The Reason I said 'I DO'

"What are you doing?" Minho repeated. ___________ dropped the album being startled by Minho. She turned around and faced an expressionless Minho now, standing directly behind her. She rose up to her feet and met his steady gaze. 

"You told me to explore, that's what I was doing." ____________ replied smartly. 

Minho didn't reply, instead his eyes trailed from her face to the album lying on the carpeted floor. 

__________ followed his gaze and decided to confront him about it.

"Who's she?" __________ asked, bending for the album.

"No one." Minho replied stoically.

"If she's no one, you wouldn't mind me asking about her right?" ____________ provoked.

"Yes, she's no one, that's why I wouldn't want to waste my saliva talking about her." Minho turned and headed towards the door, while __________ was staring at the girl's picture for the second time. 

The it clicked. 

The girl in the picture had straight black hair and eyes that looked exactly like Yuri's. 

The girl was Yuri.

"This explains why Yuri was in a hurry, maybe she recognized Minho."

Minho was already turning the knob of the door when her voice stopped her.

"Will you really not tell me about her?" ____________ tried again.

Minho sighed but didn't turn to her.

"For the last time, She's no one important." Minho repeated but before he could take another step ___________'s words stopped him.

"Why won't you tell me? I'm supposed to be your wife. No secrets." ___________ said.

"Do you still love him?" Minho asked, still not looking at her, scared of what her answer might be.

___________ didn't answer, instead she realized, that since the confrontation at the party, She hasn't given a single thought about Jonghyun.

"I thought so, We don't love each other __________. I don't love you, you don't love me. We're only married by law." He replied, and was about to step out for the last time, but her words stopped him and made him freeze.

"I saw her today. The girl in the picture. Her name's Yuri right? She helped me find the exit." She said. This got Minho's attention as he turned around and looked straight into her glassy eyes.

"What?" He asked in a very low voice, that if it wasn't for the tense silence surrounding them, she wouldn't have heard him.

"Let me ask you. Do you still love her?" Minho didn't reply, but he stared into her eyes.

"I thought so too."She said.

"Why did you marry me Minho? Is it really for your grandmother? or did you just want to forget Yuri?" Minho clenched his fist.

With out another word, ____________ ran out passed Minho and down the stairs, towards the entrance. She ran along the cement drive way and towards the iron gates which were opened because Dongyeop was entering. 

"_____________-ssi! Where are you going? You might get lost!" He called out.

_____________ heard several distant voices call for her, but she ignored them and continued running.

'I don't love you.'

''I don't love you.'

'I don't love you.'

These words were repeated over and over in her mind. Tears were falling freely from her eyes, when she spotted a lot with bushes and trees making it look like a forest in the middle of Singapore.

She ran towards that direction until she couldn't run anymore. Her knees eventually gave up and she landed on them, panting hard. She looked around and found herself inside an abandoned playground with dirty beer bottles scattered and a wooden table in the farthest corner. 

"Why am I acting like this?" She said.

"Why am I hurt?' She said again.

"Why did I run away?" 

"Why do I always run away?" She asked herself, feeling her chest tighten. The clouds started to darken and thunder was rolling but rain wasn't pouring.

"What do we have here boys?" A gruff voice said directly above her. 

______________ stood up and saw about three men. The one in the middle had a graying beard and the other two had a lot of scars. 

"I'll be leaving now." ___________ said, proud that her voice didn't falter. She turned around and was ready to run until she felt one of the men grab her hands and put them behind her back.

"You should stop running away girlie." The man with a broken nose and two scars on his lips said, breathing into her neck sending a shiver of fear and disgust through her body.

"L-let me go." She said struggling away from his grip. These men smelled like alcohol and it was suffocating her.

"Awwe, don't worry babes, we're not going to hurt you, You might even be begging for more." A man with a half burned face stood infront of her and her ears. She shriveled away from disgust and spat on his face.

"Get away from me you e!" She screamed and was about to kick him on his crotch but the man wit the beard caught her leg and brought it around his waist roughly.

"e eh?" He asked before releasing her leg and clutching her face tightly and bringing her to the ground. 

Her head hit a bottle she didn't notice was there and sent a throbbing pain through her head. Now, she was scared and it was evident in her eyes.

The man who was holding her hands earlier grabbed her hair and made her sit up. She groaned in pain and saw furry in the men's eyes.

"You are going to listen to everything we say !" The man with burnt face stated, looming over her.

"No I won't!" She yelled once again.

"I bet she likes it rough." The man holding her hair said.

The man with the beard grabbed her hair and pulled her head back roughly once again.

"You stupid , who do you think you are!?" The man yelled making ________ witness his wrath. __________ saw him raise his closed fist towards her face and together with the sound of the thunder, His fist collided with her face, making her whimper in pain.

__________ was shaking and she was scared.

"Please no... Don't." She begged looking the man straight in the eye and who had a smirk on his face. 

"Too late, We would have been gentle but, the rougher the better." The man said ertedly.

__________ struggled again, but she was too weak, Her head was throbbing and her chest was heaving up and down due to the crying, the yelling and the running. She felt like she couldn't breathe.

More tears fell from her eyes.

"Minho help!" She screamed but was over powered by the sound of the thunder and the man's slap.

"Minho help!"

"Minho!" She moved her head left and right.

"Shut up!" He screamed.

'Minho where are you?' She thought before she felt his disgusting lips over hers while she was struggling with all her might.



Minho ran after___________ but lost her after she entered the lot. His heart was beating erratically fast. 

"Pabo! Why did I let her run!?" He screamed to him self feeling frustrated and mad.

He ran in every random direction, looking for her, screaming her name, but he didn't receive a reply. The thunder roared for the second time. He looked up and saw that it was about to rain.

"Minho help!" He heard someone yell.

"Minho!" This did it for him, He knew that his wife was in the hands of trouble and he wouldn't be able to forgive himself if something happened to her.

He ran towards the direction of her yell but it all suddenly stopped.

"Shut up!" He heard a man yell, He felt every emotion in his body drain and was replaced by anger. As he grew closer to the direction of the yell, he heard muffled voices of a man and a girl. 

Minho started running faster and as he reached an abandoned playground, He saw three men over a limp looking _________. 

With his fury he held one man by his collar throwing him a meter from them and proceeded to the second man, who didn't yet notice him and kicked him hard in the balls.

The bearded man looked up at Minho but before he could fully register what was about to happen, Minho raised his fist and started punching the man mercilessly, with all his anger and hatred directed towards him. The first man he threw off, recovered and was about to help his leader, but Minho acted first. He kicked the guy in his stomach and got a near-by bottle and smashed it on his head.

"DON'T.YOU. EVER.DO.THIS.AGAIN." Minho threatened before giving them all a glare. When his eyes found __________. He softened and picked her up bridal style. 

_____________ lifted her head and saw Minho's concerned face. She was about to say something but Minho cut her off.

"Don't talk, just rest okay? We can talk tomorrow." ____________ nodded slowly and rested her head on his broad chest. 

"You came for me." She whispered, trying to fight off sleep.

"I promised you I wasn't going to leave you ________. and I don't plan on breaking that promise." Minho whispered, and brought her head up for him to kiss. 

"I Love you Choi Minho." ___________ confessed silently, but Minho wasn't able to hear that due to the loud pattering of the rain. He hugged her closer to his body and sighed, looking down at her.



So heeyy!!!!!! here's the chapter  promised! tada!!!!! So how was this?and yes the girl is Yurii!!! ^.^ 

i'll give you a clue.. ummmmm i think five or three chapters from now, Jonghyun will be back... ^.^

i love you!

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ReaderByHeart1521 #1
Chapter 39: Man! And here I thought that the mother was good but damn! -.- happens in every typical kdrama story plot! Those mothers! -.-
sapphirequake #2
Chapter 15: I really like the grandmother. Soooo funny! :D
sfghgf4444 #3
Chapter 64: love this story <3
algaiaknight #4
Chapter 64: Finally finished read your fic and have to said that I love this....I love your story plot ahaha I even can imagine that am the heroin *ahem* and I love how rid Minho & Yuri mom...though it is surprise for me to see Minho & Yuri real relationship haha...you should make short sequel featuring Key-Yuri & Onew-Jessica ahaha...love the fic..going to read the seqeul soon..keep up the good work =)
Chapter 59: Very nice story. Imma charge my phone now coz im honna read the next part. Yaay! ;)
Chapter 23: Soooo romantic. ♡
Chapter 3: Gahhh im having fun. :)
Wonderful, amazing, nice , good, lovely, and greeaaaaaat story
unicornwhisperer #9
Chapter 64: Thank you so much for this wonderful story please don't stop writing you're awesome ^^