GUY WIFE (better with you)



Days passed and months gone by everyone and everything went well except for four persons: Luhan, __________, Lay and Eunji.


Luhan is still with Eunji but he felt like something was bothering his girlfriend. He wanted to know what it was but everytime he tried to ask Eunji, she would always tell him that everything was okay and she was thinking of school works where in fact she's bothered with something else or should we say someone.


Luhan also noticed a few changes in __________. She would sometimes space out and he would caught her staring at him. __________ had been like that ever since she got home that night (A/N: The night where __________ hear their fake marriage.).

__________ tried to act normal around Luhan after she heard her parents' conversation about her fake marriage. She didn't tell Luhan that night and she's not sure if she had the courage that time. The only connection she thought she have that keep Luhan with her was not really there. She decided not to tell Luhan. She knew she was being selfish but God knows how guilty she felt every day that she looked at Luhan and know that he didn't know anything about their real situation but what can she do? She wanted to be with Luhan........ for the meantime.


From the day Eunji talked with Lay, she tried to fulfill her promise to break the awkwardness between them. It was difficult at first since she was trying to move on but eventually they did some short conversations and lately they've becoming close like before. She felt happy and scared at the same time. She didn't want to grew any further feelings for Lay.


Eunji always reminded herself that she's with Luhan but it becoming more difficult if the person she liked was always around. Luhan gave her love and attention and she promised herself not to hurt him.


Lay's love for Eunji never waver but he made sure to keep it for himself. It was enough that __________ knew about his feelings. He often went out with __________ to talk about almost everything. He felt comfortable and secure, telling __________ his inner thoughts, secrets and problems. He liked when __________ is there, intently listening to his antics and problems. He liked that __________ knew when to give him advice and she stay quite if she knew there's no need for advice.

Lay was glad that everything was becoming more like of before. He and Eunji talked.




"Eunji, you know you could always tell me if you have a problem. I'm your boyfriend, I'll try to understand whatever is bothering you." Luhan softly said. He said those for the nth time that week. He and Eunji was in their usual dates during weekends and as usual Eunji was awefully quite and seemed to be in deep thoughts. She's been like that for almost a week and it bothers him.

Eunji shook her head, "Nothing is bothering me, oppa. I'm sorry if my actions are making you worried."

Luhan sigh. He knew something was off but he can't get the answers from

Eunji. "Lets watch movie." Luhan beamed to lift up the mood.

"Neh, it's been long since I watch a movie." Eunji replied with a smile.




At the Cinema


Luhan and Eunji choose to watch a romantic movie. Eunji leaned her head on Luhan's chest while he wrapped his arms around her. They were half way down the movie when without knowing Eunji's tears were falling down.

She can relate to the main character of the movie. The main character was having an affair with man but she was in love with another man. The man she had an affair with was nice and was totally in love with her. What struck her heart most was the truth that the bestfriend of the main character said.

'The longer you lie, the more painful it gets.'

"Eunji, what's wrong?" Luhan worriedly asked. He could feel something wet on his shirt and Eunji's heavy breathing.

"I'm sorry I can't do this anymore." Eunji murmured. She stood up with tears rolling down her eyes and left Luhan. She need to stop now. She came to realize how selfish and thoughtless she become. Now it was all clear to her. She accepted Luhan not because she wanted to give him a chance but because her heart rebeled. Her heart rebeled that she came to the craziness of using Luhan's confession to prove Lay what he lost. All the time she thought she's giving Luhan a favor, a chance to replace Lay in her heart but she also knew and she's aware that during the months she have with Luhan, her feelings for Lay never fade nor waver.

*I'm sorry Luhan* Those keep on repeating in Eunji's mind. She was about to leave the movie house when a hand grabbed her wrist. That hand spunned her around to make her face him. It was Luhan with confused and worried written all over his face.

"Eunji, why are you crying? What did you say back inside the movie room?" Luhan asked as he wiped Eunji's tears. Eunji moved back, avoiding Luhan's touch.

"I can't do this anymore oppa. You don't deserve someone like me." With that Eunji run out of the mall (the movie theater is located inside the mall). She have hurt Luhan and she doesn't to add salt on his wound.

She waved for a taxi but before she could get in Luhan stopped her by grabbing her wrist and dragged her to less populated part in the area. They end up in a nearby park (A/N: I know parks are one of the most populated places but lets just say that time there were just a few people around.).

"Eunji what do you mean you can't do this anymore and that I don't deserve someone like you?" Luhan asked without letting go of Eunji's wrist, thinking she might run away from him again.

"I'm breaking up with you oppa." Eunji said, looking down at her feet, feeling bad and guilty for leading Luhan on. It's now or never.

"Eunji tell me did I something wrong? Did I lack? Please don't do this to me." Luhan plead with his voice starting to get shaky.

"Oppa don't say that. You didn't lack and you didn't do anything wrong to me. It's all because of me." Eunji looked at Luhan. She feel worse for doing this to an

amazing man like Luhan. He doesn't deserve all this pain but she knew better now. She will cause him more pain if she prolong her lie and lead him on.

"Eunji listen to me," Luhan combed his hair with his hand in frustration. "whatever it is, whatever you did,  I'll understand..."

"Oppa, it's not what I DID but what I STILL DO. I can't go on with this relationship built with my lies and selfishness." Eunji argued, hesitant to say the whole truth.

"Lies? Selfishness? What do you mean? Eunji, I can't understand." Luhan said, frustrated. He thought their relationship was perfect. Never in their entire relationship did they argue but if they did it's just a playful argument.

"Oppa listen to me." Eunji cupped Luhan's face. "I accepted your confession, thinking you could replace someone in my heart. This I'm sure of, I tried to love and return the feelings you gave to me but I really love him. I always will. I'm sorry for hurting your feelings but I know you'll hurt more if I continue this lie. I'm sorry oppa." Eunji gave Luhan a light kiss on his cheek. Their one last kiss. She didn't know if she could face Luhan ever again after this day.

"Good bye" With that she left Luhan.

*Lie. This is all lies. Eunji would never do this to me.* Luhan thought as he was stoned on his spot, hardly believing all that happened. He looked at Eunji running at a distance. Slowly, his feet started to move. His slow walks turn to run.







"Lay, I'm gonna use the rest room first." __________ informed before they head out of the cafe. __________ and Lay went to hang out and talk without the others but only as friends.

"I'll wait for you out side." Lay hollered and head out the cafe. He was waiting for __________ to come out when she saw a girl running. He guessed that she was crying because the girl constantly wipe her face but what bothers him is that the figure seems to be familiar to him.





On nature he held out his hand and grabbed Eunji into halt. "Eunji" He worriedly called.

Eunji looked up with tears lingering her face. "Oppa" she mumbled, buried her face on Lay's chest and continued sobbing.

Lay let Eunji cry on his chest while he caressed her hair, soothing her. "What's wrong?" he asked in a while, noticing that Eunji calmed down.

"I'm a horrible person. I hurt Luhan oppa." Eunji said but didn't look up at Lay.

"What do you mean by you hurt Luhan hyung?" Lay asked, confused as he pulled back Eunji so he could see her face.

"I break up with Luhan oppa. I tried to convert my feelings for you to him but I really can't. It's hard. I still love you, oppa." Eunji confessed, tears rolling down from her eyes again.

Lay felt happy 'cause he feel the same way with Eunji but at the same time he felt guilty and sad for his hyung.

*This is all my fault. Maybe if didn't tell Eunji to love Luhan hyung this might not happen. Or maybe if I gathered enough courage to tell Eunji what he really felt, this wouldn't happen.* Lay mentally scold. He was

mad at himself. He looked at Eunji and without warning he pulled her close and kissed her on the lips. Lay put all his love and feelings into that kiss that was soon responded by Eunji, his love. The moment they both dreamed of is happening, right then and there.

__________ was surprised when she exited the cafe and saw Lay and Eunji. She heard all of their conversation and she commend Eunji for her courage. She's happy for the both of them but what concerned her was Luhan. If Eunji broke up with Luhan then he would...

Just then Lay pulled Eunji to a kiss.

"Luhan" __________ uttered as he saw Luhan standing nearby, witnessing all the confessions and reality that was hidden from him.

Luhan have seen and heard enough. He was about to leave when he saw __________ standing. She didn't look shock or surprise.

*__________ knew* Luhan thought.






Finally I've updated....


I'm sorry I didn't update this past few days...

I've been going home tired with the loads of work given to me... and there's STILL A LOT!!!

but I'll try to update more often...



this is a double updated...

thank you for the comments...

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rudelysweetk21 #1
Chapter 74: lol really interesting story, i don't really like story with ___ name but anyhow i read this and glad i did because i enjoyed reading :) thanks
Neva_end #2
You have done a great job author :). It was totally awesome.
pinkypn #3
Chapter 74: is the story sort of a spin-off/sequel. gongchan and bunghee wasnt there for the birth of the child or wasnt notified
lovelycookies #4
Chapter 74: Waaa! It's an end. *Clasp clasp* it's good story. Good job, authornim.^o^
lovelycookies #5
Chapter 74: Waaa! It's an end. *Clasp clasp* it's good story. Good job, authornim.^o^
Chapter 73: omg... happy ending... i will miss this story so much... /wipes my tears/ <3 I LOVE GUYS WIFEY EVER N EVVERRR
Chapter 73: Waah~ it already end~huhuhu~ i hope you can make a story about the other member love life!!! again i really love this!!
lovelycookies #8
Chapter 72: Waaaa! Best updates from you, authornim! Waaa! ^^
lovelycookies #9
Chapter 68: sweet Lulu.. >3<
Chapter 68: yaayy!!! finally!!!!1