The Reason I said 'I DO'

"Nooonaa!! Taemin called, entering the kitchen where __________ was flipping pancakes.

"Yes?" ____________ answered trying to ignore the heavy wieght she felt.

Yes, it's been one month, yet ___________ still couldn't move one fully.

She kept acting like she was okay and itsn't hurt anymore just so everyone would stop worrying about her. 

"Noona! Onew hyung and I are coming with you enroll arasso?" Taemin asked, opening the fridge to get his daily dose of milk.

"Yes! I'll be coming with you!" Onew suddenly exclaimed entering the kitchen with nothing but a pair of boxers on.

"YAH! Lee Jinki! what are you wearing!?" ___________ screeched turning red. Come one! who wouldn't turn red at the sight of Onew's toned upper half!? I mean seriously.

"Awwe, look she's blushing! Just admit it! You like seeing me like this." Onew teased waggin his eyebrows.

"Nope. No I don't infact, get out of my kitchen and when did you start sleeping here!? DOn't you have your own house!?"  _______________ yelled pushing him out the kitchen.

"Yeah, I do but Jonghyn's kid is so noisy!" Onew complained.

Sekyung already gave birth and it was confirmed that the cute chubby little boy is Jonghyun's son. The good thing is, Sekyung and he didn't get back together. Instead their divorce papers were approved and Now, they're trying to build up a friendship for the sake of their little bundle of joy. In the end, Sekyung got engaged to the guy he cheated with but Jonghyun couldn't care less as long as his kid isn't seperated from him.

"And that kid has a name!" Key said entering the kitchen with his camera over his shoulders.

"Yes, but I wanna call him kid." Onew said, coming back in the kitchen, still half .

"YAH! Oppa! this is a place where people eat! it's either you get out of the kitchen or you put a shirt on!" ____________ scolded trying hard to glare and hide her reddening cheeks but it served useless.

"Sure, if that's what you want." Onew said winking at her.

While the whole exchange between __________ and Onew was happening Key started shoving food into his mouth while Taemin poked another bottle of milk with his straw.

"So nonna, we can come with you right? Moral support?" Taemin asked, smiling at ____________.

"Yeah sure." _____________ replied with a sigh but you couldn't deny the fact that there was a smile threatening to come out of her features.

"I have to go! I'm late for a shoot!" Key panicked and downed one whole glass of water exited the house forgetting his shoes once again.

"YAH! Key! your shoes!" Onew yelled entering the kitchen now dressed in a shirt and pants.

"I missed this." Taemin mumbled, talking about their lives before ______________ met MInho and before they got into the showbiz life. Everyday, agencies call and ask ____________ to be a model for their products but she politely rejects the offer.

"What?" ____________ and Onew asked at the same time.

Taemin smiled.


"I'm here!" Jonghyun announced entering the kitchen carrying his little Minhwan in one arm and a baby bag in the other.

"Yah! Oppa! You don't carry a baby that way!" _____________ scolded, rushin towards Jonghyun and handed the plates to Onew who slowly inched his away away from the Minhwan.

"Hyung, I swear if you act that way towards all the kids, you're never going to be a father." Jonghyun stated rolling his eyes, while _____________ got Minhwan from him.

"Shut up! You didn't drop a dog when you were young!" Onew said, then popped a pancake in his mouth while everyone laughed.


While ___________ was playing with Minhwan, Jonghyun just looked at them. 

'If only, I didn't act stpid and rash.'

'If only I realized my feelings for my bestfriend.' 

Jonghyun sighed with regret.

"So, how'd the confession go hyung?" Taemin asked non-chalantly.

"To put it simple she dumped me." Immediately, Taemin and Onew's head turned to Jonghyun.

"What happened?" Onew asked.

"I asked her 'What if I was inlove with you?' and she answered with an 'I'd say i'm inlove with you too except that would be a lie.'"

"Ouch." Taemin and Onew said together.

"It's okay, I know someone better will come to her." Jonghyun said, smiling at ____________ who was playing with Minhwan like she was the mom.


One more week passed and the hype about Yuri being the reason for the break-up died down but tha doesn't mean showbiz reporters are through gossiping about inoccent lives.

"So, Today's head line is--" Key announced taking a seat on the couch. Somehow, everyone was in the living room. Taemin and Onew were playing Wii while Jonghyun and ____________ was playing with Minhwan.

"So what is it now? 'Yuri the f the century?" Onew asked, then flung his hand since it was his turn to bowl.

"Strike!" Onew yelled.

"No, actually, It's about You and ___________." 

"Huh?" ___________ stopped playing with Minhwan and handed him to Jonghyun and sat beside Key. Onew, just left since it was still Taemin's turn and didn't get a strike.

"Yeah, it says: ONEW AND ____________, LOVE IS IN THE AIR?" Key announced.

"Wow, they got it all wrong." Onew said the same time ____________ said.

"Well, let them believe what they want." 

Suddenly the phonr rang.

"OMOMOMMOMO!!!!!!This might be the University calling! Taemin turn that off! and everyone shut up!" ___________ exclaimed excitedly.



"Yoboseyo?" Minho closed his eyes missing ___________'s voice. 

'She sounds fine.' Minho thought.

"Yoboseyo?" ___________ asked again but Minho didn't say a word, instead he let out a shaky breath as he felt his heart clench. 

"Who's that?" He heard someone from the background asked. Someone who sounded familiar.

"Onew Oppa! give me the phone back! YAH!" ___________ yelled as Minho smiled imagining her tackling Onew to the ground.

Minho heard the other line fumbling.

"YAH! Oppa!!!!!" ____________ yelled as Minho heard distant laughter.

"Onew Oppa! If that is the university calling and i don't get in because you decided to mess with the phone then I'm not talking to you ever again." ___________ scolded.

"MIanhe, here you go Saranghe~~~~~~" Onew apologized.

Minho closed his eyes again, knowing he deserved to see her happy with someone else.

Knowing she'd never be with him.

Knowing he hurt her too much for her to take him back.

Now, hearing Onew saying those words to ___________, Minho's tears finally fell. He is a strong man but he couldn't take it anymore.

He couldn't deny the fact that he is hurting because he had to let go of the girl he loves to go after her dream.

Knowing he had to let her go and leave him with a bitter heart.

Kowing he doesn't stand a chance even after she graduates.

And most of all, Knowing he could never move on with another girl and he'll wait for her even though that means being alone all his life.

Knowing he owuld always wait.

He pressed the end button of the phone and threw the cordless phone across the room as he bent hi head down between his knees and let his tears fall silently as the beating of his heart is becoming slower every second because he felt numb. He ran his hand through his hair and fisted it, letting out a silent scream. 

His tears just kept falling and they wouldn't stop, after hearing her voice, Hearing her move on. He couldn't take it.

He didn't want to let go of her. 

He didn't want her to leave him.

He wouldn't know how to live with himself if he found out_____________ and Onew are really together.







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ReaderByHeart1521 #1
Chapter 39: Man! And here I thought that the mother was good but damn! -.- happens in every typical kdrama story plot! Those mothers! -.-
sapphirequake #2
Chapter 15: I really like the grandmother. Soooo funny! :D
sfghgf4444 #3
Chapter 64: love this story <3
algaiaknight #4
Chapter 64: Finally finished read your fic and have to said that I love this....I love your story plot ahaha I even can imagine that am the heroin *ahem* and I love how rid Minho & Yuri mom...though it is surprise for me to see Minho & Yuri real relationship haha...you should make short sequel featuring Key-Yuri & Onew-Jessica ahaha...love the fic..going to read the seqeul soon..keep up the good work =)
Chapter 59: Very nice story. Imma charge my phone now coz im honna read the next part. Yaay! ;)
Chapter 23: Soooo romantic. ♡
Chapter 3: Gahhh im having fun. :)
Wonderful, amazing, nice , good, lovely, and greeaaaaaat story
unicornwhisperer #9
Chapter 64: Thank you so much for this wonderful story please don't stop writing you're awesome ^^