The Reason I said 'I DO'

Four more months passed and _________ was by this time living by herself in the apartment she found. Taemin and Key would occasionally, literally pop out of nowhere and enter her haven, but she didn't care, they were practically family. 

__________ was in the kitchen trying to figure out where the heck all her pans and spatulas have gone. She opened each cupboard, cabinet and drawer but not one was present.

"AISH! where the hell are those ing cooking tools!" She yelled in frustration.

"YAH! no bad words! do you know that bad words can lead to bad doings?" Key suddenly popped out holding a pan and putting a fist over his hips.

"Oppa, want to explain why you are holding my pan? And how the heck did you get in?I swear I locked the door!" _________ yelled.

"I'm holding your pan because, I wanted to cook. and I have my sources so don't wonder how I got in." Key replied turning around.

"Wait, Oppa! where are you going? I'm hungry! I want to eat!" ________ yelled chasing after Key who was half way through the Entrance of her apartment building. 

"I'll do this every sunday unless you go back to my apartment!" Key said sounding like a spoiled brat. 

"That's so sweet, why don't go with him? and stop making this boy suffer." An Ahjjuma who was getting her mail spoke up and looked at Key with sparkling eyes.

"But were not together!" _________ protested while Key just pouted succesfully getting the ahjumma's affections.

"Look at him! It's obvious he regrets whatever he did! you know it's not healthy to keep on rejecting love like this." The ahjumma said scolding _________.

"Yeah, Jagiya you better listen to Ahjumma!" Key exclaimed making a few heads turn to them and listen to their open conversation. __________ turned to Key with her jaw on the ground. and a WTF face.

"But-" Before she could say anything, Key suddenly kneeled before her with the holding the pan like it was a boquet of flowers.

"Will you please come back to the apartment with me? I promise I will return every single pan and spatula I stole." Key asked getting 'awwws' from the people watching them. Even the people in the sidewalk stopped to see what was happening. 

"Are you that desperate?" __________ whispered. Key nodded his head up and down like a bobble head.

 "I mean Someone has to take care of Taemin and you only work a night and yeah..." Key replied trailing off, not really knowing why He wants ________back into their apartment. All He is sure of is __________ only moved out because she feels indebted to him and Teamin. 

"Omo! you even have a child!" The ahjumma exclaimed putting her hand over .

"No, It's not-"

"Just forgive your husband!" A random girl said. _________ didn't know what to do, This is the first time someone did this. It was embarrasing.  She eventually gave up and gave in.

"Arraso! Fine! Gosh! but you have to skip your job today and help me move out!" She said earning an applause from the spectators. Key Nodded and smiled triumphantly. 

They were back in her apartment already packing, but it was more of Key doing the packing while _________ was just eating.She didn't want to help afterall.

"I can't believe you did that!" _______ yelled and flailed her hands up in frustration.

"Well, believe it cause it happened." Key answered smugly, closing the last box.

"Why do you want me back anyway?" _________ asked looking for a decent answer.

"Well, even though the job Onew hyung gave you pays well, you still have to save up for certain things." Key answered carrying the box and putting it by the rest of the boxes.

"Like what?" She asked getting up and facing him.

"Like clothes. Your clothes no offence. And shoes and make up and accecories and und-"

"Okay! stop! I get your point!" _________ heldher hand up making Key laugh. 

"Where's Taeminnie?" 

"I'm here noona!" A voice came from the front door. 

"A'm herr choo!" Onew followed chewing on what looked like chicken strips. 

"Oh, Annyeong Onew ssi!" _________ bowed and greeted him. Onew frowned and swallowed his chicken.

"YAH! how many times do I have to tell you to call me Oppa! O-P-P-A." He said making Taemin laugh.

"Mianhe, It's kind of weird calling you Oppa while everyone in the bar calls you Onew ssi." _________ stated.

"Who cares, they are not close!" Onew exclaimed looking around the empty apartment.

"So, When do we move these things?" He asked.


"Noona! i'm hungry! I want food!" TAemin whined when he saw the empty firdge.

"You just ate Taemin-ah!" Onew called out.

"I know where the food is packed!." Key omma said searching through the boxes.

"Why tonight?" Onew asked once again.

"Well, for startes, everyone in this building wants me to have a second honeymoon with my husband" She replied, rolling her eyes and glaring at Key.

"A WHAT!?" Onew yelled while Taeminwas eagerly waiting for Key to dig the food out.

"Long story."Key and _________ said at the same time. 


At the bar, Jessica and ________ were doing their usual thing. Wiping the dishes and serving the costumers. They were pretty happy though, They just get to chill. A tall dark figure suddenly walked past them and headed into one of the private function rooms.

"Unnie, shouldn't we tell him that room is reserved?" ________ asked Jessica who had her eyes glued to the plasma the whole time.

"Hmm?" She asked not quite remembering________'s question. Knowing this is hopeless, _________ stood up and headed to the room but before she could open it, Onew Appeared.

"_________, what are you doing here?" He asked smiling at her.

"Well, this dude went in and he was literally covered from head to toe. and this room is booked." She explained. Onew's eyes widened.

'He's here?' He thought.

"Oh, I was the one who reserved this room, and don't worry he's my friend." Onew said before shooing ______off.


Onew opened the door and it revealed his best friend's smiling face.

"Hyung." Minho stood up and greeted him.

"Minho-ah! long time no see, are you that busy?" 

"Yeah, It's been a year right?"

"So what would you want to drink?" Minho looked out the tinted glass door of the club and rembered the girl who was about to open the door. She was the same girl who didn't know him.

"Um the usual and hyung can you get that girl to serve?" He pointed to ________.

"Why her?" Onew asked suspiciously. 

"Just because." Minhoreplied leaving Onew hanging.

"Because?" He insisted.

Before Minho could say anything, Onew's phone rang and he went out.


___________ was cleaning the marble top when Onew approached her.

"_________, can you please brong patron inside that room." 

"Eh, arraso?" She asked not quite sure if Onew was talking to her.

Minho watched with amusement as _________ was inching closer and closer to the room. Looking like a nervous wreck.


Hey! SO I'm sorry for the late update! i was in retreat being holy and all...^^ 

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ReaderByHeart1521 #1
Chapter 39: Man! And here I thought that the mother was good but damn! -.- happens in every typical kdrama story plot! Those mothers! -.-
sapphirequake #2
Chapter 15: I really like the grandmother. Soooo funny! :D
sfghgf4444 #3
Chapter 64: love this story <3
algaiaknight #4
Chapter 64: Finally finished read your fic and have to said that I love this....I love your story plot ahaha I even can imagine that am the heroin *ahem* and I love how rid Minho & Yuri mom...though it is surprise for me to see Minho & Yuri real relationship haha...you should make short sequel featuring Key-Yuri & Onew-Jessica ahaha...love the fic..going to read the seqeul soon..keep up the good work =)
Chapter 59: Very nice story. Imma charge my phone now coz im honna read the next part. Yaay! ;)
Chapter 23: Soooo romantic. ♡
Chapter 3: Gahhh im having fun. :)
Wonderful, amazing, nice , good, lovely, and greeaaaaaat story
unicornwhisperer #9
Chapter 64: Thank you so much for this wonderful story please don't stop writing you're awesome ^^