Chapter 59

Noona! Noona Saranghae! (7 years of Love)


When Dara woke up, she was already in a small soft bed. There are white curtains that surrounded her and the first person she saw Kyuhyun. He patiently waited for her after their class ended.






"Are you okay?" Kyuhyun who got worried asked Dara and even placed him on her fore head to check his temperature.






"What happened?" Dara asked and removed his hand on her forehed.






"I didn’t know that statistical problems can make my noona faint." Kyuhyun retorted earning him a strong and painful slap on his shoulders but he just chuckled at her.






Dara looked at him and remembered everything that happened. She sat up properly and the nurse came out one of the curtains.






"It's not the math problems that made her dizzy. It's stress, she needs to eat, rest and sleep properly." The nurse told Kyuhyun.






"Don't force yourself to come to school. Rest if you need to." the nursed adviced Dara.






"Can I go already?" Dara asked.






"Promise me one thing, you have to eat and don't skip your meals. Okay?" the nursed asked Dara.






"Yeah." Dara replied to the nursed and thanked her. Kyuhyun also did the same thing and helped Dara to get down the bed.






Kyuhyun and Dara left the clinic. It was around two pm already so there were not much people outside avoiding the sun. Kyuhyun carried their bags while Dara walked beside him. He stopped and turned to face Dara.






"It's my fault that you got sick. I'm sorry." Kyuhyun stated.






"What are you saying? Its not your fault. It's nobody's fault. I just got tired. That's it, so stop worrying. It won't help. Hmm? So what do you want to eat?" Dara asked him.






"Thank you." Kyuhyun said and hugged her. He released her when he realized that she didn't hug her back.






"People might notice." Dara said and then they continued walking. Kyuhyuh just ruined her hair and chuckled.






The two of them went across the stalls. Kyuhyun saw a chicken teriyaki and it seemed that he liked it so along with Dara he checked it out. A group of BAD ELFs and 2NE1 hater crowded the two and they started picking on Dara knowing that Kyuhyun is not really as mean as Heechul to them.





"What are you doing with him? Do you know that just seeing you together  is already child abuse?" one of the girls stated.






"How cheap? Pretending to be young when it's obvious that her body is the same as that of a deteriorating body of a teen-ager. Probably couldn't sell any other thing than that plastic cuteness. How lame!" the leader one said.






"Try touching him and We'll make sure that your stay here will be as good as hell." The other one threatened.





Kyuhyun didn't hear them because he was busy in the counter. Dara just looked the girls who were with their character pens and faces with full make up. When Kyuhyun looked back at Dara, he saw them bumped her shoulder but she didn’t say anything. They approached him but he ignored them. After he finished his transaction, he went and pulled Dara away.






"Oppa! Why are you being like this?" the prettiest of them who seemed to also be their leader called Kyuhyun.






Dara and Kyuhyun stopped. They didn’t want the people to think that they were snobbish but the evil Kyuhyun is already boiling in anger.






"What?" he asked nicely trying to keep his anger within.







"Are you two dating? I'm sure I can give you more pleasure than her. So come with us instead, I'm sure you'll have a good time." the girl said as she acted lustfully in front of Kyuhyun and chewed her chewing gum and pointed her bunny pen when she said 'her' to Dara. She tried touching Kyuhyun but he moved away before her hands reached his face.






"Sorry, but I already got plans." Kyuhyun said with a smile.






"With that DWARF?!" She barked and eyed Dara from head to toe then placed her hands on her waist. The people there looked at her. Compared to her, Dara is small because her height is 168 and she is also their school's ulzzang.






"With her or not with her. I'm sure spending time away from people like you is better. I wish that you wouldn't call yourselves ELFs, it would be a disgrace to their name." Kyuhyun said with a smile and pulled Dara away. He intertwined his hands with hers as they walked together and left the room.






The people in the stall looked at the bullies. Their leader just shook her head unable to believe that he ignored her. Kyuhyun kept walking in a fast pace almost making Dara run. Dara felt his grip and it was really tight and it made her chuckle. 





"Why are you laughing?" Kyuhyun stopped walking and released her hand. He turned to face her.






"puahahaha. That was the first time... I saw Kyuhyun so angry. Hahaha.. It was epic!" Dara retorted angry.





Unable to understand the situation, Kyuhyun became angry at Dara as well. He started walking away from her, leaving her behind. Dara ran after him but he was quick. The two of them are alone in the long Cherry blossom lane in the school yard.






"Oppa! Wait for me!" Dara squealed laughing. Kyuhyun remained walking but he ignored her.






"Cho Kyuhyun! Stop walking I said! Stttttooooooooopppppppppp!!!!!!!!! Waaaaaaaalllllkkkiiiiinnnngggggg!!! I say!" Dara screamed still no response.





"I have your lunch with me. I'll eat it if you will not wait for me!" Dara threatened and looked at the box in her hand.





A strong wind blew and there a lot of cherry blossoms falling. Kyuhyun stopped walking and turned to look at Dara from a distance. He looked at her from head to toe. He just smiled at how cute she was when she tried covering her face from the wind.






She might not have the longest hair, the tallest height, the sharpest curve and the prettiest face. No!!! She's the best ulzzang there is. Anyways, the fact that she is so awkwardly cute and shy when were alone makes her special. It is her crazy antics that makes me love her more everyday. Kyuhyun thought and smiled at her evilly.






"FINE! EAT THAT! I'LL JUST EAT CL'S BENTO. I'M sure Henry will get jealous and YOU too!!! Aigoo~~~ A woman's home cooked meal. I haven't eaten one in a while." Kyuhyun said and laughed his evil laugh and stated walking away from Dara again as he started opening Dara's bag.





Dara thought that he was joking but she saw him opening her bag without looking back at her. When Kyuhyun is like this, she knows he is serious so she started running towards him. He started running when he heard her screaming as he kept searching for it. When Kyuhyun found the bento, he placed Dara's bag on street running away carrying the box of bento in his hand. Dara chased him and when she finally caught him it was because of the back hug. Kyuhyun stopped running when he got a little tired.






"Why didn’t get angry when those girls said foolish things about you?" Kyuhyun asked Dara.






"Because you already got angry at them.  Seeing you like that blew my anger away." Dara said and pinched the face of his boy friend who faced her.





"It was like a Japanese ghost was behind those girls when you approached them. So scary." Dara added and hugged Kyuhyun.






"I don't like it when people do that." Kyuhyun replied and wrapped his arms around her. A cherry petal fell on Dara's head and he removed it.






"I know!!!! So Thank you!" Dara squeaked and looked around them. When she saw that no one was around she kissed Kyuhyun’s cheeks.






Kyuhyun just smiled. He really likes it when she does sweet gestures like this without him leading it.






"I SAW EVERYTHING!!! YOU GUYS ARE DATING!" some random guy screamed.






"Sunbae!!!!" Dara squealed and released Kyuhyun then ran towards the man direction who was carrying big boxes of Japanese bento on his one hand while the other one is holding a thermos of green tea.






"Jaejoong-hyung?!" Kyuhyun stated.










The girl who bullied Dara earlier called a woman on the phone. She and her friends made sure that no one was there.






"We're done already. He did defend her. I hate his sharp tongue." The ulzzang leader reported.






"Really?!? Thank you. I'll just send one of my man to pay you. Don't call me again unless I asked you to call me again." the other woman replied and ended the call.





"You can talk to Mr. Lee Soo Man already. Please come this way." a secretary told Dasom and showed her the way.





"Thank you." She replied and removed her shades and placed it in her bag. The staff in the SM building that saw her started whispering at how pretty she was. They were all wondering what her intention was in seeing LSM.






"Losers." She just said in her breathe and walked glamorously to the producer's office.




"I heard you wanted to talk to me." LSM told her. They waited for the secretary to leave then they talked already.







This your author SUPERSUJUHOLIC,


Sorry about the other day,

I was just broken hearted that day.


I saw my 7 year crush’s FB profile and he has a girl friend already.

My friends say that he is my first love…

Well that’s sad if it is, cause it will be like a forbidden or unrequited love story then.

My love story will be forever sad?!!




Should I write about that?

And use Dara and Kyuhyun or other people for that story…

How about my bias Siwon?!




But I have to finish this story first right?!



Do you want this story to end already?!













I MISS YOUR COMMENTS!?????????????



;((( Aigoo!!! I really do so please keep them coming…


*begging mode~~`* ;D


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supersujuholic #1
Chapter 89: Wow. I cant believe that there are still people reading this. :O
The thing is.. I dont follow 2ne1 and Suju as much as before so writing about them now is really hard?? Like it wont be like this since I know more about them back then ??? but thank you for the support ;__;
araaeildid #2
Chapter 89: Still rereading and still really love this one. Hope you doing well and remember this story & write the sequel kekeke... fighting authornim!!!
Chapter 89: I so love the story and yes a sequel should be written. Thanks Authourim... more Darakyu and maybe darachul kekeke... I am trying to write a fan fic but not yet done hehehe.
Chapter 89: Pls put a sequel i will wait for it author fighting!
Chapter 89: go!!! :D I would so read that :D
Tabimuchere #6
Chapter 89: cant wait for it Authornim!! fighting:-):-)
Aban17 #7
Chapter 89: Yes, sequel please ^_^
elcielo #8
Chapter 89: Yes authornim!
lonelyangel #9
Chapter 89: Yes yes authornim it will be very great please. Thanks in advance hehe
13Joya #10
Chapter 89: Yes sequel please