GUY WIFE (better with you)





Luhan reached their kitchen and placed their groceries at the counter top. He was sorting their groceries when __________ came in without a word just placed the bags on the counter top and went to get the brownies in the fridge. Luhan stopped and eyed __________, "Hubby, aren't you helping?" he asked.

__________ turned and throw Luhan a sheepish smile, "You can manage." She quote, using Luhan's own words against him. She pulled a slicer knife and placed the slightly frozen brownies on the table near their grocery bags then went to sink and washed her hands.

*Smart hubby. S M A R T. Using my own words against me huh.* Luhan thought as he watched __________ diced the brownies into smaller pieces. "what are you making?"

__________ shrugged, "I don't know if it has a name but I know it would taste great." she beamed. She picked some of the diced brownies and brought it near to Luhan's mouth, motioning him to eat it. Luhan looked at __________, unsure but then open his mouth and __________ feed him.

"Yummy, right?" __________ beamed and Luhan nodded. He continued sorting and placing their groceries in their rightful places while __________ busied herself on making her masterpiece in a big and tall transparent glass. She fill in the sides of the glass with the chocolate syrup, scooped some vanilla ice cream, put it inside the glass and sprinkled it with the diced brownies. She get a plastic container from the cabinet and placed the remaining diced brownies and ice cream and put in the fridge.

Luhan was finished with all the sorting when she take a seat and have her first bite of her masterpiece.

"Yum! I knew this would taste great." __________ stated to herself and squealed at the heaven taste of her new invented masterpiece. Luhan his lips while staring at the appetizing ice cream.

"Hubby" Luhan called and throw __________ a puppy dog stare with an irresistable pout. __________ was taken aback with Luhan's sudden aegyo.

"Wa-waeyo?" she stuttered.

Luhan looked at __________ then pointed to her ice cream, "Give me" he said with his aegyo voice.

*OH EMM GEHHH. It's raining Luhan's aegyo. Must resist __________. Must resist.* __________ spazzed but maintain her poker face.

"Nu-uh wifey, you need to make your own. The brownies and ice cream are in the fridge." __________ announced and turned back from Luhan to hide her wide smile.

*Okay wifey, you want this the hard way... Lets do this the hard way.* Luhan thought with a smirk. "Hubby" he called as he saw __________ scooped and just as __________ turned her back to face him, Luhan swiftly leaned in and take a bite on __________'s ice cream. __________ stiffened, not ready with Luhan's attack.

*What just happened? Did Luhan ate my ice cream? And using my own spoon too? Isn't that in-indirect kiss?* __________ mentally questioned herself with her cheeks warming up.

"YUM!" Luhan beamed, making __________ snapped back to reality. She looked down to

hide her blushing face but Luhan noticed it either way.

*Is hubby blushing?* Luhan smirked, *Cute*

"D- Did you just ate using my spoon?" __________ asked, stuttering. She mentally facepalmed and scolded herself when she realized what she asked, *Pabo __________, pabo. Why do you have to ask that?*

Luhan stopped smirking, *Did I?* Luhan blushed too at the realization of his actions but he hold it in. *She's my wife and there's nothing wrong with it. We're married and we can share anything including this spoon. It's not like she have a disease or something* Luhan shrugged and grabbed __________'s ice cream and dig into it.

__________ looked up as she didn't hear Luhan answer. "YAH! Wifey, you're eating it all!" she cried as she tried to grab the ice cream from Luhan's grasp.

"I thought you don't want it anymore so I was doing you a favor by eating it. Guess I was wrong, here..." Luhan laughed and feed __________ with a spoonful of ice cream with the same spoon. __________ blushed for the second time that day and awkwardly wonder her eyes elsewhere. She caught the sight of the chips on the table. __________ quickly took two large packs of different chips and hugged it in between her arms.

"I'll have this." __________ announced and walked out from the kitchen, leaving Luhan behind.

*Is she mad at me?* Luhan thought, feeling guilty. He stood up and followed __________ who was going upstairs. "Hubby, are you mad at me?" he asked.

__________ stopped and turned to look at Luhan, "No," she answered. *I could never be mad at you.* she thought and continued walking.

Luhan wasn't contented with __________'s answer and decided to still follow her. They reached __________'s front door without Luhan noticing. "Hey I think you're still mad at me." Luhan poked __________'s arm while unknowingly pouting.

__________ stopped again and raised her eyebrow at Luhan. For a moment Luhan thought __________ was really mad at him until she laughed. He looked at __________, confused.

"Awwh wifey you're so cute, pouting like that. I won't ever be mad at you, arraso." __________ chuckled as she lightly pinched the brigde of Luhan's nose and let go to open her room. Luhan felt his face warmed up at __________'s statement.

"Hey want to watch movie with me?" __________ invited as she widely opened the door for Luhan. Luhan nodded and followed her inside her room. __________ placed the packs of chips on her bed and went to get the cushions and throw pillows. Luhan put down his ice cream on __________'s bedside table and helped her set up. He grabbed the cushion from __________ and placed it on the floor just like the way it was when __________ first invited him to her room and they watched funny videos there.

"Wifey, is it okay if we watch a horror movie?" __________ asked as she looked over to her movie files in her computer. She have a lot of stored movie videos in her computer with different themes including horror.





"Go for it Suho, at least you would know if everything between them are already patched up." Suho encouraged himself as he stands in front of __________ and Luhan's house. He can see that Luhan's car was parked but he wasn't sure if everything between them was fine. He mentally scolded his hyung for not contacting him after he didn't come back to his house last night up until this evening. He felt responsible for him.

*Okay lets do this* Suho huffed and did a fighting fist pump.


Suho pressed the door bell.



"Yah! No... Don't open the door..." __________ cried as she watched the main character slowling walked towards the door to open it while the horrifying-destorted-looking killer was patiently waiting for his bate to come out. The monster looking villain was ready to kill the main character with his bloody butcher knife. __________, on nature, tightly clutch on Luhan's wrist while half covering her face with the blanket while Luhan on the other hand was feeling the suspense atmosphere around them that he didn't notice __________ holding onto his wrist.


Just as the main character put a hand on the door knob...



"AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!" They both screamed in shock as the shoot up from their sitting position on the floor. __________ covered her whole body with the blanket but leave her face seen. Luhan dropped the pack of chips that he was holding.




"Wifey, what was that?" __________ asked as they stepped closer together.

"I think someone is ringing the door bell. I should head down to see who it is." Luhan said as he walked to leave __________'s room but she followed him. "I'll come with you."

They head downstairs with Luhan's lead and __________ following just a step back. Like the protagonist in the movie they were watching, Luhan slowly placed his hand on the doorknob and twist it open...


"SUHO?!" Luhan exclaimed, relieved to see Suho than that creepy and scary antagonist.

"Hyung, I heard screams. It was coming from inside?" Suho said, worried, still worried with his friends like they were he's own children.

"Suho? Oh it's only you." __________came out from her hiding spot on Luhan's back and gave a sigh of relief just like Luhan did.

"It was nothing. We were just watching a horror movie with loud speakers on. You might have heard the scream earlier from the movie." Luhan story-knit to avoid embarassment. "What are you doing here anyways?" he asked.

"Hyung you didn't inform me you were going back to your house so I was just checking out if everything about the two of you is patched up but I can see that the two of you are okay now." Suho said, relieved to see his friends on talking and wasn't avoiding each other anymore.

"Oh right I forgot, want to..."

"AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!" Luhan was interrupted with another scream, making the three of them jump in shock.

"Hyung, I think I'll pass

for today. I'm going now. Bye __________ and hyung." Suho awkwardly laughed and waved his hand as he left.

"Bye" __________ and Luhan said in unison as they waved their hand back to Suho. When Luhan was about to close the door he caught a man's figure standing at the distance, looking at their direction but then disappeared.

*Was that Kris?* Luhan thought as he felt that the man's figure was like of Kris. He dismissed the thought since he can't see the point in why Kris would be watching them from a far like a stalker. He closed the door and went back to __________'s room with her to resume their movie marathon.


Outside Luhan and __________'s house, Kris was standing from a far, watching three of his friends conversing. He felt good that Luhan wasn't avoiding __________ and already went back to his own house. It only means that __________ wouldn't be as sad as before but the thought of them reuniting doesn't help the fact that his chances on getting a chance to __________ lessen.

Kris stepped back when he saw Luhan looked at his direction. He went to his own car parked far from __________ and Luhan's house when say Suho's car earlier.

*What should I do now?* Kris thought about his feelings for __________.










I'm so sorry for the late update...


my phone got lost and I just found it yesterday when I went back to office....

I write chapters using my phone so I got devastated and can't make this chap from scratch..

but I found it at last... YAAAHHHHHH ^o^





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rudelysweetk21 #1
Chapter 74: lol really interesting story, i don't really like story with ___ name but anyhow i read this and glad i did because i enjoyed reading :) thanks
Neva_end #2
You have done a great job author :). It was totally awesome.
pinkypn #3
Chapter 74: is the story sort of a spin-off/sequel. gongchan and bunghee wasnt there for the birth of the child or wasnt notified
lovelycookies #4
Chapter 74: Waaa! It's an end. *Clasp clasp* it's good story. Good job, authornim.^o^
lovelycookies #5
Chapter 74: Waaa! It's an end. *Clasp clasp* it's good story. Good job, authornim.^o^
Chapter 73: omg... happy ending... i will miss this story so much... /wipes my tears/ <3 I LOVE GUYS WIFEY EVER N EVVERRR
Chapter 73: Waah~ it already end~huhuhu~ i hope you can make a story about the other member love life!!! again i really love this!!
lovelycookies #8
Chapter 72: Waaaa! Best updates from you, authornim! Waaa! ^^
lovelycookies #9
Chapter 68: sweet Lulu.. >3<
Chapter 68: yaayy!!! finally!!!!1