Bangtan and the Tooth Fairy

Adventures of Bangtan toddlers

Hii sorry for not updating lately >~<

Thank you to chimistry, iiroyalangel, soss_bauce and haninur32 for the new prompts! I'll get started on them! Here is chimistry's one about the tooth fairies! Sorry this is more Hoseok-centric since I realize I don't write about him a lot...

Quick Question: When did you lose your first tooth? Mine was about...6-7 years old?



"It's shaking."

Hoseok touches his shaky tooth. It's as if the roots in his gum is slowly breaking off.

"Don't touch it," Seokjin says. "Shake it with your tongue."

It's just another normal day in their lives, after school, when Jungkook and Taehyung has been playing video games for about an hour and Seokjin decides it's time for them to stop soon. Namjoon's nose has been stuck in his notebook and book for an entire day, scribbling down random notes from this book called Demian that he bought from the bookstore just a while back. Jimin is just staring at the television screen, draping his tiny body over Yoongi who's fast asleep, watching Taehyung and Jungkook's characters pummel each other.

"Will it hurt?" Hoseok asks, looking up at his hyung, "when it drops off?"

"Probably not," Seokjin grins devillishly. "Or maybe we need to send you to the dentist and have him pluck the tooth out. That will hurt." He ignores the "it's extract, hyung, not pluck" from Namjoon. Hoseok shivers, touching his tooth again, poking it lightly.

"I don't want it to hurt."

"Then you have to pray to the tooth fairy that it you don't have to go to the dentist," Seokjin says. "Every night, before you sleep, you need to shake your tooth and ask the tooth fairy to not send you to the dentist." 

Hoseok stares at his hyung seriously, both him and Seokjin pointedly ignoring Namjoon's chuckle (who knows? It might be because of the book he's reading).

"Alright. I'll make a wish to the tooth fairy every day!"

"That's it," Seokjin has to stifle his laugh as he watches Hoseok run back to Jimin and throw himself over Yoongi, effectively waking him up.


"What are you doing, hyung?" Jungkook asks as he brushes his teeth.

"Making a wish to the tooth fairy," Hoseok says, staring at the tumbler filled with water and his toothbrush in his other hand, pink toothpaste squeezed onto the hairs. He sticks it into his mouth and starts brushing, making a point to make his tooth extra clean so that the tooth fairy would like it and won't send him to the dentist.

"You really believe in the tooth fairy?" Yoongi asks, almost shoved by Taehyung because the younger has kept the water in his mouth for about ten seconds now and desperately needs to spit it out. Having six boys brush their teeth at the same time is utter chaos (Seokjin is the smart one and brushes his teeth later than the rest. Hoseok and Jimin can't stand being in the toilet alone--"Hyung, I'm sure a toilet demon is hiding there!")

"Apparently," Namjoon says, putting his toothbrush and tumbler back. Jungkook just stares at his hyung weirdly and decides to head back to their room to play with Taehyung before bedtime.

Hoseok spits out the water. His tooth is getting even shakier. When has it started shaking, he can't remember--he just knows that it feels like it can fall out any moment now.

"Come on, hyung, let's go," Taehyung nudges Hoseok and Hoseok follows. He can entertain the maknaes and spare Yoongi tonight.


"Hoseok-ah, did you make your wish?" Seokjin asks cheekily as he climbs into bed. Yoongi is still awake, earphones in his ears and he's staring at his notebook again. Namjoon, on the other hand, is fast asleep. They had a topical test today and it must have worn Namjoon out.

"Um, not yet," Hoseok says, still wiggling his tooth.

"Well, you have to remember, okay?" Seokjin says, snuggling into his blanket. "Yoongi, switch the lights off later."

Yoongi hums in response and goes back to writing in his notepad.

Hoseok, meanwhile, remembers to make a wish and he looks at his pillow. Seokjin-hyung says you're supposed to put your tooth under your pillow and get a coin from the tooth fairy. He wonders if that is really true, but Hoseok, being the guillible one, believes it, and wishes for his tooth to fall out sooner so he can give it to the tooth fairy.


The next day, Hoseok continues wiggling his tooth throughout the morning, after breakfast, on the walk to school, sitting in the classroom, in the field for physical education, and even during break in the cafeteria. Even on the walk home, but the stubborn tooth just refuses to come out.

"Maybe the tooth is telling you something," Namjoon says. "Maybe it's telling you that it wants you to go to the dentist."

"No!" Hoseok cries out, terrified all of a sudden. "Jin-hyung says that it'll hurt."

"Maybe the tooth wants you to hurt."

Hoseok glares at Namjoon, who's laughing his head off.

Hoseok finds it hard to eat the meatloaf that Seokjin cooked for dinner. Because of his shaky tooth.

"Hyung, when is it gonna drop out?" Hoseok asks. "It's taking so long." 

"Maybe Namjoon's right. Maybe you need to go to the dentist after all," Seokjin smiles, but Hoseok can't see the humor in the situation.

"No!! Nonononono!" he cries, alarm evident on his face, sending Taehyung and Jungkook in guffaws and Yoongi sends a scowl his way. "The dentist is a scary man and he has a lot of tools to hurt me!"

Out of the corner of his eye he can see Yoongi scoff, but Yoongi-hyung doesn't really matter right now.

"Alright, you can pray that it drops out--KIM TAEHYUNG!"

Hoseok screams and Taehyung stares and the entire world goes in slow motion as Taehyung has swung a bat at Hoseok's mouth. It was rubber, and Taehyung didn't swing very hard, but hard enough for Seokjin to see red, literally, and the shaky tooth to fly out of Hoseok's mouth and onto the kitchen floor.

"Kim Taehyung, no ice cream for the whole week and you're to sit in the time-out corner until nighttime," Seokjin says, having to console a crying Hoseok. Taehyung gives his best pout, whining an "But it was a ess-pe-ree-men." Seokjin nearly gives, but knows Taehyung still has to get what he deserved, experiment or not.

When Hoseok finally stops crying after Seokjin gives him a few bags of chips and allows him another thirty minutes of television and promising to buy him an entire dance studio when they're older, Hoseok goes back to playing happily with Jimin and Jungkook, but keeps his distance from Taehyung for a while. Hoseok and Taehyung are virtually inseparable, so they'd snap out of it some day.

Hoseok, apparently, has forgotten all about his tooth that has just fallen out. The blood had stopped flowing a while ago. Seokjin had picked up the tooth from the ground and approached Hoseok with it. 

"It's your tooth," Seokjin says.

"Oh," Hoseok answers, and takes the tooth from Seokjin, cradling in his hand. He's definitely going to put this under his pillow and make a wish to the tooth fairy later. Give him ten thousand won or something.

"Time for bed!" Seokjin calls when it's nine. Hoseok, totally forgetting that Seokjin has promised him an extra thirty minutes of television, screams in excitement because he's finally going to see the tooth fairy in his dreams.


After putting the maknaes to bed, Seokjin comes around to Hoseok's bed. He watches as Hoseok stuffs the tooth under his pillow.

"Okay, tooth fairy, my tooth is under the pillow now. You have to come, okay?"

Seokjin chuckles a little to himself as he switches the lights off, but instead of heading back to bed, he makes his way down to the living room and to his coin bank, a Princess Peach dressed in a shocking pink dress. He dumps the coins out onto the table and peers at each and every one of them. Seokjin grabs the coin worth the most and keeps all the coins back into the bank, placing it back onto the shelf.

He tiptoes up to the bedroom and finds Yoongi still awake, listening to music as he watches Seokjin enter with heavy-lidded eyes. Meanwhile, Hoseok is fast asleep, on his thumb. Namjoon also has his back turned to Seokjin. Seokjin swears he sees Jjangu in Namjoon's bed, even though the dog has its own bed in the living room.

Seokjin puts a finger to his lips to warn Yoongi as he makes his way over to Hoseok's bed and exchanges the tooth for the coin. He then proceeds to drop the tooth into the nearest trash bin. When he turns around again, Yoongi has turned his head and he figures that Yoongi found him too boring to watch.

Seokjin chuckles to himself and walks over to his bed. He snuggles into the bed and he hums satisfactorily to himself. It's really soft. And Hoseok would like that extra allowance.



Hoseok starts screaming, dodging the pillow thrown at him from the bed above Seokjin's. Yoongi groans and shouts a "Shut up!", only to be reprimanded by a groggy Seokjin about language. Namjoon, surprisingly, managed to sleep through the whole thing.

"THE TOOTH FAIRY IS REAL!" Hoseok screams in ecstasy as he bolts out of the room, nearly tripping on his own feet as he rushes to show the maknaes.

"Stupid," Yoongi mutters and is smothered by a pillow thrown at his face.

"Language, Yoongi!"


"I'm never going to use this coin," Hoseok says, showing it off to Jackson, who's already in school. Namjoon yawns, resting his head on his desk as he watches Hoseok show his new coin off. "This coin came from the tooth fairy! It's my lucky coin!"

"You're so lucky," Jackson grumbles. "I wish I had a lucky coin."

Namjoon laughs so hard milk comes out from his nose.


Two days later...


Yoongi screeches because the three of them have teamed up with Hoseok to pin him down while Jungkook reaches a hand into Yoongi's mouth to search for shaky teeth so they can have a lucky coin too. Taehyung has a bat at the ready and that makes Yoongi actually scared.

"GEROFF ME!" Yoongi yelps but the weight of Jimin sitting on him is just too heavy and Taehyung has his hands and Hoseko has his feet, while Jungkook's hands taste downright horrible...

"Get off him!" Seokjin hisses, arriving on the scene to save the day. It's funny Yoongi hasn't dropped a single tooth yet, while Seokjin himself has dropped many (just that he doesn't want to let them know). 

Yoongi splutters, and rushes to the toilet to get the taste of Jungkook's hand out of his mouth while Seokjin chuckles, reprimanding the four of them at the same time.

When he hears them going to bother Namjoon a while later, Seokjin sighs and decides to let Namjoon deal with them himself.


Guess what? Hoseok got a full marks for his English test the next day with his lucky coin clutched in his hand.

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Aaaaaahhh i have camp tmr!! Until tuesday! i'll try to update but may not be able toooo anyway, good night/morning/afternoon! It's night here :D


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Chapter 14: OMG, this was so cute. The squirrel cracked me up XD
janelle15 #2
Chapter 58: It's still one of my favorite stress reliever stories. It's just too pure and my mood lightens when i'm reading this. The happy moments to treasure is here. How i miss being a kid (sigh). Btw i'm still rereading this over and over again. Fighting!!
bangndan_1306 #3
Chapter 69: It's sad that you decide to finish it here. I hope one time you gonna continue this fiction
Chapter 69: Omg I'm getting emotional rn someone hold me. I'll miss Bangtan toddlers to bits, Thanks you so much for sharing this with us!
afbahrah #5
Chapter 69: Awww thank you for writing this story, i love it soooo much
lia_jiyoo #6
Chapter 69: I really enjoy your stories! Thank you so much for sharing your amazing story. Im really grateful. Bangtansonyeondan will remain forever! I hope for upcoming comeback you'd be here again and listen to their stories though their music :)
peggyw #7
Chapter 38: Ah, so cute! I really enjoy your stories, ty!
I cook for a living, but since I grew up with western dishes and that's what my current clientele prefer I am proudest of my soondubu jjigae which my family have been the taste testers for. However, at work, my coworkers favourite is my macaroni and cheese while the clients prefer the sweet and sour pork.
Watching RapMon chopping an onion was truly entertaining!
haninur32 #8
Chapter 68: Its okay, thank you for making all of this amazing story and accepting our request. I'm gonna miss this story. And good luck author-nim!
Chapter 32: Omg there were so many freaking cute points in this chapter ♡-♡