GUY WIFE (better with you)






-2 Days Ago-


"THREE DAYS TO GO AND IT'S GONNA BE OUR SE-MES-TRAL BREAKKKK" Baekhyun sang as he kept on making silly dance moves with Chanyeol. Everyone laughed at the crazy duo, even the passerby’s, except for me.


*Yeah right and I haven't confess yet* I glumly thought.






"THIS IS IT" I said to my reflection. I shook my body and jump a bit to relieve the anxiety I'm feeling. It's the day of my confession.

As planned I called Eunji last night. I asked her to meet me at (insert name of a restaurant) restaurant but I didn't tell her why I want to meet her. Eunji agreed.

"Think positive. Eunji will accept you. Fighting." I did a fighting pose then made sure my clothes were perfect. I took my car key and wallet, with that I went off.




-At the Restaurant-


"Thank you for choosing xxxxxxxxx hotel and restaurant. How may I help you tonight sir?" A waiter greeted me as soon as I stepped inside the restaurant.

I nod, "I called for a reservation for two."

"This way, sir." The waiter then led the way. I followed and in no time we reached my reserved table. I thank the waiter and told him that I will order later. I looked at my watch and there's still 15 minutes before it turns 7 pm. I patiently wait for Eunji.


Few minutes passed, I kept on glancing at the front door to see a sign of Eunji coming. I didn't wait for too long, just then Eunji materialized. She was wearing a pink knee length dress that complements well with her milky white skin.


*Perfect* I thought.


Eunji was guided to our table by the same waiter who greeted me earlier.

"You came..." I stood up and wanted to knock my head for the lame greetings. I got to complent her, "you look pretty in that dress by the way."

Eunji smiled, "You too look good. What's the occasion?"

"It's a secret. I'll tell you later after we eat." I calmly said although I was nervous inside. I call for a waiter and we ordered.


(Let's just say they finished eating)


"We finished, can you tell me now about the secret thingy?" Eunji started while cutely quoting 'secret thingy' with her fingers.

I chuckle.





I straightened my back and slowly reached for Eunji's hand. Eunji had that confused look on her face but she didn't pull back her hand when I held it in mine.


"Eunji, I don't know if you notice but I like you." I confessed. I looked at Eunji's eyes trying to convey my feelings for her through our eye contact. Eunji was silent. "I- I like you ever since I saw you at school and it was when I was high school. I may be one of the kingkas back then but I was too shy to approach you because of that I didn't have the chance to know you. I thought I'll never see you again when I graduated from high school but one day Sehun came running, telling us or specifically me that you're attending the same university as us. I was happy and nervous at the same time. I was happy we became friends and now I'm taking this opportunity to confess my feelings to you..." I poured all my feelings to my confession. I paused for a while, breath in and continued.


"Eunji, I have like you for a long time. Will I be your boyfriend?" I finally ask, cupping both of Eunji's eyes without breaking the eye contact.


For a moment Eunji was only staring at me, "I don't know what to say. This is all too sudden."


"Eunji you can..." I didn't finish my words when Eunji stood and left me there alone. I was dumbfounded. The hands I was cupping were gone.


*She rejected me. Eunji rejected me.*






Without a word I left Luhan at the restaurant. I didn't expect his confession nor it ever crossed my mind that Luhan would like me.


Imagine he's like one of handsome guys I have ever met and he's confessing to me. It is as if I received a gift that I never imagine I could have. I admit I have a little crush on Luhan but I like someone else.


*I need to confess to him*






"Whose going to ride with me?" I asked as we exited Kai's house. We just finished our Pirates of the Caribbean movie marathon. We haven't noticed that it was almost midnight and we need to head home. Suho, Kris and I brought our car and we decided that we should split and give the other guys a ride.


"ME!" Chen instantly volunteered. "Can I drive?" He asked and sent me some puppy eyes.

I chuckle. I went close to him and examine his face. *Good, he's not sleepy* "Sure, just make sure to send us safely to our houses.

"Shorty, I'll ride with you." Chanyeol sang as he skipped towards me but he didn't reached me when Kris stopped him by the ear. "Hey hyung it hurts. Let go." Chanyeol whined.

"No, you're coming with me. Your house is opposite to ___________'s house plus I'll pass your direction." Kris said. He didn't let go of Chanyeol's ears until they reached Kris car.

"Bye shorty. See you soon." Chanyeol waved as he was pushed by Kris inside the car. I chuckled and wave back, *Childish Chanchan*

"___________ take D.O. and Sehun, you'll pass their house on your way." Kris told.

"Arraso. D.O. and Sehun lets go." I dragged the two guys to my car and toss the car key to Chen. We bid goodbyes to others and drive away.


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We were still in the car when my phone rings. It was Luhan.

*Why is he calling?* I don't want to answer it.

"Yoboseyo?" I answered anyway.

"Yoboseyo..." I heard another man's voice. I'm sure it wasn't Luhan.

"Who’s this?" I asked.

"Miss, could you please come and get your friend here at XXXXXXXXXX." The guy said instead of answering my question.

*Why is Luhan ended there?* I worriedly thought.

I immediately ended the call and turn to Chen, "Chen stop the car, I'll drive." My heart is now filled with worries. Luckily, Chen sense that I was serious, he parked the car and we switch seats.

"Chen, D.O. and Sehun please put on your seatbelts." They followed instantly. I ignite the engine and speed off. Even though I wanted to drive straight to where Luhan was, I can't. I'm not sure if there's still bus that Chen, D.O. and Sehun could ride home.

I was driving over the speed limit and from the rearview mirror I can see Sehun and D.O. tightly clutching on their seatbelts. "Guys sorry, I promise all you that I’ll bring you guys home safe and sound." I assured and skillfully turn the car without lessening my speed. In no time I was able to send D.O., Chen and Sehun.


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*Where is he?* I searched for Luhan as soon I arrived at the place the unknown guy told me.


I spotted Luhan, sitting with his head nestled on his arms that was leaning on the table. He's table was surrounded with empty alcohol bottles.


"Luhan" I called.

Luhan looked up and stare at me, "Hubby, you're here." he muttered.

I nod, "Let’s go home, can you walk?" I asked.

"Silly hubby, of course I can walk...” Luhan tried to get up but wobbled. I instinctively hold Luhan's arms and helped him balance. I placed one of his arms around my shoulders and then laced my right arm around his upper body to support his weight. Slowly but carefully we walked out of the bar.

"Luhan, where's your car?" I asked as we were out of the bar. Luhan shook his head, "I didn't bring my car." he mumbled.


*Good thing at least I don't have to worry about it too.*

I escorted Luhan to my car and with a little sweat and there I made him sit at the back so he can relax. I put on his seatbelt and close the door. I proceed to the driver's seat and with that I speed off.




YAY alas I've updated...

Thank you guys for reading my story... >.<

dearly appreciate it..

waiting for you comment/s...


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rudelysweetk21 #1
Chapter 74: lol really interesting story, i don't really like story with ___ name but anyhow i read this and glad i did because i enjoyed reading :) thanks
Neva_end #2
You have done a great job author :). It was totally awesome.
pinkypn #3
Chapter 74: is the story sort of a spin-off/sequel. gongchan and bunghee wasnt there for the birth of the child or wasnt notified
lovelycookies #4
Chapter 74: Waaa! It's an end. *Clasp clasp* it's good story. Good job, authornim.^o^
lovelycookies #5
Chapter 74: Waaa! It's an end. *Clasp clasp* it's good story. Good job, authornim.^o^
Chapter 73: omg... happy ending... i will miss this story so much... /wipes my tears/ <3 I LOVE GUYS WIFEY EVER N EVVERRR
Chapter 73: Waah~ it already end~huhuhu~ i hope you can make a story about the other member love life!!! again i really love this!!
lovelycookies #8
Chapter 72: Waaaa! Best updates from you, authornim! Waaa! ^^
lovelycookies #9
Chapter 68: sweet Lulu.. >3<
Chapter 68: yaayy!!! finally!!!!1