The Reason I said 'I DO'

MInho felt like punching, kicking and stabbing himself at the same time. 

He couldn't get the look ___________ had when he rejected her. 

When he had to act as a cold hearted bastard.

When he had to break her heart.

He was currently in the guest room farthest away from their room.

"!" He screamed burrying his head between his knees; weaving his hands through his hair due to utter frustration.

"! Gosh! I hate you YURI!" MInho screamed.

He knew Lucy is more powerful then Anne but MInho was worried Lucy might have an attack. 

'And you think she won't have an attack when she finds out you're hurting ____________!?' His inner self told him.

'Exactly it's a lose-lose situation.' He replied.

"See now i'm even talking to myself!" MInho exclaimed and made his way towards the desk just beside the door and read the application forms, for ___________.



The next day-- well actually, hours later, Minho recieved a call from his manager saying he has a photoshoot with Yuri.

"I'm coming." Was all Minho replied before changing.

When he exited his room, it was the same time ____________ decided to exit hers. 

_____________ stopped, frozen on her tracks while Minho just continued walking not even acknwledging her presence.

"MInho." _________ said.

"I have to go, that can wait later." Minho replied not even bothering to turn around.

Minho clecnched his fist. ____________ looked ruined. Her hair was everywhere, her eyes ringed with black circles and blood-shot, He clothes were all crumpled and her nose red.

'She's been crying.' Minho noticed.

'No sherlock.' He added. When he was sure he was out of her sight, He turned to the nearest cement wall and punched it letting his anger out, eventually drawing blood.

"Stop that son, you're going to hurt yourself." Anne suddenly spoke appearing infront of him with a faux Chanel suit.

"Get away from me mother." Minho muttered before turning his heel.

"Minho! I am your mother treat me with respect!" Anne huffed.

"I have no mother. She died the minute she told me to break my wife's heart." Minho replied making Anne clench her bag tight.

"___________, you this is all your fault." 



When Minho arrived at the studio, everyone could literally sense his foul mood. 

Even Yuri didn't try anything--- yet.

After the shoot, Minho's manager pulled him aside.

"Hyung, what do you need?" Minho asked, pissed at the fact that his manager is doting on his mother.

"Well, there's this start of the year event and your mother arranged for Yuri to be your partner." 

"I have a wife, wuldn't it be bad for my reputation?" 

"Look, Minho I hate seeing you like this. The only reason I'm helping your mother is because she is my wife's mentor in dance and your mother was the one who helped my wife succeed." 

"I don't care hyung. Do you know how much it hurts seeing ____________ cry? Especially when it's because of me?" Minho asked.

"Look, Minho your fans wouldn't blame you. Just act like you love Yuri infront of the camera, tell the world you're getting a divorce and make it seem like it's all Yuri's fault." His manager said.

"It really is her fault." Minho stated coldly.

"Here, I got forms from S university, give them to ____________." His manager gave it to him with a sad expression. 



In the other side of Korea, Jonghyun and Sekyung were seated in a small cafe, away from the City.

"What do you need to lie about now?" Jonghyun asked, after ordering.

"Oppa, I- this baby is yours." Sekyung said, patting her large stomach.

"How do you know that? You still have a month before it gets born." Jonghyun said with distaste.

"Oppa, the-the man I-I slept with is barren." Sekyung said.

"What do you mean?" Jonghyun asked ,feeling his heart accelerate.

"He can't have children." Sekyung replied simply.

"Well, I guess I'll find out once the baby comes out, until then, I don't know you."  Jonghyun said, standing up and leaving her even before his order could arrive.


Two days later, everything was still the same. 

Minho comes home early in the morning just to leave and ignore her. Everytime ___________ wanted to talk to him he aviods, because all he wanted to do was hug her and tell her everything. 

Minho was close to losing his sanity.

____________ was currently sitting on the living room, not knowing what to do. 

Lucy went shopping with Key and Taemin while Onew had another photoshoot and-

"Jonghyun Oppa!"  ______________ screamed with sudden excitement.

She hasn't heard from her best friend and she feels like he said something to her but she couldn't remember it.

She immediately got her phone and dialed the number she knew by heart.

"Yoboseyo?" He answered.

"Oppa!!! Come over! I'm bored!" ____________ replied trying to sound happy while tears were slowly falling from her eyes.

"Sure, but wait where are you exactly? And are you okay?" Jonghyun asked.

"I'm at home, and yes I'm okay! Just having allergies." ____________ said.

"Your not allergic to anything, idiot." Jonghyun said.

That minute __________ wanted to kill herself, of course Jonghyun would know she's not allergic to anything.

"You know how allergies develop late in a person's body? Yeah that happens." ____________ said and laughing at the end, no trace of sadness in her voice.

"Okay, then! I'll be there in ten!" Jonghyun replied relieved that _____________ is okay.

After the call ended, _____________ sighed in relief. 

"I guess trying to hide my sadness for Jonghyun Oppa's wedding was useful after all." ___________ told herself.


"Yo!" Jonghyun exclaimed, entering the living room.

"Annyeong Oppa!" ___________ greeted and hugged him.

"Whoa, missed me that much?" Jonghyun said.

_____________ merely nodded and buried her head on his chest.

Jonghyun then, wound his arms around her smiling lightly to himself. 

'If only I confessed before---' He thought loving the way ____________ fit with him perfectly.

After seconds of hugging, Jonghyun felt his shirt start to get wet, He looked down and heard soft snffles.

____________ was crying.

"Yah, Gwenchana?" 

___________ nodded and just held on to him tighter.

"What did he do?" Jonghyun asked knowing _____________.


Jonghyun unconsiously tightened his hold around ___________.

"Tell the truth ___________." Jonghyun urged.

"He literally did nothing." She replied vaguely.

Understanding that she didn't want to talk about it, Jonghyun just nodded and pulled away from the hug and pulled her towards the TV.

"Let's just watch TV!" Jonghyun said trying to distract his best friend.

When Jonghyun turned the switch on, the first face that popped up was Minho's face. It was his commercial with Yuri. Jonghyun was about to change the channel, but ____________ stopped him.

"Wait, Oppa I wanna see this."

After the commercial, Minho's face popped up again but this time, he was on a red carpet with someone interviewing him.

"Minho-ssi! Minho-ssi! Who's your date? Is your wife here with you?" The reporter asked, looking around.

"Anio, He's here with me." Yuri appeared, sliding his arm through Minho's.

"Oh." The reporter said, taken-a back.

"Where's your wife Minho-ssi?" The reporter asked, emphasizing the word wife.

"They're getting a divorce, He loves me now." Yuri said simply. 

Everyone went silent. Everyone in the occasion and Everyone behind the TV.

_____________ felt her heart drop.

This couldn't be true.

"What is he-"

"Shut up, I wanna listen." ___________ said, turning the volume higher.

"Minho-ssi, is this true? You haven't even been married for six months." The reporter asked.

"Of course it's true!" Yuri replied for Minho once again.

"Excuse Ms. but I'm here to interview Mr. Choi Minho not you." the reporter said giving her a tight smile.

"Don't talk to her that way!" Minho defended. Once again everyone was silent waiting for his answer.

"And yes it's true, I am having a divorce right now. Sometimes things just doesn't work out the way they do." Minho replied.

Yuri smirked at the camera and pulled him. Once they were through the glass doors, gossip magazines and reporters immediately fell into a heavy buzz.

They were having a field day.


____________ stood up and took shallow breaths. 

"This can't be happening," ___________muttered.

"___________?" Jonghyun said standing up. She turned to him with tears in her eyes as she started hyperventelating.

"H-He wasn't serious r-right?" _____________ asked, staring at Jonghyun.

With out a word Jonghyun wrapped his arms around her.

"Ssssh, calm down."

"He wasn't serious right? O-oppa? H-he L-loves me- I- H-he wouldn't hurt me." ______________stuttered staring into space as her tears  were falling.

Her heart felt heavy and she could hear her eardrums beating, like she couldn't hear anything anymore; she could barely think.

"Hey, maybe it was for publicity." Jonghyun tried.

"H-he, wouldn't h-hurt me- H-he loves me--- M-minho l-loves me-- h-he won't leave me, right Oppa?" __________ asked herself more than Jonghyun.

That's when she started to feel like she was losing her sanity. 






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ReaderByHeart1521 #1
Chapter 39: Man! And here I thought that the mother was good but damn! -.- happens in every typical kdrama story plot! Those mothers! -.-
sapphirequake #2
Chapter 15: I really like the grandmother. Soooo funny! :D
sfghgf4444 #3
Chapter 64: love this story <3
algaiaknight #4
Chapter 64: Finally finished read your fic and have to said that I love this....I love your story plot ahaha I even can imagine that am the heroin *ahem* and I love how rid Minho & Yuri mom...though it is surprise for me to see Minho & Yuri real relationship haha...you should make short sequel featuring Key-Yuri & Onew-Jessica ahaha...love the fic..going to read the seqeul soon..keep up the good work =)
Chapter 59: Very nice story. Imma charge my phone now coz im honna read the next part. Yaay! ;)
Chapter 23: Soooo romantic. ♡
Chapter 3: Gahhh im having fun. :)
Wonderful, amazing, nice , good, lovely, and greeaaaaaat story
unicornwhisperer #9
Chapter 64: Thank you so much for this wonderful story please don't stop writing you're awesome ^^