The Reason I said 'I DO'

"Get our bags, I'll go hail a cab." Minho told ___________, but before he could leave, She grabbed his shirt and pulled him back.

The couple had already changed their clothes in the plane, Minho was wearing a red plaid polo, black skinny jeans, red Converse and of course his trusty beanie and raybans, to avoid the fans. While ___________ changed into demin ripped shorts, a white strapless tank top with a blue halter top over it and paired it with dark blue Supergas.

"Wait, if we rode a private plane why are we in the airport?" ____________ asked. She was expecting to land on another abandoned field or something related to a field at least.

"Cause that's where plane lands, now go get our bags." Minho replied.

"But why do I have to do that!? You're the guy here!" ___________ yelled causing a few heads to turn their way.

"Okay then, If you don't want to get the bags then get out of the airport and get a cab."

"But I don't know where the exit is." She stated, looking around.

"Exactly." With out another word, Minho left her and headed for the exit, getting lost in the sea of people rushing to either getting to their flight or to getting to their families.

"Stupid pabo leaving me alone." She grumbled.

Unconciously, last night's events came rushing into her head.

'I can't believe I kissed him.' She thought mindlessly making her way towards the conveyer belt.

Then she realized something. She had no idea what their bags looked like.



When Minho exited the airport, he immediately took his phone out to and called Jongmin, Their family butler. Yes, Minho said that he was going to get a cab, but that was just an excuse to get away from ________. Everything that happened in the plane never left his mind.


"Ahjussi! Annyeong! this is Minho!" He greeted through the phone.

"Minho-ah! What a surprise! Are you by any chance in Singapore?" He asked.

"De, and right now I'm in the airport with __________ can you pick us up?" He asked.

"I'm on my way." Minho smiled and kept his phone. He glanced back at the entrance pondering whether to go back in or not.

'Nah, She can manage.' He thought and sat down on a bench he spotted.



"Aish! why is this airport so big!?" ___________ ran her fingers through her hair due to frustration. She succesfully managed to find their bags after a lot of wrong luggages. One trolley bag had Minho's name while the other had hers, And since her bag was too light, She started too worry. Ommeonni was the one who packed their bags.

'UGH! only God knows what she packed for me!' She thought, rounding a corner hoping to find the exit but All that was before her was another part of the huge airport.

"Excuse me, are you lost?" A voice asked to her in Korean. When she turned she was met with a stunning gil, wearing a little black dress and red heels but somehow, she didn't look ty. She actually looked sophisticated.

"Uh-- Yeah, kind of..." _______ replied suddenly insecure about how she looked like. But in a strangers view, It looks like two models landed in Singapore for a runway show.

"Where a you headed? I've been to Singapore a lot of times and I practically already memorized where everything is." The girl smiled.

"Oh, um I was just looking for the exit." ____________ replied feeling stupid for not knowing where the exit was.

"I'm headed out too! Kaja!." The girl started turning and walking away before completely stopping.

"Oh, I'm Yuri by the way." Yuri smiled and her hand out towards ____________ which she accepted and shook  whole heartedly.

"I'm ____________, nice to meet you!"

"So, are you here alone?" Yuri asked, taking her Raybans out and putting them on. 

"No, I'm actually here with M-my husband." She stuttered.

"Oooooh, Where is he?" Yuri asked, looking around.

"I don't know actually, He said he was going to hail a cab, So i'm guessing he's outside." ____________ replied, Hoping Yuri wouldn't want to meet him.

"Well, can I meet him?" Yuri asked, giving her the puppy dog look.

"U-um y-yeah sure." ____________ answered giving Yuri a hesitant smile.


Once they were out, _____________ spotted Minho talking to an old ahjussi, looking concerned.

"So, Where's your husband?" Yuri asked eagerly.

"There he is." ___________ pointed her finger towards Minho feeling proud. He looked so handsome even when he was looking around the airport frantically. 

"Oh, so that's him?" Yuri asked, with a certain emotion on her face, which _________ didn't notice because she was too busy staring at Minho.

As if he felt her stare, Minho's eyes caught hers.

He let out a breath he didn't know he was holding until now. He thought _____________ was lost. 

___________ smiled and turned to Yuri but she was gone. ____________ turned to her left and saw  Yuri getting in a cab. 

She immediately ran towards the cab and stopped Yuri's door from closing.

"Oh ___________? What do you need?" Yuri asked looking pale and distraught.

"You left so suddenly that I didn't get a chance to thank you. So Thankyou!" _______________ told her cheerfully with the sun shinning brightly on her.

"That was nothing, we were headed towards the same place anyway! Sorry, but I have to go now!" Yuri stated, trying to close the door, but once again, _________prevented that from happening.

"I thought you wanted to meet my husband?" ___________ asked.

"Yeah, but i really have to go now, B-bye!" Yuri waved and pushed her away so she could close the door. 

___________ stumbled back and was steadied by a frustrated looking Minho.

"What was taking you so long? and Who was that?" Minho asked.

"Oh, just someone who helped me find the exit." She replied with a glare.

"Just shut up you found your way out anyway. Balli! Ahjussi Dongyeop is waiting." 

Minho then left her pondering how in the world he can act like the sweetest thing on earth, then all of a sudden turn into the devil's spawn.

"Yah!" Minho called out again.

____________ fast- walked towards him and for the first time, noticed a man who looked a year older then eommonnie,  with amusement playing in his eyes.

"I'm here, I'm here." _________replied grumpily and stuck her tongue out at Minho.

"Annyeong haseyo chonun _____________ imnida!" She greeted and bowed nintey degrees, which he rely a little higher since his back was aching. 

"I'm Dongyeop, and i'm going to be your butler here in Singapore." He then smiled at her.

___________ returned the smile. 

"So, um where's the cab?" ____________ asked since all she saw was a black sleek convertible.

DOngyeop laughed.

"Did you really think Minho would let you ride a cab?" Before __________ could ask what that meant, He chuckled, placed their luggages in the trunk and walked towards the driver's seat.

When __________ entered the car, She was greeted with Minho resting his head on the headrest with his eyes closed and his mouth slightly open.

__________ stared at him, and noticed how hot he is. Even when there were dark bags under his eyes, He still looked like a Greek God.

"You know it's rude to stare." Minho pointed out smirking at his wife. 

The engine suddenly roared to life and the car started moving. 

'Whew, saved by the engine.' 


"___________-ssi, wake up we have arrived." Dongyeop shooke her.

"Huh? Where are we?" ___________ got out of the car and took in her surroundings. 

She gasped.

Trees and well trimmed bushes surrounded the area and therefountain in the middle of the curved drive way and an iron gate about eighty meters from where she stood. She turned around; dropping. An off-white mansion stood before her. 

"This way." Dongyeop lead her.

She slowly walked towards the huge French doors of the mansion, passing Huge pillars. 

Dongyeop opened the door as her eyes glistened at the sight before her. The floor was made of pure marble, there were spiral stairs on both side of the house and a huge wooden table in the middle of what seemed like a hotel lobby, with a vase filled with fresh flowers arranged carefully. 

"Ahjussi, why are the rooms locked?" Minho descended from the stairs with a frown.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you, Your grandmother got the keys." _________ eyes considersably widened together with Minho's.

"But we can't sleep together!" ___________ protested before she could stop then covered realizing what she said.

"It's okay __________-ssi, I know your marraige is fake." 

"Oh." was ___________'s smart reply.

"Why would she take the keys!?" Minho asked looking stressed.

"Molla, but she mentioned something about having great granchildren early." Dongyeop replied trying to hold his laughter while _____________ paled.

"Don't worry, we'll find a way. ____________ why don't you go and explore the house. We'll be contacting our sources for a while." Minho said running a hand over his face and then turned all his attention towards his phone while Dongyeop also started to look through his own.


_____________ explored the house passing several french windows and portraits of the Choi family. Turning right, She saw a door slightly ajar. And her being the curious girl she is, entered the room. 

The first thing she saw was a piano in the middle of the room, Then as she let her eyes scan the room. She saw books lined on the shelves and a couch two meters away from the left side of the piano and a desk two meters from the right side of the piano.

She headed to the couch and saw that two individual cushioned chairs at each side with a small tea- table in between them. She sat on the couch so she could rest, but then something caught her eyes. She bent down and saw old photo albums under the tea-table. She took them out and started scanning random pictures. Then the pictures started showin Minho. Minho growing up. There were pictures of his as a baby, Him playing soccer, him in his birthday--- She continued scanning the album with a big smile on her face and occasionally would smirk at some pictures. 

That smile and smirk suddenly turned into a curious expression when __________ landed on a page with Minho, his arm around a girl who looked familiar.

She turned the page and saw the same girl except now, Minho was kneeling in front of her.

Curiously, She scanned to the next page and saw the girl and minho sitting on the couch cuddling while ommeonni was in the background looking pleased. She turned the page again and was taken aback at what she saw.

It was a picture of Minho back hugging a girl but her face was not seen because the picture was ripped and scratched. It looked like someone wanted to burn it but couldn't and decided to just keep it in the end. 

_________ turned it back to the previous page and stared at the girl in the picture. She looked so familiar to her but she couldn't actually identify her. Just when her brained clicked she was interuppted.

"What are you doing?" Minho asked coldly.


Soo i updated again! so i think a lot of you didn't like the last chapter. kekekeke sorry about that! anyway here is another chapter! and i'll be updating again tomorrow since yeah.. periodicals are over! ^.^  oh and i'll edit tomorrow  too!

i love you!

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ReaderByHeart1521 #1
Chapter 39: Man! And here I thought that the mother was good but damn! -.- happens in every typical kdrama story plot! Those mothers! -.-
sapphirequake #2
Chapter 15: I really like the grandmother. Soooo funny! :D
sfghgf4444 #3
Chapter 64: love this story <3
algaiaknight #4
Chapter 64: Finally finished read your fic and have to said that I love this....I love your story plot ahaha I even can imagine that am the heroin *ahem* and I love how rid Minho & Yuri mom...though it is surprise for me to see Minho & Yuri real relationship haha...you should make short sequel featuring Key-Yuri & Onew-Jessica ahaha...love the fic..going to read the seqeul soon..keep up the good work =)
Chapter 59: Very nice story. Imma charge my phone now coz im honna read the next part. Yaay! ;)
Chapter 23: Soooo romantic. ♡
Chapter 3: Gahhh im having fun. :)
Wonderful, amazing, nice , good, lovely, and greeaaaaaat story
unicornwhisperer #9
Chapter 64: Thank you so much for this wonderful story please don't stop writing you're awesome ^^