
Noona! Noona Saranghae! (7 years of Love)






After three months ..






''Oh its you. What do you want?'' Kyuhyun asked after picking up his phone.



''Is that how you greet a friend you've missed in a while?'' the person on the other line asked and just chuckled with Kyuhyun's usual tone of greeting.



''You know me too much to say such a thing. I'm hurt chinggu." Kyuhyun retorted.



''Then let me buy you a drink, I've been gone and I guess I owe you a lot."



''Okay just text me the time, date and place. I need to go, I'm in the middle of training." Kyuhyun said and hang up on the call.



Dara was on the other hand in the middle of shopping with Thunder. They were in a department store and she went out with her younger brother who wanted to buy a new pair of rubber shoes.



"Aigoo. My knees hurt already. I'll go sit here first." Dara whispered to Thunder who just nodded and smiled as he left her looking for a pair of shoes that will suit his taste.



Dara took out her phone to see whether someone texted her or something. She also wanted to take a selca and post something on twitter. She was busy playing with her phone and didn't notice the people moving around her. She was about to leave and go to where her younger brother was but then  the sales lady called her back.



"Miss you left something." The sales lady said and handed the speechless Dara the box.



''But its not mi-ne...'' Before Dara was able to finish her reply the sales lady already handed her the black box. Dara just turned around after giving a few awkward smiles to the people who were around them.



''Do you want to know the TRUTH?'' the card attached to the box stated.



Dara immediately looked back and saw no one watching her. She tried searching for the sales lady who gave her the box but she was no where to be found as well. She focused on the box and agitatedly opened the box as her hand shook in fear.



The black box contained pictures of her, Kyuhyun and Dasom that night. Her eyes widened as tears started to occupy her chinky eyes again. Memories of what happened that night flooded her mind again.



With her hands that shook in anger and fear, Dara dropped the box and the pictures. A small card fell separately among the pictures that scattered facing the ground.



''Hey I haven't met you and this made you crazy. To know the truth, here's my number so call me maybe?


















If you want to know the truth, contact me on this number and you'll find the explanation for everything." Dara read the contents of the card that she immediately picked up along with the pictures.



"Noona!" Thunder called out repeatedly but Dara was in too much shock for her to be able to respond. Thunder picked up the photos for her and saw them as well. He just placed them back on the box and pulled away her elder sister while looking around, wary that someone might be watching them from a distance.



''Are you okay noona?'' Thunder asked and just helped his sister whose knees weakened in fear. Thunder escorted his sister to their van and asked their body guards whether there was someone who looked suspicious that followed them but they saw no one.



''Sorry for ruining our shopping date." Dara whispered to her younger brother who just pulled her into an embrace and patted her head.



"Its okay noona. You should not worry about it. I'm fine." Thunder assured with a small sincere smile that captured his lips.



News flash:


The CEO of XX Hotel and Restuarant, Lee Dasom and Cho Kyuhyun confirmed to be dating! Informants from inside the company leaked to the media some photos of the two together three months ago during a party sponsored by the said hotel. SM Entertainment confirmed the rumor after talking to Kyuhyun and to Dasom as well. The official statement about the two was released 15 minutes ago ...



Dara was not able to contain her tears in front of her brother. Thunder who just turned off the television inside their car just clutched his fist in anger as he silently watched his sister cried. He didn't want her to stop crying but rather, he wanted her to cry and cry until she could not cry about him anymore.



"How can she do this to us? We're her cousins!" Thunder murmured in anger.



Ryeowook who was busy watching the real estate channel saw the banner below the TV screen and his eyes widen as he saw the news about their maknae.



''Hyung!!'' he kept calling out repeatedly. Eunhyuk was the first to appear out of the corner.



''What is it?'' Eunhyuk asked and looked at the screen.



''The news! The NEWS!!!!!" Ryeowook exclaimed at the top of his lungs.



''OOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH---DONGHAEEEEEERRRRRRRRRrr!!!'' Eunhyuk screamed because of what he saw. Donghae came running to his side. Ryeowook face palmed and looked for Kyuhyun.



"What is it?" Donghae who was in the middle of brushing his teeth asked.



"Ryeowook just showed me the news. Look!!!" Eunhyuk retorted and pointed to the screen. Donghae turned his head away from the person beside him and glued his eyes to the TV.



"Its a good day to exchange our dollar to won today!!!" Eunhyuk chimmed happily and was about to run to his room.



"Babo!" Donghae retorted and spitted on Eunhyuk's face accidentally as his toothbrush dropped to the floor. He pointed to Eunhyuk what Ryeowook meant. Yesung also saw it and Ryeowook just sighed as he shook his head in disbelief at his hyung.



"I guess they did it again. They sold us again to a rich family huh?" Yesung stated coldly and looked down.



''Why are you so-noisy?'' Kyuhyun who was walking around on his bed hair looked at the same direction where everyone did.



"IS THIS A DREAM?!" Kyuhyun uttered as he lost his contact with reality due to the anger that boiled in his blood.



''You know that it is NOT right?" Leeteuk stated as he patted the youngest member of their group on his shoulders.



"Well they did this with Jonghyun before too right? It shouldn't be a surprise that it happened to us too." Sungmin chimmed in.



"No Dara noona and I will really just be a part of history." Kyuhyun mumbled and fell to the ground with his weak legs.








*Heechul and Bom*


''So Sooman did it again huh?'' The pissed Heechul asked as he sloppily took a sip on his bubble tea. Bom gazed at him with her worried eyes then thought about Dara's reaction when she would find out about this.




"I'm worried about Dara-ssi. Talk about adding fuel to the fire." Bom said to herself outloud.




"How about us? Aren't you worried about us?" Heechul asked with a childish pout on his face.




"I'm not worried cause we're both eccentric in our own way. We'll manage to find away somehow." Bom assured Heechul and pecked his lips. 













Wanting to escape his misery, Kyuhyun went to the nearest bar alone. He was already under the influence of alcohol when he went to the bar. s who were supposed to watch him, Ryeowook and Sungmin, did not notice that their maknae is already away. It took them a while before they noticed that he was already gone.




Kyuhun banged the table and he just heard the bartender let out a small giggle. A glass of his favorite cocktail was served to him and the already drunk man, just looked at this drink.



            “It’s on me today.” The bartender said as he tried to hide the amusement in his voice while cleaning a shot glass.




            “You’re here again when you should be practicing for your comeback.” Kyuhyun barked but took the cocktail and took it down in one shot.




            “Don’t nag me cause I already know.” The bartender responded and patted Kyuhyun’s head.



            “Kyuhyun-ah!” Sungmin screamed while he watched Kyuhyun slurring his song while hugging the table before him. Ryeowook ran to his dongsaeng and Sungmin followed him. Not seeing, the bartender’s face, he slipped a bill on the table, under Kyuhyun’s glass where he saw a folded piece of paper.




            Sungmin took the paper and slipped it on his pocket. He helped Ryeowook drag Kyuhyun towards their manager who was already waiting for them. They handed Kyuhyun to their manager and he stood there for a minute.


He opened the letter and read it,


''Hey I haven't met you and this made you crazy. To know the truth, here's my number so call me maybe?


If you want to know the truth, contact me on this number and you'll find the explanation for everything."




            Sungmin crumpled the paper and looked back only to see that the bar is empty, as if no one came. Creases formed across his forehead which Ryeowook noticed.




            “Hyung! Are you okay?” Ryeowook said as he patted his hyung’s shoulder. Sungmin turned his head with a bitter expression before he tried to force a smile for Ryeowook who was clueless about what was happening.




            “I’m fine. Let’s just bring our maknae home.” Sungmin retorted and earned a nod from Ryeowook.




The next day, Kyuhyun woke up due to the ringing head ache he was experiencing. Clutching his forehead, he made his way to the door of his room. He was swaying left and right, unable to find balance until he hugged his door and slowly opened it



“Sandara didn’t mention anything about it?” Sungmin whispered which Kyuhyun heard, making him shot his eyes open.   



the story reached 100 subscribers xD LOL

its like one chapter per person xD anyways, its so sad to think that i started this story when i just started college, like first year xD and now i'm graduating on my 4th year its still unfinished TT.TT

I wonder I should give this story to someone else to finish??? 
would there be people who are willing? 

but thanks for reading anyways :))


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supersujuholic #1
Chapter 89: Wow. I cant believe that there are still people reading this. :O
The thing is.. I dont follow 2ne1 and Suju as much as before so writing about them now is really hard?? Like it wont be like this since I know more about them back then ??? but thank you for the support ;__;
araaeildid #2
Chapter 89: Still rereading and still really love this one. Hope you doing well and remember this story & write the sequel kekeke... fighting authornim!!!
Chapter 89: I so love the story and yes a sequel should be written. Thanks Authourim... more Darakyu and maybe darachul kekeke... I am trying to write a fan fic but not yet done hehehe.
Chapter 89: Pls put a sequel i will wait for it author fighting!
Chapter 89: go!!! :D I would so read that :D
Tabimuchere #6
Chapter 89: cant wait for it Authornim!! fighting:-):-)
Aban17 #7
Chapter 89: Yes, sequel please ^_^
elcielo #8
Chapter 89: Yes authornim!
lonelyangel #9
Chapter 89: Yes yes authornim it will be very great please. Thanks in advance hehe
13Joya #10
Chapter 89: Yes sequel please