The Reason I said 'I DO'

"___________, Wake up." Minho shook his wife.

"Mhhhm." ____________ mumbled in return and pushed Minho's face with her foot as she changed her position on the bed.

Minho took a deep breath. 

"AISH! Yah! Wake up!" Minho finally screamed getting off the bed and pulling her feet, so she would get off the bed, But __________ being well, ___________ she gripped the other end of the bed.

"AISH!" Minho finally gave up after about a minute of pulling and failing.

"Fine you want to play it that way?" Minho mumbled to himself smirking and heading to the bathroom.

A few seconds passed, _________ opened one eye and peaked only to find the room empty. She lifted her head and turned it slighty but Minho was no where in sight. 

"Where is that idiot?" She asked herself, but instead of getting up and looking for him, She went back to sleep. The last thing she heard was water running.




_____________ dreamt the she was flying. She didn't know how she was flying but somehow, she was. She didn't know where she was either. All she could see was the vast ocean under her and a couple of unhabited islands.

She felt peaceful.

For minutes maybe even hours. She was flying, just enjoying her bird's eye-view of everything. The wind in her hair, The feel of clouds passing her. That is until she heard the loud cracking of thunder. The once clear day turned dark. She looked up only to be met by eyes, eyes that looked exactly like Minho's.

They had an evil glint in them. 

The thunder rolled once again, strucking ____________. But she was still staring at those eyes.Suddenly she could feel herself falling. 




Then she landed with a big splash in the ocean, Effectively waking her up with a jerk. 

"HAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Minho's laughter echoed through the bathroom as he took in his wife's current state. She was soaking wet inside the tub with a priceless expression.

"What? What happened? Where's the ocean?" ____________ asked and looked around until her eyes landed on a laughing Minho, sitting on the toilet, clutching his stomach.

Then she realized.

Minho carried and dropped her inside the bath tub. The bathtub containing cold water. 

"CHOI MINHO!" She screamed at the top of her lungs. She was sure Mel and Joe could hear her even through the sound proof walls.

"Yes?- HAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHA! Your f-fa-face-HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH!" Minho laughed pointing at her. He kept laughing the he didn't notice he already fell off the toilet and was literally rolling on the floor. ___________ smirked and thought he'd stop laughing but he didn't. 

He just kept laughing.

"Y-Yah!" _________ scolded. Her cheeks would have turned red if it wasn't for the cold water.

"HAHAHAHAHA! t-tha-that's what you get f-for- HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!"

"Geesh he can't even say on coherent sentence." He muttered to herself glaring at Minho. 

Suddenly a thought struck her. She stood up from the tub with an evil smile and approached Minho who was closing his eyes while laughing his head off.

Minho felt a shadow over him, He opened his eyes and found his beautiful wife smiling sweetly down at him.

"Who needs a hug?" She asked.

"Huh?' Minho asked stupidly, his laughter dying down.

'You do!" She answered herself before flinging herself over Minho on the floor.


"Usually, a girl would appreciate being called hot. Since you called me cold, I don't think I'll get up." ___________ said talking to herself then at Minho as an after thought and rested her head on Minho's chest effectively soaking him in the process.

Minho sighed.

"You do realize that you're on top of me right?" He asked slowly. _________nodded and stiffled a yawn.

"Yeah, but you're not doing anything so might as well be com-fy." She replied yawning. 

"Well, I can't do anything because you're too heavy!" Minho complained. but ____________didn't budge. 

He lied.

He could do something about it. He could easily push his wife off of him with out trouble and they both knew that, but neither of them wanted to move. 

They were contented.

"____________?" Minho asked softly her hair. If some stranger were to enter, they'd immediately think that they were in an awkward position. Minho lying on the cold hard floor with ____________ on top of him; Minho her hair. but neither cared.

"De?" She answered politely while yawning again, feeling her eyes droop.

"If you sleep again, I'm dumping you in the pool and you do realize that It's cold out right?" Minho replied, still her hair. 

She nodded.

"Arraso, What are we doing today?" She asked, looking at him through her thick lashes.

"Well, since it's christmas, we can't really do water sports since you'd freeze to death and we don't want that. So would christmas shopping do?"  He asked, staring straight at the ceiling but pulling her tighter against his chest.

"Why would I freeze? It's only air." She answered cockily.

"It's cold air." He answered smugly

She rolled her eyes.


"OMO! MINHO! IT'S CHRISTMAS!!" ___________ yelled, jumping off him.

"Yeah it is." He answered suddenly confused with her actions.

_____________ immediately ran out of the bathroom and got her phone that was vibrating on top the wooden desk.

With out looking at the caller I.D. she answered.


"Nooooooonaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!" Taemin yelled through the reciever. While Key was trying to snatch the phone from him.

"Taaeminnieee!" ____________ squealed jumping like a kid.

"Nooooooonaaaaaaa!!!!1" Taemin answered, ushing Key away.


"Bogoshipeo!!!!!!!" They screamed together. They being ___________ and Taemin.

"Noooona! How are you and hyung? Pregnant yet?" Taemin asked, which earned him a smack from Key.

"YAH! When did you get so not innocent!" Key scolded from the back ground.

_____________ just laughed, as she was listening to Key and Taemin's argument. 

'I really missed these idiots.' She thought to herself smiling.

Minho exited the bathroom after his initial shock then saw ___________ smiling.  Which of course made him smile.

"Who's that?" Minho asked when __________ noticed him.

"Key Oppa and Taeminnie." She mouthed. Minho nodded his head saying he understood then produced a towel behind him and handed it to ___________.

"YAH! Talk to __________! Do you know how expensive the bill will be!?" Key scolded Taemin and grabbed the phone from him.

"____________! I miss you! Uh, Don't forget our presents and uh yeah we love you! Sorry this needs to be fast cause Taemin just wasted like- anyway I'll stop rambling you understand! Love you! Bye!" With that, Key hung up and smacked Taemin on the head.

"Wow." was all __________ said before closing her phone and turning to face Minho.

"Let's go shopping!"  She cheered.


Minho and ___________ went shopping around the small island of Singapore bringing gifts and souveneirs for their family and friends. To say the least, Minho was the banker. He didn't allow ___________ to spend a single cent. 


LATER THAT NIGHT. (After dinner)

"Min- ACHOO!" _________sneezed .

"Gwenchana?" Minho asked, lifting his head from the book he was reading, his glasses slightly slipping off the bridge of his nose.

"De, can- ACHOO!" She sneezed again.

MInho closed his book and faced ___________, bringing her face up so he could closely look at his wife's features.

___________ was pale, Her eyes bloodshot; Her nose red. 

Minho chuckled silently thinking about rudolf.

"Wae?" _________ asked trying not to sneezed but failed miserably.

"ACHOO!" She sneezed again and fell back on the pillows since her head was starting to ache.

Minho placed the back of his hand on __________'s forehead and was rewarded with a burning sensation.

"You're running a fever ___________. Wait here, I''' get medicine arasso?" He immediatel got off the bed changed his pajamas.

All __________ could do was nod.

"Stupid idiot!" Minho hissed to himself, He couldn't stop blaming himself for ____________ being sick. He wet her and she stayed out too long.

The elevators dinged open and he hurreidlly pressed the button for the lobby.


Through the night, Minho took care of ___________.

She vomited once, not on him but on the carpet. He cleaned it.

She was starting to chilll, Minho wrapped her in blankets and hugged her, until she stopped.

Her fever increased, Minho gave her a spongebath. (Not including the private area just so you know.)

She had dreams again, Minho calmed her down.

Overall, Minho didn't get sleep. He looked at the clock on the drawer and it was blikning 3:00 back at him.

He kissed ___________'s forehead but before he could drift into a dreamless sleep, He got something out from the drawer. It was a rectangular velvet box.

He smiled. 

He couldn't wait to give it to her. 



Hey!!!!! So yeah. Hi! you already know i'll be editing someday :D




"Welcome home!" 

"Good to be home!"


"We have guests!" 


"Just you wait, SHE'LL be here any second."


"Actually they-"


'This is when I can honestly say that my marraige is starting to go down the drain even if he doesn't realize it.'


I love you!

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ReaderByHeart1521 #1
Chapter 39: Man! And here I thought that the mother was good but damn! -.- happens in every typical kdrama story plot! Those mothers! -.-
sapphirequake #2
Chapter 15: I really like the grandmother. Soooo funny! :D
sfghgf4444 #3
Chapter 64: love this story <3
algaiaknight #4
Chapter 64: Finally finished read your fic and have to said that I love this....I love your story plot ahaha I even can imagine that am the heroin *ahem* and I love how rid Minho & Yuri mom...though it is surprise for me to see Minho & Yuri real relationship haha...you should make short sequel featuring Key-Yuri & Onew-Jessica ahaha...love the fic..going to read the seqeul soon..keep up the good work =)
Chapter 59: Very nice story. Imma charge my phone now coz im honna read the next part. Yaay! ;)
Chapter 23: Soooo romantic. ♡
Chapter 3: Gahhh im having fun. :)
Wonderful, amazing, nice , good, lovely, and greeaaaaaat story
unicornwhisperer #9
Chapter 64: Thank you so much for this wonderful story please don't stop writing you're awesome ^^