The Reason I said 'I DO'

It was 2:30 in the morning, when ____________ started stirring in her sleep. 

"Yah! get away from me! P-Please no! Minho help!" ____________ screamed. Minho, who was sleeping peacefully about a meter away from her immediately shot up from the bed and frantically looked for the lamp switch; He turned to his wife and silently cursed. Tears were running down her beautiful bruised face.

"No! Minho, Help!" ___________ screamed again. This seemed to make Minho move, he grabbed ___________'s shoulders and began shaking her gently.

"____________, wake up! You're having a dream." Minho cooed. but it was useless, _____________ started thrashing her arms wildly and more tears rolled down her face.

"Please! Let go of me! Minho! Help!.... please" Minho shook her harder this time and screamed her name. 

"_____________! WAKE UP! I'M RIGHT HERE!" ____________'s eyes immediately opened. She found herself staring into worry- filled brown orbs.

"O-Oppa." She stuttered, bemused.

"Why are you here?Where is here exactly?" She asked, The minute she opened her eyes, she forgot about her dreams, but somehow she knew it was terriffying and traumatizing. She was sweating and slightly shaking.

"W-What happened?" She asked once again.

"You don't remember?" Minho asked, tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear. An unnecessaary but sweet gesture.

"I-" ___________ stopped, when events from the day before started flashing in her mind. 

"I-I was almost- I - You - Whe-" Her tears started coming and her breathing was rapidly changing. She was almost and if it wasn't for Minho- She can't even think about it.

Before her tears could fall, Minho pulled her into a bone crushing hug and carressed her hair  the way he did in the plane. 

This comforted ___________.

"It's okay now __________. Just go back to sleep. You need to rest, arraso?" Too tired to resist, She merely nodded her head against his chest. 

"Good girl, now sleep." He playfully demanded, pulled away and motioned for her to lay down. 

Before she closed her eyes, She grabbed Minho's arm and pulled him down beside her. 

"Please don't le-"

"I'm not going to leave even if you want me to." MInho stated before she could say anything and pressed his lips against hers. She heaved out a sigh of relief and closed her eyes but not before giving him one of the best smiles any guy could ask for.

He turned to his right and switched the lamp off then placed his arms around the girl he loved.

Yes, he loved her. He realized that when he was desperately searching for her the minute he lost sight of her, but he didn't want to acknwoledge his feelings. Why? He assumes ___________ is still in love with Jonghyun. 

"You'll never love me will you?" Minho asked _________'s sleeping figure before closing his eyes and entered a deep slumber.



"AAAHHHHHHHH!" ____________ screamed when she woke up and found herself with Minho's lean arms around her.

"What's wrong!?" Minho shot up for the second time that day and looked around. 

"Why are you beside me!? Off the bed!" ___________ screamed and kicked him off. 

He landed with a 'thud' and glared up at his wife  throwing pillows at him. 

"YAH! What was that for!?" He screamed back dodging the pillows.

"Let me see, I wake up from a peaceful sleep only to find your ugly face breathing right infront of mine!" She screamed.

"YAH! I WASN'T THE ONE BEGGING ME TO STAY BESIDE HER BECAUSE SHE ALMOST GOT !" Minho accidentally screamed due to frustration.

____________'s eyes immediately showed sadness and turned galssy. She dropped her head low. 

Minho realized his mistake and took one step towards her.

"Don't - I- I need some time alone--- please." She whispered the last part and was about to walk away but Minho stopped her.

"I'm sorry, i didn't mean it that way I-"

"It's okay Minho, I'm sorry it was my fault anyway and I should be thanking you. I just really need time alone." _________ gave him a genuine smile.

"Okay, but i'm not letting you out of this house." 

"Okay.' __________ simply replied.

"I'll be in the garden." With that, Minho left.


When Minho was out of the room, ____________ took a deep breathe and fell back on the bed, with her legs hanging on the edges. 

She stared at the ceiling with thousands of thoughts at once. 

For about thirty minutes, she just stared and stared and stared. ___________ sighed and stood up, now only noticing the balcony with sliding glass doors. 

She stepped out and felt the cold wind brush against her lightly bruised face, making her shiver.

When her eyes adjusted to the bright rays of the sun. She took in the sight before her and smiled at how beautiful it looked. 

"Maybe this was the garden Minho was talking about." She told to herself stepping closer to the railings and gazed happily at the sight.

On both sides of the garden,Cherry blossoms were on full bloom and there were benches available between the trees. In the middle of the whole garden, there was a small pond with water sprouting like a geyser formed a ciclre in the center of the pond and dolphin shaped bushes adorned the whole thing. 

__________ let her eyes roam some more, until something. or rather someone caught her gaze. Minho was sitting uon a bench reading a book. 

__________ stared at him. Her eyes traveled from his slightly tousled hair, to his jaw line that made him look y then to his eyes that were sometimes so unreadable. 

He is handsome. 

Her heart started beating and her cheeks unconciously turned a light shade of pink. 

Feeling like he was being watched, Minho looked up from his book and saw his ___________ staring at him on the balcony. Their gazes locked. 

Minho smirked.

"Enjoying the view?" He half-yelled so she could hear.

"Ha- you wish! You are not a sight worth enjoying!" __________ countered, also half- yelling.

"Who said i was talking about me?" Minho replied raising his eyebrow towards her then he smirked.

___________ didn't reply, instead she turned around and hurriedlly went back to the room, forgetting she closed the doors. As a result, she bumped her head on the glass door and fell back. 

Noticing, Minho laugh uncontrollably as ____________'s cheeks burned for what seemed like the thousandth time that day. 





Okay i think this was a boring chapter but with out this chappie I can't have the next... anway... um I didn't proof read, you guys know that i always edit on week-ends.. So that's what i'm doing. I'll edit on saturday or sundday. ^.^ 

 <----------- garden. (O don't own these pics so yeah... >.<)

<-----------yeah another part of the garden^.^ (I also don't own this ;D)


that's it!!

I love you!

please don't forget to comment and subscribe! 

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ReaderByHeart1521 #1
Chapter 39: Man! And here I thought that the mother was good but damn! -.- happens in every typical kdrama story plot! Those mothers! -.-
sapphirequake #2
Chapter 15: I really like the grandmother. Soooo funny! :D
sfghgf4444 #3
Chapter 64: love this story <3
algaiaknight #4
Chapter 64: Finally finished read your fic and have to said that I love this....I love your story plot ahaha I even can imagine that am the heroin *ahem* and I love how rid Minho & Yuri mom...though it is surprise for me to see Minho & Yuri real relationship haha...you should make short sequel featuring Key-Yuri & Onew-Jessica ahaha...love the fic..going to read the seqeul soon..keep up the good work =)
Chapter 59: Very nice story. Imma charge my phone now coz im honna read the next part. Yaay! ;)
Chapter 23: Soooo romantic. ♡
Chapter 3: Gahhh im having fun. :)
Wonderful, amazing, nice , good, lovely, and greeaaaaaat story
unicornwhisperer #9
Chapter 64: Thank you so much for this wonderful story please don't stop writing you're awesome ^^