Chapter 16 – The Ambassadress and The Architect

Red Fountain Academy Series

After the camping, Gypsy became busy with her studies. She didn’t notice that the result of the audition finally released.

“Sissy, congratulations!” Cherreen said when they saw Gypsy.

“For what?” Gypsy asks.

“Don’t you know? You got the role!” Cherreen said.

Gypsy’s eyes widened. “Seriously?”

“Yes! They already posted it on the bulletin board.” Som said.

Gypsy checks the bulletin board. It is true, her name is on the list who passed the audition.

“And you’ll be pairing with P’August.” Proud said.

“This is a dream come true.” Gypsy said. Being the leading lady of August is an honor.

“Congratulations, Gypsy.” Piglet said.

“P’Piglet… Thank you so much.” Gypsy said. “But I don’t think I deserve it.”

“You deserve it. You are a great actress.” Piglet said.

Gypsy smiled.


Not too far from Gypsy and Piglet, Wawa and her friends are watching them.

“I’m sure she used her connection so she get the role.” Wawa said.

“What are you going to do now?” Bifern asks.

“I will just let her experience being the leading lady for a while.” Wawa said.

Wawa and her friends left.


Soon after the result of the audition got out, they start to practice.

For the role of the young Anne Mahapreukpong, Tonson will be playing the role.

For the role of the high school student Anne Mahapreukpong, Gypso will be playing the role.

And for the role of the adult Anne Mahapreukpong, Gypsy will be playing the role.

August will be playing Dilok Mahapreukpong.

Piglet will be Gypsy’s understudy.

After Tonson and Gypso’s scenes, it is now Gypsy’s turn.

The scene is about when Anne Mahapreukpong went back to Thailand from America.

“Finally, I am back in my home country.” Gypsy is trying to act naturally but she is nervous because of the burden.

“Cut!” Namcha said. “Gypsy, you are awkward. Just try to be natural. I know you can do it.”

“Yes, Prof. Namcha.” Gypsy said.

But when she tried it again, it became worst.

Gypsy bite her lower lip when Namcha shouts ‘Cut!’

“Piglet, let see your acting.” Namcha said.

“Yes, Prof. Namcha.” Piglet said but she is worried about Gypsy.

Gypsy get off from the stage.

“You did a great job up there.” Wawa mocked.

Gypsy ignores her.

Gypsy watches Piglet in her acting.

Just as expected, Piglet did a great job.

The practice ended. Gypsy spend the whole practice watching the others.

“That’s all for today.” Namcha said. “You can go now.”

Everyone left.

Gypsy is about to go but Namcha called her.

“Gypsy, I know your ability. I know your talent. I never chose you if you are not deserve to be there. I know that you are carrying a burden because this is not just a High School drama but a Red Fountain Academy drama. I just want you to know that don’t think about anything that burdens you. Just do what you always do.” Namcha said.

“Thank you, Prof. Namcha. I’m sorry for ruining the first day of practice.” Gypsy said.

“It’s ok. You can go now.” Namcha said.

Gypsy left the theatre and saw Jes waiting at her outside.

“Are you ok?” Jes worriedly asks.

“Yeah. Just too much pressure.” Gypsy said.

“What did Prof. Namcha said?” Jes asks.

“Just an advice.” Gypsy said.

“Let’s go back to the dorm.” Jes said.

“Ok.” Gypsy said.


Jes is in the college library using a computer. He is searching for acting tips to help Gypsy.

“Gypsy is surely lucky to be your girlfriend.” August said.

“Do you think so?” Jes asks.

“Of course.” August said.

“She’s having a hard time right now and I want to help her.” Jes said.

“Piglet used to be like that.” August said.

“Piglet is your girlfriend?” Jes asks.

“No, silly. I mean, Piglet experienced what Gypsy’s experiencing right now when she first became a leading lady.” August said. “She really did well during the audition and when we are starting to practice, she felt nervous and can’t act well.”

“What happened next?” Jes asks.

“All of us supported her and she became successful.” August said.

Piglet came holding thick books.

“Well, see you around.” August said to Jes and help Piglet.


Gypsy is in her secret garden, practicing her lines when Esther came.

“I knew you will be here. I bought some snacks.” Esther said.

“I can’t eat snacks that will make me fat.” Gypsy said.

“I know that. These are just low fat snacks.” Esther said.

“We are not usually close but you know me too well.” Gypsy said.

“We were enemies. You must know your enemies.” Esther said.

Gypsy smirked.

“I saw your acting and you are great. I wonder why Fern said to me that you’re having a hard time.” Esther said.

“Fern told you that I am having a hard time?” Gypsy asks.

“Don’t get her wrong. I saw her searching about an actress’s feeling for the first time and I asked her. She said that you are having a hard time because you are the main actress in the musical. She wants to help you.” Esther said.

Gypsy sighed.

“I am not usually like this. But when I am thinking that all the people of the R.F.A as well as the guests that will watch the musical, I got afraid that if I make a mistake, I will drag everyone down.” Gypsy said.

“Don’t think about the future. Think about today. No one knows what will happen in the future. All you need is to focus on today.” Esther said.

“Do you always do that?” Gypsy asks.

Esther nodded.

“Besides, if you need someone to judge your acting, I will volunteer myself. I can be honest.” Esther said.

“Thank you.” Gypsy said. “I really need someone that will be honest to me not the one that always saying nice to me but if I am not around, they will curse me.”

“I can do both. Curse you at the front and at the back.” Esther said.

Gypsy smirked.

“I know.” Gypsy said.



“That’s all for today. Thank you, everyone. Enjoy the rest of the weekend.” Namcha said.

Gypsy took her bag and went to Jes.

“Jes, I’m going back to Bangkok. Wanna come?” Gypsy asks.

“I can’t. I need to do something.” Jes said.

“Is that so? Ok.” Gypsy said.

“Sorry.” Jes said.

“It’s ok.” Gypsy said.


Bangkok, Thailand…

“Finally you are here with me.” Puifai said. “We’ve never been together.”

Puifai and Gypsy are at the mall.

“We are both busy. Me, because of my musical. You, because of your swimming competition.” Gypsy said.

“And add Cherreen.” Puifai said.

Puifai suddenly became sad.

“Hey, cheer up! Whatever happened between you and Cherreen, it will be over.” Gypsy said.

“But because of my stupid decision, I drag you and the others.” Puifai said.

“It wasn’t your fault. Right now, Cherreen doesn’t listen to every reason we have. We just need to wait.” Gypsy said.

Puifai suddenly stop walking.

“What’s wrong?” Gypsy asks.

“Isn’t that Jes?” Puifai asks pointing at the café.

Gypsy looks at the café and saw Jes inside the café with a girl.

“That girl looks familiar.” Puifai said. “I just can’t tell because she’s wearing sunglasses.”

“Let’s go.” Gypsy said and walks away.

Puifai followed her.

“Aren’t you going to ask him? He’s your boyfriend.” Puifai said.

“She’s probably a friend of his.” Gypsy said. ‘Besides, who am I to get jealous? We’re just pretending.’

“Trusting too much?” Puifai asks.

“Jes is head over heels to me. There’s no way he will cheat on me.” Gypsy said.

“You’re right.” Puifai said.


That night, Gypsy can’t sleep. She is thinking about the girl she saw. She wants to know who it is but she doesn’t want to ask Jes. She doesn’t want to show to him that she is jealous.


Gypsy suddenly get up.

“Jealous? I am not jealous. We are nothing. Our relationship is fake. I am just curious. I just want to know who she is.” Gypsy said.

“Then, ask him.” Gypso said.

Gypsy looks around to find Gypso. She saw her standing at her balcony.

“What are you doing there? How did you get up here?” Gypsy asks.

“I climbed. Among all the balconies in the mansion, yours is the easiest to climb.” Gypso said.

“Why did you climb when you can just walk straight to the door?” Gypsy asks.

“Pa is in the living room. He will see me if I get inside from the door.” Gypso said.

“Where have you been? Why are you late?” Gypsy asks.

“As if you don’t know.” Gypso said.

“If pa saw you, you’ll be in big trouble.” Gypsy said.

“I know that’s why I went here.” Gypso said and left the room.


Gypsy is going to the Faculty room when she saw Piglet with the head of Faculty of Nursing.

“You’re neglecting your duty as the representative of the Faculty of Nursing. I think it is because of your club.” The professor said.

Name: Janesuda Parnto aka Jane

Description: Annoying Professor

“I’m sorry, Prof. Jane. It is just because we’re busy for the anniversary.” Piglet said.

“I don’t oppose the anniversary but you must remember that you still have some works to do as the representative of our faculty.” Jane said. “Besides, you are just an understudy. Why do you need to work hard for that?”

Piglet was about to say something but Jane talks again.

“Never mind. I think I need to talk to your auntie.” Jane said.

“Prof. Jane, please don’t tell Aunt Tiny. She will make me quit the club.” Piglet said.

“Then, stop focusing on your club and focus on your faculty.” Jane said and left.

“P’Piglet, are you alright?” Gypsy worriedly asks.

“Oh! Gypsy. You heard?” Piglet asks.

“Sorry.” Gypsy said.

“It’s ok.” Piglet said.

“Do you want to talk about it?” Gypsy asks.

“I think so.” Piglet said.

Gypsy and Piglet went to the noodle restaurant.

“I came from a family when their professions are if not doctors, some are nurses. It became a tradition that every member of the family must be like that.” Piglet said.

“And you don’t want to follow the same path?” Gypsy asks.

“I wanted to be an actress.” Piglet said. “I joined the drama club so even just in the club, I can do what I want. But because of the upcoming anniversary, my duty as the representative of Faculty of Nursing are neglecting.”

“But are you happy as a nursing student?” Gypsy asks.

Piglet shook her head.

“You’re always giving me an advice but now I will be the one that will give you. Before it is too late, do what will make you happy, even everyone is against it.” Gypsy said.

“Thanks, Gypsy.” Piglet said.


Jes and Gypsy are in high school theatre. Jes is giving her some tips about acting.

“Wow! How did you managed to know these tips?” Gypsy asks after listening to the tips.

“I have ways.” Jes said.

“I see.” Gypsy said. “Thanks for the tip. I should see my friends now.”

“Ok.” Jes said.


Gypsy went to see her friends in their favorite hang-out place. She is getting near the place when she hears her friends arguing.

“Girls, what’s going on? Why are you fighting?” Gypsy asks.

“Sissy, good thing you are here. Talk to Som. She is going crazy.” Puifai said.

“Wait! Som, what’s going on?” Gypsy asks.

“She wants us to be friends with Esther’s group.” Puifai said.

“Puifai, I thought you want me to talk to Som. I want to talk to her.” Gypsy said.

Puifai shuts up.

“Som, what’s wrong?” Gypsy asks.

“I just want us and Esther’s group to stop fighting.” Som said.

“Why?” Gypsy asks.

“They are nice to Neen and if we are fighting with their groups, Neen will be affected.” Som said.

“If you stop her from being friends with them, she wouldn’t be involved.” Alice said.

“Our fights with them are childish. We should end it.” Som said.

“Childish? Really? So, are you saying that we are childish?” Puifai said. “Remember, you are part of it.”

“If I didn’t hang out with you, I will never part of this.” Som said.

“Then, you are welcome to go.” Puifai said.

“I will go.” Som said and left.

“Som, wait!” Gypsy said.

“Just let her go.” Puifai said.

“This is not right. We are a group. We are all friends.” Gypsy said.

“Som just joined us because we are popular.” Puifai said.

“Don’t say that.” Proud said. “Som joined us because she is my friend.”

“Because you like copying her assignments.” Puifai said.

“Puifai!” Gypsy said.

“Wow! I can’t believe it. You are showing your true self. So, this is the real Natthapat. You just showed to me that you are not worth to be my brother’s girlfriend.” Cherreen said.

“Don’t try to involve the issue about me and your brother to this issue.” Puifai said.

“You know what? I am sick of being a part of this group. I’m out.” Cherreen said.

“What? Cherreen.” Gypsy said.

“Let’s go, Thanaerng.” Cherreen said.

Cherreen and Thanaerng left.

“Good job, Puifai. Really.” Proud said and left.

“Puifai, you shouldn’t said those words.” Gypsy said.

“What? So, you think I am wrong?” Puifai asks.

“Yes. They are our friends.” Gypsy said. “If Som wants us to stop the fight with Esther’s group, then we will stop.”

“No! I am not going to be friend with Nitcharee.” Puifai said. “You know what? Lately, I think you are being too nice to Esther. Is she your new best friend?”

“Of course not! You’re my best friend.” Gypsy said.

“Then, don’t think about stopping the fight because if you do, forget about me as your best friend.” Puifai said and left.

Gypsy sighed. She doesn’t know what to do. Everything is a mess right now.

Trivia #16

I always wanted to have a younger sister like Mook. I don’t know her personality in the real world but every time I watched her dramas, she is so cute and lovely. So, I am trying to do it to her here in Red Fountain Academy: The Series.

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