GUY WIFE (better with you)



"Kris palli, tsk such a slow poke for that long legs of yours" __________ whined, exasperated. She badly wanted to play the indoor games and Kris had to be so annoying to walk like the speed of turtle. Okay that was exaggerated but he was really slow.

"And you slow down. It's less than a month since you have the surgery and you don't want to have any bad going on your tummy again, right?" Kris lightly scolded. He was worried that her fast movements would affect her latest surgery.

"Awwh how thoughtful of you Kreese." __________ slow down her pace and matched Kris pace that was a little faster than his turtle-like speed.

They entered the indoor part of Lotte World, where there were indoor rides and games and mostly arcades.

"Kreese, lets play that." __________ pointed to the racing game.

"Are you sure you wanted to play that game? You always lose remember." Kris smirked.

__________ scoffed, "Pssh I didn't even know why I couldn't win. I can really race." __________ swear, wanted to convince Kris.

"Too much talk, lets see what you got." Kris said and lead the way to the game.



Minutes Later


"No, wait... Aish" __________ muttered as her screen flashed 'game over'. She lost to Kris.

"Loser" Kris teased as they get off the controllers.

__________ frown, "Aish why can't I win virtual racing? There might be something wrong with..."

"Lets eat" Kris cut her off.

"Okay, lets go to aunt Sohyun." __________ beamed with her eyes glittering.

*This girl sure has mood swings. First frowning then for a split second beaming* Kris shook his head while chuckling and followed __________ that walked ahead.



At __________'s Aunt Sohyun's Restaurant

"Unniiiieeeeeee!" A girl squealed with an empty tray on her hand as __________ and Kris entered the restaurant.

"Yoji" __________ excitedly called and embraced the girl. Kris followed behind __________.

"Unnie, why did you visit us just now? We missed you." Yoji pouted not noticing the man behind her unnie.

"Miane, I've been busy." __________ said just then some staffs went to check why Yoji yelled.

"Yoji why are you... Agasshi?!" The chef ahjusshi questioned but stopped when he saw __________.

"Neh ahjusshi and for the nth time just call me __________." __________ warmly smiled and pulled Kris towards the ahjusshi.

"I forgot, is he your husband?" The chef ahjusshi eyed Kris. They knew __________ got married but it would be the first time they would see __________'s husband.

"Ani, he's a friend. Ahjusshi meet Kris and Kris meet Haewo ahjusshi. He's the head chef of this restaurant." __________ introduced the two guys.

"Annyeonghaseyo Kris Wu-imnida." Kris bowed.

"Haewon" Haewon gave Kris a nod and looked at __________, "Where's your husband? Why didn't you bring him here?"

"Eh uhm... Luhan is busy. Ahjusshi where is Aunt Sohyun?" __________ change the topic and scanned the restaurant for her aunt.

"Sohyun is doing her inventory today." Haewon answered.

"Oh... Ahjusshi me and Kris will eat here." __________ informed.

"Great... Yoji, assist your unnie and her friend." Haewon ahjusshi went back to the kitchen. Yoji lead them to an empty table.

"Unnie, what do you want?" Yoji asked.

"I want spaghetti, burger and water." __________ replied with a smile.

"And you sir?" Yoji turned to Kris.

"I'll take the same order as __________ but change water to coke and there's no need to be formal." Kris replied with a small smile.

"Neh Yoji, no need to be formal. He's just a few years older than us. Just call him Kreese." __________ interrupted and giggled. Yoji is the same age as her.

"Don't mind her, Yoji. It's Kris as in K R I S not Kreese." Kris corrected and even spelled his name then he playfully glared at __________. __________ giggled and glared back at Kris. Yoji chuckled at the sight and left them to prepare their orders.

Their orders arrived and they immediately eat especially __________. Kris was taking his time multi-tasking: eating and staring at __________.

"Hey! Hey! Slow down. The food ain't gonna run." Kris repremanded __________ from eating fast.

"But Kreese, I'm hungry." __________ argued. She suddenly thought of Luhan. Luhan never repremanded her when she's eating fast but what he does is he snatched her plate of food and made every possible way to keep it away from her unless she promised him to eat slowly.

"But you'll get stomach ache in that pace." Kris nagged. He suddenly remember how hurt and in pain __________ was during her birthday and he doesn't want to happen again. It pained him. He mentally cursed himself that time because he felt useless and can't do anything to ease __________'s pain.

"Fine Kreese Umma." __________ muttered and ate in a slower pace.

"Yah, I heard that." Kris laughed and tried to focus his attention to his food which he failed to do because from time to time he would glance at __________.



Moments later.

"Kreese, I'll go to the restroom first." __________ excused. Kris nodded and called for their bill.

"Here's your bill sir... I mean Kris-sshi." Yoji handed Kris their bill. Kris looked at the amount and took out some paper bills in his wallet and handed it to Yoji. "Keep the change." He said.

"Thank you. Uhm Kris-sshi, would you m-mind if I ask you something?" Yoji shyly asked and stuttered in some words. Kris nodded and motioned her to continue. "Do you like unnie?"

Kris didn't saw that question coming. He was taken aback. Is his feelings for __________ that crystal clear to Yoji that for just a short period of time she was able to know his feelings for her unnie?

"I'll take that as a yes." Yoji said, snapping Kris back to reality.

"Am I that obvious?" Kris asked, not minding to hide his true feelings.

"Not really but I can feel that you care a lot for unnie plus I caught you staring at her earlier." Yoji answered and smiled.

"I'm embarassing huh?" Kris muttered with a chuckle.

"Not really but I think you need to tell unnie." Yoji suggested.

Kris stopped then chuckled, "I'll think about it."

"Kreese you're making a move on my pretty dongsaeng, aye." __________ teased as she arrived from the rest room.

*Unnie if you only knew.* Yoji thought and gave Kris a meaningful stare that mostly say you-should-tell-her.

"Ani, Kris-sshi just paid for the food." Yoji explained.

"That's all? Kreese didn't even ask for your number?" __________ asked, dismay written all over her face.

Kris and Yoji blushed a bit with __________'s straightforwardness.

"__________, the only number I ask her is our bill." Kris defended.

__________ turned to him and frown, "Kreese, I didn't know you're slow."

"Slow?" Kris raised his eyebrow.

"Oh, wait maybe you're shy to ask Yoji her number. I can give it to you." __________ beamed and clapped with hopes flooding her, wishing to see a romance grew from her dongsaeng and friend.

"You're watching to many dramas and stop acting like cupid. People are starting to stare at us." Kris said. If only this girl knew who really likes, I wonder if she would be acting like that.

"Let them be as lo..." __________ didn't finished her words when Kris covered with his hand.

"Yoji-sshi, tell Haewon ahjusshi that the food was great and we'll be leave. Thank you." Kris pulled __________ out still covering while __________ still was mumbling incoherent words. Yoji laughed and waved them goodbye.


Night (same day)

"Eunji, I have surprise for you." Luhan said as he held Eunji's hand.

"Surprise? You already gave too many surprises today." Eunji asked, amused. For the first hour they been together this day, Luhan gave her his christmas gift and the next hours he brought her to different romantic places.

"Yes but I wanted you to trust me because I'm gonna make you wear blindfold." Luhan took the blindfold from his coat and showed it to Eunji.

"Sure, I'll trust you." Eunji assuringly smiled. Luhan placed the blindfold on Eunji and went to their final destination.


Minutes Later

"We're here." Luhan informed in take off Eunji's blindfold. Eunji slowly opened her eyes. She gasped as her eyes adjusted to the light. Right in front of her is a romantic-looking candle light dinner. She looked at Luhan with her hands on . She was speechless.

"Happy first Christmas, Eunji." Luhan sweetly smiled and like a true gentleman he assisted Eunji to her seat.

"Thank you" Eunji mouthed. She feel happy and guilty at the same time. How she wished she fell in love with Luhan instead of Lay. She wasn't completely over her feelings for Lay but she is trying her best to convert her feelings for Lay to Luhan. Luhan deserves it.

"Would you mind if I made the order?" Luhan asked as he sit across Eunji.

"No, I don't mind." Eunji assured. One by one waiters came, carrying all Eunji's favorite food.

"Luhan..." Eunji mumbled at the sight of her favorite foods. It was another surprise.

"Lets eat" Luhan urged as all the food was layed down on their table. Eunji mouthed another thank you and started to dig in.

*Yum* Luhan thought. Just then __________ entered Luhan's thoughts.

*Did she already ate? What if she's waiting for me?* Thoughts popping into Luhan's head. He didn't notice he began to eat slowly.

"Luhan anything wrong?" Eunji asked, concerned.

"I'm fine, lets eat." Luhan assured and focused on his food but thoughts of __________ oftenly popped in his mind.





Hello at last I've updated... It's a double update..

hope y'all enjoy...


I'm sorry for taking soooooo loooonggggg...

Thank you for the concern... I'm a bit okay now...


Lets see...
 things are getting more complicated...


  • Luhan love Eunji but he cares and had these weird feelings for ___________.
  • Eunji love Lay but she's with Luhan
  • ___________ love Luhan.
  • Kris like ____________ and
  • Lay love Eunji...


Watch out what happens..

It will soon be revealed with the following chapters....



Thank you for the comments and the new subbies... i L♥VE it!!!

AJAH!!!! AJAH!!!

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rudelysweetk21 #1
Chapter 74: lol really interesting story, i don't really like story with ___ name but anyhow i read this and glad i did because i enjoyed reading :) thanks
Neva_end #2
You have done a great job author :). It was totally awesome.
pinkypn #3
Chapter 74: is the story sort of a spin-off/sequel. gongchan and bunghee wasnt there for the birth of the child or wasnt notified
lovelycookies #4
Chapter 74: Waaa! It's an end. *Clasp clasp* it's good story. Good job, authornim.^o^
lovelycookies #5
Chapter 74: Waaa! It's an end. *Clasp clasp* it's good story. Good job, authornim.^o^
Chapter 73: omg... happy ending... i will miss this story so much... /wipes my tears/ <3 I LOVE GUYS WIFEY EVER N EVVERRR
Chapter 73: Waah~ it already end~huhuhu~ i hope you can make a story about the other member love life!!! again i really love this!!
lovelycookies #8
Chapter 72: Waaaa! Best updates from you, authornim! Waaa! ^^
lovelycookies #9
Chapter 68: sweet Lulu.. >3<
Chapter 68: yaayy!!! finally!!!!1