The Reason I said 'I DO'

"YAH! Choi Minho!" __________ yelled, getting up from the carpeted floor and ran after Minho yelling profanities.

When she reached Minho's room, She found him comfortably hugging his body pillow with eyes closed. She appraoched him.

'I am not sleeping on the floor.' She thought with conviction.

"YAH! WAKE UP!" _________ yelled; but Minho only threw her his pillow and rolled over, so now he was facing head down.

"YAH!" _________ tried again.

It was useless though, Minho is stubborn.

Very stubborn.

"Aish! Fine, be that way! I wonder what girls see in you! PSH! gentle man? Ha! gentle man my !" She complained, snatching the comforter on top of Minho and turned it in to a makeshift bed.

'The idiot didn't even bother to prepare a bed for me' She thought completely irked.

Then she noticed something.

', My clothes are still in my room. AISH!' She ran her hand through her hair in frustration and stomped her feet. 

''Ottoke??????'' She sighed heavily in desperation not caring if Minho would wake up or not. 

'Whatever, I guess sleeping with my dress wouldn't be that uncomfortable---- right?' She sighed one more time, heading to the bathroom to wash her face.


Minho frowned, When he heard a door click, He opened his eyes and sprang up. He headed to his walk-in closet, slid the glass mirror and got in making sure to be as quiet as possible. He came out with a pair of shorts and an old shirt that was bound to fit her with out it sliding off her shoulders. Minho didn't need more distractions. 

He heard a toilet flush and immediately rolled the mirror back to it's place, Placed the clothes on top of her 'bed' and jumped on his own bed, smiling like an idiot, then closed his eyes.

'Mission success.' He thought.


___________ came out from the restroom, not feeling fresh at all. 

'If only this stupid idiot knew his grandmot-' She stopped in mid thought, when she saw clothes on the bed. 

She picked them up and headed back to the bathroom with only one thought.

'Stupid idiot, was awake the whole time.'  but never the less, she smiled. 


1:30 AM

_____________ was having a dream--- No, A nightmare would be a more appropriate word. The same nightmare over and over through out her whole life. It's would never stop, no matter how hard she tried to forget about it, It always came back--- It's haunting her.


"Omma~~ when are we gonna arrive?" a six year old image of _________ said, swinging her feet on the air.

She was with her Mom, her Dad and her baby brother who hasn't even reached the age of one, traveling towards Japan, for reasons her young self couldn't understand. 

"About, 2 more hours darling." Her Omma replied, smiling at her daughter's exitement.

"Appa, Why is Jaehwan always sleeping?" ____________ asked, forgetting about Japan when she turned her attention to her baby brother who was sleeping quietly on Her mother's arms. 

"Because he's a baby princess." Her father replied then chuckled. 

"I'm a baby too!" She exclaimed.

Her parents laughed.

"Not anymore, You're a noona now--- You're all grown up." __________'s Omma said glancing at her husband, knowing how much __________ wanted a sibling. 

"Jinja? Jaehwan's going to call me noona??" She asked eyes sparkling with exitement.

"Of cou-" Before Her Appa could finish his statement, the pilot suddenly spoke through the speakers silencing everyone in the plane.

"Good Evening, I'm Captain Park and I'd like to inform you to please go back to your seats for we will be experiencing a bit of turbulence" 

The plane suddenly shook, causing __________ to clutch her father's hand and Her Mother to hold Jaehwan tightly. 

__________ was scared, kids were screaming and the atmosphere was tense. 

"Appa, I'm scared." ___________ squeaked softly now hugging her father's arm. 

"Don't worry, just think of this as a roller coaster, You've always wanted to ride one right?" Her Appa replied trying to calm her. 

Just when her father's words were starting to work, The plane shook harder and tilted to the left.

"God help us!" A stranger yelled. __________ was getting more scared by the minute. 

"This is Captain Park, please wear the masks for your safety and remain calm while we fix the problem." Captain Park spoke, sounding anything but calm. 

His voice was breaking.

___________ father's immediately placed the mask over her head then assisted his wife, then himself.

Her mom held little Jaehwan tightly while ___________ held her dad's arm tightly. The plane lights started flickering; the plane tilted more to the left until it felt like the plane was spiralling down to the ground. _________ gazed out the window and saw the clouds pass them like lightning--- Then it struck her.


She reached for little Jaehwan's hand, and started to cry silently. She felt Jaehwan's finger's wrap around her own hand. She glanced up and saw her little brother sleeping oblivious to what's happening round them. 

She silently prayed, Everyone started yelling, People were getting out of their seats trying to look for a way out.

"Omma! Appa! I'm scared!" She finally yelled, now crying loudly.

"Shhhh, I'm right here." Her appa squeezed her. 

The lights had completely gone off and the last thing she heard was a loud bang and the last thing she felt was Jaehwan's little fingers unwrapping themselves and letting go. 



"Omma! Appa! Jaehwan! Andwe!" __________ suddenlly yelled, while Minho sprang up from bed, startled. He turned the lamp on the drawer and saw _________ thrashing and crying. 

Minho approached her concerned. He held her wrists.

"__________, Wake up, your having a nightmare." But she continued crying and thrashing.

Minho shook her.

"YAH! Wake up!______________!" He shook her once more. 

___________ opened her eyes and realized she was reliving the accident again. She started crying when a sudden wave of loneliness consumed her. She was the only one who survived.

'I should have died with them.' She thought crying 

'He was still so young' ____________ stated crying. 

"Ssshh, gwenchana." Minho said rubbing her back and pulling her in to a hug. 

She continued crying--- until she fell a sleep in his arms. Minho stood up and carried her bridal style into his bed. When he placed her down, _________ immediately grabbed his hand and pulled it close to her causing him to fall beside her.

'Appa' She thought. Minho sighed and reached for the comforter with his foot and placed it over them, bringing __________ close to his body. 

He moved the stray of hair that was on her face and sighed.

"What exactly did you dream about?" He asked her sleeping figure before turning the light off and drifting into dream land with her.


Hey! here's another chappie... I'm supposed to be studying physics but.... I can't concentrate so TADA! I'll edit tomorrow for sure. 

I love you! 

please comment and subscribe! ^.^

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ReaderByHeart1521 #1
Chapter 39: Man! And here I thought that the mother was good but damn! -.- happens in every typical kdrama story plot! Those mothers! -.-
sapphirequake #2
Chapter 15: I really like the grandmother. Soooo funny! :D
sfghgf4444 #3
Chapter 64: love this story <3
algaiaknight #4
Chapter 64: Finally finished read your fic and have to said that I love this....I love your story plot ahaha I even can imagine that am the heroin *ahem* and I love how rid Minho & Yuri mom...though it is surprise for me to see Minho & Yuri real relationship haha...you should make short sequel featuring Key-Yuri & Onew-Jessica ahaha...love the fic..going to read the seqeul soon..keep up the good work =)
Chapter 59: Very nice story. Imma charge my phone now coz im honna read the next part. Yaay! ;)
Chapter 23: Soooo romantic. ♡
Chapter 3: Gahhh im having fun. :)
Wonderful, amazing, nice , good, lovely, and greeaaaaaat story
unicornwhisperer #9
Chapter 64: Thank you so much for this wonderful story please don't stop writing you're awesome ^^