The Reason I said 'I DO'

"Yah! Balli!" _______ yelled running towards the entrance of the carnival Grinning at Minho who was wearing  black skinny jeans, a blue polo shirt and black vans---- but of course we can't fogey his beanie and his shades. They may be in Singapore but that doesn't mean he didn't have any fans.

"Okay, Okay chill woman ! I'm coming." Minho asked trailing after her with a small smile plastered on his face.

___________ ran further away from Minho and twirled; overwhelmed with the sight before her.

Her eyes widened in delight as the ferris wheel turned to different colors because of the light. 

The whole time she was musing over the rides, Minho watched her with mirth, as she kept twirling; Some of her hair covering her face due to the gentle blow of the wind, How she looked beautiful even if she was just wearing denim shorts and a plain crop top paired with dark blue sneakers. It amazed him how ________ can be so happy with the simplest things in life. 

Too deep in thought, Minho didn't notice her turn to him and say something until she smacked his head.

"Minho! Are you even listening to me!?" ________she screamed getting a few glances from a few people.

"Uh--- yeah sure." Minho replied scratching the nape of his neck. A gesture _______ knew all too well. 

He was embarrassed.

"So what do you think?" she asked,teasing him. 

"About what?" He asked dumbly. 

"And you said you were listening." ________ rolled her eyes and walked away.

"I-I was!" he protested running after her. 

"Sure, tell yourself that." She stated shaking her head, walking faster.

Halfway her 'dramatic exit' She felt arms encircle her thin waist and a chin rest on her shoulder. 

"What did you say?" Minho asked making sure that he breathed in her ear.

Minho felt ______'s body tense but when she realized it was him, she slowly relaxed.

"That I want a stuff toy and I wanna ride the ferris wheel." she replied, silently thanking the heavens that she didn't stutter. 

"I can always buy you a stuff toy but as for the ferris wheel, let's go!" instead of letting go, he gently pushed ________ towards the ferriswheel with him still encircling her waist. 

"What are you doing?" She asked, blushing from the attention they were gaining.

"I thought you wanted to ride the ferris wheel." 

"I do, but-" What ever ________ had to say was cut off when a gust of wind blew. 

Minho's beanie somehow flew from his head and his glasses somehow fell.

"Minho and his wide are here!" a random girl screamed immediately taking her camera out ;started running towards them at full speed. 

"Ugh, Your disguise didn't work." _______and stating the obvious suddenly nervous.

Instead of answering, Minho released her waist for her hand and dragged her looking for a place to hide.

Cameras were flashing every where. Minho picked up his pace with his wife trialling behind him. 

"Where are we going?" she asked slightly panting when she realized they were already in the parking lot.

"I have no idea." Minho replied. 

"Minho here!" Someone yelled and opened the door to her van.

Minho didn't know who she was but followed her anyway, He knew if they didn't have any place to hide they don't have a chance against the fangirls.

Once they were in the van, the light the mysterious savior switch the light on.

"Yuri?" _________ asked breathless.

"Annyeong! Its a good thing I didn't get out of my. Van yet huh?" Yuri asked with an auspicious look.

"Yuri." Minho spoke looking calm and unaffected.

________ tensed and felt her heart beat out of her chest, Yuri looked pretty in her black leather pants and plain white shirt.

"Minho! It's so nice to see you again! I didn't know you'd be back! And _______-ah, where's your husband? You wouldn't be cheating on him with Minho right?" Yuri said knowing full well that Minho is the husband of ________.

"He is my husband." ________ replied clinching her fists and was trying to keep her temper in check.

Yuri felt clog up, se didn't know it would hurt so much hearing that Minho taken.

'So this is how Minho felt.' Yuri thought to herself remembering how she rejected And broke Minho's heart.

'Well I'm getting him back, No matter what it takes.' She thought then smirked at ________.

"Really? I didn't know that." 

"Now you do." _________ replied coldly. Minho smiled hearing the jealousy leaking out from his wife's voice.

Minho bent down to _______'s ear and whispered.

"I love you." This gesture made ______ smile automatically. She turned her head to say it back but was met with Minho's lips instead. 

Yuri cleared burning with jealousy as ________ frowned with the interruption, She forgot that They were with Yuri. 

"What?" ________ hissed.

"Let's catch up Minnie!" Yuri spoke completely ignoring _________.

"What's there to catch up on?" Minho asked calmly. 

"Well a lot! Like you know how you managed to get over me. Yeah let's start there! How were you after you begged me to take you back?" ________ was know red with anger, She glanced out the window and noticed how there was nothing but cars in the vicinity. Without thinking, she pulled open the door and stormed out trying to cool herself off. 

'I am not jealous.' 

'I am not jealous.'

"I am not- Darn it! I'm jealous!

When she stormed out, Yuri immediately jumped to shut the door but Minho stopped her. 

"Yuri, I'm here with my wife and honestly I don't get why you are suddenly showing up." 

"I love you Minnie, that's all I want to say. I know you're just with her to make me jealous and here I am." Yuri said bringing herself close Minho.

"She not my wife to make you jealous." he replied coldly that it sent shivers to Yuri's spine.

"Please Minho I can give you a thousand reason's why we should be together." 

Minho stared her straight in the eye.

" Well I can give you one reason why we shouldn't be together--- I DON'T LOVE YOU." 

"But I-" before Yuri could say anything Minho opened the door wider and went out.

"Yuri, I would have given you the world if you gave me the chance but you didn't. Now I love _______ and I'd give her the whole galaxy even if she just asks for a star. I love her and I love her more than I ever loved anyone." Minho said softly without turning around, He walked away.

Yuri clenched her fists and hit the leather seats.

" Minho you will be mine, even if that means I'd be a murderer." Yuri said to herself before she took her phone out to call someone.


"Stupid Yuri! Stupid trip! Stupid deal! Stupid Minho!" _____________ cursed walking through the parking lot. 

5 Minutes pass, She got lost. 

"Where the am I!?" She screamed to herself in frustration.

Fore about 10 minutes, she wandered everwhere but she couldn't find her way, She even tried finding her way back to yuri's car but she didn't know where she came from. 

"I bet even Minho can't find me." She whispered to herself as she sat on the ground of the almost empty parking lot.

"Found you." A voice suddenly whispered. She turned around and saw Minho smiling at her with a goofy grin carrying a  turtle stuff toy.

Minho helped her up and hugged her, still carrying the pupped-eyed turtle.

"Why'd you leave? As much as i love seeing your jealous side, I don't want you running off okay?" He asked kisssing the top of her head.

She nodded her head noticed how cute the stuff toy is.

"What that? It's so cute!" She gushed.

"If yout think this is for you, think again This isn't one of thos cliche moments and yes, I know it's cute that's why I got it for my car." He replied smirking at her.

"You meanie!" She screamed.

"But you love me anyway, Now let's ride the ferris wheel." 


On their way home, ____________ fell a sleep. Minho carried her up to her room and set her down on the bed. He took the stuff toy and gently placed it beside her, which she cuddled with instantly making Minho a bit jaelous.

"How can you cuddle a stuff toy with in a second and kick me out of the bed!?" He asked but recieved no reply.

He kisssed __________'s forehead and left the room, but came back after a minute.

"I'm your husband, I should sleep beside you, not the room beside yours!" He spoke to himself and layed beside __________. Falling asleep.



Hey!!!!! so how was this? I know there are a lot of errors, I just typed this with my I pod and you know... it's kinda hard with the auto-correct and all. SO yeah, i'll edit tonight and since it's christmas break expect more updates Arrasso? Good.

I love you!

please don't forget to subscribe and update!

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ReaderByHeart1521 #1
Chapter 39: Man! And here I thought that the mother was good but damn! -.- happens in every typical kdrama story plot! Those mothers! -.-
sapphirequake #2
Chapter 15: I really like the grandmother. Soooo funny! :D
sfghgf4444 #3
Chapter 64: love this story <3
algaiaknight #4
Chapter 64: Finally finished read your fic and have to said that I love this....I love your story plot ahaha I even can imagine that am the heroin *ahem* and I love how rid Minho & Yuri mom...though it is surprise for me to see Minho & Yuri real relationship haha...you should make short sequel featuring Key-Yuri & Onew-Jessica ahaha...love the fic..going to read the seqeul soon..keep up the good work =)
Chapter 59: Very nice story. Imma charge my phone now coz im honna read the next part. Yaay! ;)
Chapter 23: Soooo romantic. ♡
Chapter 3: Gahhh im having fun. :)
Wonderful, amazing, nice , good, lovely, and greeaaaaaat story
unicornwhisperer #9
Chapter 64: Thank you so much for this wonderful story please don't stop writing you're awesome ^^