The Reason I said 'I DO'

"Bye Now!" Mel called out as she stirred ___________towards the elevator.

"_________, I have a question." Mel asked once the elevators were completely closed.

"Oh, what is it?" She answered slightly irked because she didn't get a choice.

"Is this your honey-moon?" Mel asked, with a glint _______ didn't like.

"Yes, actually we werejust getting settled-" Before she could finish her sentence, the elevator doors opened and just like that, Mel started pullinher out.

"Mel, Where are we going?"__________ asked, eyeing the store Mel was dragging her into.

"Where else? this is your Honey-moon! A girl like you needs to have honey-moon clothes!" 

"N-no thank you! it's okay! I My clothes are fine." __________ tried to persuade, planting her feet on the ground.

Mel suddenly stopped walking and turned to her with a serious face.

"You will go in that store okay? We'll just look." Mel stated smiling a fake smile with hard eyes that clearly said, 'GET IN THAT DAMN STORE OR I'LL IT WILL CAUSE YOUR DEATH.' and this scared ____________.

"O-okay." She answered looking dubious.

"Good!" Mel smiled genuinely and dragged her in.


"So, Minho do you want to play golf?" Joe asked.

"No, I'm not a golf kind of guy but if you-"

"Oh, thank heavens! I thought you're a golf lover." Joe released a breath he didn't know he was holding. Minho looked at him full of confusion.

"I though you liked golf?"Minho asked.

"I don't but Mel does and I just don't have the heart to tell her that I hate some thing she loves." 

"Oh, Hey, Joe can I ask for advice?" Minho asked, changing the topic.

"Sure son, Is it about it being your first night together? I was great in bed! I remember Mel-" Minho quickly cut him off not wanting him to go into details.

"No! That's not uh, what I meant, I-uh I actually want to buy my wife something but for the life of me, I just can't figure out what to buy her." Minho said suddenly frustrated. 

Joe chuckled.

"Oh Okay, Why don't we go around and browse for stuff, I want to buy Mel something too It's our anniversarry tomorrow."Joe replied, heading for the elevator.

"Joe, how many years have you been with Mel as a husband?" Minho asked, trailing behind him.

"25."Joe answered with a smile and had the far away look on his face.




"That! that is perfect! We have to take that!" Mel stated suddenly getting in the stall ___________ was in.

___________ immediately covered herself since all she was wearing was a lace thong and bra.

"Why are you covering yourself? We're both girls any way! Okay next!" Mel yelled tossing a new set of lingerie in __________'s direction.

"But Mel! We've been trying on different sets forever!" ___________ yelled exasperatedly.

"Stop complaining!and try that on!" Mel said giving her a smile but in a demanding way. _________ sighed and looked at the lingerie that was tossed to her.

The set was composed with a pink strapless lace bra with little flower patterns lining the top curves and a pink lace thong that looked liked it can be called a T-back.

___________ quickly tried it on just wanting to get it all over with.

"The faster the better, WHo would buy these things anyway? Like anyone would see my underwear." _________ muttered rolling her eyes. As she was putting the clasp of the Bra, She realized one thing, It was a size too small. She glanced at the information tag and saw that It was a cup A. 

She sighed again, She was a B. Not too small, not too big.

When she was just about to call out to Mel, Mel herself appeared once again.

"Woah, You scared me!" ___________ said, clutching her chest, preventing the bra from falling.

"Sorry dear, I have a feeling the boys will- That's a cup too small isn't it?" Mel asked eyeing her current stae of almost undress.

"Uh, Yeah." __________ replied her cheeks burning red.

"Okay, wait here, I'll bring another size." Mel said walking out with a suspicious air.


After Minho and Joe purchased what they wanted, They immediately went searching for their wives.

"Where do you think they are?" Minho asked, taking his phone out getting ready to call ________.

"Knowing Mel, They're probably in the lingerie store." Joe said with a shake of his head.

"How did- Know what? Let's go check." Minho replied.

Joe chuckled.

As they entered the store, Mel was rushing around grabbing randomitems and throwing them on the sales girl who was following her trying to catch what ever she chose like a lost puppy.

"Yoebo." Joe called out. Mel stopped mid-stride and smile sweetly at them.

"Can both of you gentle men wait out side the first dressing stall?Thanks." Mel replied searching for the right size.

"Where's _________?" Minho asked, looking for his wife.

"Trying something on." was Mel's reply.

After a few minutes...

"Finally!" Minho and Joe both turned their heads when they heard Mel yell and saw her running in the dressing room waving a pink bra around.

but before Mel could get in the dressinf room, An Idea popped in her head. She stopped before Minho and smiled at him.

"Minho would you be a dear and bring this to your wife? I'm feeling a bit tired." Mel immediately shoved the piece of garment in Minho's hands and pushed him towards the closed curtain not really giving him any choice.


___________ was just waiting patiently in the dressing stall when a hand suddenly popped out carrying a bra.

"Mel? Is that you?" She asked with uncertainty.

"uh, It's me Mel's feeling a bit woozy." Minho answered uncomfortably.

"Oh Okay." _________ replied reciveing the bra and was beating red.

Minho quickly withdrawed his arm but when he turned, Jow was alread standing before him.

Mel poked her head in and her Jaw dropped at the sight of__________. The lingerie complimented her very well 

"You should buy that! You look amazing in pink lingerie!" 

Mel suddenly spoke from her position with only her head in the stall.


Was all ____________'s smart answer. She didn't get a chance to look at herself yet and Mel just popped in.

Mel's head went back out and that's when she decided to turn to the mirror to look at herself.


"Minho get in there!" 

Mel demanded giving him the same look she gave his wife earlier.

"No, I'm good."

Minho replied unfazed by the look, He had years of practice thanks to Ommeonni.

"Joe, Get him in there!"

Mel demanded giving his husband a stern but amused look.


______________ was too busy trying to unclasp the bra that she didn't hear a single thing they were talking about outside.

She was able to unclasp it.


Suddenly strong arms pushed Minho inside catching him off guard , making him loose his balance. 

He found himself in staring at big doe eyes that looked startled.

When the current situation finally registered in _________'s brain, She immediately tried to get her clothes but realized, her back was pressed on the mirror with Minho trapping her.

"Uh--- "

Minho couldn't say anything, he was red and it was the first time he was. He pulled away but as he did, __________'s unclasped bra fell and she immediately ran to him and hugged him with one hand while her other hand was covering his eyes. Yes, she could have covered herself and turned but she didn't have time to think.

"Doesn't she look good????"

Mel called from outside.

Minho turned away very red and feeling hot, with ___________'s hands still on his eyes.

"I-i'm going to let my hand go, Don't open your eyes okay?" ___________ said slightly shaking with embarrasment.

"Okay." Minho answered trying to keep his voice in check and was happy when he found out it didn't quaver one bit.

"Okay." _________ confirmed, let his hand go and immediately dressed with Minho looking up and his eyes closed.


Outside, Mel was smiling and squealing like a kid  while Joe just smiled satisfied.

"Job done." Joe said.




 Hey! so how's this chapter? I mean this could happen to someone right? Okay maybe not but there's a reason it's called fiction xp .

:D Any way.... i just realized I have a lot of projects but I'll still be update more! yay! and yeah that's it! oh ans I'll edit.. sometime next week. or this week. or later.... >.< I know I'm lazy. Mianheeee!

I love you!

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ReaderByHeart1521 #1
Chapter 39: Man! And here I thought that the mother was good but damn! -.- happens in every typical kdrama story plot! Those mothers! -.-
sapphirequake #2
Chapter 15: I really like the grandmother. Soooo funny! :D
sfghgf4444 #3
Chapter 64: love this story <3
algaiaknight #4
Chapter 64: Finally finished read your fic and have to said that I love this....I love your story plot ahaha I even can imagine that am the heroin *ahem* and I love how rid Minho & Yuri mom...though it is surprise for me to see Minho & Yuri real relationship haha...you should make short sequel featuring Key-Yuri & Onew-Jessica ahaha...love the fic..going to read the seqeul soon..keep up the good work =)
Chapter 59: Very nice story. Imma charge my phone now coz im honna read the next part. Yaay! ;)
Chapter 23: Soooo romantic. ♡
Chapter 3: Gahhh im having fun. :)
Wonderful, amazing, nice , good, lovely, and greeaaaaaat story
unicornwhisperer #9
Chapter 64: Thank you so much for this wonderful story please don't stop writing you're awesome ^^