The Reason I said 'I DO'

Minho was sleeping peacefully on his bed when his door suddenly burst open revealing Lucy.

"Will you please keep it down!? I'm actually trying to sleep here." Minho groaned, rolling to one side so he was facing down.

"You are my grandson! I do not take orders from you!" Lucy yelled, approaching Minho.


"Owwwwww! Ah- O-okay! OKay I-I'm awak-OOOWWWWW!" Minho screamed in pain. Lucy was currently doing the oldest trick in the book.

She pinched and twisted MInho's ear, which proved to be effective. 

"Did you really have to do that!?" Minho frowned, rubbing his ear; stepping back.

"Yes, and you should thank me, cause Hyuna and ____________ are already in the cafe." The minute those words flew out of Lucy's mouth, Minho wasted no time in taking a shower and didn't even bother checking if his clothes matched.

He ran out of the mansion before you could say 'BOO'.




"Unnie, why do I have to be here again?" _____________ asked, Hyuna who was looking around impatiently.

"Well since you know I don't watch TV and go out much I don't know if I hired the right singer." Hyuna explained, still avoiding her eyes.

"Couldn't you ask any of your friends?" _____________ replied.

Finally, Hyuna looked at her and sighed.

"Just this last time ___________. Jebal! Please just help me." Hyuna pleaded.

Now it was ___________'s turn to sigh. 


"So who are we waiting for again?" ______________ asked, playing with her steaming coffee.

"The singer I hired for the wedding." Hyuna answered evasively.

"Oh." __________ replied then drank her coffee as they lasped into silence.




"I'm sorry I'm late."  Minho stated, occupying the seat before ____________.

Hearing his voice, __________ immediately choked on the coffee she was sipping and stood up as some of the liquid poured out of .

"OMO! ____________! gwenchana?" Hyuna stood up, offering _____________ a tissue and helping her wipe the wet spots on her plain white T-shirt.

While this whole thing happened, Minho leaned back on his seat with an amused expression.

'Tsk Tsk, typical __________. Always the clumsy one.' He thought.

As Hyuna and____________ were furiously wiping the stains, Minho couldn't help but study ____________'s features.

She looked better.

___________ looked like she was literally glowing, radiating and it pissed Minho off not being able to have her then and there. 

Then he noticed. 

Because of the huge stain, Her bra is now very visible.

"Dude, I'd so totally her and wouldn't mind going to jail." A man behind their table said, not so discretely. Obviously _________ heard. In fact the whole restaurant heard.

"What did you say?" Minho turned and glared hard at the man, who now looked very intimidated.

"N-nothing." The man stuttered and stood up dragging his friend with him, with out even bothering to pay for the bill.

"YAH!" The store manager yelled then chased after the men.

_____________ looked down and felt tears at the corner of her eyes tart to fall. She wouldn't feel so emotional about it but she felt so violated and embarrased.

"Excuse me." ___________ said, then ran out of the restaurant, breaking out into little sobs leaving everyone to talk about how stupid the man is.



___________'s POV

I felt everyone's stares as I stood up and spilled a bit of coffee out of my mouth and the fact that I also felt Minho's amused stare didn't help me emotions at all.

Does he think this is funny!? Stupid . 

"Dude, I'd so totally her and wouldn't mind going to jail." A man behind our table said. 

That stupid ! No one says that about me. I was about to say something but Minho beat me to it.

"What did you say?" He said angrily. 

I immediately felt my vision start to blur, I didn't catch what the man replied or why he ran out, What was bother me was the fact that Minho sounded like he still cared about me. 

Does he still care for me?

Does he still love me?

My heart started beating fast, my palms began to sweat as I tried busying myself with wiping my shirt while Hyuna unnie moved to wiping my pants.

No please he can't start acting like this.

Suddenly memories of both of us from Singapore, flashed through my mind.

Memories of our first christmas, Of him defending me when I was almost . 

Memories of our last night together. 

Tears started falling from my eyes and I know, as they fell, They hit Hyuna Unnie because she stopped what she was doing. She looked up at me and stood straight.

 She opened and was about to say something, but I ran out. 

Meeting Minho there wasn't planned. I didn't know he was going to be there. If only I knew maybe I'd be prepared. 

But spending more time in there, I know I wouldn't be able to hold it in anymore. 

I ran.

And ran.

And ran.

And ran. 

I'd say I didn't know where my feet were taking me but I did.

I ran until I reached the Han river which was strangely empty and let the tears fall.

Today I :

1. was humiliated.

2. Saw Minho.

3. Remembered everything good about Minho.

4. Feel like I'm falling for him again. I mean I never actually got over him, I still love him but I know I was getting there.

Suddenly I felt exhausted. I plopped down on the ground and just looked up the sky which was slowly turning a shade of gray, signaling it was going to rain but I don't care.

Let it rain for I care. 

And just like that, The rain started pouring down.

"YAH! What are you trying to do? Get sick!?" A voice I knew all too well said.

I turned around and saw him run towards me.

I turned my head back to the sky and took a ddep breath, feeling the rain hit my skin.

5. Today, I know i'm going to fall for Choi Minho all over again.

But the question is, does he still love me? because I know that no matter how many times I deny it, I will always be able to forgive Minho. If he begs for forgiveness now, there's no telling what we'd end up doing.









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ReaderByHeart1521 #1
Chapter 39: Man! And here I thought that the mother was good but damn! -.- happens in every typical kdrama story plot! Those mothers! -.-
sapphirequake #2
Chapter 15: I really like the grandmother. Soooo funny! :D
sfghgf4444 #3
Chapter 64: love this story <3
algaiaknight #4
Chapter 64: Finally finished read your fic and have to said that I love this....I love your story plot ahaha I even can imagine that am the heroin *ahem* and I love how rid Minho & Yuri mom...though it is surprise for me to see Minho & Yuri real relationship haha...you should make short sequel featuring Key-Yuri & Onew-Jessica ahaha...love the fic..going to read the seqeul soon..keep up the good work =)
Chapter 59: Very nice story. Imma charge my phone now coz im honna read the next part. Yaay! ;)
Chapter 23: Soooo romantic. ♡
Chapter 3: Gahhh im having fun. :)
Wonderful, amazing, nice , good, lovely, and greeaaaaaat story
unicornwhisperer #9
Chapter 64: Thank you so much for this wonderful story please don't stop writing you're awesome ^^