Flowers! Flowers everywhere!


Yonghwa used his brain for once. He drove to a nearby flower shop covering his eyes with Ray Bands (sunglasses) and wore a hideous black cap. Normally if he had to do this type of thing, which he never did. He would have ordered his manager to shop for some flowers. However he finally used his brain. "Better it really come from me," he sighed as he exited his car. Entering the shop he was blasted with fresh scents of nature. ", I won't even know what type she likes...does it matter anyway?" 

"When giving a girl flowers, think about how her reaction would go." The shop owner answered his question. The top of her head matched the height of his shoulders, with her gray locks of hair shining in the sunlight. The shop was basically a greenhouse. "How about this, take a whiff of the flower and if it makes you think of her. Then pick that one. Or more than one because I want to make money," the woman laughed as she pat his back. 

"Oh yea, kamsaheyo ahjumma," Yonghwa bowed his head for once. 

"Yah! I'm not that old!" She smacked his then laughed at his expression. The woman stood behind her cash register smiling as she watched him pick out flowers. 

"So if it smells like Shinhye? Or if I think she'd like them?" He asked himself walking around the shop. 

"Don't get the usual roses dear," the woman added noticing him walking off to that aisle. 

"Wae? Don't you want to make money?" He asked.

"Course I do but I'd rather help a guy make his girlfriend happy. Don't get the general roses. Girls get sick of them, it's too mainstream." She explained. He couldn't believe this old woman wanted to help him. 

"I don't usually do this type of stuff," he admitted. 

"I know," she answered. He sighed finally deciding to smell each and every type of flower. Going from several types of daisies, lilies, and star shaped types. The one that caught his attention the most was the stargazer flower. An hour already past, he didn't know it would take this long. 

"Ahjumma I'm high on flowers," he rubbed his temples breathing in and out. 

"Well good, you pick any for that special girl of yours?" She asked with high expectations. 

"No but I did what you said. I smelled every freaking flower in this shop and thought if she would like them. Or if they reminded me of her." He defended. 


"Every flower reminds me of her! Anything that smells good, reminds me of her. They all look beautiful too. You did a great job," he took a glance at her garden. 

"Omo kamsahamnida! What an answer from such a handsome young man," she reached over the counter to pinch his cheeks. Never had anyone attempted that before. 

"OW!" He backed away rubbing his red stained cheeks. 

"Omo mianheyo! Well you may pick a couple of the best of your choice then," she tried to help him.

"No that won't be neccessary," he replied without hesitation. 


"I'll be buying out your entire shop so here is a check for $10,000. Should be enough right?" He asked.

"M-More than enough! How are you able to afford that money?" She asked with her eyes observing his stature head to toe. 

"Ahjumma you don't know who I am?" He asked surprised. Yonghwa slowly took off his sunglasses and black cap. "Do I ring a bell now?" He asked.

"No, not at all? Are you an actor?" She was completely clueless.

"I guess it's better you don't know then. Here is the adress I would want these sent to. Kamsahamnida ahjumma," he bowed a last time right after he scribbled the adress on a scrap of paper. He left the shop leaving her flabbergasted with a calm expression on his face. He texted the members of C.N.Blue to not be startled when a garden popps up on their front door. 

"What a well mannered young man," she smiled with her eyes glued to the check. 

Yonghwa pluck up the courage to call Shinhye. He couldn't believe he felt this nervous to call anyone. Usually he didn't give a damn if he angered anyone. There were his fans of course but this was different. "Shinhyessi pick up the phone," he waited patiently listening to the rings. 

Are you stupid!? Babo! You're driving! Call me later or hope I'm at home! Shinhye's voice echoed in his mind. He sighed tossing his cell in the seat next to his. 

"Aish this girl," he muttered. Though listening to her voice in his head, seeing her face through memories, even having the scent of flowers linger on his shirt. He smiled. He smiled like a fangirl. 

"Jonghyunssi can you drop me off to my apartment please?" Shinhye asked. 

"Wae? Still upset after all?" He asked.

"No I just want to spend some time with my friend. I feel like it's been forever since I've seen her," she replied honestly. Times like these, you NEED to talk to your best friend. 

"Shinhyessi! You looked great on T.V. today!" Ha Ji Won was her usual supportive self. She poured some tea for her friend as they sat down in the dining room. 

"Yah, I'm not a guest here. This is my home too," Shinhye pushed her arm gently. 

"I know it's just that things sort of changed since you became the girlfriend of a celebrity," she continued to serve her tea.

"I can do it myself," she took the teapot from her. 

"I'm being stupid aren't I? You're my friend! Not some celebrity! Pour your own damn tea!" Ha Ji Won stood up heading to the living room. She lied down flipping through channels. Shinhye laughed so hard her she leaned forward clenching her stomach. Her laughter exploded that she slipped off her seat falling over on the floor. "Babo! Get up! It wasn't that funny!" Ji Won walked over to help her friend.

"I just miss you that's all," her eyes were teary. 

"Araso, now tell me why you were crying." She knew.

"How'd you know?" 

"Come on Shinhye I basically raised you," she placed her hands on her hips as a matter of factly way. 

"And my eyes are still a bit puffy aren't they?" 

"Yeah, that too," the girls laughed. Wrapped in Kingdom Hearts themed snuggies, hot cocoa in their possession, and Beauty and the Beast on Blu-Ray they were ready for a girl's night in. "Tell me what the asswhole did," Ji Won ordered. Shinhye slapped her on the arm then began explaining everything. 


"Where is she?" Yonghwa arrived home with men carrying flowers by the dozen. 

"She who?" Minhyuk munched on a chocolate bar as he enjoyed the scent of lilies fill the air. 

"Who do you think you dumba-" Yonghwa stopped himself thinking of how Shinhye would react if he spoke that way. 

"Wow hyung, you're changing a lot!" Minhyuk stepped back surprised. Jungshin rested his back on the wall, his arms crossed as he watched their home become a greenhouse. 

"You spent all of this for Shinhyessi right?" Minhyuk asked with a childlike grin on his face. 

"No I bought them all for myself," Yonghwa answered sarcastically. 

"Woah is a wedding being held here?" Jonghyun entered through the open front doors. 

"Yah where is she?" Yonghwa questioned him. 

"Shinhyessi? I dropped her off at her friend's place." Jonghyun answered as he took one rose from a bouqet to smell. Yonghwa snatched it away from him placing it back in it's place. 

"None of you take any," he waved his finger to all three of them. 

"There's more than enough though!" Minhyuk exclaimed. 

"Just what exactly would you do with these flowers?" Jonghyun asked.

"Hmm...go through the streets and toss them to the public! You know, to our fans! Or maybe send each fan a flower to their door but not say it's from us. But from anonymous with a message saying they're beautiful like this rose." Minhyuk continued blabbing on his ideas. 

"Aw Minhyuk is such a sweetheart," Jonghyun mocked him. Yonghwa didn't wait long to listen to the two bicker, he was determined to make Shinhye smile. 

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Wendy-1977 #1
Chapter 74: Beautiful yongshin story😍
Hoping yongshin married soon🤗
danie1822 #2
Chapter 74: Me encanto esta historia hermosa. Yongshin
rubyani #3
Chapter 58: Aahh this make sad but this chapter so sweet ♥♥♥
rubyani #4
Chapter 16: Aahhhh yongshin so sweet ♥♥♥
rubyani #5
Chapter 12: Both of them so cute... they dont realize their feeling yet...
Sheimen23 #6
Chapter 74: Love it...actually, this is my 2nd time reading your fic...surprised that my previous comment was still the latest one...thanks for spreading yongshin love..pls write more fic of them..daebak..
Sheimen23 #7
Chapter 74: Really love your story...thank it at one shot..from start to finish..hope to read more yongshin fanfic from you...
Chapter 74: thank you just finished reading...that was awesome...hope to read more of yoour stories...I reallu admire hoe you wrote it...sory for being a late reader...
Thanks a lot...:)
Chapter 58: Haaah that made me cry...what a it
Chapter 4: Oh what a way to describe a friend...I am so touched by what Ha Ji won said about shin hye