The Reason I said 'I DO'

When Minho reached the mansion, He glanced at __________ wondering if he should wake her up. 

He stared at her flawless face, when her left eye suddenly opened.

"Are we here?" __________ asked sleepily.

Minho smiled at her and rubbed her head like she was a dog. ___________ closed her eyes and stiffled a yawn enjoying Minho's hand on top of her head, for her it felt relaxing.

She suddenly felt Minho's hot breath beside her ear, but she didn't dare open her eyes. Minho smirked noticing ___________'s slow breathing.

"You can sleep here if you want to." __________ frowned and open her eyes, only to see Minho pull away and get out of the car and lock it; leaving her inside.

"YAH! You can't just leave me here!" ____________ yelled banging on the window.

"Stupid Minho. Stupid cars that can only be unlocked by a key. AISH!" She said frustrated. __________ then tried pulling on the door handle but it was useless. She tried bumping her shoulders on the car door, thinking it would work too.

"Why wouldn't it work!? It works in movies! Why the hell wouldn't it work here!? Stupid movies!" She cursed under her breath while Minho was looking at her with amusement leaning on the double doors. 

____________ looked up and met his gaze with a glare.

"YAH! GET ME OUT OF HERE!" She yelled. 

"SORRY I CAN'T HEAR YOU" Minho mouthed holding in his laughter.

___________ glared at him one more time before eventually giving up. She leaned back on the leather seats and sighed deeply, She glanced at Minho and saw that he wasn't moving from his spot at all. She eventually gave up and rested her head on the door and closed her eyes. 

From Minho's view, it looked like _________ was running out of oxygen. He immediately stood straight and unlocked the car doors using the remote, but she didn't budge. 

'Two can play it that game pabo.' _________ thought. 

Seeing no movement. Minho started to worry. 

"Why the hell isn't she moving!?" He said out loud making his way to the car. When he reached the passenger side, He knocked on the door but _________ didn't move nor did she ackwoledge his exsistence. 

"Yah! Yoo ___________ don't make fun! It's not funny!" Minho yelled, starting to panick. Still, __________ didn't move. Not even an inch.

He hurriedly opened the door. The second he did, _________ ran out, stepping on his foot and opened the huge double doors. Minho couldn't let her escape the easily. Before _________ even step foot in the mansion, He locked the car; chased her and caught up, grabbing her by the arm. Minho spun her around and leveled their eyes. 

"That wasn't nice _________." Minho breathed.

"And what you did was nice?" __________ smirked meeting his challenging gaze. 

"Who said I was nice?" He countered tightening his grip and pushing her through the door. 

"Who said I couldn't be bad?" ___________ countered, Her smirk not leaving her face. Minho's eyes trailed from her orbs to her lips then back to her eyes. ____________ did the same thing subtly trying not be caught. 

Minho saw.

Their gazes locked.

Minho leaned in.

_________ closed her eyes.

"Get a room! Kissing leads to and having with guests around isn't proper!" The 'couple' immediately pulled apart and turned to the voice. 

"Mother! you ruined a perfectly good moment!" Anne scolded Lucy. 

"Whatever! They share a bedroom anyway they can have every night!" Everyone in the room laughed, Minho face palmed himself while ________ rested her forehead on Minho's shoulder due to embarassment. 

Lucy planned a get together to surprise the 'couple' while they were in the conference and because of her powerful connections, She has managed to get all of the couple's close friends. 

"Noona!!!!!!!" Hearing that voice ___________ looked up and saw Taemin approaching her with a huge grin. 

She immediately forgot about her embarrasment and met Taemin half way, hugging him. 

"I missed you noona~~~" Taemin  sang and huugged her back, resting his cheek on her head. 

"Wait, did you grow taller?" ________ noticed. 

"Yup! Key Hyung has been taking care of me!" 

"Speaking of Ke-"

"I'm right here!" Key appeared beside them before __________ could say anything else. He immediately pulled her into a warm hug.

"Stop hogging her! It's my turn!" A familiar voice spoke behind them. 

A very familiar voice.

"TIFFANYYYYYYYYYY!" __________Screamed pushing Key and Taemin aside, heading for Tiffany.

"HEY!" Both Key and Taemin screamed in protest.

__________ stopped before Tiffany. They grinned idiotically at each other for about a minute then-----

"KYAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!! I MISSED YOU SO MUCH!" They both screamed together.


In the other side of the room, Minho was with his friends introducing Taemin and Key, ignoring the high pitch squealing and jumping from the two girls.

"Wow, she's pretty Minho don't let her go." Changmin said, eyeing ____________.

"Hyung! eyes here.'" Minho said in a warning tone. Everyone laughed.

"Hyung, Minho's dangerous when it comes to ________." Onew stated earning another laugh from everyone. 

"Wait, why are you even here?" Minho asked, feeling uncomfortable. He refuses to admit that he cares about ___________.

"Do you really have to ask that Minho? Your grandmother has her ways." Yunho said.

"Are we ever going to meet her though?" Eunhyuk asked.

"Yeah, you better introduce her to us before we introduce ourselves, If you know what I mean---" Kyuhyun said wiggling his eyebrows.

Yunho smacked his head.


"Why are you here? How are you here?" ___________ asked Tiffany.

"Well Minho's grandmother called me and made ways and blah blah blah and TADA!" An arm found it's away  around __________'s waist startling her.

"Hey, I want you to meet my friends." Minho was about to kiss her forehead just as she looked up and their lips touched.

There were cheers and Awwe's around the room.

"I don't think they can hold it any longer." Lucy interuppted again while everyone laughed.

Minho pulled away wile _________ looked down and felt herself blush.________cleared .

"Anyway, This is Tiffany my girl best friend. Tiffany this is Minho my fiance." She introduced, ignoring her beating heart.

Tiffany ed her hand out, while Minho accepted it and shook it. Tiffany gripped his hand tighter and pulled him close.

"If you ever hurt my best friend, I swear to God you're not going to see daylight for months. You'll be trapped in the hospital and would not be able to have kids. Arraso!?" Tiffany threatened. Minho smiled.

"Don't worry, I don't plan on hurting her or letteing her go. If somehow __________and I aren't together anymore, That's because she doesn't want me." Minho said, while Tiffany let go of his hand and smiled, seemingly satisfied with what Minho said. 

"Let's go." Minho pulled _________ while __________ pulled Tiffany. 


Before introductions could be made, The doorbell dinged.Anne opened the door, to reveal Jonghyun with Sekyung. 

"What are you doing here?" _________ asked directing towards Sekyung.

"Oooh! __________ Jonghyun is here! with his wife!" Lucy cheered bringing both Sekyung ang Jonghyun into the house, oblivious to everything that's happening.

The little get together Lucy organized continued while ___________ finally got the courage to talk to both Jonghyun and Sekyung, but not without Minho. 

Minho lead them to the library which _________ didn't know exsisted.

"Does he really have to be here?" Jjong asked flicking his head towards Minho.

"He's my fiance, Oppa Of course he has to be here." She replied while Minho placed his arm protectively around __________'s shoulders.

"Okay, Let's just cut to the chase,Why did you leave _________?" Sekyung asked.

"Unnie, I'm not ready to tell you yet, just what do you want to talk about?" ______asked.

"I mean to think about it, We really have nothing to talk about." She continued.

"It's just, Are you ever going to tell us why you left?" Sekyung sighed and patted her stomach, seeing this __________'s eyes widened.

"You're pregnant?" 

"Yes." Sekyung replied with a smirk.

"Oh, congratualations!" __________ congratulated.

"Jonghyun, you don't seem to be jumping, You're going to be a dad." Minho noticed eyeing Jjong.

"Well, that kid isn't mine. Sekyung and I are getting a divorce." 

Minho immediately pulled _________closer to her side.

"Why- When did you- What happened?" _________ asked, unconciously leaning into Minho.

"Well, it's complicated." Sekyung stated.

"Yeah, it is isn't it? Me telling you why I left is also complicated Just wait, you'll know when I'm ready." ___________ stood up grabbing Minho's arm, leaving Sekyung and Jjong. 

Across the Library there was a huge balcony which ________ just noticed, her being her, She stepped out into the balcony breathing the air, still not releasing Minho's hand.

"Are you okay?" Minho asked.

"Of course I am." She replied turning to him. Minho pulled her close and rested his arms just above her hips.

"What are you diong?" _________ asked.

"Jonghyun is watching  us right now, I have a feeling he's doubting our 'relationship' " _________ quircked an eyebrow  at him, while from the corner of her eyes, Jonghyun was really there watching them behind the glass doors. 

"So what do you want to do about that?" She asked Minho.

"I don't know." He replied.

"You don't?" _________ asked again completely forgetting about Jonghyun.

"Maybe I do."  Minho said resting his forehead on hers.

"So now you do? What is it then?" ________asked playfully, feeling her stomach do summersaults.

"Yeah, this." 

Minho Kissed her.




I Love You! 

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ReaderByHeart1521 #1
Chapter 39: Man! And here I thought that the mother was good but damn! -.- happens in every typical kdrama story plot! Those mothers! -.-
sapphirequake #2
Chapter 15: I really like the grandmother. Soooo funny! :D
sfghgf4444 #3
Chapter 64: love this story <3
algaiaknight #4
Chapter 64: Finally finished read your fic and have to said that I love this....I love your story plot ahaha I even can imagine that am the heroin *ahem* and I love how rid Minho & Yuri mom...though it is surprise for me to see Minho & Yuri real relationship haha...you should make short sequel featuring Key-Yuri & Onew-Jessica ahaha...love the fic..going to read the seqeul soon..keep up the good work =)
Chapter 59: Very nice story. Imma charge my phone now coz im honna read the next part. Yaay! ;)
Chapter 23: Soooo romantic. ♡
Chapter 3: Gahhh im having fun. :)
Wonderful, amazing, nice , good, lovely, and greeaaaaaat story
unicornwhisperer #9
Chapter 64: Thank you so much for this wonderful story please don't stop writing you're awesome ^^