GUY WIFE (better with you)

Disney Land Vacation Part 1

Beep Beep Beep

Each of EXO boys including Gongchan received a video message from ___________. They were all tired with the sightseeing they did last night when they arrived to Singapore. It was almost night when the reached Singapore yesterday, instead of going to the actual plan of going to Disney Land, they just went out sightseeing the city. They did a little bar hopping but mostly they spend their night in a karaoke bar singing, dancing and goofing around. When they came back to the hotel, they were all tired and energy-drained.

Suho woke up from his phone's beep. He reached for his phone that was settled on the side table. With eyes half close, he opened the message. __________'s face zoomed in Suho's phone screen.

        Annyeong, rise and shine everybody. THIS IS THE DAY! Come down at the hotel's restaurant and eat breakfast with me.

Suho chuckled at ___________'s creativeness. He heared the beeps on Baekhyun, Chanyeol and D.O.'s phone. Their phone screen's showed it was a message from ___________, probably the same video message Suho received, Suho thought. He decided to wake up the three to avoid ___________ from waiting for them.

They booked four rooms in all. In the other rooms, Lay was the one who first saw the video message. Same with Suho, Lay chuckled causing Chen to wake up. Chen check out what Lay was watching that caused Lay to chuckle and waking him up. He smiled. He thought it was original and unique wake up call or message. Chen got jealous of Lay receiving a video message from ___________. He checked his own phone and his jealousy disappeared in an instant as he watched the same message. Chen woke up Sehun while Lay woke up Kai.

Gongchan, having the only one with a message ringtone, woke up and saw the video message. He decided to wake Tao first since he was younger and can wake the two elder ones, Kris and Xiumin. Gongchan let Tao watched ___________'s message. Halfway watching, Tao grabbed his own phone and fiddle with it for a while then he put it in his pant's side pocket with a smile pasted on his lips. He woke up Xiumin with ease but when it comes to waking up Kris, they hesitated. They knew how much Kris dislikes to be disturbed in his sleep. Fortunately, Kris woke up by himself and routinely checked his phone. He watched ___________'s message and a smile secretly grew on Kris' lips.

Luhan, ___________'s roommate was left alone in the room, sleeping. Yesterday when they booked the rooms, ___________ told Luhan to share a room with her so Gongchan wouldn't suspect. Luhan agreed. For the first time they slept in one room but separate beds of course. Luhan woke up with no one in the room. While wondering where was __________, he picked up his phone on the table and checked for any messages. There were two messages, one from Luhan's mom checking if they all arrived in Singapore safely and the other one was __________'s video message. After he watched it, he scrumble off the bed and freshen up himself to meet ___________ and the others at the hotel restaurant.

___________ on the other side woke up early. Inspite of being tired she decided to have an early walk alone near their hotel. Earlier while enjoying the views of Singapore that ___________ passed through, she decided to make a video message to wake up the boys. Thirty minutes after, ___________ decided to head back and went straight to the restaurant. When she arrived, Suho, Chanyeol, Baekhyun and D.O. were already there.

"Good morning, shorty." Chanyeol happily greeted while flashing all his white teeth and skipped towards ___________'s direction.

"Good morning too, Chanchan." ___________ greeted back with a smile. Chanyeol tackled ___________ in a big hug. "Wah God, I miss you shorty" he beamed as he poke ___________'s sides.

"Yah, Park Chanyeol, let go of me... (laughs) it tickles (laughs)" ___________ plead as she tried to squirm away from Chanyeol.

"I will n..." Chanyeol was interrupted when ___________ was effortlessly pulled away by Gongchan.

"I freed noona." Gongchan said when he arrived with roommates and sent Chanyeol and playful smirk.

___________ breath in some air as if feeling the freedom from her childhood's bestfriend hug. "Thank yo..." ___________ was about to thank Gongchan when that dongsaeng of her tackled her into a hug just like Chanyeol did earlier. "I miss you too noona." he said in his aegyo voice.

"Urghh, not you too." ___________ defeatedly sigh that makes Suho, Chanyeol, Baekhyun, D.O., Tao, Xiumin and Kris chuckle and laugh.

"Gongchan-sshi, I think you should let ___________ go now. She might change her decision and make us all go home." Luhan unharmly warned. He arrived with Lay, Chen, Sehun and Kai.

"Miane." Gongchan let ___________ go, although he knew Luhan's warn wouldn't happen. ___________ was never a type to put a grudge on a person that easily and he knew she wouldn't do an abrupt and childish decision.

"WOAH finally, real freedom." ___________ exaggeratedly exclaimed as she playfully distant herself to everyone. "By the way, thank you wifey." she turned to Luhan which Luhan returned with a smile and nod.

"Good morning, noona." Sehun greeted and was about to hug ___________ when she childishly crossed her arms in front of her, shielding herself with incoming hug. "Opps Sehun save that hug later. I'm already hungry and I want to eat." she said and skipped towards the buffet. Everybody laughed except for Sehun who pouted. He wanted to hug his noona but he too admit to himself that he might not let go of her that easily.

"___________ said save it for later. We should eat breakfast now 'cause there's still a busy and fun day ahead of us." Suho patted Sehun's back and lead the way to the buffet. Sehun's mood immediately lifted as he heard the word fun. Suho was right, they should eat their breakfast now because later they will go to Disney Land, the main reason they got to Singapore.


(before they went to Disney Land)

Luhan, Gongchan and the rest of EXO were at the hotel's lobby, waiting for ___________ to come down. ___________ told them earlier to wait for her there because she would do a quick change of clothes.

At the lobby Lay and D.O. were enjoying themselves, watching the exquisite interior design of the lobby. Kai, Chanyeol, Sehun, Gongchan and Luhan were playing on their phones. Baekhyun was pestering Chanyeol's game. Tao was busy taking selcas of him on his phone. Chen was quietly sitting, planning a troll on everybody. Xiumin was puffing his cheeks just waiting for ___________ to come down. Suho was quietly observing everyone while Kris was sitting like a model having a photo shoot. He pretended to read a magazine although he made himself alert for ___________'s presence.

"Hello guys, I'm here. Lets go." ___________ showed up after a couple of minutes.


(A/N: Here what she wears except for bag)

Everybody looked up and turn to ___________'s direction. She was already wearing short shorts, a bit loose brown shirt with Sleepy Dwarf print on it and white converse shoes. She matched her outfit with bracelet, simple dangling necklace, watch, Ray ban shades that was placed on top of her untied brown blonde hair and last but not the least her wedding ring. Because of lack of interest with bags, ___________ brought a small and thin wallet that contains big bills of Singapore's paper money and a few credit cards. Her wallet was placed on the back side of her short shorts. It was unnoticeable since it was small and thin. In her hand was her phone.

Although ___________ was wearing casual and simple clothes, the boys can't help but to gawk at the beauty in front of them. ___________ is an example of natural beauty. Tall, pretty, has white-cream skin and long and wavy brown blonde hair. With less make up on, ___________ may easily stand side by side with some of the beautiful lady actresses and idols without feeling inferiored.


"HELLO, from Earth to you guys." ___________ her hands in front of Gongchan and EXO's faces. "Did I really stunned you guys that much?" She joked and giggled. Some snapped back to reality but what totally snap all the boys back was when they heard a erted whistle coming from the foreigner guy that passed their way. He's maybe one of the hotel's guest. On instinct, everybody jolted away from their seats and protectively surrounded ___________. Without ___________ noticing the boys shot the foreigner guy with deathly glares and daggers. Gongchan, Chanyeol, Kris and Luhan was itching to punch the guy square in the face but they hold back to avoid mess. The foreigner immediately shifted his stare away from ___________.

"Tsk I can't see a thing." ___________ complained as she push through her front where Kris, Chanyeol and Sehun were standing. On her sides were Luhan and Gongchan.

___________ was able to push through and walk side by side with Luhan and Suho. "Singapore Disney Land, here we go!" ___________ beamed. The irritation the boys felt towards the foreigner guy faded at her excitement and energy.



"What are we going to ride first?" Suho asked everyone as they entered Disney Land. Everyone was looking around, trying to figure out what to ride first except for ___________ that wasn't listening. She was busy reminiscing the time she and her grandfather first visit Singapore. It was also the first Disney Land ___________ ever went to.

"It's good to be back." ___________ muttered and unknowingly she was starting to walk towards her favorite ride.

"Hubby, where do you think you're going?" Luhan asked and pulled few strands of ___________'s hair. It didn't hurt her since she was walking in slow motion...


(♪♫ I don't know why...  ♪ ♫ Haha okay I just sang the part of EXO's What is Love)

"Eh?!" ___________ looked at Luhan, confused.

"I said, where are you going?" Luhan repeated his question.

"To the rollercoaster." ___________ sheepishly answered as she realized that she was about to walk off without telling anyone.

"Lets go" Chen and D.O., the rollercoaster and other heart-stopping rides daredevils exclaimed in unison and without warning drag ___________ towards the rollercoaster.

"I guess that would be our first ride." Suho chuckled and followed Chen, D.O. and ___________ that were already lining. The others followed, some excited and some scared.




Sorry for the long updated...

I'll try to update the part 2 tomorrow...


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rudelysweetk21 #1
Chapter 74: lol really interesting story, i don't really like story with ___ name but anyhow i read this and glad i did because i enjoyed reading :) thanks
Neva_end #2
You have done a great job author :). It was totally awesome.
pinkypn #3
Chapter 74: is the story sort of a spin-off/sequel. gongchan and bunghee wasnt there for the birth of the child or wasnt notified
lovelycookies #4
Chapter 74: Waaa! It's an end. *Clasp clasp* it's good story. Good job, authornim.^o^
lovelycookies #5
Chapter 74: Waaa! It's an end. *Clasp clasp* it's good story. Good job, authornim.^o^
Chapter 73: omg... happy ending... i will miss this story so much... /wipes my tears/ <3 I LOVE GUYS WIFEY EVER N EVVERRR
Chapter 73: Waah~ it already end~huhuhu~ i hope you can make a story about the other member love life!!! again i really love this!!
lovelycookies #8
Chapter 72: Waaaa! Best updates from you, authornim! Waaa! ^^
lovelycookies #9
Chapter 68: sweet Lulu.. >3<
Chapter 68: yaayy!!! finally!!!!1