GUY WIFE (better with you)







"To all passengers please put on your seatbelts as Flight 210 from Japan to Korea will land soon. Thank you." The stewardess announced. I place my seatbelt on and prepare for the landing.




(Almost two days ago)

After I left D.O.'s house, I quickly drive my car home. I parked my car in the garage and went inside our house. I suddenly have this feeling of going out of town, I mean out of the country. I haven't done this after my grandfather passed away and I'm feeling the urge to do it now. I head to my room and took my passport from my drawer. I pack at least three pairs of clothing, money and other necessities. After that I took off but first made sure that the house was locked. I ride a taxi to the airport.

"Where should I go?" I mumbled as I looked at all the flights. There are lots of western flights but I shook my head. I can't go to any western places, I still have a class to attend the day after tomorrow and it wouldn't be convenient. Just then I saw a Japan and China flight that will leave in 15 minutes. I decided to go to Japan. I went to buy the ticket and I was lucky that there were still a few available seats.

*I'll meet you soon* I thought and smiled.


*End of Flashback*


Our plane finally landed and we took off. Feeling exhausted, I went straight home but was surprised when I saw wifey with the rest of EXO gathered around the living room, looking intently at me. I feel like they're boring a hole in my skull with their stares.

"H- hello?" I awkwardly wave a hand at them. I wasn't really sure of things anymore. "W- why are you gu..." I wasn't able to finish my question when Sehun suddenly run towards me and enveloped me in a big tight hug.

*Owkay... What is happening?* I thought as I sent the boys a questioning look but they were all quiet. I hug back Sehun, "Sehunnie, what's wrong?" I calmly asked as I soothe his back. I suddenly heard sobs coming from Sehun and felt my shirt being wet. I knew instantly that he's crying. I get worried. I tried to pull away and ask him why he's crying but he hug me tighter.

"I'm glad yourself noona." Sehun whispered.

"Noona, you're back." I heard Tao's voice. I didn't notice he came up to us. When I look up to see Tao, he was crying. He hug me too. I started to get teary- eyed.

*What's happening? Why is Sehun and Tao crying?* I mentally asked myself.

Chanyeol then came and broke me up from Sehun and Tao's hug. He stares at me for a second then flicks my forehead.

"Ouch..." I whined as I rub my sore forehead, "yah what was that for?"

Chanyeol hugged me, "Pabo shorty that's for making us worry" he said.

Realization hit me. I look at all of them. *They were all worried.* I pulled away from Chanyeol and apologetically bowed at them. "I'm sorry for making you guys worry. Miane." I sincerely apologized.

All smiled and hugged except for Luhan. He was quite and was looking at a different direction.

"Talk to him. Luhan was sick worried about you." Kris urge. He witness how worried his friend Luhan was when ___________ went missing, leaving without any call or message to confirm him if she still safe or alright.

I walked towards Luhan but he stood up and lock himself in his room.

*Luhan is mad. Tsk ___________ you're such a pabo. Why didn't I think of informing Luhan? What should I do now?* I was staring at the direction Luhan went.

"It was not cool when you left without a trace. We all got worried you know, espicially Luhan." Suho said to me.

"Wifey is mad" I muttered in low guilty voice. Suho gently pats my shoulder, "He maybe mad but he was just worried. We will leave. Try talk to him and apologize. It's good to know you're safe by the way." Suho smiled and left the house with the others.

I went to my room and place all my things in there. After, I knock on Luhan's door. I need to apologize.

"Wifey, please open the door." I plead as I keep on knocking on Luhan's door. Luhan won't open the door nor talk to me.

*I'm sorry. Forgive Me.* I thought.





The knocking has long been gone. I was actually happy to see that ___________ was perfectly fine but I can't help but to feel a bit mad when I remembered how she left without telling me her whereabouts. For almost two days she didn't call or sent me a single message just to tell me if she's still alive or not.


Earlier, I was touched when the maknaes started to cry and hug ___________. That scene proved me how strong my friends bonded and attached to ___________. I wanted to join them in their group hug but I chose not to. I went to my room and lock myself in there. Few moments later ___________ came knocking on my door, telling me to open it. She didn't say sorry. She just kept on saying to open the door for her. I didn't answer nor open the door. I acted like I didn't hear anything and busied myself with school work.


I looked at my alarm clock, it was already 6 pm and I'm getting hungry. I stood up and decided to cook dinner. It became my routine. I opened the door and was shock to see a note taped on the wall.


           Wifey, I'M SORRY!


The note said. As I looked at it closely there was two Polaroid pictures attached. One was ___________ clasping her hands together making her look like she's pleading and the other picture was of her bowing. Unknowingly a smile formed on my lips. I took the note and brought it down to kitchen with me. I saw another note on the table. I picked it up and read.



         You know I can't cook so I bought you dinner.

         Hope you like it and please forgive me.



There were another pictures attached. One of it was ___________ standing outside a Chinese restaurant and the other is a picture of my favorite Chinese food. I looked down and there it was, my favorite food, alluring me to eat it. I put the note on the table and started eating.


"Like it?" I heard ___________ ask. I looked up and there she was sitting across the table. I was enjoying to much with my food that I haven't notice her presence.

"How long have you been there?" I asked.

"Just a few minutes ago, so do you like it?" ___________ asked.

"I don't like it." I said in a monotone voice. ___________'s shoulders hang low. I laugh, "Chill, I was joking. It's my favorite of course I would like it."

It was ___________'s turn to laugh, "Figured. I call up your mom just to know your favorite food of course you would like it, love it even." she teased.

"Aish you're no fun." I frown.

"Cute," ___________ pinch my right cheek. "Am I forgiven?" she asked and pulled back her hand. I mentally smirk, "hmmm..." I purposely hang my words. I tap my chin with my finger and acted like thinking.

"what?" ___________ impatiently asked.

*YAY I pissed her off* I mentally did a victory dance.

"Hubby, why so impatient? You want my forgiveness or not?" I smirked.

___________ puffed her cheeks. *Cute* I thought. "Nuh... I think I'm already forgiven." she said and smiled.

"you sure?" I retorted while smirking.

"Yup" ___________ instantly answered and suddenly turned serious, "but seriously I'm sorry for not telling you and the others. The thought was not on my mind. I'm sorry"

"It's okay. We, especially the younger ones were just worried. I almost forgot Chanyeol that punk, he shook the hell out of me." I sincerely said and tried to lighten up the mood.

___________ laughed, "Figured that out too."

"You didn't tell me you can speak and understand at least 10 languages." I changed the topic.

"15 languages to be exact, how'd you know?"

I stare at her in amazement, "WOW daebak. Umma (___________'s mom) told us when we went to your house to find you. What languages do you know?"

"I know Korean, English, Japanese, Thai, French, Spanish, Italian, German, British, Filipino, Mandarin, Cantonese, Indonesian, Irish, and Scottish."

"Daebak, Kris only knew 4 languages. How could you learn all that?"

"I don't know... or maybe I'm just eager to know. It's quite handy when I go to different countries." ___________ replied like it was the easiest thing to do and my face was like ^o^





I would be lying if I say I wasn't happy when I heard directly from Luhan's mouth that he was worried about me. My heart race.

"___________, I want to tell you something about me and Eunji." Luhan started.


*Ow... kay... I think I don't wanna hear this. God, please make wifey stop.* I mentally prayed. I realized, I have grown a feeling for Luhan. I feel my heart race whenever I see him and it race even more when he's smiling. I also disliked the thought of Luhan with Eunji, I feel jealous when I don't have the right in the first place. Legally, I may be Luhan's wife but I knew from the start that he likes Eunji. I gave them approval which I'd like to take back but I can't.

"I'm sorry I'll tell it just now but lately I'm hanging out Eunji..."

"With the guys?" I interrupted.

"Once but more of like the two of us and I had been planning on c- confessing to Eunji." Luhan stuttered. It was cute but his words hurt me. I forced myself a smile and act happy for him.

"Good luck then, I'm sure she'll accept you wifey." I have heartedly said and forced a smile.

"Thank you and I hope she will." Luhan smiled, dreamily.

"She will, don't worry. Fighting!" I raised my fist in the air. Luhan copied and we both laugh.


*WHAT AM I NOW A MARTYR?* I thought. I felt my eyes getting warm. I need to go.

"Wifey, I'll hit the sack first. I feel having a jetlag. Good night." I left. I didn't bother waiting for his response.

*God, why do you have to put me in this situation.* A tear drop from my eyes.




I updated... YAY

\ (>.<) /

I have another subcriber...


Hope to read you comments :)

T_T EXO is attending the Dream Kpop Concert here in the Philippines

and I can't go...





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rudelysweetk21 #1
Chapter 74: lol really interesting story, i don't really like story with ___ name but anyhow i read this and glad i did because i enjoyed reading :) thanks
Neva_end #2
You have done a great job author :). It was totally awesome.
pinkypn #3
Chapter 74: is the story sort of a spin-off/sequel. gongchan and bunghee wasnt there for the birth of the child or wasnt notified
lovelycookies #4
Chapter 74: Waaa! It's an end. *Clasp clasp* it's good story. Good job, authornim.^o^
lovelycookies #5
Chapter 74: Waaa! It's an end. *Clasp clasp* it's good story. Good job, authornim.^o^
Chapter 73: omg... happy ending... i will miss this story so much... /wipes my tears/ <3 I LOVE GUYS WIFEY EVER N EVVERRR
Chapter 73: Waah~ it already end~huhuhu~ i hope you can make a story about the other member love life!!! again i really love this!!
lovelycookies #8
Chapter 72: Waaaa! Best updates from you, authornim! Waaa! ^^
lovelycookies #9
Chapter 68: sweet Lulu.. >3<
Chapter 68: yaayy!!! finally!!!!1