GUY WIFE (better with you)

School year was drawing near and everyone were busy doing their school related matters. Suho and Kris went out of the country attending to each of their family business located at different countries. The rest of EXO seldom hangout due to their tight schedule. Days passed without __________ and Luhan coming back to their house ever since their last fight. No one really noticed except for one person...


(Few days ago)

Chanyeol took the bus and decided to visit his bestfriend. He knew his Luhan hyung wasn't home because of his class.

"Oh Luhan hyung is at home." Chanyeol muttered as he reached the front door of the house. He was about to ring the doorbell when he noticed that the door was slightly opened.

Chanyeol put his hand on the doorknob when he suddenly heard yells from inside.

"YAH __________, TELL ME WHAT AGAIN. OUR MARRIAGE IS WHAT?" Chanyeol could hear Luhan yell. Instead of opening the door, he leaned on it and listened. Chanyeol didn't hear __________'s response but he could hear them mumbling words that was hard for him to understand because of his distance. For a while he could only hear mumbles when Luhan suddenly yelled again.

"How long __________? How long?" Luhan yelled.

*Eh what does hyung by how long? And what is the connection about their marriage? Is __________ cheating on him?" Chanyeol thought but he shook his head at the last thought. __________ could never do that to his hyung. She wasn't that type of girl, plus, she loved him.

"5 months? 5 months and you tell me you didn't intend to keep it a secret." Luhan yelled again and Chanyeol could sense his hyung's mocking tone. Chanyeol tried hard to understand __________'s mumbles but failed. He could only understan Luhan since his voice was louder.

"So let me get this straight, you were leading me on, making me believe for something that wasn't there, acting like you cared, allowing me to spend my every day life with you when you know I love someone else just because you didn't want to hurt me?" Chanyeol heard Luhan said again.

*What's really going on? What does hyung mean he's being lead on?* Chanyeol couldn't figure out what they were talking about. Again he could only hear mumbles but after a while he finally heard and understand __________ words.

"I love you, Luhan" __________ confessed in a louder voice.

*Whoah shorty finally confessed.* Chanyeol proudly thought and this time it was Luhan turn to mumble. *What's hyung saying?*

"Yes, I love you Luhan. I didn't do wrong. I only love you so don't you ever question my feelings for you because there never was a time that I doubted your feelings for Eunji. You don't know how much I feel hurt inside whenever I see you with Eunji, happily chatting and doing lovey dovey things that every night I wished that you do with me. You didn't know how much I wanted to cry whenever I acted happy for the both of you. It tortures and kills me when I comforted you about Eunji. I tried to be happy for you Luhan, I tried but sometimes it's just hard." Chanyeol could clearly hear __________ say. He could feel the hurt and pain his bestfriend is having just hearing at her voice. His eyes warmed and tears started to form in his eyes. He pity __________, his bestfriend. She suffered so much because of only one reason. She fell in love.

"I know that, that fact never leaves my mind. I always thought you were the husband, I would never have but then I accidentally knew our marriage is fake. The bond that I thought I have with you was never there the entire time. For the first time I've decided to be selfish. I knew our parents would tell us after a year of our fake marriage. I thought to myself that maybe I could spend the remaining days creating memories. Memories that I could look back but there was Eunji. I compromised myself that I should be happy that atleast every end of the day, you will still be going home and by then I could spend time with you. So don't ever question my love for you, Luhan." __________ yelled again. Her voice would crack sometimes.

*Their marriage is fake.* Chanyeol thought and was crying as well. He pitied and felt sorry for going through the cruel reality of world alone. She's a very good person to suffer this kind of pain.

Few minutes later, Chanyeol heard footsteps walking to his direction. He quickly run and hide himself. It was his Luhan hyung, who exited the house with a backpack slung on his shoulder. Luhan went straight to his car and throw his bag inside and drive to who knows where.

"Stupid hyung." Chanyeol cursed under his breath. How could his hyung left his bestfriend just like that. He noticed he was standing next to the window that shows the living room part of the house. He saw from __________ from the glass window, crying on the floor. He wanted to go inside but hesitated. What's he going to say if he go to her?

Chanyeol decided to watch __________ from the window, making sure she wouldn't do anything drastic. Hours passed and finally __________ stopped crying. She stood up, grabbed the throw pillow and fixed it on the couch. Chanyeol panicked when he saw walking upstairs. He wanted to barge inside but decided to wait for a while. Minutes passed and __________ came down, carrying her roley this time.

*Is __________ going to leave as well?* Chanyeol mentally asked as his gaze followed __________ walked out of the house to her car. __________ placed her roley on the compartment and went back inside the house only to get more of her things. When all of her things were placed inside the compartment, she went back to the house and scanned the house.

*__________ is really living.* Chanyeol thought. By that time he was cursing his hyung for all that was happening. What if __________ decided to left for good? Will she ever contact them again? That thoughts run through Chanyeol's mind.

*I won't let that happen.* Chanyeol thought, determined. When __________ went to her car and drive away, he secretly followed her. His pursuit ended at an apartment-like house.

(A/N: The apartment-like house is the same house where __________ let Gongchan stay. Read chapter: 26 to 27)

*At least I know where you are.* Chanyeol watched __________ brought all her things inside house.


"I need to see her (__________) right now." Chanyeol muttered as he take the bus where __________ currently leaves. He's worried sick for his bestfriend. For the passed days, he only once saw __________ at the university. After a few minutes of bus ride and walking, Chanyeol reached his destination. Without hesitation, he ring the door bell. Soon after the door opened, revealing __________.

"What... Chanyeol? What are you doing here?" __________ asked buffled how Chanyeol knew her place.

"Is that how you welcome a visitor? A bestfriend specifically?" Chanyeol teased instead of answering her question.

"Miane" __________ bowed and looked around if anyone followed Chanyeol to her place.

"I went here alone." Chanyeol said, figuring why __________ was turning her head from left to right.

"C-come in" __________ opened the door wider for Chanyeol and the latter went inside, looking around the house. __________ closed the door and followed Chanyeol inside.

"So..." __________ started but was interrupted when Chanyeol faced her and enveloped her in a big tight hug. Her heart soften at her bestfriend's gesture, for a while she felt comforted in that hug. "Chanchan" she whispered.

"Shorty just let it all out." Chanyeol said without breaking the hug. Although __________ didn't understand why Chanyeol said that, her tears uncontrolably flowed. For a few minutes they stayed like that. He let __________ cry causing for his shirt to be soak with tears. He would occasionally rubbed her back and soothed her. When __________ was able to control her tears, Chanyeol broke the hug and lead her to the couch. He pulled out his handkerchief and wiped her tears. __________ took the handkerchief, wiped her own tears and mumbled 'why'.

"I was about to visit you at your house a few days ago but before I could knock I heard you and hyung fighting. I didn't mean to listen. I'm sorry." Chanyeol bowed, feeling guilty.

__________ patted Chanyeol's shoulder, "It was okay." she assured.

"Thank you." he paused then continued, "Shorty, are you okay? Why did you left your house? Are you moving on?" he can't helped but ask.

*Move on?* __________ lightly chuckled at Chanyeol's last question.

"Moved on you said? Chanchan, I'm not moving on. I'm not that kind to give up easily even if at the mean time I'm not doing anything. I really fell for hyung hard huh?" __________ weakly chuckled like what she said was all that funny.

"Yeah... to that stupid hyung of ours." Chanyeol mumbled.

"Chanchan, words." _________ playfully warned as she lightly slapped his shoulder. She doesn't want any of Luhan's friends would be mad at him just because he can't return back the the feeling.

"Mian, are you okay? Why did you left your house?" Chanyeol asked again.

__________ sighed and avoided Chanyeol's gaze, "I don't really know if I'm fine and I left because I wanted to be in a new environment." she simply answered. She was surprised when Chanyeol hugged her again and this time he was the one crying. "Chan, why are you crying?" she asked.

"Shorty, I really am sorry you have to experience this." Chanyeol mumbled in between sobs.

*Chan, thank you for worrying.* __________ thought as she soothed his back. She pulled back from the hug and handed back his handkerchief, "Here, wipe your tears and stop crying. You look ugly." she joked.

Chanyeol pouted and wiped his tears, "Yah, I'm not ugly when I cry. I looked cute." he whined.

__________ chuckled at her bestfriend's childishness, "Arraso, if you really insist."

Chanyeol beamed, showing his signature smile and suddenly stood up, "Where's your kitchen?"

"Over there" she pointed. Chanyeol walked to where she pointed while she followed. Chanyeol rummaged the fridge, "Good, at least I have something to cook." he beamed and took some food from the fridge.

"You're cooking?" __________ asked.

"Neh, you're getting thin and I won't let you look like those skinny walking mannequin." Chanyeol casually said.

__________ hmm-ed and take a seat. She watched him cook, "Chanchan, I'm hoping and expecting you won't tell anyone about my place." she muttered. She wasn't ready to face them all yet.

"I promise but that doesn't mean I would stop coming here. You're my bestfriend and it's my duty to take good care of you." Chanyeol said and sincerely smile at his last sentence. __________ thankfully nodded.

Aye... Bestfriends' moment!

I've updated... I hope you like this chapter.



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rudelysweetk21 #1
Chapter 74: lol really interesting story, i don't really like story with ___ name but anyhow i read this and glad i did because i enjoyed reading :) thanks
Neva_end #2
You have done a great job author :). It was totally awesome.
pinkypn #3
Chapter 74: is the story sort of a spin-off/sequel. gongchan and bunghee wasnt there for the birth of the child or wasnt notified
lovelycookies #4
Chapter 74: Waaa! It's an end. *Clasp clasp* it's good story. Good job, authornim.^o^
lovelycookies #5
Chapter 74: Waaa! It's an end. *Clasp clasp* it's good story. Good job, authornim.^o^
Chapter 73: omg... happy ending... i will miss this story so much... /wipes my tears/ <3 I LOVE GUYS WIFEY EVER N EVVERRR
Chapter 73: Waah~ it already end~huhuhu~ i hope you can make a story about the other member love life!!! again i really love this!!
lovelycookies #8
Chapter 72: Waaaa! Best updates from you, authornim! Waaa! ^^
lovelycookies #9
Chapter 68: sweet Lulu.. >3<
Chapter 68: yaayy!!! finally!!!!1