The Reason I said 'I DO'

"__________?"  Minho gently shook her awake once they were in front of a big field. 

A big field with a plane in the middle.

"Huh? Wha- Where are we?" _____________ asked, in a state of confusion. She sat a little straighter and looked around, only for her eyes to be covered with a hankerchief.

"Wha-" Before she could say anything, Minho interrupted.

"I have another surprise. Well, actually this is Halmeoni's wedding gift." Minho whispered, breathing on her ears. She could feel herself blush and silently thanking the heavens that her back was facing Minho so he couldn't see her.

"You keep blushing today." Minho whispered, which only made her blush more and which earned him an elbow in the gut.

"Ow! What was that for?" He asked rubbing the spot he was hurt.

She didn't answer; Minho chuckled which sent tingles down her spine and butterflies in the stomach. 

"Anyway, We should get out now." Minho stated opening the door beside him and getting out.

"You blind folded me, How can I get out? Do you expect me to-" ___________ turned around, just when Minho bent inside the car to get her hand. their lips accidentally touched.

Minho immedately pulled away and acted as if nothing happened, Leaving ___________ confused about whether their lips really did touch or not.

Minho took her hand and led her out of the car. The whole time he was staring at her. Not the creepy stalker stare but the 'What-did-I-do-to-make-this-goddess-fall-from-heaven' stare.

"Um- Minho, are you still there?" __________ asked, sounding slightly nervous.

Minho cleared his throat, as if he was caught doing something, then chuckled to cover it up.

"Yeah, I won't leave you ___________." He gently lead her towards the feild where the plane was parked. 

"You better not." ___________ replied tightening her hand around Minho's. She trusted him but being blind folded and walking on terrain she was clueless about was kind of getting to her.

"I promise, I won't." He replied and held her by the waist, when she was about to topple over from the heels she was still wearing and the exhaustion from dancing. She ignored the beating of her heart and just continued walking.

"Minho, Where are we? and when are you going to take this thing off me?" ___________ asked feeling irritated, She felt like she was being deprived from her sense of sight.

"Now." He removed the blind fold from her eyes in one swift movement, She gasped at the huge plane that was infront of her. She felt her fear of planes starting to settle in and her stomach twisted in a bad way. 

'Jaehwan, Omma, Appa' She thought, feeling tears prickle from her eyes, but she shook away the thought immediately and turned to Minho who was silently watching her expression.

"Gwenchana?" Minho asked concerned.

"Ah, de I just- um what are we doing in front of a plane?" She asked not being able to control .

Minho smiled.

"Well, this is halmeoni's and Omma's wedding gift." 

"Wedding gift?" She asked confused. 

'Halmeoni and uh- Omma gave us a plane?' She thought.

Minho chuckled.

"That and a trip to Singapore." He replied. __________ immediately smiled with this little piece of knowledge. She always wanted to go to Singapore. to see the buidings, The lights- Everything! 

"I said that out loud?" 

"Sir, excuse me but we have to start flying soon, We have a schedule and we need to avoid air traffic." A man who looked like he ws in his late 30's approached them and informed Minho.

"Arraso, Kaja!" Minho literally sweeped ___________ off her feet and only realized this when Minho was climbing the stairs heading to the door of the plane.

"What are you doing!? Put me down!"She protested completely forgetting about her anxiety, Minho smirked.

"Just shut up and be happy I'm carrying your heavy self."___________'s jaw dropped opened as she glared at him.

"Are you calling me fat!?"She asked, punching his chest.

"Put me down!" She punched him again with a glare. 

The minute her feet touched the floor, She staggered back. Luckily Minho placed her down infront of the huge couch that was designed specially for the plane Lucy bought them.

That's when _________ felt her feet throb from pain. She looked down and slipped her feet out of her white pumps and rested it on the couch. Her feet were slightly red and her pinky toes were throbbing. 

Suddenly, an ice-pack was over her feet. Minho was kneeling by her feet and pressing the cloth covered ice gently on her feet. 

"You should have worn slippers instead." Minho said with a frown, still pressing the ice on her feet.

She smiled as a memory of her dad doing this to her mom flashed on her mind. 



The Yoo family was having a family outing in the amusement park. 

A little _________ was too excited for her own good, that she kept dragging her Omma towards every ride that was fit for her age while Her Appa would be following pushing a stoller with little Jaehwan sleeping peacefully oblivious to the world around him, chuckling at the cuteness of his daughter.

When they reached home, __________'s Omma immediately plopped on the couch and massaged her feet.

"Omma, gwenchana?" ___________ asked looking at her mother's throbbing feet. 

"I'm Okay sweetie, I should have just wore flats today." Her Omma chuckled.

"Aigoo, you are not wearing heels again, understand?" Her Appa appeared with a hot-pack and placed her Omma's feet on top of his lap and pressed the hot-pack gently.

"Come hereand help me put this other pack on your Omma's other foot" Her Appa said giving her the other pack. _________smiled and followed him.

"Wait, Where's Jaehwan?" Her Omma asked.

"Upstairs, sleeping." Her Appa answered.

"Again?" __________ asked frustrated with her brother always sleeping, while her parents just laughed.



Too, deep in thought, _________ didn't realize that Minho was telling her to put her seatbelt on. She also didn't notice the seat-belt sign switch on, Which was why she jumped on Minho when the plane suddenly moved forward.

"Hey, are you okay?" Minho asked, wondering wy his wife had jumped on him. 

___________ burried her face in the crook of his neck and took shallow breaths. Her arms went around his torso. She was shaking, She couldn't think properly. Her fear was coming back. 

'It's okay, you can do this! You did it once, You can do it again!' ________comforted to herself.

It wasn't working though, When the plan took off, She cutched herself on to Minho tighter and shut her eyes willing herself not to think about the crash. 


Minho felt her shake and wondered what cause her to behave like this. 

'Don't think about it.'

'Don't think about it.'

'Don't think about it.'

He heard _________ chant softly, He didn't know what was happening, Why she was acting scared.

He pulled her on his lap when the seat belt sign was off and carressed the back of her head lovingly whispering sweet comforting words to her until she closed her eyes and fell into a deep sleep with her arms still around Minho and her head resting on his shoulders ; her forehead touching his neck sending him into unexplainable pure happiness, until he too, fell asleep. 


So ... how was this? I know i didn't update since forever! and i'm really soory for that! I kind of forgot I had AFF existing... kkekekekekekek...

and since next week is periodicals... I can't update for two week, Sorrrry!! 

I love you! 

please don't forget to comment and subscribe!



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ReaderByHeart1521 #1
Chapter 39: Man! And here I thought that the mother was good but damn! -.- happens in every typical kdrama story plot! Those mothers! -.-
sapphirequake #2
Chapter 15: I really like the grandmother. Soooo funny! :D
sfghgf4444 #3
Chapter 64: love this story <3
algaiaknight #4
Chapter 64: Finally finished read your fic and have to said that I love this....I love your story plot ahaha I even can imagine that am the heroin *ahem* and I love how rid Minho & Yuri mom...though it is surprise for me to see Minho & Yuri real relationship haha...you should make short sequel featuring Key-Yuri & Onew-Jessica ahaha...love the fic..going to read the seqeul soon..keep up the good work =)
Chapter 59: Very nice story. Imma charge my phone now coz im honna read the next part. Yaay! ;)
Chapter 23: Soooo romantic. ♡
Chapter 3: Gahhh im having fun. :)
Wonderful, amazing, nice , good, lovely, and greeaaaaaat story
unicornwhisperer #9
Chapter 64: Thank you so much for this wonderful story please don't stop writing you're awesome ^^