The Reason I said 'I DO'


8:00 PM

"Noona! I'm really going to miss you!" Taemin yelled and went over to hug _________.

"Awee, I'm going to miss you to Taeminnie!" ___________ returned the hug.

"Key Oppa! Why won't you just move in with us?" ___________ asked, confused. It would have been great to have someone around her that wouldn't make her feel awkward. 

Key sighed and looked at __________ and Taemin who were still in a hug.

"Well, For starters, You are getting married and that means you are going to be starting your own family soon." 

"So? It's not like I'm starting now." __________ countered, breaking the hug and looking at Key.

"Think about how Minho will feel, ____________." ___________ thought about it. Key was right. Maybe Minho just said that out of politeness.

Before any of them could say anything else, A honking of the car was heard.

"That would be Minho hyung!" Taemin excitedly went to get the door. He was greeted by Minho wha had a smile on his face.

"Where's __________?" Minho asked, trying to look exited for props.

"Oh, She's just packing one last box." Taemin stated and moved out of the way to let Minho in. 

"Princess, are you ready?" Minho called out referring to __________.

__________ turned around and raised her eyebrows at Minho.

"Princess?" She whispered. 

"Hey, Being my fiance also means acting like you love me with every fiber of your being you know." Minho stated.

"Oh." _________, then hugged Minho which startled him. He couldn't help but think how perfect she fit with him. 

"Okay, here I finished up for you! You can go now!" Key interuptted the couple and gave them big smiles. 

"Hyung, your eyes are teary." Taemin noticed looking straight into Key's eyes. 

"It's because of the allergies!" Key made an excuse up. __________ only smiled widely and let go of Minho and approached Key.

"Oppa! I'm going to miss you!" _________ hugged her. Key couldn't hold his tears anymore. When he felt ___________'s arms around his neck, He sobbed.

"My little girl, Your finally growing up! I'm going to miss you too!" Key said in between breathes. 

"Hyung, You sound like she's never going to visit. You are going to visit, Right noona?" Taemin asked. 

"Of course she is! It's not like I'm taking her out your lives." Minho said, which Taemin smiled to. ___________ approached Taemin and hugged him too. 

"Okay, enough of this, we still have to load these boxes in the car." Key said going back to his usual nagging self. 

____________ and Taemin immediately started to load the boxes, while Key pulled Minho aside.

"Yah, take care of ___________ arasso?" Key aaked.


"Ssh, let me talk. Take care of her, Love her and make sure not to hurt her."  Key interuptted.

"Of course I'll take of her." Minho replied.

"Yah, I know your not really together. It's really obvious, the way she's always stiff around you and the way you are always one meter apart when your with each other. Improve on your acting arasso?" Minho was left shocked, How can he see through that? Even Taemin didn't notice!

"Taemin has an innocent mind, so obviously he wouldn't know." Key said, as if reading Minho's mind.

"Hyung how did-"

"Shhh, Shut up, I didn't say anything earlier because this is __________'s life. Not mine. So I'm asking you, please take care of her arasso?" All Minho could do was nod. 



"__________, from now on, You are calling me Oppa." Minho demanded as he was turning to a corner. 

"Eh? Why? Your like only a few months older than I am." __________ asked, clearly not liking the idea of calling Minho Oppa.

"I'm not taking no for an answer." This silenced __________. Then she remembered something, They never really actually agreed about anything. No rules, No contract-- nothing.

"Um- Minho-ah." ___________ called, but he didn't answer her, not even an acknowledgment that he heard her. 

"YAH!" She yelled. No reaction.


'Your supposed to call him Oppa remember?' The little voice in the back of her mind said again.

'AISH! get out of my mind!' 

'PSH, you know i'm right' 


__________ took a deep breathe and cooed.

"Oppa~~." This succesfully got Minho's attention? 

"Wae?" He asked ignoring the fact that _________ looked really cute. 

"We didn't agree on rules." 

"Yeah, We didn't." He replied not taking his eyes off the road.

"Well, shouldn't we have a contract or something?" ___________ asked.

"And have someone find it and black mail either one of us? huh, I don't think so." Minho stated which got ___________ thinking. 

'But we need rules!' She thought to her self.

"Why, don't you trust me?" Minho asked.

"No, I do--- You know what? Never mind!"

'Useless Idiot. I wonder what girls find in him-- AISH!' ___________ thought to herself not knowing she said that out loud.

Minho just smiled, happy he chose the right girl to be in her place. Yeah, A lot of girls would love to be in her spot--- but She was the only one Minho thought was close to his ideal girl. 



In the other side of Korea, Jonghyun slammed the door to his house, startling Sekyung who was cooking her dinner not expecting her husband to come home a day before.

"YAH! Shin Sekyung, come here right now!" Jonghyung yelled angrily from the living room. He didn't even use her married name. He used her maiden name, which means, He is very mad.

Sekyung immediately turned the stove off and went out of the kitchen, getting ready to face the consequences of the mistake she made.




"Okay, So this is your room and My room is in the other side of this hall, if you need anything." Minho placed ________'s things down  and went out to proceed to his own room. ___________ only nodded finding it a waste of energy to talk back. 

"Oh, One more thing, Your going to be meeting my grandmother and my mother tomorrow-" At this, ___________ immediately stood up and approached him shaking his shoulders.

"What in the heavens are you talking about!? I thought they were in states!" _________ exclaimed.

"Yeah, They were, but when my grandmother found out I'm engaged, She took the first flight back." Minho replied calmly.

"And your telling me this only now because?"  __________ asked, starting to panck.

Her  question was ignored.

"Good night soon to be wifey." Minho kissed her forehead and slipped out of the room, leaving her there, standing in the midst of confusing thoughts.

Too tired, too change into anything else, She plopped on her bed and stared at the ceiling.

"How does he expect me to have a good nights sleep this way?" 

After 5 minutes of trying to surpress her anger---

"CHOI MINHO YOU ARE AN IDIOT!"  She screamed her frustrations out.

"I HEARD THAT!" came Minho's voice. She immediately got the covers of her bed and buried her face in it, heating up with embarrasment. 

"So I'm an idiot now?" Minho said, his voice directly above her. 

"Shut up." _________ replied, flipping her position, so her body was facing the bed. 

"Why are you back anyway?"

Minho chuckled.

"I already talked to Onew hyung, and He said he will be sending you your last salary and he says congratulations." 

"Okay, that's good now get out." 

"This is my house, you have no right to-" _________ went back to her original position; pulled the covers out of her way and started kicking Minho.

"Out! Out! Out! Out!" She kicked.

"Okay! stop gosh! geesh WOMAN!"  Minho complained, feeling his stomach sting from the compact.

She can kick hard. 

"Yes, I'm a woman. Now--  get out!" Minho immediately went out of her room, fearing she might kick him again. Only this time--- somewhere below the stomach. He shivered with the thought and headed back to his room; Not knowing that by tomorrow, they'd have to share a room. 


Okay, so--- i know this is a not so good chappy... Ah... Sorry i'm depressed. I blame school. 

anywhoooooo... Do you have any idea what's happening with Jonghyun and Sekyung? kekekekke. oh and about the BEASTFRIEND LAST CHPTER YEAH.. THAT WAS A TYPO.. SORRY ABOUT THAT BUT I WON'T EDIT IT CAUSE I ALSO FOUND IT FUNNY! ^.^

 i love you!

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ReaderByHeart1521 #1
Chapter 39: Man! And here I thought that the mother was good but damn! -.- happens in every typical kdrama story plot! Those mothers! -.-
sapphirequake #2
Chapter 15: I really like the grandmother. Soooo funny! :D
sfghgf4444 #3
Chapter 64: love this story <3
algaiaknight #4
Chapter 64: Finally finished read your fic and have to said that I love this....I love your story plot ahaha I even can imagine that am the heroin *ahem* and I love how rid Minho & Yuri mom...though it is surprise for me to see Minho & Yuri real relationship haha...you should make short sequel featuring Key-Yuri & Onew-Jessica ahaha...love the fic..going to read the seqeul soon..keep up the good work =)
Chapter 59: Very nice story. Imma charge my phone now coz im honna read the next part. Yaay! ;)
Chapter 23: Soooo romantic. ♡
Chapter 3: Gahhh im having fun. :)
Wonderful, amazing, nice , good, lovely, and greeaaaaaat story
unicornwhisperer #9
Chapter 64: Thank you so much for this wonderful story please don't stop writing you're awesome ^^