Chapter 8 - The Nagger and The Troublemaker

Red Fountain Academy Series

Mek and Mook join their parents for a dinner.

“This is new. You don’t have a fight tonight?” Mek and Mook’s father said.

Name: Atichart Thawornwong aka Aum

Description: The Son of Mafia

“Aum…” Nat Myria said.

“What? Your son always bring trouble to our family.” Aum said.

“All my fights never involve the family.” Mek said.

“What about the shame of the family because of you?” Aum asks.

“Pa…” Mook said.

“I am only giving the justice that P’James deserves that you can’t give.” Mek said.

“What are you trying to say? That I didn’t do anything for your brother?” Aum asks.

“That’s the truth.” Mek said.

“What?!!!” Aum’s voice became loud.

The other customers in the restaurant look at them.

“Aum, enough! You’re embarrassing us.” Nat Myria said.

“Your son is embarrassing this family.” Aum said.

“Then, I am out of this family.” Mek said and walks out of the restaurant.

“Mek!” Mook said.

She is about to go after her brother but her father stops her.

“Sorry, pa. He’s my twin brother and he needs me.” Mook said and left.


“Mek! Mek!” Mook keeps calling on her brother but he is ignoring her.

“Mek!-Ah!” Mook accidentally trip herself.

Mek comes back to help her.

“Just what do you think you’re doing?” Mek asks.

“I keep calling for you but you ignore me.” Mook said.

Mek checks her knees and saw a little wound on her right knee.

“Go back home safely.” Mek said while wrapping her knee with handkerchief.

“What about you?” Mook asks.

“Everywhere.” Mek said and left her.


Mek is walking on the street when Krist’s group came.

“Let’s talk.” Krist said.

“I don’t want to talk to you.” Mek said.

“Mild Wira Jiravechsoontornkul.” Krist said.

“What about her?” Mek said.

“She’s cute and she protects you.” Krist said. “Just like what Alice used to do with you.”

Mek punches Krist.

Gunsmile punches Mek.

The others hold Mek.

“Dare to touch her and you’ll be sorry.” Mek said.

Krist wipes the blood on his lips with the back of his hand.

“You’re just like your brother. I hope you will not end up just like him.” Krist said.

Mek wants to attack Krist but he can’t get out from the holding of the two guys.

“Krist? Mek?” it was Focus.

“Focus?” Krist said.

“What are you doing to Mek?” Focus asks.

The two let go of Mek.

“We’re just talking.” Krist said. “Nice to see you again.”

Krist and the others left.

“Good thing I see you, Mek.” Focus said. “I need to talk to you.”


Focus brought Mek to her apartment.

“I thought you’re in Paris.” Mek said.

“I came back.” Focus said.

“I thought you forgotten about P’James.” Mek said.

“I went to Paris as advised from my parents so I can start a new life but I never forgotten that incident. So I decided to come back to know and give justice to the one who killed James.” Focus said. “But Mek, Krist has nothing to do with his death. I know Krist and he look up James because James treats him like a brother.”

“If P’James die, Krist will be the leader and I know that he really wanted to be the leader.” Mek said.

“He wanted to be the leader but he will not kill James.” Focus said. “If you want to know who killed James, start with the people that hate him.”


Mild went to the mall to buy art supplies and she knows where the perfect shop is.

“Welcome to JJ Art Shop.” Fon said while sitting at the front of the cash register.

“Oh? P’Fon.” Mild said.

“Hi, Mild!” Fon said.

“Where’s P’JJ?” Mild asks.

“He is on a date with Khae so he asked me to watch the shop first.” Fon said. “So, what can I do for you?”

“I need all of the things on the list.” Mild said and gives her the list.

“I’ll be right back.” Fon said and went to the storage room.

While waiting, Mild looks around the shop.

She is looking at the painting of the unicorn when someone came in.

“Do you like it?” someone said from her back.

Mild turned around and saw Krist.

“P’Krist.” Mild said. “What are you doing here?”

“JJ is a friend of mine. I came here to visit him.” Krist said.

“Only P’Fon is here right now. P’JJ went on a date.” Mild said.

“I see.” Krist said. “I wonder if he left the canvas that I ordered to Fon.”

“P’Fon is in the storage room. You can wait for her.” Mild said.

Mild looks at the painting of the unicorn again.

“Do you know the story behind the ‘Wings of Freedom’?” Krist asks.

“No.” Mild said.

“The unicorn is actually just an ordinary horse that wants to be free from the cruel world. The black clouds far from him symbolize the cruelty that the horse experienced. A white figure in the black clouds symbolizes a fairy that helped the horse by giving the horse a pair of wings to fly for its freedom and an alicorn to heal the wounds that it got from the cruel world. The blue sky where the unicorn is flying means that the unicorn found the world where it belongs.” Krist said.

“Wow… How did you know the story?” Mild asks.

“I am the artist behind that painting.” Krist said.

“Oh! Wow…” Mild said.

“You can’t believe it, right?” Krist said.

“Yes… No… I mean… I thought that you joined the Art Club because of P’Sita.” Mild said.

“It is but I wouldn’t join if I don’t have a talent.” Krist said.

“Here are your- P’Krist!” Fon said.

“I came here to get the canvas.” Krist said.

“Oh right! I’ll get it.” Fon said and went back inside the storage room.

After a while, Fon came back with a canvas.

Mild paid the things she bought.

“Thank you, P’Fon.” Mild said.

Mild is carrying the heavy bag of art supplies while walking towards the door but she can’t open the door because she is having a hard time with the bag.

Krist takes the canvas and opens the door for her.

“Thank you.” Mild said.

“Why don’t you carry my canvas and I’ll carry your bag?” Krist asks.

“No it’s fine.” Mild said.

“You’re small. You will not get taller if you carry heavy bags.” Krist said and takes the bag from Mild.

Mild has no choice but to take the canvas.

Mild is just following where Krist is going.

And when Krist enters a café, she wants to protest but she is shy.

“Let’s have some coffee first.” Krist said.

“Ok.” Mild shyly said.

“What do you like?” Krist asks.

“Mocha frappe.” Mild said.

“Ok.” Krist said and went to the counter.

“Weird. He is a gangster but he is so nice to me.” Mild said.

“Can’t a gangster be nice?” Krist asks from her back.

Mild is surprised.

“You’re fast.” Mild said.

“I know the owner of this café and I am always here so the staffs already know what I want. I just told them your order.” Krist said while sitting on the chair facing her. “So, can’t a gangster be nice?”

“Sorry. It is just that you and Mek are fighting and everyone in the academy is afraid of you.” Mild said.

“I and Mek have unresolved things that need to be solve.” Krist said.

“Don’t tell me. I don’t want to be involve in his life.” Mild said.

“But you’re already involved in his life. You’re his girlfriend, right?” Krist said.

“No! The last thing I will do is to have a troublemaker boyfriend.” Mild said.

“But I thought you and him are dating. The way you pulled him out of the fight with my group, you really like a couple. I used to remember someone that can control him just the way you control him.” Krist said.

“I am only doing that is because of Mook. Mook wants to see Mek graduates. But it is impossible because he is a gangster.” Mild said.

“I am a gangster but I am graduating soon.” Krist said. “I know successful people that used to be gangsters.”

“Really?” Mild asks.

“It is not that we will always be gangsters for the rest of our lives.” Krist said.

“Then, why do you want to be a gangster when you are leaving being a gangster in the end?” Mild asks.

“It is not that we are leaving, but it will lessen the fights. We will only fight if we need to. We still have dreams, you know.” Krist said.

“I always thought that gangsters are bad guys that all they want is to fight.” Mild said.

“Don’t look outside but instead know first the reason why we are fighting. Just like the reason why Mek is fighting every gangster in Thailand.” Krist said.

Mild suddenly thought of Mek.

Why is Mek fighting?’ she thought. Even once, she never asked Mook why Mek is always fighting.

“Shall we go?” Krist asks.

“Huh? Yeah.” Mild said. “But where are we going?”

“I want to show you the hideout of Red Blood Gang.” Krist said.

“Eh? But why?” Mild feels nervous.

“Relax. You’ll going to like it.” Krist said.

Mild wants to leave but she can’t since Krist is carrying her art supplies.

They went to the parking lot and Krist put the art supplies and the canvas at the back seat of the car.

Then, he opened the front passenger seat’s door to let Mild get inside the car.

Mild doesn’t have a choice but to get in the car.


Krist parks the car outside a tall building.

“Wait! Isn’t this the Art Gallery that owned by P’Sita?” Mild asks.

“I am the real owner of this Art Gallery but since I am a gangster, I used Sita’s name so my enemies will not come here.” Krist said while taking out the art supplies from the car.

Mild take the canvass.

Krist enters the building and Mild follow him.

They get inside the elevator.

The elevator stops at the top floor.

“We’re here.” Krist said and get out of the elevator first.

Mild looks around.

The whole floor doesn’t have any rooms. The whole place is the room.

One side of the room is the large window that can see the city and the rest are walls that covered in different paintings.

There’s a leather sofa in the middle of the room around it are lots of art supplies.

There are some paintings leaning on the walls.

And at the corner of the room, few paintings that covered by sheet of cloth.

“So, what can you say about our hideout?” Krist asks.

“It’s so cool. I always wanted to have my own space for my paintings or where I can paint in peace.” Mild said.

“Very different from a gangster’s hideout, right?” Krist asks.

Mild nodded while looking around.

Mild looks at the paintings.

“K.P.?” Mild asks.

“That’s me.” Krist said.

“You are K.P.?” Mild asks. “I am a fan of yours. I love all your art works.”

“Thanks.” Krist said. “It seems like you are always in the gallery below.”

“Yeah. I always come here every weekend.” Mild said. “I love your art works and also some sculptures that made by G.Smile.”

“That’s Gunsmile.” Krist said.

“Really? You are so cool.” Mild said.

Just then, Gunsmile and Indy arrived.

“I think I should better go.” Mild said.

“I can drive you home.” Krist said.

“It’s ok. I can just take a cab.” Mild said.

“Are you sure?” Krist asks.

“Yeah.” Mild said. “Thank you, P’Krist.”

“Come visit anytime.” Krist said.

Mild smiled.

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