Chapter 14

Noona! Noona Saranghae! (7 years of Love)

Bom was quietly waiting. Heechul and Kyuhyun approached Bom who smiled at them.




                “Are you sure about this? Bom asked Kyuhyun.




                “Yeah, positively. I thought you wanted somebody like Kang Hodong?” Kyuhyun retorted.




                “What?” Heechul suddenly burst out.




                “Oppa will you come upstairs with me?”  Bom asked Heechul as she smiled at him sweetly.




Is she the person that theology preacher Siwon is talking about? Heechul thought as she looked at Bom from her head to her ankle. He noticed how pretty and girly she was despite the strong tough image 2NE1 gives off from their stage.



                “Why should I come with you?” Heechul asked her as he turns his attention back to his her face.



                “Because I think that you are someone who is very special.” She shortly replied and smiled.




                “Many girls told me that before, you need to come up with something better.” Heechul smugly retorted waiting for Bom’s expression to change.




Kyuhyun got surprised by what Heechul did. But what do he expect from his hyung right? He just kept quiet as he also waited for a response from Bom whose smile change from a sweet one to a sharp one. She eyed Heechul closely and went near to his ears.




                “You are the type of person who seemed to be happy on the outside but at the end of the day you would be the loneliest person in the world. Indeed you might have dated many girls but when the night comes you still feel alone crying in your room thinking that nobody lasted and nobody understood the real me.” Bom gently whisper to his ear making sure that only he can hear it.



Heechul’s body stiffened both because of her warm breathe and the cold harsh truth she knew. Heechul just smiled and took her hand and placed it in front of his face. Kyuhyun tried his best to hear what she told him but failed. He is totally clueless as to what her message was and what made his hyung stunned by her.



This girl is really sharp. How can she read me like this? Is she a stalker or what? I’ve seen 2NE1tv before but I didn’t see this. Let’s see her waver with my charms. Heechul thought.



                “What do I get if ever I come with you upstairs?” Heechul asked and then kissed the back of her palm which made Bom blush.



                “You can tell me anything later, when we are upstairs already.” Bom retorted and took her hand away from his.



                “Hold my hand!” Heechul commanded which surprised Bom.



                “Why should I hold your hand?” Bom asked surprised as she slowly starts to get pissed off with this beautiful man before her.



                “You want me to come with you right?” Heechul asked her sarcastically.



                “Yeah, so what?” Bom retorted as she is being tested with her patience.



                “I have to tell Siwon and the others that I am coming with you.” Heechul angrily retorted.




                “Why are you a little girl that needs to escorted back home?” Bom replied unable to hide her feelings of being pissed off in her voice.



                “How dare you call me a little girl? Can’t you believe that I’m obviously prettier than you? You must be jealous. Don’t you know that it’s rude to talk like that against your senior?” Heechul responded.




                “Stop fighting! You Bom noona, you should ask him nicely because you are the one who is in need of hiss favor! ” Kyuhyun squealed at Bom, who is now pouting and whispering her buts.




                “And you Heechul hyung, shouldn’t you at least be grateful that she tried to be friendly with you? She asked you nicely to come with her. Shouldn’t you be just a gentleman and kindly come with her nicely?” Kyuhyun nagged at Heechul who is now getting his pay back from Bom who he was teasing while the maknae nagged at him.



                “Now apologize to each other!” Kyuhyun commanded the two older people than him.




Heechul and Bom looked at each other and laughed. They both felt quite refreshed by what the maknae did to them.




                “I should be angry because you are talking to me informally. But I kinda feel stupid right now because I am being nagged by a younger person. What more, you are the maknae of our group.” Heechul stated and looked at Kyuhyun and Bom still giggling.




                “Only CL nags me like this at home.” Bom stated as she just pats Heechul’s shoulder.




                “I’m sorry if I offended you.” Heechul stated as he reached out his hand to her.




                “Yeah me too. I’m sorry.” Bom replied and reached his hand. The two of them shook each others hands and looked at each other again and laughed. They both blushed and looked the other way. Heechul kept his grip on Bom’s hands and pulled her towards Siwon’s and the other’s direction as Kyuhyun just followed them.



Siwon, Sooyoung, Yoona, Minho and key got surprised when Heechul appeared with Bom while holding her hand. Somehow Heechul enjoyed the blank expressions on their faces while the exchanged their respects.




                “Are you guys staying here?” Heechul asked still holding Bom’s hand.




                “Yeah, a little longer.” Siwon responded and smiled at Bom.



                “do you mind if I just leave you guys here for a while. She needs help so I am just going to help her.” Heechul stated.



                “Sure hyung take your time.” key responded as she smiled at Bom as well.




                “We’ll be fine here.” Minho responded thinking that Heechul and Bom looks great together.




                “Are you dating?” Yoona asked out loud and which made Sooyoung jumped from her seat and covered Yoona’s mouth.




                “Andwee!!! Andwee!! Andwe!!! Andwee!!! This is the first time we met like this.” Bom said defending herself as Heechul just laughed.




                “Do you hate me that much to deny me that much?” Heechul asked Bom who just pouted at him and then smiled.



                “Andwee!!! Andwee!! Andwe!!! Andwee!!!” bom retorted and then she just kept tugging the edge of heechul’s shirt.




                “chebal!!!!!!!!!!!!” Heechul said imitating Minho and rolled his tongue. Bom just laughed and then they went to their room.



Bom, Heechul and Kyuhyun returned to the room. Everyone waited for them. Kyuhyun saw Dara, CL, Donghae and Eunhyuk seated together taking a picture. Yesung wore a surprised expression on his face when he saw Heechul with Bom. Bom moved to Kyuhyun’s side making him seat on the vacant seat beside Dara. Kyuhyun bowed to Dara acting completely innocent about the situation.




                “What?” Bom asked as Dara looked at her with a weird expression.




                “You should sit with me noona!” Heechul said as he plays with his aegyo on Bom. Bom just laughed and made him seat beside her.




                “Did you tell him about this?” Donghae asked the two accomplices.




                “No we did not!” Bom and Kyuhyun retorted at the same time. They looked at each other and laughed then gave each other high fives.




They are so close already. With that short span of time, they are already comfortable with each other. Dara thought.




                “What is this about Lee Donghae?” Heechul asked in his suspicion.




                “Nothing hyung,” Donghae defended himself and laughed.





                “Why is that grandpa looking at me like that?” Heechul asked looking at the direction of Yesung.




                “Are you okay?” Heechul asked the devastated Yesung who came near him and choked him in the neck. Heechul shouted for help but then Yesung just hugged him and Donghae together with Eunhyuk pulled him away from bomchul.



                “Why are you all seated like this? Is this a hook up party? We came here to dance and party but you are all like a set of ahjummas stuck inside this room.” Heechul stated.



Bom looked at Kyuhyun who just nodded his head and smiled at Bom. Dara noticed this again and a small creased formed again in her forehead. Bom cleared and then looked at Heechul who was drinking his beer.


                “Oppa!” Bom called trying to stop herself from laughing.



                “What?” Heechul asked her while raising one of his brows.




                “Do you mind if we exchange phone numbers?” Bom asked out loud. Yesung fell onto his seat while Sungmin and Ryeowook just fanned him. Heechul got choked with the beverage he was drinking.




                “I didn’t think you’d like me this much to ask for my number that quickly. Now I know that Park Bom is aggressive.” Heechul which earned him spanking from Bom.



                “andweeeeee!!!! This is just a dare!” Bom squealed unable to stop her anger.




                “I guess with that she lost.” Donghae stated.




                “This is just a game?” Heechul asked with a sudden blank expression on his face.



                ‘”yes and her dare was to bring your ideal guy/girl in this room, if the person is outside you are not allowed to tell the person that you are doing a dare then you have to exchange numbers with that person inside this room P.S. we have to make sure that you exchanged numbers. Pyong~~~pyong~~~ pyong~~~” sungmin repeated the dare.



                “So as long I exchange numbers with her she wins right?” Heechul asked looking at Bom then turning to Donghae.




                “but-------------------“ before Donghae finished talking Heechul took Bom’s phone from her hand and dialed his number. His phone rung and then he dialed her number back.




                “So we won?” Heechul cheered as he claps with Bom.



                “But you learned that this was a dare before you exchanged numbers. So we couldn’t consider it as a win.” Donghae replied.




                “So what is the punishment for not being able to do it?” Heechul asked and looked at Bom.




                “She should kiss the person she brought in here.” Donghae stated and made the boys clap. Kyuhyun looked at Yesung’s devastated face and he enjoyed it.



                “But that is not written on the paper!” Dara protested but Bom stopped her.



                “Let them be. Besides I feel guilty of bringing him here because of a dare. It’s the least I could do for him.” Bom said and turned to face Heechul.



                “I’m sorry. You lost because of me. don’t worry you don’t------------” Heechul said as he bowed to her but before he even finished his sentence bom landed a sweet kiss on his cheeks which made the two of them blush.



                “that is to thank you for coming with me up here even if you didn’t know me that much. Please don’t think about it too much.” Bom said and kept her head on Dara’s Lap.




Heechul sat beside her surprised by what she stood. He was like a frozen statue there for a few seconds then slowly a smile started forming on his lips as he kept on blushing by what she did. He just kept quiet there for a while and Bom sneakily looked at him and spun the bottle which pointed at Donghae.




DARAKYUHAEmoment soon................ ;D

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supersujuholic #1
Chapter 89: Wow. I cant believe that there are still people reading this. :O
The thing is.. I dont follow 2ne1 and Suju as much as before so writing about them now is really hard?? Like it wont be like this since I know more about them back then ??? but thank you for the support ;__;
araaeildid #2
Chapter 89: Still rereading and still really love this one. Hope you doing well and remember this story & write the sequel kekeke... fighting authornim!!!
Chapter 89: I so love the story and yes a sequel should be written. Thanks Authourim... more Darakyu and maybe darachul kekeke... I am trying to write a fan fic but not yet done hehehe.
Chapter 89: Pls put a sequel i will wait for it author fighting!
Chapter 89: go!!! :D I would so read that :D
Tabimuchere #6
Chapter 89: cant wait for it Authornim!! fighting:-):-)
Aban17 #7
Chapter 89: Yes, sequel please ^_^
elcielo #8
Chapter 89: Yes authornim!
lonelyangel #9
Chapter 89: Yes yes authornim it will be very great please. Thanks in advance hehe
13Joya #10
Chapter 89: Yes sequel please