The Reason I said 'I DO'

Everyone has been calling _____________ for one hour straight. 

From Tiffany to Jonghyun to Onew and even Jessica but _____________ just sat on the bed staring at nothing before her. 

'Why I am acting like this?' She asked herself, She couldn't even find the energy to open .

Her phone vibrated once again and she was getting tired.

"WHAT!?" She screamed on the phone. By this point she didn't even care if it was Lucy who was calling her.


"M-Minho?" She stuttered feeling hope swelled in her chest. 

"This is Jonghyun, _____________." Jonghyun sighed through the reciever.

"Oh." Was all _____________ could say. She was so sure that it was Minho.

"I'm picking you up." Jonghyun said before hanging up, He didn't need to ask her if she was okay or what she wanted to do, all Jonghyun knows is his bestfriend needed him and He's not going to leave her alone.


In the other side of Seoul.

Lucy, Taemin and Key were having snacks in a cafe.

"OMOMOOMOMMOMOMO!!!" A girl who looked to be eighteen years old. rushed inside the cafe holding a tabloid.

"YAH! you're too loud!" Thr girl on the table said nd apologized to the people.

"Anyway, ____________ and Minho are divorcing!" 

"MWO!?" Taemin, Lucy, Key and the girl's two other friiends said at the same time.

"OMO! You're C-CHoi Lucy!" The girl's friend said.

"Yes, I am and I just want to know why you're saying that my grandson and his wife are divorcing?" Lucy said looking outraged.

"W-well, it s-says so right h-here and MInhho s-said it himself in the i-interview." The girl said and handed the tabloid to Lucy with her head down.

"WHAT!?" Lucy screeched when she read the article. 

Everyone in the restaurant turned their heads towards her due to curiousity and widened their eyes as soon as they saw it was Lucy.

Key, being the fast thinker, thanked the girl and pulled Lucy outside with Taemin trailing behind them.

"Oemmonni, Relax. I'll go get the car and call ____________ and Taemin will call Minho-" Key started.

"No I'll call Minho." Lucy said angrily grabbing her phone from her purse.

"Taemin, go get the car."

Lucy immediately dialed Minho's number.


"YAH! Choi Minho! What is this I read in the tabloids!? What did you do!?" Lucy screeched, getting in the car that Key was now driving.

"Ommeonni, things just didn't work out between us." Minho answered exasperatedly.


"I don't l-love her." Minho said his voice almost breaking.

"Your voice broke. You can't lie to me Minho. I know you still love her. and I don't know why you broke up with my dear _____________ but for now, you have no grandmother. I am VERY dissppointed in you." Lucy said as tears fell from her eyes and as Key clenched the steering wheel.

Taemin was silent the whole time but all he wanted to do was kick the hell out of Minho. No one hurts his noona and he's going to fight for his noona like she was his own sister.

The whole ride was spent in silence. No one said a word and that's how it stayed until they reached the mansion and saw Jonghyun about to enter.

"Hyung!" Taemin yelled going to Jonghyun.

"Oh, annyeong, I'm getting ____________ I'm getting worried." Jonghyun answered when they were all about to enter the house, they all heard a heart wrenching scream coming from ___________'s room.

They looked at each other and immediately bolted up to _____________ and Minho's room.


The room was a mess. Pillows and clothes were all over the room. ______________ threw and broke everything in her way. She wanted to destroy everything but somehow it didn't ease the pain. She wanted to commit suicide but she knows it would be useless because it wouldn't bring Minho back.

She knows it wouldn't make him feel guilty.

"_____________!" Lucy yelled when she entered the room with the trio hot behind her tracks.

"O-ommeonni." ___________ then broke down again.

"Oh dear, I'm sorry. I don't know what's with his head but I know one thing. He isn't my grandson." Lucy muttered glaring at Key, Jonghyun and Taemin motioning for them to get out.

"I- H-He never loved me." ______________ stated.

"I did, He still does. I know my grandson and he doesn't do things out of impulse. ____________, as much as I don't want to say this. Move on. Show him you never loed him to, Show him that you played him. Show him that you're strong and make him loathe hinmself for breaking you." Lucy said hugging ____________ and her hair in a motherly way.

"Okay. Minho have no idea what you let go--- and you're not having me back." ___________ said and as she said those words, she felt herself feel stronger, but she knew the minute she sees Minho she's just going to fall helpless.


A week later, Minho went back to the mansion.

______________ is back to living with Taemin and Key.

Except this time no one is talking to Minho and fans who see Yuri in the street either send her a glare or actually slap her.

"___________!!!!" Onew burst into her room while she was working on her college application.

"Annyeong Oppa." ____________ replied calmly, not even looking up from her work.

"We are going out!!!" Onew said dragging her.

"YAH! Oppa! I'm still working on college!"

"You have months before college starts again! and you need a break! please???" Onew begged pulling Taemin infront of him.

And why is TAemin infront of you?" _____________ asked raising her eyebrows.


"Nooona~~~~ please please please jebal! please! come with us!!! pleaseeeeeeee" Taemin begged sticking his bottom lip out and widened his eyes a bit carryong a stuff toy.

"You planned this didn't you?" ____________ asked.

"Yes." Both Jonghyun and Key said from the kitchen.

She sighed.


'Maybe a day out with these idiots will make me forget about him.' She thought.


The four muskateers brought ___________ to an all you can eat dessert restaurant.

Sadly--- Minho was there---with Yuri.

"___________ just ignore them arasso?" Onew said whispering in her ear and placing his hand around her waist.

Onew knew Minho still loves ____________ and he's going to have fun pushing his buttons.

"Hm." ____________ replied unaware of Onew's action.

"Wait, oppa where are Taemin, Key oppa and Jonghyun oppa?" ____________ asked trying hard to concentrate on Onew.

"They're ordering for us, we're assigned to find seats."


Tension in the restaurant grew. Everybody could literally feel it, even the waiters and waitresses.

"Oh! look who's here!" Yuri announced loudly, making all the girls including Key and Taemin turn to her and glare.

"Stop it." Minho said clenching his fist and glared at Yuri.

"Remember, I can choose to leave you right now." Minho warned.

Yuri immediately shut but couldn't help the smirk she gave ___________.

"Are you okay?" Onew asked leaning towards __________ while Minho felt his blood boil.

"Yeah." _________ answered looking down.

"Guys, I'm going to have to leave you, ____________ and I have a date." Onew stated liuyd enough for Minho and everyone else to hear.

Jonghyun was about to object but Key and Taemin immediately shooed them out.


When they left the restaurant, everybody grew into excited chatters.

"Omo! Onew and __________ look cute together!" A girl behind Mimnho's table said.

"I think it's a good thing Minho cheated on ___________ but it would have been better if she cheated with someone more beautiful than ___________." A girl beside Minho's table said.

"Right! Omo! I ship them!" One of the waitresses said.

Minho couldn't take it. ____________ being with Onew. actually he hated the fact that____________ was with someone else.

So he got up and left Yuri but before he could enter his car, Jonghyun grabbed him.

"What do you want?" Minho hissed.

"I have no idea why you hurt her but I swear I won't let you come near her ever again." Minho pulled his arm out of his grasp and drove away feeling like .





ISH. ^.^



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ReaderByHeart1521 #1
Chapter 39: Man! And here I thought that the mother was good but damn! -.- happens in every typical kdrama story plot! Those mothers! -.-
sapphirequake #2
Chapter 15: I really like the grandmother. Soooo funny! :D
sfghgf4444 #3
Chapter 64: love this story <3
algaiaknight #4
Chapter 64: Finally finished read your fic and have to said that I love this....I love your story plot ahaha I even can imagine that am the heroin *ahem* and I love how rid Minho & Yuri mom...though it is surprise for me to see Minho & Yuri real relationship haha...you should make short sequel featuring Key-Yuri & Onew-Jessica ahaha...love the fic..going to read the seqeul soon..keep up the good work =)
Chapter 59: Very nice story. Imma charge my phone now coz im honna read the next part. Yaay! ;)
Chapter 23: Soooo romantic. ♡
Chapter 3: Gahhh im having fun. :)
Wonderful, amazing, nice , good, lovely, and greeaaaaaat story
unicornwhisperer #9
Chapter 64: Thank you so much for this wonderful story please don't stop writing you're awesome ^^