Chapter 21 - Secrets After Secrets

Red Fountain Academy Series

“P’Singto, I’m glad you’re ok now.” Bambam said. He went to Singto’s Family’s store to help him.

“Thanks for the help, Bambam.” Singto said. “I’ll just take this box outside. Stay there in the cashier.”

“Ok.” Bambam said.

Singto goes out of the store and put the box outside.

He is now going back inside the store when a van stops and some men kidnapped him.

Bambam saw it but it is already too late. He decided to call August.


“You’re harsh towards your brother.” Piglet said to August.

“All I want is to protect him against the gangsters. He got hurt because of his friends.” August said.

“But I am sure that Krist can protect him.” Piglet said.

“Yes he is but the danger will always be there because of Krist.” August said.

Piglet is about to say something but August’s cellphone rings.

“Yes, Bambam?” August said. “What?! Did you see them? Ok.”

“Is there something wrong?” Piglet asks.

“Singto got kidnapped.” August said.

“What?! By who?” Piglet asks.

“I don’t know.” August said.

He called Tay but his cellphone is off.

“Sh*t!” August cursed.

“Stay here. I’m going to find him.” August said.

“But August, what if some gang groups kidnapped Singto?” Piglet asks. “CEO March must know this.”

“I don’t want the Student Council get involve here. This is fight between gangsters.” August said.

“Why? Because you are a gangster, too?” Piglet said.

August looks at her in confused.

“I know that you used to be a gangster. I never commit myself in a relationship if I didn’t know about the guy’s past.” Piglet said. “August, CEO March must know.”

“Ok, fine. If things will get really complicated, tell CEO March. I’ll keep you updated.” August said.

“Ok.” Piglet said.

August hugs Piglet before leaving.


“What is a mafia has to do with us? Red Blood Gang is just a gang group.” Mek asks Krist.

They are now in the car.

“This is Oh’s plan. He didn’t get the help from the Red Blood Gang so he is going to use the girls as bait so we will go on his side.” Krist said.

“But why them? We are not part of the gang.” Mek said.

“Oh knew that you are strong. He will make a good use of you.” Gunsmile said.

Krist’s cellphone rings.

“What is it, August? Singto got kidnapped?!!! Ok. Let’s meet.” Krist said.

“What happened?” Gunsmile asks.

“Singto got kidnapped. August asks us to meet him.” Krist said.

“Then, let’s meet him. But someone must go to tell P’James about what happened.” Mek said.

“I’ll do it.” Oaujun said.

“You go with Indy.” Krist said.

Gunsmile stops the car.

“Indy, go with Oaujun to P’James. We will meet August.” Krist said.

“Ok, boss.” Indy said.


Somewhere in Thailand…

Focus, Alice and Mild were locked up inside a room.

“P’, what should we do?” Alice asks.

“We can’t do right now. We don’t even know who kidnapped us.” Focus said.

Just then, the door opened and Singto was pushed inside the room.

“Singto? You too?” Mild asks.

“What is going on?” Singto asks.

“Well, apparently we were kidnapped.” Alice said.

“Is this because of P’Krist? But what are you doing here, Alice and Mild?” Singto asks.

“Mild is Mek’s girlfriend. P’Focus and I were ex-members of Red Blood Gang.” Alice said.

“You? A gang member?” Singto asks.

“Yes but that was a long time ago.” Alice said.

“But who kidnapped us?” Singto asks.

“This is probably done by Oh. The former leader of Hormone Gang and now a member of Red Dragon Gang.” Focus said.

“Red Dragon Gang?” Singto asks.

“Mafia.” Focus said.

“Mafia?!” Singto is shocked.

“Yes. Unlucky for you but this is not just a war between gangsters.” Focus said.

“I hope that P’James and the others save us.” Alice said.

“P’James? You’re not talking about the former leader of Red Blood Gang that died, right?” Singto asks.

“That’s him.” Alice said. “It is a long story but he is alive. And we must keep it a secret because I know that the enemies don’t know about it.”


Meanwhile, Cheer is going out when Napat came.

“Leaving?” Napat asks.

“Oh? Napat. What are you doing here?” Cheer asks.

“Someone told me that some kidnapping incident happened outside the Red Fountain Academy. Focus was one who got kidnapped.” Napat said.

“Do you hired someone to follow Focus’ movements?” Cheer asks.

“Yes.” Napat said. “Are you behind of the kidnapping?”

“No.” Cheer said.

Napat pushed Cheer on the wall and strangles her.

“Where is Focus?” Napat asks.

“I don’t know!” Cheer said.

“Don’t lie to me!” Napat said.

“I am telling the truth! Why don’t you ask Oh?!” Cheer said.

Napat released Cheer.

“Oh? The former leader of Hormone Gang?” Napat asks.

Cheer coughed.

“Yes. We both know that he has thing for Focus.” Cheer said.

Napat left.

“Boss, what happened?” one of is men asks.

“She denied it.” Napat said.

Then, Napat calls someone.

“Dew, follow Cheer’s every move. I know that she knows where Focus is.” Napat said and ends the call.

“Where are we going now, boss?” the driver asks.

“Red Fountain Academy.” Napat said.


Red Fountain Academy…

All the Student Council members were called for a meeting.

Everyone is already there when Piglet arrived.

“Piglet, where’s August?” March asks.

“Uhmm…” Piglet doesn’t know what to answer.

“Piglet, answer CEO March.” Sita asks. “Where is August? You two are always together.”

“He go out.” Piglet said.

“Where? Why isn’t he informing me?” March asks. “What is going on, Piglet? Tell us, now!”

Piglet startled when March’s voice became loud.

“His brother got kidnapped and he left to find him.” Piglet said.

“What?!” March said.

“Singto got kidnapped. I told August to inform you first but he insist that he find him by himself.” Piglet said.

“Vice-Director Sita, call your brother and ask about August’s brother.” March said.

“Yes, CEO March.” Sita said.

Sita called Krist but his cellphone off.

Gypsy felt nervous while listening. She called Oaujun but she can’t contact Oaujun.

Jo noticed Gypsy.

“P’Gypsy, is there something wrong?” Jo asks.

Everyone heard him and they all look at Gypsy.

“What’s wrong, Gypsy?” Push asks.

“Well, I don’t know if this has something to do with Singto but I can’t contact Alice or even Oaujun.” Gypsy said.

“Hunz, check the CCTV records outside the academy.” March said.

“Yes, CEO March.” Hunz said.


Krist, Mek and Gunsmile met with August.

“Krist, what is going on? I thought you will protect my brother.” August said.

“Singto isn’t the only one who got kidnapped.” Mek said.

“What do you mean, Mek? And why are you with Krist?” August asks.

“Mild, Alice and Focus got kidnapped, too. We are on our way to see P’Jame-” Krist quickly stop what he is saying.

“James Thawornwong. He is alive.” August said.

“You knew?” Mek asks.

“P’Napat ordered me to shoot James Thawornwong during the fight but Alice’s brother, Jo, shot him first. At first, I thought he was dead but to make sure that he is really dead, I stayed until the police came. Then, that’s where I discovered that James is alive. That night, Mr. Thawornwong talked to me. He knew that I want to be a lawyer. He told me that he will help me to get away from War Blood Gang but I need to keep quiet. I agree with him. I told P’Napat that I killed James. After the graduation, I transferred to Red Fountain Academy with the help of Mr. Thawornwong. I quit being gangster and focus on my studies.” August said. “I told you my secret. Now, tell me who kidnapped Singto and the others?”

“It was Oh. He wants a war between the gang groups. He tried to recruit us but we rejected him. That’s the reason why this is happening.” Krist said.

“We need to know where they are.” August said.

“Boss, I know where they are.” Gunsmile said after looking at his cellphone.

He showed to them a text message from anonymous number.


Chippy doesn’t know if what she is doing is right but the next thing she knew is that she is inside her parked car while looking at the big warehouse not too far from her.

“I shouldn’t have followed P’Tay’s group here.” Chippy said.

A while ago at the Vihokratana’s International Academy, she saw Tay and the others leaving. She is about to ignore them but she heard Sky mentioned Alice’s name. She decided to follow them until they lead her there.

She’s been inside her car for 30 minutes and she noticed some people going inside the warehouse. She knows that Tay is a leader of a gang group but she doesn’t know that it was serious.

Since she knows that it is something serious and Alice might be in trouble, she uses her connection to some students in Red Fountain Academy to get the number of anyone from the Red Blood Gang and texted them the place.


Hunz came back after a while.

“Alice, Mild and Focus, a graduate student here, got kidnapped this afternoon outside the academy. Singto got kidnapped outside the store.” Hunz said.

“Oh no!” Gypsy said.

“Vice-Director Sita and Hunz, follow me.” March said and the three left.

“Jo, if you know something, this is the time to tell it to CEO March. Your sister is in danger.” Gypsy said.

Jo nodded before following March.


“Thank you for your help, P’Mick. Let’s proceed to the plan.” James said.

“James, Mild’s friends want to talk to you. It is urgent, they said.” Kik said.

James goes out of his room and went to the living room. He was surprised to see Indy with Oaujun.

“Indy?” James asks.

“Boss.” Indy said and bowed down.

“Why are you here?” James asks. “You told him?”

“I have no choice. Alice, Mild and your girlfriend got kidnapped.” Oaujun said.

“Mild? My Mild?” Kik asks.

“Yes, auntie.” Oaujun said.

“J-James, my niece is in danger.” Kik said.

“Calm down, auntie. I know where they are.” James said. “But you need to get ready. We are going now.”

Kik nodded.


Oh came in the room where Alice and the others are locked up.

“I knew it was you.” Focus said.

“Long time no see, Alice Tsoi.” Oh said.

“What do you want from us? Mild and Singto are not part of Red Blood Gang. P’Focus and I are no longer part of Red Blood Gang.” Alice said.

“Do I need to tell you the reason? I am sure that you already know why you are here.” Oh said. “Ok. I’ll make you a deal. I will let all of you go if Focus will agree to marry me.”

“That will never happen.” Alice said. “P’Focus’ heart will always belong to P’James.”

“James is dead. It would be a waste if Focus just live as a single woman.” Oh said.

“I will die first before you have me.” Focus said.

“Is that you really want? Fine.” Oh said. “Take them.”

Oh’s men came in and take them all.


Cheer arrived at the warehouse but she meet with Oh first.

“Napat came to my condo this morning. He is looking for Focus.” Cheer said.

“What did you say to him?” Oh asks.

“Well, I told him to ask you. And I noticed that someone is following me so probably any minute now Napat will come here.” Cheer said.

Oh caress her cheeks.

“Good job, my dear.” Oh said.


August, Mek, Krist and Gunsmile arrived at the warehouse.

The guards let them in.

Inside the warehouse, there are some gang groups and among them is the Hormone Gang.

“What’s this? A collaboration of Red Blood Gang and War Blood Gang?” Tay asks.

“I am not a member of War Blood Gang anymore and I am not a member of Red Blood Gang.” August said. “I came here because of my brother. I told you not to hurt him again!”

“Ah… Your gay brother?” Tay asks. “We don’t like beating up some weaklings but P’Oh wants him. It is not too late. If the Red Blood Gang join us, we will set them all free.”

“There’s no way the Red Blood Gang join you.” Krist said.

“Those are not just some gangsters. They are mafias.” Gunsmile whispered.

Mek heard it. He looks around and Gunsmile is right.

The people inside the warehouse are not just gangsters. Based on their looks, tattoos and clothes, they are definitely mafia.

“What do you want from Red Blood Gang? The people in here are not just gang groups. They are members of mafias, right?” Gunsmile said.

“Just expected from Red Blood Gang.” Oh said while entering with Cheer.

“P’Cheer.” August said.

“Where are they?” Mek asks.

“Easy there. Don’t you want to know why we let you come here?” Oh asks.

“Because you want the Red Blood Gang to join you?” Krist asks.

“Yes but all we want is Mek.” Oh said.

“Me?” Mek said.

“You have a connection that we want.” Oh said.

“Just tell us what it is.” August said.

“Mek’s father is the boss of Silver Snake Gang.” Oh said.

“Silver Snake Gang?” Mek said.

“Yes. Aum Atichart Thawornwong is the boss of Silver Snake Gang. The strongest and the leader of all the mafias in Thailand.” Oh said.

Mek can’t believe of what he heard. He never thought that the person who hate him being a gangster is the boss of the strongest mafia in Thailand.

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