Chapter 60

Noona! Noona Saranghae! (7 years of Love)


Dara ran towards Jaejoong who looked like a father walking in the zoo carrying the lunch box for his wife. Kyuhyun just followed Dara as she approached the very hot guy who is wearing shades and walking like a model despite fact that he was carrying a lot of things. Dara just laughed at how funny he looked carrying a lot of stuff in his hand. He looked pitiful she thought. She ran to him and helped him with his things making Kyuhyun run as well.





He is a sunbae.. a sunbae.. a sunbae Kyuhyun.. a sunbae… he is even your hyung… there is nothing to get jealous about.. he is a sunbae… calm down… star craft.. doubleices… star craft… gelato… bullying hyungs… star craft… wine…. I’m the evil maknae…he is older so dara noona likes me better… he is a sunbae… relax Kyuhyun… relax….dara loves you… star craft…. Kyuhyun kept chanting in his as he stood behind Dara.




Jaejoong was about to talk to Dara when he saw Kyuhyun murmuring incoherent words in his mouth. It was as if he was emitting dark and evil aura so Jaejoong got scared and walked away from Dara. Dara wondered why he did that so he looked at Kyuhyun and hooked her arms on his. Jaejoong squealed in delight and pinched her face making Kyuhyun bark like a angry dog and Jaejoong got more scared and hid behind Dara. 





                “I’m happy for you. I’m glad you’re dating already. “Jaejoong stated making Dara stop and Kyuhyun calm down.




                “I didn’t expect it to be Kyuhyun-ssi though.” he added making Kyuhyun angry again while he chuckled.





                “Stop teasing him sunbae!” Dara stated with her arms crossed in her chest.





                “Would you guys like to eat lunch with me?” Jaejoong offered and raised the bags that he has in his hands.





                “Sure! A picnic under the blossoms would be great.” Dara squealed as she helped Jaejoong carry all of his stuff and they started searching for a place to eat.





                “Wait! Don’t I have a chance to say anything?” Kyuhyun asked as he started running towards Dara and Jaejoong who are excited about the picnic. Since he was hungry as well he didn’t have the energy to argue more with them so he just followed them around.






Dara and Jaejoong found a cherry blossom tree which is big and old. It is located in a place were it just cool and where there is not a place where people would usually go to. They started setting up while Kyuhyun just sulked in the corner wanting Dara’s attention and explanation only on him. Dara and Jaejoong just looked at him.  Jaejoong went closer to Dara who was having troubles placing the mat on the ground.






                “I guess it was too big for three people. Anyways is he always like that when you are with another guy? He looks pitiful and funny.” Jaejoong whispered to Dara as he helped her.






                “Yeah. He likes to throw tantrum but he’s cute when he’s like that. At least he doesn’t cause trouble for me even though it is just plain obvious in his face that he is jealous. But he seemed a little more mad today.” Dara said as they both looked at Kyuhyun who is glaring at their direction. 





                “He is really like our Changmin. Too bad were not in the same group anymore. Any way, call him already. I’ll fix the food. Go!! Go!! Go!!!!!” Jaejoong said and pushed Dara to where Kyuhyun was sitting.





                “Kyuhyun-ah.. Let’s eat already. I know you’re already hungry. Thank you for waiting for me.” Dara said as she leveled her face to Kyuhyun who was hugging his legs.





Kyuhyun just looked up and saw Dara brightly smiling at her. A strong wind blew again so Dara hugged Kyuhyun and then they kept their faces buried. Dara kissed him in his lips but Jaejoong chuckled so she released him blushing. Kyuhyun’s glare scared the life out of Jaejoong so he stopped and called them over. The three of them sat in the mat. Dara was seated in the farthest part of the mat. Away from both Kyuhyun   and Jaejoong who are sitting with each other. Every time Jaejoong would try to do something to Dara, Kyuhyun would stop him. Jaejoong wanted Dara to try his sushi so he used his chopsticks to spoon feed her and he was excited about it but Kyuhyun reacted earlier so he was able to steal the food and ate it. While Dara just glared at him he just said “it is too salty hyung.” Jaejoong tried again but this time they fought for it in the bento box and again Kyuhyun won saying “it’s too salty for my noona. I don’t want her getting sick because of you hyung.” Kyuhyun said and ate it again. While Kyuhyun and Jaejoong were fighting with each other Dara opened the lunch box that CL made for her.




Jaejoong saw that her meal is really made by a girl so he tried stealing some of Dara’s food but Kyuhyun saw this and they started fighting with their chopsticks. Dara just sighed and took the omelet from Jaejoong’s box and tasted it. It was not salty so Dara glared at Kyuhyun. She then took a sushi from CL’s homemade meal and spoon fed Kyuhyun and Jaejoong making them stop. Jaejoong ate happily. He was smiling and was twitching his head left and right. Kyuhyun saw him smiling at Dara so he jumped at him and choked him in his neck.  Dara almost choked herself when she saw them like that.






                “How childish!” Dara screamed at them angrily.





                “It’s your fault!” Kyuhyun whispered at Jaejoong. Both of them are kneeling in the mat in front of the angry Dara.





                “No it’s not! It’s yours!” Jaejoong retorted glaring at Kyuhyun.





                “No it’s not!” Kyuhyun replied and they started fighting again.





Dara just shook her head and sighed. She was too hungry to stop them anymore. She just sat down away from them and started eating alone. A man she recognized waved her hands at her and she stopped eating.





                “Annyeong!!!” Yoochun waved at her. Behind him was Yunho. They were coming towards their direction. The two men were laughing at the sight of them. Dara was eating gloomily in the side while Jaejoong was on top of Kyuhyun and they were killing each other.





                “What are you doing here?” Dara asked them but she just received a wink from Yoochun which made her melt.





                Kyuhyun saw this and he immediately pushed Jaejoong away and hugged his Dara. Jaejoong fell on he stood up and ran towards his Yunho. He missed him so much. Yoochun just patted kyuhyun’s head with a sly smile on his face and started eating as well.





                “Man! I’m really hungry. Let’s eat!” Yoochun squealed.





                “what are you guys doing here?” Dara asked them.





                “Reunion, I guess. I came here to visit Yunho’s sister since she’s also a student but then I remembered that you are also a student here so I also prepared a meal for you. I brought his sister food as well and then I called him her (he said pointing at Yoochun) since he liked school girls so much so if I were you I would be careful when I’m around him. (Yoochun screamed at him from the back and kicked his )” Jaejoong replied as he pulled Yunho.




Yunho bowed at Dara and Kyuhyun. He sat beside Kyuhyun who now fixed his position and still unable to believe that the JYJ members are with him and Yunho. They are not exactly in their best condition right now so it was kind of awkward. More than him, he is curious about Yunho’s feelings. He just sat beside Jaejoong who gave him a chopstick and then they all started eating.




                “This is weird, people from SM, from YG and from another company eating together in a picnic under the cherry blossoms in a sunny day.” Yoochun stated as he lay down in the mat looking up in the sky.




                “We used to be in SM as well remember that.” Jaejoong replied.




                “What’s weird is that we are not really in good terms when it comes to our relationship with each other.” Yunho stated as he sat in cross legs shifting from his previous position.




                “What’s weirder is that Jaejoong hyung and Dara noona is close.” Kyuhyun barked and eyed the two of them.




Dara who is in the middle of drinking her green tea got choked. Yunho helped her immediately while Yoochun just laughed. Jaejoong tried to help her as well. They all panicked seeing Dara got drowned in her drink.  Dara spanked Kyuhyun really hard leaving a red mark on his shoulder.




                “Noona you are getting violent these days. Is it your day in the month?” Kyuhyun said and he pouted at her.  Yoochun laughed even harder after hearing this. The other tvxq members laughed as well.




                “You are making me violent! Not those days or any other days!” Dara screamed at Kyuhyun.




                “It was T.O.P. who introduced us to each other. Se7en hyung is also my friend so they helped us out.” Jaejoong explained.




                “Helped out with what?” Yoochun stated.




                “They made us a set up and we ended up having a blind date.” Jaejoong shyly retorted and he blushed together with Dara who almost got choked again.




                “WHATTTTTTTTTTTT!????????” Kyuhyun asked out loud still unable to believe what he heard.




Yoochun stood up and looked at Dara scanning her reactions and he knew that Jaejoong was stating the truth. Kyuhyun pushed his hyung away and laughed even harder since dara’s face became more red than it was before.




                “So what happened?” Yunho asked.




                “We ate dinner together and it was extremely awkward but in the end we just decided to be friends. “ Jaejoong replied and gave Dara a high five.




                “Why? I mean you guys are too cute not be together.” Yoochun stated earning him another kick from Kyuhyun who was listening very eagerly in his story.




                “Dara wanted a younger man named Minho. (He said this and laughed.) But more importantly, another guy owns her heart already at that time. I don’t know if they were dating already though.” Jaejoong said which made Dara squeal and blush. Kyuhyun looked at Dara with sorry eyes.



WHY DOES SHE HAVE A LOT OF MEN IN HIS MIND!???????????? WHY?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Kyuhyun thought.




                “Who?” Yoochun and Yunho asked in unison.



                “Look at the guy in the middle of you, the one who tried killing me earlier and the one who shoved Yoochun away from Dara. That’s the guy.” Jaejoong hinted and they all looked at Kyuhyun who immediately blushed madly as well.




                “Aigoo~~~ did Eunhyuk taught you to date secretly?! Aigoo~~~” Yoochun teased Kyuhyun and laughed like a mad man again. Kyuhyun choked him again and Yunho stopped him from killing his hyung for the nth time that day.





                “I am happy for them though. Enjoy life and date secretly. I always live by that saying.” Jaejoong proclaimed proudly.





                “Is there any advice that you would want to share among us? I mean, that is cool. Kyuhyun you are dating an YG family member and it is not easy. You are really are a ten star level lover boy~” Yoochun after Kyuhyun just released him from his wrath. 




Kyuhyun fixed his collar and looked at Dara and his hyungs. He looked at her and smiled because he saw her blushing. he turned to his hyungs and said…..






                “MADA MADA DANE!!!” and Kyuhyun laughed his “puuuuuuaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahhahahahahahahahahha”




All of his three hyungs jumped on top of him choking him to death. Dara just sighed and smiled at the three people who were with them. That day became special because of her new friends and of course because of Kyuhyun. She took pictures of them killing each other and then they posed nicely. Yoochun took a photo with her included in it. Then he set up the camera and they all got in it together. They were all sad when they knew that they couldn’t post it online.



Dara chose the most blurred picture that she took when they were killing each other behind her. Kyuhyun accidentally pulled her arm.

She posted it with a caption

“THE CRAZIEST REUNION OF HYUNGS EVER!!! Kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaa~~~~~~~~~ Dara the bunny is blurred in the picture!!! A memorable lunch!!!!!!!!!! Kekekek~~~~” 

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supersujuholic #1
Chapter 89: Wow. I cant believe that there are still people reading this. :O
The thing is.. I dont follow 2ne1 and Suju as much as before so writing about them now is really hard?? Like it wont be like this since I know more about them back then ??? but thank you for the support ;__;
araaeildid #2
Chapter 89: Still rereading and still really love this one. Hope you doing well and remember this story & write the sequel kekeke... fighting authornim!!!
Chapter 89: I so love the story and yes a sequel should be written. Thanks Authourim... more Darakyu and maybe darachul kekeke... I am trying to write a fan fic but not yet done hehehe.
Chapter 89: Pls put a sequel i will wait for it author fighting!
Chapter 89: go!!! :D I would so read that :D
Tabimuchere #6
Chapter 89: cant wait for it Authornim!! fighting:-):-)
Aban17 #7
Chapter 89: Yes, sequel please ^_^
elcielo #8
Chapter 89: Yes authornim!
lonelyangel #9
Chapter 89: Yes yes authornim it will be very great please. Thanks in advance hehe
13Joya #10
Chapter 89: Yes sequel please