Chapter 63

Noona! Noona Saranghae! (7 years of Love)


The people who captured Dara brought her to a tent. They placed her on a chair and left. The three girls who bullied her earlier saw this and took advantage. They waited for the SC staff to leave and then their plan for Dara began.







"So princess is alone huh. I warned you about being with that stupid Kyuhyun right? But no, you are so persistent about being with him. We'll teach you a lesson that you will never forget." the leader of the females bullies stated.







To their Dara made no response and just slouched. Her head kept swinging but there is still no response. One of the girls pulled Dara's apple hair and then finally she made a response. Her loud yawn echoed throughout the tent making the girls with her worried. They quickly covered until she stopped yawning.







"What are you doing?" Dara asked angrily and started struggling to get away from them.







"If I were you I would keep my dirty mouth shut. You wouldn't want this baby to slit down your neck would you?" one of the girls said and she heard a sound of a thin metal being scratched to a piece of stone.







Dara froze in fear as she hears that horrifying sound. The girl made sure that Dara hears it clearly sending fear to the spine of our dear rabbit. Her body became stiff and she became really scared. Slowly, tears started forming in her eyes and it was painful because of the blindfold that was tied to her head.







"Aigoo~~~ our Santtokki is scared. Will Kyuhyun come and rescue you?---I bet not!" their leader mocked Dara and his lover.







Dara tried her best to seal any emotions that shows fear. She will not cry in front of these people she thought. She just tried her best to stay still in her position. Moving violently is not an option for her she thought.







"Just keep this in mind. Stay away from Kyuhyun and you'll be fine.. Them as well." the leader stated and then Dara heard the voices of Bom, CL, Minzy and Thunder saying hello through a cell phone.







Dara just gulped down and her body started shaking in fear. But still she didn't show much response so her captors got more irritated.







"Say Yes or else I'll make sure to make sushi with the flesh from your throat!" one of the girls threatened and slightly touched Dara's neck with her tool.







They heard sounds of people coming. The all sounded excited as they approach the tent where Dara was. The three girls became agitated and panicky.







"Let's go! They're coming!!" the look out squealed.






The three of them panicked and fled. The girl left the paraphernalia that she used to scare Dara. After they left, immediately the SC members came.






"Dara unnie sorry for tying you up like this, We just want to make things fair for everyone." Solbi said removed everything that was securing Dara in place.







Kyuhyun was the first person Dara saw. She didn't care about everyone that was with. She went to and she hugged him tight. This was the first time that Kyuhyun saw Dara got this scared. She was really shaking but she is not crying until he comforted her.







"What happened? Clearly you're not okay.” Kyuhyun asked as he hugged and soothes Dara’s back.







“Can you please leave us for a sec.?” Dara asked Solbi and others then looked at Kyuhyun who is obviously waiting for them to leave.







“Sure. Take your time.” the vice president from the male school pulled Solbi and her crew followed them along.






Solbi tried to stay behind the tent by holding on to the post, hiding behind it but the handsome vice president pulled her away with a glare and shy smile on his face. He was unable to believe that she would do that.







“But I want to stay.” Solbi said cutely as she played with her fingers. She tried to use her aegyo on him but it didn’t work.







“You are the president of this school right? You represent this school and you’re being like that. Aigoo~~~ What will the students think about you once they found out about you like this?” the vice president threatened.







“What? I’m just a fan girl.” Solbi said as he pulled her away and they just laughed.







Everyone left and then Dara and Kyuhyun became alone. Dara hugged him again and then she cried. She noticed the tools that they used to scare her. She released him and went down to the floor and picked up the stone and the steel ruler that they used as a knife. Kyuhyun helped Dara stand up and he hugged her.








“What happened? What is that? It’s okay. You can tell me.” Kyuhyun comforted her.







“There are some girls.. They threatened me… about our relationship…. Kyuhyun.. I’m scared..” Dara stated and looked at his Kyuhyun with tearful eyes.







“How? Why?” Kyuhyun asked.







“They knew about our relationship.” Dara replied and held onto Kyuhyun’s hand.







“That’s bad. We should be more careful then. Anyways are you okay?” Kyuhyun asked and gently Dara’s face.






Dara just nodded and they hugged each other again. Kyuhyun planted a peck on his lovers face and was sad that he was not able to protect her. They heard the footsteps of their companions. They released each other before they came inside with them again.







“So are you guys ready?” Solbi asked them with her hands on her waist.







“What are we doing?” Dara and Kyuhyun asked as they looked at the same time.







Solbi looked at each other and then the SC members who started to crowd the couple. They held the two apart from each other. Dara and Kyuhyun looked at each other with worried looks. Dara became scared because of what she experienced earlier. Kyuhyun saw this and he tried struggling but the person handling him was definitely stronger. To their surprise they were put on blind fold again. They walked and walked and then they were released.







When they returned the blindfolds that they were wearing. Dara was already a veil and Solbi handed her a beautiful bouquet. They gave Kyuhyun a fake ring. Kyuhyun just laughed but when the biggest member of the ssireum team came from behind him he got scared. The guy was a big die hard fan of Dara so when he saw Kyuhyun making fun of it he got angry but he didn’t do anything to the singer. Kyuhyun stop his laughter and just coughed fearing that he might get sent to the hospital again.





“Guess what you guys are getting married?!” Solbi squealed raised both her hands in the air.






“WHAT!?????????????????????” Dara and Kyuhyun asked at the same time.






“I meant what I said.” Solbi replied and went to Kyuhyun’s side. She leaned closer to his ears and Dara just looked at them.






“many girls wanted to marry you while many guys wanted to marry Dara unnie but I don’t think your companies would allow that so I just thought that you guys should just marry each other.” Kyuhyun smiled and nodded.






Solbi moved away from him and she released Dara. After Kyuhyun got released, he took one flower from his bouquet and placed it on his shirt. The girls squealed at his gesture and the she winked at the crowd. He never thought that this was going to happen but what told him is true. He DEFINITELY WOULD NOT WANT to SEE DARA WITH ANOTHER GUY and it’s safer since they wouldn’t want to see their fans to kill each other. Might as well make the moment memorable he thought.







With this in mind, Kyuhyun went straight to Dara and bowed to her then asked for her hand. Dara who is surprised and still clueless between the conversation that Solbi and Kyuhyun had didn’t know what to do. Seeing him like that, she just decided to follow his lead. After taking her hand, Kyuhyun lead her in front of the bon fire.







“Miss Sandara Park, listen carefully because I’ll only say this once, Will you marry me?” Kyuhyun asked and kneeled in front of her. The sound of fan girls’ heart breaking became prominent. Cries of disapproving people echoed around the place both fan boys and fan girls cried in place.







Dara got shocked with had he did. Kyuhyun’s grip on her hand got tighter. He tilted his head to side unable to believe that he actually said that in front of a big crowd. He just laughed his infamous evil laugh. Dara saw him like this for the first time so she immediately cried and nodded.







“Yes, I will marry you.” Dara replied making everyone squeal more.  Kyuhyun covered his laughing face and smiled then kissed the back of her palm.







Dara felt his lips shaking making her blush more. It was evident that they were both embarrassed with what was happening. When Kyuhyun stood up he looked at her eyes and suddenly the sounds that other people were creating were drowned by their own feelings. After that, all they could hear was each other’s voices.







“Why are you being like this?” Dara shyly said and spanked Kyuhyun’s arm. She forgot all of the bad things that happened to her when they became together. Kyuhyun intertwined his fingers with hers.







“Might as make this moment as real as possible.” Kyuhyun said and winked at Dara.






Kyuhyun and Dara reached the fake altar where their theology teacher was waiting. Kyuhyun chuckled when they stepped in front of him.






“Somehow, after seeing him like this, I imagined Siwon-hyung doing this for us.” Kyuhyun whispered to Dara. Dara just glared at him and then laughed as well.







“Do you promise to tell your fans that you are already dating if ever you are and you will in the future?” their teacher asked and they both looked at him with a shocked expression. Their marriage is being flashed in the big white screen sizing up to two rooms horizontally and diagonally so everyone saw their reaction and laughed.







“Why is your question like that?” Dara asked his professor who is doing his best to act as a priest as realistic as he could.








“We modified it just for you. The theme of this wedding is “IDOL” wedding so it will be more like a showbiz kind of wedding.” He explained and fixed his collar making the couple laugh.







“Are you going to pay us later? The wages for us is per hour.” Kyuhyun whispered but since the teacher moved the microphone near Kyuhyun they all heard it.







“Aigoo~~ we’ll talk about that with your managers later. Just say ‘I do’ and it will al be over.” The teacher joked and cleared his throat.







“I DO” Dara said as he turned Kyuhyun’s face to look at her. Everyone screamed in jealousy again making the couple and the priest laugh as well.







“aigoo~~~ this marriage is making me sweaty. Now I know how it feels to be a priest. My arm pits are getting soaked.” He remarked making the fans laughter become more evident.







“I do too.” Kyuhyun answered as he looked at Dara’s eyes.






“Do you promise to love each other through better or for worst and for RICHER and POORER? I’m sure Dara earns more since she is only in a 4-member girl group compared to Kyuhyun who has to share it between 13 people.” The priest asked them.






“I do.” Dara said in between her laughs.







“you heard that people!” Kyuhyun screamed and he looked at the fans behind them then turned his attention back to Dara.








“I do father.” He replied and smiled at her wittily.







“Now the most anticipated part of this wedding, especially by Kyuhyun. YOU MAY NOW KISS THE BRIDE!!!” the teacher squealed and clapped his hands.








When he said that the couple laughed and looked at each other, more cries of the jealous crowd echoed in the place. The camera focused on them more than before so Kyuhyun moved in and held her head but then the people screamed so he stopped. Dara who was about to close her eyes chuckled.






“you don’t want us to kiss?” Kyuhyun asked the crowd.







“YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” was the response that he received.






“DO you want us to get married?” He asked again.







“NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” was the strong reply that he heard.







“But we just got married! If ever I will date someone in the future, it’s a promise to you guys that I will tell you that I am dating.  I promise that I will tell you and who knows if she permits it maybe someday if ever I’ll date and I told you about it. I might also include her identity. But right now I just got married to Dara noona can’t you at least be a little less angry and a little bit happier for me?” Kyuhyun stated then asked You guys are my fans right?”







“Yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” they retorted.







“Then please support our marriage. I can’t kiss her and seal our marriage if you guys won’t allow me to. for me, ELFs is a part of my family and when I get married I want my family to approve of my future wife. That is all I’m asking so please, I am sincerely asking for your support. Will you please allow me to marry her?” Kyuhyun asked and bowed to his fans. Dara saw this and she bowed to the crowd as well.






Some of the fans are already crying but then they looked at each other. They saw the sincerity that the two people are showing them but they kept quiet.







“A real fan supports his idol through good and bad times. For them this is a good moment but for us this bad. But if we really love them, we must understand that they are also human. They need to grow up and fall in love as well. Aren’t we becoming when we don’t allow them to do what they want? We say that we want them to be happy but what are we doing if we are stopping them from being happy by doing things like this. We should support them whole heartedly when they asked sincerely like this.” One female student said through a mega phone that she snatched from the hand of a SC member. The SC members then clapped their hands showing their support for the couple. Soon the entire student body clapped their hands for the couple showing them their support.







Kyuhyun only raised his head after he heard them all clapping. He then looked at Dara who is already crying. Kyuhyun hugged her making everyone scream in delight this time. It was then they realized that the two actually look good with each other. Kyuhyun released her and just held her head. Kyuhyun wiped the tears of Dara’s face and then she held his hands.







“They approved us.” he whispered to her ears and she just nodded as she kept on crying.






Kyuhyun pulled her head and waist closely to his. Dara just allowed her body to do what it wants. Slowly she closed her eyes and Kyuhyun removed the veil that was covering her face. He lifted it up and threw it at the back of her head clearing the obstacle between them. They looked at each other’s eyes and then Dara closed her eyes waiting for his lips to seal the deal. Kyuhyun pulled her head closer to his and landed a sweet and innocent kiss on her forehead.







Dara opened her eyes and smiled at him. The sound of relief echoed throughout their school. Everyone sighed feeling a little bit under the weather because of what Kyuhyun did. They actually wanted him to kiss her in the lips but he thought that he shouldn’t since he doesn’t want it to be the head lines of the news tomorrow. Dara took the microphone from its stand and made her signature pose in I AM THE BEST.







“EVERYONE NOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” she screamed and they started playing their song GO AWAY.






Everyone in the crowd started the party after that stressful day. Dara pulled Kyuhyun’s hands making him dance as well. They all started playing and dancing in front of the giant bonfire.







kyuhyun pulled Dara close and whispered " I LOVE YOU NOONA and I'll never get tired of saying that even if you will ask me about it everyday of our lives together." 





"I love you too." Dara repiled and s her arms to his neck and kissed him in lips. 

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supersujuholic #1
Chapter 89: Wow. I cant believe that there are still people reading this. :O
The thing is.. I dont follow 2ne1 and Suju as much as before so writing about them now is really hard?? Like it wont be like this since I know more about them back then ??? but thank you for the support ;__;
araaeildid #2
Chapter 89: Still rereading and still really love this one. Hope you doing well and remember this story & write the sequel kekeke... fighting authornim!!!
Chapter 89: I so love the story and yes a sequel should be written. Thanks Authourim... more Darakyu and maybe darachul kekeke... I am trying to write a fan fic but not yet done hehehe.
Chapter 89: Pls put a sequel i will wait for it author fighting!
Chapter 89: go!!! :D I would so read that :D
Tabimuchere #6
Chapter 89: cant wait for it Authornim!! fighting:-):-)
Aban17 #7
Chapter 89: Yes, sequel please ^_^
elcielo #8
Chapter 89: Yes authornim!
lonelyangel #9
Chapter 89: Yes yes authornim it will be very great please. Thanks in advance hehe
13Joya #10
Chapter 89: Yes sequel please