GUY WIFE (better with you)



"10:45" __________ mumbled as she stared at a small clock that she placed on the center table in their living room. Ever since Luhan walked out after their fight and didn't come home for more than a week, __________ started sleeping at the living room, doing like a good wife would do and that is to wait for her husband. All those nights she spent her time staring at the clock, waiting for the door to open and there entered her love, Luhan. She stayed up late, sleeping for few hours not wanting to lose the chance to see Luhan in case he came home. She grew bags under her eyes. She can't focus on her studies to the point where it was hard for her to compose any song. She didn't eat much. She didn't have the appetite to eat causing her to lose weight and looked skinny.

*Is he safe? Wherever wifey is please God let him be okay.* __________ prayed as she stood and went to kitchen to make coffee that would help her stay awake.

With a cup of coffee __________ was holding, she went near to the window and scanned the view outside, secretly hoping to see Luhan but when she was about to walk away from the window, something caught her eyes.


Kris car.

*Why would Kris be here?* __________ thought. She went to her room, grabbed a cardigan and glasses. She doesn't want Kris notice her swollen eyes because of crying every night. She went out of their house and walked towards Kris's car.




It was the third night Kris had been staying overnight outside __________ and Luhan's house, keeping his mental promise to protect __________ from any harm. He didn't tell anybody that he spent his nights there. With three consecutive nights of guarding __________ outside her house, he was starting to grew bags under his eyes. He felt like floating during daytime due to lack of sleep.

"Kris, don't sleep. You have to stay awake. You need to guard __________ no matter what." Kris reminded as he slapped his face to keep himself awake and straightened his seat. Tiredness and sleep seemed to pull Kris to dreamland as his eyes uncontrollably close. Without him noticing __________ reached her car.

*Kris is sleeping? But why here?* __________ thought.

"Kris. Kris, open up." __________ called as she decided to knock on Kris's car window. Kris on the other hand was awaken by some knocks. He was shocked to see the person knocking on his window. __________. He didn't know what to do at first but then decided to roll down his car's windowshield.

"Yes, __________?" Kris asked. He mentally facepalmed with his stupid question. A man on his car outside a girl's house then he'll ask that question where in fact no one told him to be there. Great Kris. JUST GREAT.

__________ gave Kris a questioning look, "Kris, why are you here...? Outside?" __________ asked, suspicious.

"Err... I... was just... passing by... yeah I was passing by and I kinda feel sleepy so I take a stop over... you know safety first." Kris reasoned

although it comes out like a sheepish reason.

"Really?" __________ eyed Kris and the latter nodded. __________ sigh and said, "It's cold out here. Come inside, I'll make you some coffee." she invited as she rubbed her arms due to the cold breeze that brushed her skin. Kris noticed it and immediately agreed just to make __________ feel warm again.

They entered the house and went straight to the kitchen when __________ abruptly stop, making Kris bump on __________'s back. "Miane" he mumbled.

"I'm sorry too. Uh Kris, I forgot I don't know how to make coffee. Wi..." __________ trailed and her face sadden but quickly hide it with a fake smile "wifey always make coffee. He's in charge of the kitchen." she continued. Kris caught that change of mood and how __________ tried to hide it with her fake smile but failed since her eyes show it all.

*__________, if I were Luhan, I promised not to do this to you. The way you hide your sadness and pain is causing me pain.* Kris thought as she stared at __________.

"That's okay, I'll make my own coffee. You want me to make one for you?" Kris asked as he went to the cupboard.

"Yes please, thank you." __________ said and smile. At least tonight for a short while she have company. She seated on the chair near the counter top which was her usual seat actually.

In no time Kris finished making their coffees and settled it on the counter table, sitting on the other side of __________ that made them face each other. It was Luhan's seat. __________ stared at Kris. Suddenly imagining Luhan in front of her.

*Wifey* __________ thought but only to be distracted by a voice.

"Hey __________, your coffee is gonna get cold if you won't start drinking it." Kris said, snapping her back to reality.

"Oh th-thank you." __________ bowed and take a sip on her coffee. The coffee was good. It wasn't strong nor sweet. "This is good. I wonder why wifey told me not to go to you if I want to eat home-made food?" __________ voiced.

Kris felt a bit annoyed that Luhan told __________ that. Okay he admits he doesn't cook the most delicious home-made foods but he still think his cooked foods are edible. Plus he know better, he can take __________ out to eat instead of making her eat his cooked food. Kris managed to chuckle and shook his head, "It is somewhat true but still Luhan's gonna pay for telling that to you. I'm still sane, making you eat my masterpieces but I could always take you out." Kris joked.

__________ chuckled and waved her hands, "Ani... Wifey didn't mean to insult your 'masterpieces'," she quoted with her fingers, "He doesn't want me to have any food poison for eating the foods outside." she reasoned. __________ smiled at the thought when Luhan cared for her.

"Where's Luhan?" Kris didn't know how that question came out from his mouth even though he already knew the answer.

"Wifey told me he's going home late today." __________ answered as she shifted her gaze somewhere else.

"__________ why are you lying?" Kris

asked again, not teering his stare away from __________.

__________ fidgetted on her seat, "Why would I be lying. Wifey did told me he's going home late. Wait let me get my phone, I remember wifey sent me a message." __________ lied and went to the living room. There was no message at all from Luhan but she needs to back away from Kris's questioning look.

"__________" Kris called and grabbed __________'s wrist and made her face him as he followed her to the living room. __________'s body faced Kris but her eyes never meet his.

"Why are you lying? I know Luhan has not been home for more than a week." Kris confessed and that was the time __________ meet Kris's eyes.

"How...?" __________ asked in a whisper.

"__________, I know everything." Kris said as he lead __________ to the living room couch and made her sit while he sit beside her. __________ looked at Kris as tears started to form in her eyes.

"I know everything. Lay told us three days ago. __________, why didn't you tell us? Why do you have to face it alone? You know you're getting skinny and looked at this... you grew bags under your eyes." Kris worriedly nagged as he took off __________'s glasses and touch the formed bags under her eyes.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you guys. I just thought I can fix this but I still think I can, I just hope that Luhan would come home." __________ said as tears streamed down her cheeks. Kris heart broke at the sight of her crying.

"Luhan is at Suho's house so don't cry okay." Kris comforted.

"Really?" __________ questioned and Kris nodded. "I'm glad he's safe." She muttered and released a relieved sigh.

*She really love Luhan, huh.* Kris thought at __________'s reaction.

"Yes, Luhan is safe so don't worry and stop crying. You know, it breaks my heart whenever I see you cry." Kris soothed as he wipe the tears that was still on her face. Without words coming out from __________'s mouth, she stared at Kris, confused and puzzled.

"__________ I like you no scratched that I..." Kris confessed when he thought __________ wouldn't say anything for a while but then he was interrupted when __________ hugged him. Her actions shocked him.

"Kris please don't say it. I know how much it hurts." __________ whisperingly plead in their hug while crying. She doesn't want Kris to get to the stage where it hurts a lot and can't do anything because of falling hard to a person who can't love you back.

*I know __________. I know.* Kris thought as he hugged back and stayed like that for a while.

"I know that you love Luhan. We all know but maybe except for him." Kris said after a while. __________ broke the hug and looked at Kris, incredously.

"What? How did you guys know?" __________ asked.

"It's how you act towards Luhan. Chen was the first to notice. We got worried when we keep seeing you down this past week so we talked about it without Luhan that is why we knew, I knew about your feelings for him." Kris replied.

"Am I that obvious?" _________ dryly laughed.

"No... but could you promise that you'll take care of yourself better. We are worried especially me. I love you __________." Kris said as he held __________'s hand.

"Kris..." __________ ushered.

"I'm sorry __________. I know you asked me not to say it but I have. I need to tell you what I feel even though I also know you wouldn't love me back." Kris sincerely said. In that three nights that he guard __________ outside her house, Kris also ready and made himself face the reality of the fact that the girl he loves love someone else.

"Kris miane" __________ said as she hugged Kris and her tears dripping again. Kris patted __________'s back and soothed her.

"Kris? Where does Kreese go?" Kris joked as he pulled __________ away from the hug and wipe her tears. __________ chuckled and lightly punched Kris's arm.

"Ouch that hurts," Kris faked a whine. "You're too skinny, I can feel your bones unlike before that it didn't hurt so much because of your fats here and there." He teased as he pinched __________'s cheeks and arms.

"YAH! Excuse me Kreese... for your information I don't have fats before and now." __________ complained and stopped Kris from pinching her arms too much. Kris laughed and __________ was affected and laughed with him.

"Finally you smiled." Kris said with a smile, feeling fulfilled that he was able to make her smile.

"Kreese, thank you. I mean really thanks a lot." __________ said, grateful she have a friend like Kris.

"No biggy... I should head home now and you should go to sleep. I don't want that bags to grow even bigger arraso." Kris said as he stood up. __________ stood up as well and nodded.

"Good. I'll ask D.O. to cook for you tomorrow so you could eat properly and bring that fats back in you." Kris teased again and then again __________ playfully slapped his arm.

"Aish woman stop hitting me." Kris playfully hissed.

"Miane" __________ said and looked down.

"I was just joking. I'll go now. Make sure to lock the doors after I go." Kris chuckled and reminded __________ as he ruffled her hair. "Bye"

"Bye, drive safely." __________ waved at the leaving Kris. Kris waved back and went to his car.

*Thank you Kris and Miane.* __________ thought as she closed the door and locked it as told.

*__________, I love you and I'm always here to catch you if ever Luhan won't catch you. I'll be waiting.* Kris thought as he saw __________ closed the door. He went inside his car and drive away.




I'm sorry for another late chapter...

Hope you enjoy the __________ and Kris moment...

Isn't Kris great?
He really loves __________.

What will happen now?

Is there a chance for Kris and __________'s love story?


Luhan would come home and maybe realized that he have feelings for his wife?



I'll try to update as soon as possible...

I hope you guys bear with me... I kinda have this tight schedule this week.


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rudelysweetk21 #1
Chapter 74: lol really interesting story, i don't really like story with ___ name but anyhow i read this and glad i did because i enjoyed reading :) thanks
Neva_end #2
You have done a great job author :). It was totally awesome.
pinkypn #3
Chapter 74: is the story sort of a spin-off/sequel. gongchan and bunghee wasnt there for the birth of the child or wasnt notified
lovelycookies #4
Chapter 74: Waaa! It's an end. *Clasp clasp* it's good story. Good job, authornim.^o^
lovelycookies #5
Chapter 74: Waaa! It's an end. *Clasp clasp* it's good story. Good job, authornim.^o^
Chapter 73: omg... happy ending... i will miss this story so much... /wipes my tears/ <3 I LOVE GUYS WIFEY EVER N EVVERRR
Chapter 73: Waah~ it already end~huhuhu~ i hope you can make a story about the other member love life!!! again i really love this!!
lovelycookies #8
Chapter 72: Waaaa! Best updates from you, authornim! Waaa! ^^
lovelycookies #9
Chapter 68: sweet Lulu.. >3<
Chapter 68: yaayy!!! finally!!!!1