Chapter 62

Noona! Noona Saranghae! (7 years of Love)


As Dara decided to work on the booth as an MC alone, She already said Yes and it would be embarrassing if she will turn down the job she accepted. Not knowing what to do with Kyuhyun she started the broadcast.






"annyeonghaseo every one! This your Dara your lonely MC for the night. My friend ran off after he was told about our colorful yukata. Kya~~~" Dara said and chuckled and pinched her nose pretending to be crying but then she just chuckled.






The students who heard her were all shocked. They all started crowding the field where the event will happen. Both boys and girls are excited. They will have a chance to dance with the person that they like. Kyuhyun heard Dara's statement and just laughed.






"Dara-yahhhh!!!!! I'm not really angry. I just pretended to. I thought you would console me. Ottokkeee!!!! What to do?!!! How can I return there without you bringing me back?" Kyuhyun asked out loud and spanked his arm because of the mosquitoes that were bitting him. He is now lying on the grass watching the stars up in the sky behind him is the busy crowd of people getting ready to party.






"Feel free to ask for requests and dedications okay?! I'll read them all so bring them all right here." Dara said and smiled at the girls who are obviously looking for their crushes.







The president of the student council handed Dara a piece of paper. Before reading it on air she read it silently making her chuckle and blush surprising everyone in the booth and the listeners. She immediately thought of Kyuhyun but brushed the thought off.






"Sorry about that." Dara said and waved her hands on air.






"Since we are still early for the dance, the president wanted me to announce that the Marriage booth is now open! dodooong~~~ You heard it right people! You heard it right! The marriage booth is open so if there is someone that you like or you want to get married with. Come and tell us right here and right now! We will send seniors and members of the school's rugby, taekwondo and basketball team to search for them. So what are you waiting for come here now! Go! Go! Go!~~~" Dara squealed.






To her surprise the peaceful field became very crazy and loud. The screams of the people echoed in delight. Muscular men and athletic women came out with their walky-talkies ready to haunt for their costumers. A lot of girls went to Dara almost crushing her. Solbi had to remove Dara from her seat.






 "Ahhhhh!!!!!!!!!" Solbi and Dara squealed as they tried to run away from the crazy girls.






The two of them laughed at the people's response. The members of the student council moved the registration area to another tent to make sure Dara is safe and their equipments as well.







"That was crazy people! I almost got crushed people. I almost got crushed! I love your energy. I guess we girls want to go home with somebody to love eh?" Dara said then singing Big Bangs somebody to love.







"What kind of nonsense is that?!" Kyuhyun screamed the sight of evening sky as he scratched his mosquito bites.







There are girls who gave Dara their requests but it is not as violent than those who wants to get married with their crushes. Dara decided to read the requests that were handed on her table.







"Okay everyone. I can see a lot of men and woman running around the field already. Be careful everyone. We don't want bruises and wounds on you okay? Anyways for the first dedication that I'll be reading for tonight, it came from a woman named Soojin. She didn't include her section and course. This is her message, Dara unnie, can you please play Kyuhyun-ssi's Seven Years of Love? I want to dedicate it to my sunbae who came to transfer in this school today. We met seven years ago and for me it was love at first sight. I met him first in a sub way and everything started from then. I'm afraid that prettier girls who are studying here will attract his attention. I really need your help. Kansamnida!" Dara read the first request.






"That was from Soojin. We will play Super Junior, Kyuhyun's, Seven Years of love. That was a sweet love story. Aigoo~~~ I wish to have Seven Years of love as well if possible even more years of love. I want a life-long years of love. Does that even make sense? Anyways, is Soojin still around? She didn't include here the name of her not sunbae, it should be oppa aigooo~~~" Dara squealed and then drank water from the bottle that they gave her.






"Soojin! Are you still here? Please come to the booth. I have something to give you." Dara stated as the girl's request kept playing.







"What is she doing? Why isn't she searching for me? Coming out there will be dangerous for me." Kyuhyun said and looked at his phone checking the time. It is already 7:00 pm, only 30 minutes left to Dara's airtime he thought.






A girl that was captured by the "search and capture" team came to Dara. Her hands were slightly tied in a handkerchief and eyes were blindfolded. Dara felt sorry for the girl. She asked them to release her already. The first person that she saw was Dara. She immediately hugged Dara.






"I was so scared unnie!" the girl told her.






"What's your name?" Dara asked the girl who is now crying.







"I'm Soojin. My friends, they pointed me to them and then they brought me here." the girl explained.







"Did you make a request? The Seven Years of love?" Dara asked as she started searching for the paper of her request.







The girl was surprised with what she heard and glared at her two best friends. The two of them started hiding behind the members of rugby team. A guy came running to the tent where the commotion was happening.






"What are you doing to her? Why is she crying?" a man who is wearing glasses asked Dara. He was carrying a violin with him and he looked friendly but he seemed to be angry so Dara got a little scared.





Dara looked at Soojin and she saw her blushing. Her friends are also squealing. He is an older year and a music major. She saw the surprised look on Soojin's face when he was asking Dara about the commotion.






"I guess the characters in our love story are complete already. Let's go!" Dara said and nodded at the team. The team captured Soojin and the guy then brought them to the Marriage booth.







But there are a lot of people in the Marriage booth and she knew that this two are in love with each other. She saw it the way Soojin reacted when he came to rescue her and when he was asking about her. Dara realized that the guys is a little intimidated with the men who held his love captive but he didn't mind and still he went and asked about her.






Dara cleared and waited for the song to end. She then interviewed the two.







"What's your name?" Dara asked the musician who is still tied up.






"Takgu.. My name is Kim Takgu." the guy shyly retorted.







"How about you miss? What’s your name?” Dara asked the girl beside her.






“Soojin.” She shyly replied to Dara.






“Let’s make this short and sweet.” She said to the two captives that were with her.






“If we release you right now?” Will you escape together?” dara asked them.






Soojin looked at Takgu not knowing what to answer. She doesn’t want to answer first. She wouldn’t know what to say or do. Takgu looked at Soojin before he answered.






“Of course, I will escape together with her. I came here to save her, why would I leave her behind and go my way.” Takgu replied and smiled at Soojin.






Dara and the other girls squealed. They all are feeling the love that the two people are emitting.






“Where did you two first met?” Dara asked them.






“At the train station.” They replied at the same time. they were both shock at how fast they both answered.






“How?” Dara asked.






“Because of a cat.” Soojin replied. She felt sad that Takgu didn’t remember it. her warm smile slowly turned into a shy deteriorating smile.






“Maybe it was because of the cat, but for me, it was because of fate that I met you in that station that day. I saw a student who is already cramming for school with a saxophone bag in one hand and a sheet music in the other. is also filled with toasted bread. She saw a cat that was obviously injured in front of the ticket booth. The cat kept crying in pain she tried to ignore it but she returned and was about to use her handkerchief to tie the cat’s wound but I was lucky to have spare gauze that day and I gave it to her. Even though she was already running late for her class, she treated the kitten with care and she took it home with her. I have never found a woman like her. I fell for her in the first sight. My feelings for her never changed till today.” Takgu stated as he shyly blushed in front of them.






Dara and the other girls squealed. Soojin couldn’t believe what she heard. She didn’t know that he has feelings for her as well. She started to cry and the people released her. Takgu became really shy and started laughing but then Dara pushed him to Soojin. Solbi was busy fixing the projector while this was happening. Takgu hugged Soojin making the spectators cheer for them in delight.






“So Takgu do you love Soojin? Yes or No?” Dara asked.






“Yes I love her ever since we first met. I hope the feeling is mutual though.” he replied and laughed. At the moment he said this, Solbi was able to finish the setting for her camera and the very huge projector screen. They used a white cloth and hung it into the building providing a close up footage of what was happening. The couple got surprised when they saw it and they wanted to run away already.






“Soojin it’s your turn already. Do you love him? Do you love or do you love Takgu?” Dara asked the already crying girl.





After the romantic Kyuhyun heard their story, he immediately stood up and watches the screen. He went out of the bushes and to his surprise, huge men tried chasing him and he got caught. He tried to resist them but their number is large and their body is larger than his.






“Stupid CAT! This is your entire fault!” Kyuhyun hissed in his breath.






“I love you too!” Soojin shyly responded hugged Takgu.






Takgu was so happy that he almost jumped in joy. He hugged everyone including Dara and the angry Kyuhyun saw this. He intentionally removed his shoes while walking and someone gave it to him. Kyuhyun threw it to Takgu’s direction aiming it at his head and he got jackpot. The people who were celebrating stopped and looked at Kyuhyun who used his aegyo and apologized. Dara knew that he intended to hit him so she just glared at him and he just raised his shoulders.







“Aigoo~~ a new couple for the night, Takgu and Soojin. Let’s give them a round of applause everyone! Aigoo!! I saw Kyuhyun being carried by our players to the booth. His shoe is still here with me. I wonder who his lucky bride is. It’s almost 7:30 already. And from what I heard there are already over 50 marriages that happened today. Wow people! You guys are great! Let’s thank our players for doing a great job of not letting our friends escape right? This is Dara your MC during the last 60 minutes signing off. Kansamnida!!” she said and waved good bye.







Dara returned back to the booth and bowed at everyone she worked with. They all clapped for her and they took pictures. To thank her, Solbi bought her a meal and the men decided to give her flowers. They allowed her to eat in a tent and when she got out she saw Kyuhyun tied in a pole but she ignored him. As she was about to approach the giant lantern some group of women tied her and took her away. Nobody noticed her being kidnapped by them.

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supersujuholic #1
Chapter 89: Wow. I cant believe that there are still people reading this. :O
The thing is.. I dont follow 2ne1 and Suju as much as before so writing about them now is really hard?? Like it wont be like this since I know more about them back then ??? but thank you for the support ;__;
araaeildid #2
Chapter 89: Still rereading and still really love this one. Hope you doing well and remember this story & write the sequel kekeke... fighting authornim!!!
Chapter 89: I so love the story and yes a sequel should be written. Thanks Authourim... more Darakyu and maybe darachul kekeke... I am trying to write a fan fic but not yet done hehehe.
Chapter 89: Pls put a sequel i will wait for it author fighting!
Chapter 89: go!!! :D I would so read that :D
Tabimuchere #6
Chapter 89: cant wait for it Authornim!! fighting:-):-)
Aban17 #7
Chapter 89: Yes, sequel please ^_^
elcielo #8
Chapter 89: Yes authornim!
lonelyangel #9
Chapter 89: Yes yes authornim it will be very great please. Thanks in advance hehe
13Joya #10
Chapter 89: Yes sequel please