 68: yaayy!!! finally!!!!1