GUY WIFE (better with you)


___________ just arrived from Busan where their class participated in a mini musical concert for the cancer patients in one of the hospital at Busan. The mini concert was showcased with their talents in playing different musical instruments. Some of ___________'s classmates sang while she only played with her guitar and happily jammed with the cancer patients. They stayed at Busan for two nights and one day. They arrived there in the afternoon to prepare and practice for the mini concert and stayed for the next day for the actual concert and voluntary service at the hospital.

Unfortunately to ___________, Lay's birthday was on the same day as the concert and she didn't have the chance to give Lay a gift since she was busy with the concert. She arrived with no Luhan around. She kind of felt down Luhan wasn't there to welcome her but when she saw the note on her door her mood lift up only to drift back down.


      Hubby, I'm out with Eunji. In case you're already home,

      I made lunch for you. It's in the fridge, heat it first and welcome back.

                                                               - real hubby :p



___________ took the note and brought it to her room. She placed the note in her safety box and treasured it like the things Luhan gave to her. She treasured everything Luhan gave her. She lay down on her bed and emptied her mind. She knew that if she thought about the note she might cry with the reality that Luhan is with Eunji.

___________ took her phone and look through her phonebook, "Hello Zhang Yi Xing" ___________ phone called. She decided to confuse Lay for a little by speaking in Chinese. Lay is Chinese so he'll understand but he only once heard ___________ speak in Chinese.

"Yes, ___________?" Lay asked in the same language. ___________ chuckled, slowly her thought was shifting to her conversation with Lay. She can imagine Lay being confused.

"Haha correct. Where are you?"

"On my way to Suho hyung's house, waeyo? Are you back from Busan?" Lay shifted to Korean.

"Deh, I just arrived. Can you meet me at UStar cafe?"

"Sure, why? Is there any problem?"

___________ laughed. Does she only have to call if there's a problem? "None, but can you do me a favor don't tell the others that you're meeting me."


"Bye Lay, see you at UStar, 4pm later." ___________ bid goodbye and hanged up. Now she needs to take a sleep for an hour to recharge her energy for her meeting with Lay later.





___________'s phone ring. She was already at UStar, waiting for Lay to arrive.

"Hello?" ___________ answered.

"___________, are you already in the cafe?" Lay's voice ringed from the other line.

"Deh, where are you?"

"I'm on my way, be there in five minutes."


"Okay bye." Lay ended the call.

___________ hid her gift under the table and placed the cake on the table beside her so it wouldn't be visible in the first glance.

Five minutes later, Lay arrived.

"Hello, Lay." ___________

greeted and waved as Lay neared her.

Lay waved back and smiled, showing his dimple. "Hello too and welcome back. How was the mini concert?" Lay asked as he take the seat across ___________.

"It was fun. We sang and played instruments. It was really fun jamming with the kids." ___________ happily tell as she remembered her time with the kids. For a moment forgetting what she was supposed to do in the first place.

"I can see you have fun." Lay commented and chuckled.

"Yeah but before anything else... Happy Birthday Lay!" ___________ placed the cake back to the table and lit the candle with the lighter she borrowed earlier from one of the workers in the cafe.

"___________, you know you don't have to this. I understand you weren't able to come to my birthday." Lay gaped at the surprise. He wasn't expecting ___________ would bother this much since his birthday passed and she called him during the party to greet him.

"Why shouldn't I? You're a friend and I felt bad not attending your party. Now make a wish and blow the candle." ___________ held the cake with the lit candle near his face but not to close. She started singing the happy birthday song while Lay listened to it. He blew the candle at the end of the song.

"Thank you, ___________" Lay said.

"It was nothing. Here is my gift." ___________ pulled her gift from under the table and handed it to Lay.

"A guitar? ___________, it's too much." Lay awed at the black guitar case as he received it from ___________.

"Like I said, it was nothing. Open it and tell me if you like it." ___________ urge with some hand motion. Lay opened the guitar case and it revealed a well-made accoustic guitar. It wasn't just that, his name inscribed on the corner of the guitar.

"___________, this is... this, how did you..." Lay can't finish his words. He can't find the words to describe it, it made him speechless. ___________ chuckled as she saw Lay admiring his new guitar.

"Xiumin and wifey told me that you love playing the guitar so I decided to give you that. I was going to pick it up during your birthday but unfortunately I have to go to Busan." ___________ explained when her stomach growled. She covered her stomach in embarrassment while her face redden. "Haha this is the reason why I ask you not to bring anyone so we could eat your cake alone." ___________ sheepishly said while scratching the back of her head.

Lay laughed, he thought it was adorable instead of embarrassing. "Let's eat then and thank you for your gift. I really like it." Lay perfectly slice the cake and gave it to ___________. ___________ eagerly accept it and smile, a childish smile as she take a big bite on the cake. "OMO... Lay you should try it. It's hea-ven" She emphasized and savor the delicious taste of the cake.



Lay and __________ was at Han River just chillin. They decided to go there after they went out of the UStar cafe. Lay was playing a random song with his guitar. He sometimes

sing along with it.

"Lay can I asked you a question?" ___________ started while she fidget on her fingers.

"You just did." Lay chuckled, earning a playful slap on his arm from ___________. "Alright you can ask me anything."

___________ took a deep breath, "Do you like Eunji?" she asked. This is one of the reason ___________ wanted them to be alone. She was curious to know about Lay's feelings for Eunji. Her curiousity rose when Luhan announced that Eunji accepted his confession and she thought she saw that hurt expression from Lay when he heard it. He was her friend but they rarely talk since Lay was the quiet type and he gets more quiet and reserved after Luhan's announcement.

Lay abruptly stop playing the guitar and looked at ___________, "Why did you ask?"

"I don't know if I was right but when Luhan announced his relationship with Eunji, I thought I saw you hurt." ___________ confessed. "You don't have to answer it if you don't want." She continued. She felt guilty trespassing Lay's private life.

Lay softend as he solemnly looked at the sky. It was turning dawn and the place was getting dark.


*I thought I hid my feelings well.* Lay thought but a small smile creep on his lips. He felt like a heavy weight was lifted off his chest now that someone knew about his true feelings. He had someone to talk about it and it was ___________.


"What you saw was right, I was hurt." Lay turned to ___________ and sent her a small smile. He looked back at the sky and continued, "The same with Luhan hyung, I have feelings for Eunji when I first saw her and that was when we were high school. The day after Luhan hyung's confession, Eunji came to me and confessed that she liked me. I like her but I don't want to hurt hyung's feeling. He likes Eunji too and he's like a brother to me. I let Eunji go and told her that she would be happy with someone else not me. I have been a coward when didn't stopped her when I saw her cry. I wanted to hug her and confessed to her but I didn't do it. I know Luhan hyung would treat Eunji better than I am."


___________ was intently listened to Lay. She didn't expect Lay would tell her more than what she asked. On instinct her arms wrapped around Lay and gave him a comforting embrace. "Lay take this in mind, you are not a coward. You're just a selfless jerk that chooses to gave up his own happiness for the happiness of others. I don't know if I should be proud of what you did but I admire you for that." ___________ broke the hug and stare at Lay to show that she meant what she said.


Lay chuckled and messed ___________'s hair. "Thank you ___________ but do you really have to use 'jerk' to describe me?"


___________ laughed and playfully punched Lay's shoulder. "Haha it kinda suit the sentence and I sometimes heard it from dramas. It makes the mood cool plus you're not just a jerk Lay. You are selfless and handsome jerk I have ever met and I'm glad that you're my friend."

Lay was flattered with the complement that he blushed luckily it was already dark and ___________ wouldn't see his tomato face. "Yeah I'm the most handsome jerk you would ever met." Lay playfully boast while laughing.

"Arrogant jerk" ___________ muttered and laughed with Lay.

"I heard that... but seriously though we're lucky you became our friend." Lay sincerely said.

"I know alright, who wouldn't be?" ___________ joked and they both laugh.


*Luhan hyung, you are too lucky to have both beautiful and wonderful girls in your life.*

Lay thought as he stared at ___________ that was heartily laughing.





Annyeong I've updated another chapter....


I hope you didn't this chap boring...

Thank you for the new subscriber and comment from lovelycookies.


I'll do my best to make this story fun for all my subscribers and silent reades...



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rudelysweetk21 #1
Chapter 74: lol really interesting story, i don't really like story with ___ name but anyhow i read this and glad i did because i enjoyed reading :) thanks
Neva_end #2
You have done a great job author :). It was totally awesome.
pinkypn #3
Chapter 74: is the story sort of a spin-off/sequel. gongchan and bunghee wasnt there for the birth of the child or wasnt notified
lovelycookies #4
Chapter 74: Waaa! It's an end. *Clasp clasp* it's good story. Good job, authornim.^o^
lovelycookies #5
Chapter 74: Waaa! It's an end. *Clasp clasp* it's good story. Good job, authornim.^o^
Chapter 73: omg... happy ending... i will miss this story so much... /wipes my tears/ <3 I LOVE GUYS WIFEY EVER N EVVERRR
Chapter 73: Waah~ it already end~huhuhu~ i hope you can make a story about the other member love life!!! again i really love this!!
lovelycookies #8
Chapter 72: Waaaa! Best updates from you, authornim! Waaa! ^^
lovelycookies #9
Chapter 68: sweet Lulu.. >3<
Chapter 68: yaayy!!! finally!!!!1