The Reason I said 'I DO'

FEBRUARY 14, 2012

10:45 AM

"YAH! Lee Jinki! Hurry up! we don't have time!" Key nagged, pushing Onew out of his chair and handed him the tripod which is to be placed in his car.

"Harsh much!" Onew compained, tripping because of the carpet.

"Yah! watch out!" Key scolded, pulling Onew up then turned to Jonghyun.

"YAH! Kim Jonghyun! Where is MInhwan!? It's your turn to have your son today! Where is heee????" Key demanded, pulling Jonghyun up to his feet and pushing him out the door so he could get Minhwan from Sekyung.

"Arraso, chill hyung. Chill." Jonghyun replied calmly, and grinning at the thought of having his son back with him."

How can you aske me to chill!?-" Key was cut off with Taemin sudenly running down the stairs with the phone on his hand.

"Hyung! Minho hyung called and said he just arrived!" Taemin said, anything but calm.

"See? now hurry up! Jonghyun, you wil have to catch up! we have to go now! YAH! ONew hyung why can't you carry those properly!? What are you a kid?" Key nagged, taking the tripod from Onew and doing the job himself.

"Was that an insult!?" Onew asked, feigning offence.

"If ___________ and Minho don't get together because of us being late, I;m cutting your balls off." Key stated in a serious voice, scaring both Taemin and Onew who were still in the room.




"So, do you see them?" Yuri asked Lucy who was currently looking through binoculars.

"Yes! and where is Key!? We have to have this all on tape!" Lucy whined.

"I'll go call him." Yuri said, taking her phone out and dialing Key's number.

"Yoboseyo?" Key answered breathlessly.

"Oppa! Where are you!?" Yuri asked.

"We're already on our way down, I'm getting out of the car now." Key said, then pressed the end button without waiting for Yuri to reply and taking his post.



11:50 AM

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7I1Gi3hM27k )

Minho stood nervously behind a huge oak tree that was in the far side of the river bend. It was one part of the whole place where no one really knew it

exsisted and Minho thanked the heavens silently that he was able to find such place.

"Hyung, stop looking so nervous." Taemin muttered, frowing.

"What if she rejects me!?" Minho asked frantically, playing with the hem of his white V-neck muscle shirt.

"You really think she would?" Taemin asked, looking him stright in the eye.

Minho remained silent not even wanting to think what would happen to him if she actually rejects him.

"Then I guess she'll reject you." Taemin stated, carefull waiting for Minho's reaction.

"YAH!-" Minho was about to say something but Taemin quickly put his hand over Minho's mouth, pointing behind the tree. 

Then Minho understood and gulped nervously.

"Unnie, where are we?" ___________ asked, marvelling at the beauty around her. The breeze was lightly blowing making strays of her hair fly over her face as she took a deep breath, taking in newly discovered surroundings.

"Well, we're in Korea which is found in Asia, which is found in the world which is-" Hyuna started, rambling.

"Unnie, you're nervous aren't you?" _____________ asked, noticing Hyuna's sudden change of attitude.

"Nope! Just really really really really really excited." Hyuna replied, jumping up and down.


"So, we're eating lunch under this tree?" ___________ asked and approached the tree and was about to circle it, moving towards the left.

"WAIT!" Hyuna said, topping her from going any further.

"What is it?" ____________ asked, looking at Hyuna as Taemin and Minho moved to the right of the tree, so they could avoid _____________'s sight.

"Uh, nothing, I just uh are you hungry?" Hyuna asked, taking a little glance towards Taemin and Minho's direction.

_____________ caught it.

"Unnie, what are you looking at?" ___________ asked, then turned around, moving to the right. 

Taemin gave Minho a panicked look, luckily Minho quickly moved towards the left of the tree and pulled Taemin along with him.

Hyuna breathed a sigh of relief.

"There's nothing there, what were you looking at?" ___________ asked, still gaving at the river.

"Why do you have so many questions? Anyway, I'm going to go get out lunch you wait here arasso?" Hyuna said, leaving quickly.

When Hyuna was two meters away from the tree, Taemin ran after her.

"Nooooonaaaa!!!!!! Wait for me!!!!!!!!!!!" He called out. 

____________'s head quickly snapped towards Taemin's direction but before she could react, Hyuna and tAemin already ran off.

"Where the heck did he come from?" _____________ wondered out loud, laughing silently.

"Behind the tree." Minho whispered, bending towards her ear.

_____________ felt her heart rate speed up and she froze on the spot. Closing her eyes as she tried to calm down.

_____________ slowly turned around, and as she did, Minho quickly pulled her into a bone crushing hug.

After a few seconds, ____________ hesistantly returned the hug and burried her face on his chest.

"I'm sorry." MInho apologized pulling her tighter against him.

"I Love you." Minnho muttered, loud enough for her to hear.

____________ closed her eyes, wishing that if that moment was a dream, she'd never wake up. 

Her eyes were still closed, as Minho pulled away from her and she felt her heart drop.

When she slowly opened her eyes, Minho crushed his lips against his and placed his hand around her waist, pulling her close to him once again.

___________ pulled away.

"W-what are you doing here?" ____________ asked, feeling tears blur her eye sight.

"I've been an idiot and I'm here to get you back." Minho stated, looking at her with love evident in his eyes.

"H-how about Y-yuri?" ____________ asked, looking down.

Minho chuckled.

"She's my sister __________." 

"Eh?" Her head quickly snapped up her face, forming a scowl.

Minho explained the whole situation while ___________ was slowly processing the newly learned information.

"Wow." was all ____________ could say.

"So, you intentionally hurt me so I can reach my dreams?" She asked, raising her eye brows towards MInho.

"Yes." Minho answered.

"Well, that's stupid considering how you never asked me about my dreams." She deadpanned.


"I've always wanted to become a disgner but that isn't my dream. My dream is to have a family with three or four kids and live a happy simple life." She explained, smiling widely as she talked about her dream.

Without answering, Minho knelt down on one knee and produced a black velvet box from his back pocket.

__________'s eyes widened, as she took a step back but Minho held her hand firmly in place, making the move fail.

"So now I feel even more of an idiot than I already am." Minho sighed.

"Yoo ____________, Will you please give me the honor to be the father of your dream three or four kids? In that happy simple life?" He asked.

"In other words, will you marry me? ----- again?" He asked.

____________ opened but Minho spoke again.

"I know my grandmother is crazy and is far from simple, but we can always find ways. I know my profession isn't exactly simple either but I can give that up for you if you'd ask me to, I kno-"

"YAH! Stop talking and let her answer!" Lucy yelled from a far, with Yuri, Taemin and Hyuna beside her.

"Yeah! you're talking to much!" Key yelled from the branch of the tree with Onew, munching on something, probably chicken.

"Oppa? When did both of you get there?" She asked.

"We've been here since you and Hyuna arrived, and you might want to answer Minho cause he looks like he's about to pee his pants." Key joked, making everyone laugh.

"Stand up Minho." _____________ stated and pulled Minho up to his feet and cupped his face with her hands.

"Yes, I will marry you. Again and again and again and again." ____________ answered pecking his lips.

"Good! now that that's over, Minho slip the engagement ring on her finger! We have five hours to make this girl look prettier." Lucy announced. Minho quickly slipped the ring on ____________'s finger while Onew and Key jumped down from the tree and started running towards his car. 

While Jonghyun appeared carrying Minhwan and giving him to Lucy while he ran off to get the car they're going to be in.

"Uh, What's happening?' ______________ asked,confused why everyone started pacing around the place and taking their phones out to call people.

"You're getting married today!" Hyuna and Yuri exclaimed at the same time, pulling __________ away from Minho who called out.

"See you in the altar!" 



"So this was all your plan?" ____________ asked, glaring playfully towards Lucy, Yuri, Hyuna, Tiffany and Jessica.

"And both of you were in this too?" She asked, taling about TIffany and Jessica.

"Actually everyone knew except for you.." Jessica replied, trailing off.

"Don't act like you don't like it. By the way ___________. You look beautiful." Yuri stated giving her a soft smile which she returned.

"Thank you." ____________ answered truthfully and walked towards Yuri and hugged her.

"So are you girls ready?" Jonghyun, asked, opening the door woth Minhwan.


"Well, I don't have a choice now do I?" ____________ asked.

"Nope, no you don't!" Lucy answered excitedly.

"Well, let's go do this!" ___________ cheered and all of them exited the waiting room; procceeding to the wedding hall.

(A/N: i hate these things but if the songs still playing, please stop it and play the next song :D)


Everyone took their places; Jonghyun temporarily gave Minhwan to Sekyung who was sitting o one of the chairs.

"Are you nervous?" Jonghyun asked, whispering.

"What do you think Oppa?" _________ replied sarcastically.

Suddenly, the song I'll be by Edwin Mcain started.

 ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=crBHtoRASqc )

____________ tightly gripped Jonghyun's fore arm as the double doors opened, ___________let her eyes roam around, seeing everything for the first time. 


The room was wide and round, having enough space for roughly three hundred guests, the chairs were covered with light beige seat covering and was accented with a hand made flower that scrunches the extra pieces of loose seat covering from the chairs and is found behind every chair. 

Before the altar, was a wide white bench with two peach colored square pillows to sit on.

A red carpet covered the center aisle and there were beautiful flower petals on them leaving a trail for the bride to walk on. Flowers in elegant stands stood oppossite to each other, with peach colored cloth draped over them, hanging forming a wide U as it connents to another stand beside it. The once plain ceiling of the hall, was decorated wth giant peach colored cloths thathang from the part of the ceiling where the chandelier is found up to the side of the whole hall. There was a white grand piano on the fartheest corner of the room so that it wouldn't be too noticed, together with the choir. 

Over all, It was beautiful.

Everything she wanted in her wedding was right infront of her. The theme, the flowers she suggested, the venue of the wedding and of course the man she loves, waiting for her at the altar smiling happily. After she studied the whle place discreeetely, she noticed that everyone was standing and looking at her and Jonghyun as they walked passed, giving her encouraging and excited smiles.

She blushed.

 She looked and looked back up only for her eyes to meet Minho'sthey stared at each other and they couldn't look away. Actually, __________ couldn't take his eyes off Minho. He looked so handsome sporting a black tuxedo and italian leather shoes.

Minho, on the other hand, also couldn't take his eyes off ___________. She looked absolutely amazing wearing the gown. Even though the make-up was light, she looked like she was glowing under the lights of the hall. The way her hair was fixed, a simple french twist, accented with a diamond, studded clip and the veil, made it look elegant. Minho smiled.

____________ returned the smile as her heart started beating even faster than it already has been since she found pout she was getting married. 


Jonghyun and ____________ reached the altar, Minho took her hand and lead both of them toward the priest who gave them a big smile.

So far, the wedding was perfect, Minho and __________ couldn't take their eyes of each other, always sneaking glances and giving each other secret smiles. IT was finally time for the vows.

"Choi Minho will you take __________ as your wife, to love, to serve and protect?" THe priest asked.

"I DO." Minho answered slipping the ring on ____________'s left ring finger.

"Yoo __________, will you take Minho as your husband, to love to serve and to comfort during times of sorrow?" The priest asked.

____________ turned to her friends.

"Should I?" She asked out loud just to tease Minho. EVeryone cheered and laughed as Minho started looking uncomfortable.

She laughed.

" I DO." ___________ answered, automatically, Minho looked relieved.

The guests once again irrupted into cheers and howls.

"You may now kiss the bride." The priest announced.

With out waiting for anything else, Minho pulled ____________ towards him and gave her one of the best kisses of her life.

Minho pulled away with a smile and faced everyone's beaming faces.

"I'm happy you never stopped loving me." He whispered bending towards ___________'s ear.

"As you should! because that's the only reason why I said 'I DO'." ____________ replied, smiling and pecking him on the lips once more.

                                                                                                                                   ~THE END~













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ReaderByHeart1521 #1
Chapter 39: Man! And here I thought that the mother was good but damn! -.- happens in every typical kdrama story plot! Those mothers! -.-
sapphirequake #2
Chapter 15: I really like the grandmother. Soooo funny! :D
sfghgf4444 #3
Chapter 64: love this story <3
algaiaknight #4
Chapter 64: Finally finished read your fic and have to said that I love this....I love your story plot ahaha I even can imagine that am the heroin *ahem* and I love how rid Minho & Yuri mom...though it is surprise for me to see Minho & Yuri real relationship haha...you should make short sequel featuring Key-Yuri & Onew-Jessica ahaha...love the fic..going to read the seqeul soon..keep up the good work =)
Chapter 59: Very nice story. Imma charge my phone now coz im honna read the next part. Yaay! ;)
Chapter 23: Soooo romantic. ♡
Chapter 3: Gahhh im having fun. :)
Wonderful, amazing, nice , good, lovely, and greeaaaaaat story
unicornwhisperer #9
Chapter 64: Thank you so much for this wonderful story please don't stop writing you're awesome ^^