The Reason I said 'I DO'

_____________ sat on the window seat of the plane, grasping her purse tightly, getting ready for the plane to lift off. She always had problems with transportation crossing the sea. That's how she lost her parents after all. They were on their way to Japan when the plane shook violently; next thing she knew, her parents were no longer breathing.  

She closed her eyes tightly trying to shake the bad memory off of her mind. Thinking about how it will only worsen her fear.

"Noona? Gwenchana?" She opened her eyes and saw a cute boy blinking at her looking concerened. She smiled.

"Ah, Deh, Gwenchana, I'm just you know not used to planes." She assured him. 

"Ah, arraso. Noona, it seems like you'll be my seat mate for this flight! So let's get to know each other!" She grinned and nodded her head.

"Annyeong! Chonun Taemin imnida!" He introduced himself and bowed his head, not being able to stand.

"Annyeong! Chonun __________ imnida!" She replied happily, feeling a bit better about planes now that someone is distracting her from the sounds of the plane. Usually it would be Jjong doing the distractng but seeing as he's getting married, that's not possible.

"Noonaaa~~~" Taemin sang looking at her with wide eyes, this only means one thing, He wants something.

"What do you want?" _________ asked not able to resist his kid-like charms.

"Can we switch places? Jebal! I wanna see the view!" He pleaded making his eyes wider if that's even possible. She looked out the window and saw that there was nothing to see but water. Plus, she couldn't say no to Taemin's pleading face. 

"Arasso." She agreed and took a deep breathe before she stood up.

"Yaaay!" The younger boy exclaimed pumping his fist in the air and hurriedly transferred seats, knowing__________ was scared less.

Through the whole plane ride Taemin kept talking about random things, from his love for banana milk to Key, his cousin who was waiting for him in Seoul. Also, __________ found out that Taemin was in Jeju visiting his sister who worked in one of the resorts. 

'This is Captain Park speaking, Please get ready for landing and in behalf of Korea Air, have a nice day' 

Hearing this, Taemin literally pressed his face on the plane window, looking down where the city of Seoul can be seen.

'So that's why he wanted the window seat' ________ thought smiling. 

"We're here~~~~~~" Taemin exclaimed with a big smile on his face when the captain announced that they landed.

"Noona, Where are you going after this?" He asked still radiating with hapiness. 

That's when it hit _________, She didn't really think this through. She was a girl who came to Seoul to escape a problem, only to create a bigger problem. She had no where to go. She spent one fourth of her savings to buy the plane ticket. Frankly her savings isn't even that much to begin with. Realizing this, She face palmed herself and uttered 'pabo' again and again making Taemin laugh.

"Noona? You look like an idiot." Taemin stated noticing the people who were getting off the plane give her weird looks. 

"I don't care." She replied and continued calling herself an idiot.

"Let me guess, you have no where to go. You only came to Seoul because you want to escape your problems, Am I right or Am I right?" He asked smuggly.

She didn't reply still annoyed at the fact that she was being a complete rash idiot. The bright side is, She won't be thinking about her bestfriend anymore. She would be thinking about how to live in a city where she's never been to. 

"Noona, why don't you make that a problem later, I'm hungry and I bet my cousin is waiting and we are the only people left in the plane. So can we go now?" Taemin said getting up.

She followed Taemin thinking about how to budget her money and how to get a job with in a week. Not even a week maybe three days, She's not sure how long her money will last. So the faster the better.

When they got off the plane, Taemin ran directly to the conveyer where there were only three bags left. A black one a pink one and a green one. He got all three bags knowing that the Green one and the pink one belonged to __________ because of the name tag hanging from the handle. ___________ thanked him with a frown on her face, obviously still trying to think about how to budget her money.

"TAEMINNIE!" A voice suddenly boomed effectively bringing _________ out from her budgeting daze.

"Hyung~~~~" Taemin yelled back running straight into the arms of someone who _________ guessed was taemin's cousin.

"What took you so long?" His cousin asked, glancing suspiciously at _____________.

"Well-" before Taemin could sayanything, _________ cut him off and immediately apologized.

"Mianhe, That's my fault..." She trailed off remembering her problem. 

"Oh! Annyeong Haseyo, I'm Kibum Taemin's cousin but everyone calles me Key and you are?" He asked politely finding the girl infront of him very pretty.

"I'm __________ nice to meet you." She replied and bowed.

"Hyung! noona has a problem!" Taemin stated, making __________ glare at him.

They just met and immediately he's telling the world about her problems. 

"Eh? You lost your bag or something?" Key asked scanning her bags. This time before she could say anything, Taemin answered.

"Anio, She has no where to go." That's when she lost it, She didn't want to start her new life depending on people.

"Yah! Don't make it your cousin's problem!" Key just laughed and shook his head.

"Forgive Taemin, He's like that and don't worry you can stay with us until you find a place to go." Key replied getting her bags and pulled Taemin running away leaving _______ no choice but to follow them. 

First thing she learned in Seoul: 

People who would kindly take strangers in their home actually exist. 


In the other side of Korea a wedding reception was being held, but the not like the radiant bride, the groom was frowning. 

"Yah, why are you frowning?" Sekyung nudged her husband while they were dancing the first couple dance.

"Ah, nothing, it's just that ________ is not here." Sekyung looked around and for the first time of that day, She noticed that Jjong's best friend was in fact, not in the vicinity.

"Was she in the wedding?" Sekyung asked also frowning slightly.

"Anio..." He trailed off starting to worry.

"Maybe she was there you just didn't notice, we have a lot of friends you know." Sekyung stated glancing at the crowd who was watching them with sparkling eyes. 

"But she would congra-" Sekyung suddenly stepped on his foot as he winced in pain.

"Yah, this is our day maybe that's why she didn't come near us can we just drop this topic and enjoy this day?" She said softly feeling guilty for stepping on him, He smiled and kissed her lightly on the lips making the crowd howl.

"Arraso." Even though he said he would drop it, He still couldn't help think about __________.


So Here's the next chappie! Minho and Onew will emerge in the later chapters... hehehehehe! 

i love you! 

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ReaderByHeart1521 #1
Chapter 39: Man! And here I thought that the mother was good but damn! -.- happens in every typical kdrama story plot! Those mothers! -.-
sapphirequake #2
Chapter 15: I really like the grandmother. Soooo funny! :D
sfghgf4444 #3
Chapter 64: love this story <3
algaiaknight #4
Chapter 64: Finally finished read your fic and have to said that I love this....I love your story plot ahaha I even can imagine that am the heroin *ahem* and I love how rid Minho & Yuri mom...though it is surprise for me to see Minho & Yuri real relationship haha...you should make short sequel featuring Key-Yuri & Onew-Jessica ahaha...love the fic..going to read the seqeul soon..keep up the good work =)
Chapter 59: Very nice story. Imma charge my phone now coz im honna read the next part. Yaay! ;)
Chapter 23: Soooo romantic. ♡
Chapter 3: Gahhh im having fun. :)
Wonderful, amazing, nice , good, lovely, and greeaaaaaat story
unicornwhisperer #9
Chapter 64: Thank you so much for this wonderful story please don't stop writing you're awesome ^^