GUY WIFE (better with you)



_________ wiped her tears, "I'm sorry." she said and went to Byunghee's side, leaving Luhan behind.

Luhan could feel his heart break into million pieces at those two words and seeing __________ left with another guy. It hurts him more to accept that __________ is leaving him rather than the time Eunji broke up with him and chose Lay over him.

"__________, please come back." Luhan mumbled as he watched __________ and Byunghee's back walking away.



__________ and Byunghee were walking towards the airplane and __________ tears kept on falling with her head down.

Byunghee abruptly stopped and held __________'s wrist. "__________, I'll understand if you stay. I'll assure you Luhan-sshi is saying the truth." He wanted __________ to be happy. Honestly he wanted to punch Luhan for hurting __________'s feelings but he believed his feelings for her is true.




"Don't you feel anything for __________?" Byunghee straightforwardly asked Luhan. Byunghee texted Luhan to meet him to talk about __________ in a man to man talk. In a while Luhan was silent, he knew exactly what Byunghee meant.

"I don't know what to say." Byunghee heard Luhan mumbled.

Byunghee sighed, "I guess I have your answer but remember I'll do anything to make her happy again." he told and stood up.

*He have feelings for __________. He just didn't realized it yet.* Byunghee thought. No one's gonna think for too long if he or she really didn't feel anything for that someone. He just hoped Luhan understand the under lying meaning behind his last sentence and hoped it help him sort his confused feelings.




"Princess, if you really love..."

"Oppa" __________ called and looked up at Byunghee. She was smiling. It made Byunghee stupefied. He was confused. __________ was crying yet smiling.

"Oppa, Luhan came for me." __________ uttered happily and embraced Byunghee. "I'm really happy he came after me." __________ said again.

Byunghee soothed __________'s back. "He did," he confirmed while nodding. "and he also said he loves you." he added and broke the hug, "but why did you have to say sorry to him? Why did you chose to come with me?" he asked. That part confused him.

"Oppa, I only said sorry but it was never intended to Luhan." __________ answered and chuckled.

"Mworago?" Byunghee was even more confused.

"Oppa, you and I know what I really am. I never gave up on something without fighting. I know my vacation there is not to move on and I'm not planning too. It would still be him at the end of the day. That sorry was for you oppa. I guess I follow you to Canada with the next flight." __________ said and smile.

"Now, I get it." Byunghee chuckled and ruffled __________'s hair. "You're still the princess I know. A very beautiful and talented lady with a witty and positive attitude. Now go and be happy. I'll take care of your luggages." He lightly shoved her back to the airport.


turned back to Byunghee and gave him a quick peck on the cheek. "Thank you oppa" _________ said and run back inside.

*Be happy my princess.* He thought and smiled. He continued walking to the airplane, alone but with the happiness and fulfillment.



Luhan wiped his tears. __________'s fligt take off. He had lost his chance. With slumped shoulders, head hang low and broken heart, Luhan turned and walked away.

__________ was panting when she saw Luhan walking away with head lowered. She run to him and wrapped her around Luhan's waist, "I thought you wanted me to stay?" __________ whisperingly questioned.

Luhan was shocked at the sudden contact and question that his back straightened and his body stiffened. He slowly looked down at the arms that was wrapped around his waist. He carefully took it and he turned around to face __________ without letting go of her hands. He was afraid that she would be gone.

"__________, you're here." Luhan unbelievably muttered.

__________ smilingly nodded, "Yes, I'm here." she confirmed.

"But your flight take off." he said.

__________ chuckled and shooked her head, "I didn't took the flight but Byunghee oppa did."

Luhan stared straight at __________'s eyes and abruptly, he enveloped her in a tight and loving hug. "I'm sorry, __________. I'm sorry for lately realizing my true feelings for you. I love you, __________. I really didn't know what to do after you left but I'm truely happy that you stayed." Luhan said while tearing up. He was overwhelmed that __________ came back. He mentally thanked god for bringing her back to his life.

__________ heard Luhan's sobs and she could feel her shoulder getting wet. She broke the hug and wiped the tears that was on his face. "You're really vulnerable, you know that. I'm sorry to break it to you but I didn't came back to stay. I would still go to Canada..."

"Bwoh? No, don't go. I won't let you." Luhan said and securely hold onto __________'s hand.

__________ smiled, "You're not letting me finish. I'm still going to Canada because I promised oppa that I would spend my vacation there but I'm bringing you with me, well that is if you wan..."

"I'll come with you." He interrupted. He wouldn't risk the chance of __________ spending her vacation with her oppa alone and he wouldn't allow the possibility to meeting other guys there.

__________ laughed, "Lets go and pack your clothes then. KAJA!" __________ cheered as they walked out of the airport. They reached Kris's car with neither of them breaking their hands away. Luhan opened the passenger's door next to the driver's seat for __________ when he closed it back again.

"Waeyo?" __________ asked, confused.

"Can I kiss you?" Luhan asked with his gaze shifting to her eyes then to her lips.

__________'s heart raced and her stomach was filled with buterflies. __________ blushed and nervously nodded. Luhan slowly leaned in and kissed her lips. The kiss wasn't long yet it was

sweet. Luhan slowly and carefully broke the kiss. He opened his eyes and looked at __________'s blushing face.

"This is right." He smilingly uttered. *This is how I imagined it to be.* He thought as he could feel buterflies in his stomach with his heart beating fast just like what always told in the movies. Although he kissed Eunji, he didn't feel that way. He felt like it was lacking.

__________ blushed at Luhan's remark. She didn't wait for Luhan to open the door for her and just entered the car. She cupped her red and warm face. Luhan followed and sit on the driver's seat with a wide smile. He ignited the car but grabbed __________'s hand first before speeding away. The car ride was quite but it was comfortably quite. Soon they arrived at their house. Luhan unwillingly let go of __________'s hand so they could get out of the car but as soon as they exited the car, Luhan took __________'s hand back in his grasp.

__________ gasped as they were passing the living room to Luhan's room. The throw pillows were scattered everywhere. "Why is it disorganized in here? Did someone robbed us?" __________ muttered as she turned to Luhan.

"That's actually my doing. I've been coming here for a while." Luhan answered as he sheepishly smile and rubbed the back of his neck.

"Waeyo?" __________ asked as they continued walking to Luhan's room.

Luhan blushed and awkwardly laughed, "How should I say this but I've been coming here often since I found out that you left and brought all your things with you. I've met Byunghee-sshi and I got more worried when he told me you were not with him. I waited here just in case you come back even though I don't know what to say if ever you come at that time. I actually came to your parents' house and secretly asked the maid if you're there but you're not." Luhan confessed and opened the door to his room. "Where did you stay anyway?"

"I stayed at my hadaboji's old apartment house," __________ answered. "Luhan, you know you could let go of my hand so you could focus on packing. I promise I won't disappear." __________ awkwardly said and childishly crossed her heart. Luhan kept holding her hand while getting his things from the cabinet and __________ was the one feeling burdened by the set up.

Luhan looked at __________ and gently squeezed before letting her hand go, "Go and sit on the bed. This wouldn't take long."

"Arraso." __________ beamed and jumped on to Luhan's bed.

"How long are we going to stay there?" Luhan asked as he took some shirts and pants in the cabinet.

"I don't know but I originally planned on staying there for the whole summer vacation." __________ answered and reached for Luhan's clothes. "I'll help you arrange this in your roley."

Luhan stopped for a second and handed __________ his clothes but as it landed on her hands, Luhan steal a kiss on __________'s lips. "I need to rejuvinate." he casually said and chuckled.

"Rejuvinate your face." chuckled and pulled Luhan closer, "I want too." she

mumbled and closed their remaining gap. They shared a long passionate sweet kiss.

"Our fourth kiss." __________ muttered as their lips part.

Luhan hmm-ed as a smile never left his lips. "Wait, did you just say fourth but I only remembered three?"

__________ blushed, "Earlier, before I supposed to leave with oppa, I went to Suho's house to see you. You were sleeping that time when I kissed you." __________ confessed.

"You should have just wake up so that I know." Luhan cutely pout.

"I didn't know, okay" __________ chuckled and pinched Luhan's cheek. "but I think you gonna move faster and take a quick wash. We still need to catch up with the next flight or I might as well go now and you just follow."

Luhan jolted up, "No were going there together." he announced and moved in a faster pace. __________ laughed as she watched him.






Halooo I've updated...



I hope you all love this page..

I'm sorry making some of you cry at the previous chapters...


Thanks for the comments and accepting my friend request..




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rudelysweetk21 #1
Chapter 74: lol really interesting story, i don't really like story with ___ name but anyhow i read this and glad i did because i enjoyed reading :) thanks
Neva_end #2
You have done a great job author :). It was totally awesome.
pinkypn #3
Chapter 74: is the story sort of a spin-off/sequel. gongchan and bunghee wasnt there for the birth of the child or wasnt notified
lovelycookies #4
Chapter 74: Waaa! It's an end. *Clasp clasp* it's good story. Good job, authornim.^o^
lovelycookies #5
Chapter 74: Waaa! It's an end. *Clasp clasp* it's good story. Good job, authornim.^o^
Chapter 73: omg... happy ending... i will miss this story so much... /wipes my tears/ <3 I LOVE GUYS WIFEY EVER N EVVERRR
Chapter 73: Waah~ it already end~huhuhu~ i hope you can make a story about the other member love life!!! again i really love this!!
lovelycookies #8
Chapter 72: Waaaa! Best updates from you, authornim! Waaa! ^^
lovelycookies #9
Chapter 68: sweet Lulu.. >3<
Chapter 68: yaayy!!! finally!!!!1