GUY WIFE (better with you)



"Dear are you sure you're not changing your clothes. You know it’s not appropriate clothes to wear in a date." My mom scanned me from head to feet. Sure she looks dismayed with what I wear. I was wearing my usual clothes. Loose jeans, comfy white printed shirt match with my favorite custom faded converse shoes. Not to mention my short hair. My hair is not really short, I wear wig to hide my hair with no particular reason at all. I just like short hair but unfortunately I can't cut it. All in all I look like a guy which I like but it doesn't mean I'm a guy at heart. I was born a girl and I will die as it is. I've been looking like this for almost two years.

"Umma, even the father of my husband to be approved of me yesterday and I'm not planning on changing just for him." I plainly said and umma sigh.

"Umma, I'm going. I'm not using my car, I'll commute myself there." I kissed her cheek and bid my goodbye.

After a 10 good minutes ride, I arrived at the cafe me and my husband to be suppose to meet. I scanned the cafe for a particular person.

"He's not yet here" I mumbled. I decided to order food and wait for him at the nearby table where I can see all the people entering the cafe. While waiting, I look at the picture umma gave to me earlier. It was a picture of my husband to be. I admit his good looking, no wonder umma was fangirling, I thought and chuckled.

I was munching on my cookies when I saw the face I was staring in the picture earlier. My husband to be arrived, looking good in his semi formal attire. He's wearing a white printed shirt topped with gray 3/4 sleeve coat paired with jeans and white converse shoes.

Wow he dressed up for this huh, I thought as I follow his every move. He scanned the cafe as if looking for someone and settled on the free table two tables away from me.

I didn't approach him just yet and took my time studying him. He seems nice but looks vulnerable at the same time, I thought. After a moment, I took and carry my cookies and smoothie to the table my husband to be was occupying. He raised his head and look at me like what-do-you-think-you're-doing. I shrug and settle on the chair across him.

"Excuse me but what are you doing?" Luhan asked and eyed me.

"Meeting you. You're getting married, right?" I asked the obvious. Luhan looked shock.

"How did you know that?" Luhan asked in a low voice that almost comes out like a whisper but still I was able to hear it.


"Cause you're marrying me" I said uninterested.


"WHAT THE HELL?!" Luhan shouted and shoot up from his seat. Literally his reaction almost make me fell of my seat but the way he look right now is nothing compared to mine. Then and there I wanted to roll on the floor and laugh my off but I decided to maintain my poker face. He's reaction is precious. I can't even describe it anymore.


Luhan took out his phone and called, "APPA IS THIS A SICK JOKE? You want me to marry a guy and where is Eunji?" he yelled but whisper the latter part.



Is she his girlfriend?


Did he just say I'm a GUY?!

It’s supposed to hurt me, right?

Him, calling me a guy supposes to hurt right?

NUHH, it doesn't even bother me but in all fairness I felt a little pang when he said it especially when he had to mention it more than three times. Yeah he did mention it more than three times already. I've been listening and watching Luhan talk to his father and he keep on insisting I'm a guy which makes me a bit irritated.




I was waiting for Eunji at the cafe when suddenly a guy placed his food and drink on my table. I gave him the look but he doesn't seem to mind and without talking sit on the vacant chair across me.

"Excuse me but what are you doing?" I asked as I eyed him.

"Meeting you. You're getting married, right?" he asked nonchalantly and takes a sip on his drink.

Who is this guy?

How did he know about my marriage?

"How did you know that?" I asked in a low voice that almost comes out like a whisper.

"Cause you're marrying me" he said uninterested, like it was nothing if he marry a person with kind.


"WHAT THE HELL?!" I shouted and shoot up from my seat. I can't marry a guy. This is absurd.




I took out my phone and called appa, "APPA IS THIS A SICK JOKE? You want me to marry a guy and where is Eunji?" I yelled but whisper the latter part. I know I shouldn't have yelled but I can't let this thing happen. I was talking and insisting to my father that the person I am with now is a guy. I even glance at him in between my conversation, trying to prove my point. I was shocked when the guy suddenly snatches my phone away from me and talk to my dad.

"Mr. Lu mianehyo, I'll explain everything to him." he said to the other line and bowed as if appa would see it.

This guy is serious, I thought as I was watching him.

Who am I kidding anyway? Appa would never joke on this matter.

"I'll explain everything." he handed me my phone and motioned me to sit down. I did what I was told and brace myself with I'm about to hear.

"Before anything else, Kim _________- imnida and for your information I'm a girl." he paused or should I say 'she' paused and breathe in some air.

Now that she mentions her being a girl, I just notice her voice was feminine.

"I assume by now you know that we're going to marry each other in two weeks. I don't agree to this but I can't say no, but here's the thing. You and I will get married, not in the church but in front of an attorney with our parents and whoever witnesses there is and also our marriage would be kept secret from the media." she continued. I made an 'o'. Knowing appa, he would never agree on this decision. It made me curious on how did they persuade appa.

"Mind to tell me how did your parents persuade my father?"

"I and my parents met Mr. Lu yesterday. My parents persuade your father to agree on my decision that we will get married only in front of an attorney but not a priest and not to tell the public about it. Well, I was really the one who persuade your father to agree on my decision, my parents was there to back me up. It wasn't really hard persuading your father though." She said and offered me some of her cookies. I decline and wave my hand to emphasize that it was okay.



She was able to make father agree on her decision?

It seems surreal but somehow I felt relieve that our marriage would be keep secret from the media.

"Thank you, I guess? Uhmm c- can I ask one last question?" I tried. There's still one thing I was curious to know. She nodded.

"Did you look like that when you met my father? I mean did you dress up like that when you met him?"

"Yup, is that all you wanna ask?" _________ asked as she finished eating her cookies. I nodded.

"Okay, I'll see you in two weeks then. I'm leaving first, bye" She stood up and bowed. After that she walked off, as soon as I nod.



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rudelysweetk21 #1
Chapter 74: lol really interesting story, i don't really like story with ___ name but anyhow i read this and glad i did because i enjoyed reading :) thanks
Neva_end #2
You have done a great job author :). It was totally awesome.
pinkypn #3
Chapter 74: is the story sort of a spin-off/sequel. gongchan and bunghee wasnt there for the birth of the child or wasnt notified
lovelycookies #4
Chapter 74: Waaa! It's an end. *Clasp clasp* it's good story. Good job, authornim.^o^
lovelycookies #5
Chapter 74: Waaa! It's an end. *Clasp clasp* it's good story. Good job, authornim.^o^
Chapter 73: omg... happy ending... i will miss this story so much... /wipes my tears/ <3 I LOVE GUYS WIFEY EVER N EVVERRR
Chapter 73: Waah~ it already end~huhuhu~ i hope you can make a story about the other member love life!!! again i really love this!!
lovelycookies #8
Chapter 72: Waaaa! Best updates from you, authornim! Waaa! ^^
lovelycookies #9
Chapter 68: sweet Lulu.. >3<
Chapter 68: yaayy!!! finally!!!!1