Chapter 13:

Noona! Noona Saranghae! (7 years of Love)


CL spun the bottle and it pointed to the person beside her. The woman cried out loud thinking that it was intentional even though she knows it was not. She faced her palm as she took a bottle of water and sipped on it. She looked up and saw Eunhyuk smiling, offering her the bowl filled with folded papers.




                “Noona! It’s your turn now. Good luck.” Eunhyuk said as he pushed the bowl closer to her.




                “OTTOKKKKKKKKKKEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Aigooooooo!!! Aiggooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!! I don’t want to do this!!!!!!!” she squealed.




                “You can’t back out now!” Donghae retorted as he laugh at her reaction.




                “You can do it unnie!” the two girls cheered her on. CL who just recovered from the intense moment she had a while ago is regaining her usual self again slowly.




                “Yah~~~~~~` Dara-ah! Don’t call me unnie! I’m just a few months older than you!” Bom retorted and turned to face Donghae who is now holding the bowl.




                “I know! I know! Just do it. You can do it! Let’s eat corn later!” Dara said as she cheered her friend on.



Bom mixed the contents of the bowl before she picked one of the folded papers just like the other participant earlier. She just handed the paper to Sungmin whom she noticed was silently watching her.




                “You want me to read it for you?” Sungmin asked surprised that she noticed him staring at her.




                “Yup, please do it for me!” Bom said in her awkward aegyo which made the girls laugh but the men found it cute.




Sungmin stopped himself from blushing and read asked her the ultimate question.




                “Truth or Dare?” Sungmin asked animatedly. He looked at Bom intently waiting for her to answer. Bom looked at CL and Dara then twisted her long hair and thought about it.



Bom really like challenges so as the girls expected she chose to do the dare and wanted it to end quickly, Dara and CL looked at Bom who seemed to be calmer and start to enjoy herself now. Bom fixed her skirt and stood up to do the dare.




                “Noona chose Dare, and the Dare is to bring your ideal guy/girl in this room, if the person is outside you are not allowed to tell the person that you are doing a dare then you have to exchange numbers with that person inside this room P.S. we have to make sure that you exchanged numbers. Pyong~~~pyong~~~ pyong~~~.” Sungmin instructed.





                “Can I choose the truth instead?” Bom suddenly asked as she smiled and scratched her head and sat back down on her seat. She looked at Dara who obviously wrote that Dare.




                “Absolutely not!” Sungmin nagged but then he smiled and pat her head. Kyuhyun looked at Yesung in amazement that is hiding behind his Ryeowook’s back.




Now you know how I felt when you helped my Dara earlier. Kyuhyun thought as he laughed evilly inside his mind.




                “Okay. I’ll do the dare then, but can you give me a few moments to contemplate please?” Bom asked Donghae and the others.



                “Sure, think about it hard.” Yesung replied and made Ryeowook seat beside him since legs are already hurting.




Bom looked at CL then Dara but didn’t speak. She clasped her two hands together and rested her chin on it. She thought of T.O.P. but he would so much after. He looked around the room and laid her eyes on everyone and then finally she exchanged glances with Yesung.




Yesung noticed that Bom was looking at her. He started fixing his himself as he tried to do it without anybody noticing. He hid behind Ryeowook and pulled Kyuhyun who noticed his sneaky actions but just laughed.




                “Don’t laugh! She might notice me.” Yesung whispered.




                “Sorry hyung. But you are just too funny!” Kyuhyun responded as he helped his hyung fix his hair. Dara noticed Kyuhyun and she just looked at him wondering what he was doing moreover thinking.




After seeing what Henry and Zhoumi did for CL she suddenly missed their happy moments together even though they were alone just a few ago. She misses her Kyuhyun so badly and she wants to be alone with him. Yesung pointed at Dara looking at Kyuhyun but Kyuhyun just ignored her.



A little bit of revenge from your evil lover. Kyuhyun thought.




Why is ignoring me? After b with jealousy a few moments ago when I was just talking to Donghae and now he’s cold, is he that angry? Dara thought.




Bom surprised Yesung when she suddenly stood up and approached him. a smile is slowly forming in his sweet lips that was waiting for a possible kiss from Bom. He hid his face a little and pushed Kyuhyun and Ryeowook away. He was about to stand up but when he was mid-air already Bom suddenly spoke.




                “I’ll just go out and bring him here.” Bom stated as she looked at Yesung.




                “huh?!” Yesung asked surprised as Kyuhyun covered his mouth trying to stop a squeal or even a giggle from escaping and pushed his hyung to stand up properly.




                “Are you okay? Does your knee or leg hurts? And I said that I am going to go out and bring my ideal guy here.” Bom asked worried about Yesung but is completely unaware of his thoughts.






                “But why are you telling me that?” Yesung asked as tears starts to form in the corner of his eyes but he remained calm as Bom looked at his eyes more noticing his tears.




                “Because you are the oldest here, you need to watch these children.” She retorted and walked to Donghae that stopped her from walking out alone.




                “Someone has to come with you.” Donghae stated.





                “Why?” asked Bom surprised by the fish’s question.




                “Because most of the people down there might be sober and drunk already and to also make sure that you will not run away.” Donghae replied as he placed his hand on his waist and waited for anyone to stand up and reach out for her.



Kyuhyun watched as Yesung’s face slowly perk up. He ran towards her and held her by the grip. He pulled her out gently away from Donghae and went to the door without a word. Bom stopped and looked at the others.



                “I’ll be your guide for tonight noona!” Kyuhyun whispered to Bom’s ears which made her smile and turned to the people who were left in the room. An idea instantly popped in her mind.




                “I’ll be the one watching her. I promise to keep her safe and free from harm.” Said as he looked at her and smiled then smiled at Dara as well and saw a small crease formed on her forehead but managed to smile at him back..




                “Let’s go!” Bom said as cheekily wrapped her arm on Kyuhyun’s open arm and the two turned away from them walking confidently.




                “Looks like he defeated you hyung!” Donghae said as he walks towards Yesung who is now sighing in disbelief.





                “Your facial expression was epic, too bad I didn’t get to have a picture.” Sungmin commented and laughed with Ryeowook.




                “That’s what you got for trying to cheat on me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hmmmmmmmmmmmppppppphhhhhhhhh…” Ryeowook said as he stood up and pushed Yesung back to his seat and placed his hands on his waist acting like an angry woman.





The two girls of them looked as they left and then turned to the door. Their gaze turned to Yesung who looks like he’d seen a ghost when Bom’s arm intertwined on Kyuhyun’s.





                “They look good together.” CL commented as she whispered it to Dara.




                “But people might think that noona is a Pedo!” Eunhyuk said as he overheard CL whisper it to Dara and giggled and obviously meant it as a joke. Both CL and Dara gave him looks that could kill which made him quiet.




                “andweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!” Dara yelled and turned to face Eunhyuk which surprised everyone inside the room and turned their attention on her.



                As a medical diagnosis, ia (or ia) is defined as a psychiatric disorder in adults or late adolescents (persons age 16 or older) typically characterized by a primary or exclusive ual interest in prepubescent children (generally age 13 years or younger, though onset of puberty may vary). The child must be at least five years younger in the case of adolescent es (16 or older) to be termed ia. While For the primary ual interest in 11–14 year old pubescents, see Hebephilia. For mid-to-late adolescents (15-19), Ephebophilia. Bom is not a pedo, or a hebe and even a ephe if ever he’ll date Kyuhyun.” Dara strongly defended her friend.




                “Wow why do you know it so well?” Sungmin asked surprised by what he heard.




                “I’m studying Psychology and Bom used to be a psych major as well but shifted to music.” Dara replied.




                “Sorry.” Eunhyuk shyly replied as he earned punches from his Ryeowook, Sungmin, Donghae, Yesung and Henry who kept saying that Bom is not a Pedo.




                “It’s okay. Me too I’m sorry” Dara retorted and hugged Eunhyuk who got surprised by what she did.



                “I guess the game would be on the halt until the two of them returns.” Zhoumi stated as the three of them approached the window and tried searching for Bom and Kyuhyun in the huge crowd of people.



                “I guess.” The two girls replied together the three of them nodded at same time as their sight still glued to the scenery of the dance floor.




What are they doing?


Where will they go?


Does he likes her more than me?


Does she likes him back?


What do I do if they actually like each other?


Will I be able to let him go if he asks me to?


Dara contemplated on these thoughts as she stared at her phone searching for even single a text message from Kyuhyun.



After the two of them walked away from the room, Bom looked back to see if they are following them or not. She didn’t see anyone following but kept her hand on his arm.





                “Let’s talk outside its too noisy in here!” Bom stated.




                “What noona? Sorry I can’t hear you.” Kyuhyun whispered to Bom’s ears and someone began to watch them.




                “I said let’s get out of here!” Bom whispered close to Kyuhyun’s ear the younger one nodded. Kyuhyun protected Bom from the crowd of male guys who tried to grind their body against her. T.O.P. who saw them tried to follow but the two got lost in the ocean of people that filled the room.





                “Noona are you okay? It’s good that hyung didn’t allow you to go out alone.” Kyuhyun stated as they walked out and found an empty area where Bom lead him to.





                “Thanks I’m fine.” Bom retorted and smiled at Kyuhyun sweetly.



                “so why did you ask me------------“ before Kyuhyun even finished his statement, Bom tried wrapping her arm around his neck a attempted to kiss him but Kyuhyun backed away which made Bom laugh.




                “Noona are you drunk already?” asked Kyuhyun who touched Bom’s forehead trying to check her temperature.




                “Don’t worry I’m fine. CL, Dara and I didn’t really drink. We actually bought some juices and cola as well. Sorry for what I did, I was just kidding.” Bom stated in between her muffled laughs.





                “aigoooo~~~~~~~ you got me really worried because I don’t what I would do if you liked me.” Kyuhyun replied as he placed his hand on his chest.




                “Why? Because someone would get angry?” Bom asked.



                “Yeah, maybe.” Kyuhyun stated.



                “You seem unsure or is it because you like somebody else from my group?” Bom retorted.




                “Me? Like someone on 2NE1, not a bad idea.” Kyuhyun retorted as he tried to sound sarcastic.




                “Don’t play your word games with me. I’m not really the type of person who you can fool easily.” Bom replied.




                “Don’t worry. I don’t think that noona is stupid. I guess you caught me right on the spot.” Kyuhyun replied.




                “All of my clues tell me that you like Dara.” Bom stated which made Kyuhyun laugh.




                “Noona you are so funny---“ before Kyuhyun finished statement Bom spoke again.




                “Let me correct that one, you and Dara. You guys are dating right?” Bom spilled which Kyuhyun stop and focus all her attention to her.




                “The way you would react when Donghae would talk to her and she would laugh when obviously there is nothing going on between them and the way you gaze at every men who tried to talk to her. If you see your own expression in the mirror while they were laughing you’d be too shy to walk or even talk to her. I had fun observing how much you like her and how much of a jealous boy friend you were. Aigoooooooooooo~~~~~~~~~~ I envy her. I wish some one would get jealous over me like that as well.” Bom stated confidently as she chuckled and watched the dark expression that clouded Kyuhyun’s face.



What to do she found out about us?


Should I admit it or Deny?


It doesn’t seem like she’s taking it negatively?


I’ll just tell her, if she’s a real friend to Dara I know that she’ll accept our relationship. Kyuhyun contemplated.



Kyuhyun looked down and sighed. He grabbed her and gently pinned her against the wall. Bom blushed by what he did and then he looked at her eyes. Bom just kept quiet as he move his face closer to hers and started talking.




                “Noona you are right we are dating!” Kyuhyun said and then he lowered his head accepting his defeat from Bom. Bom got so surprised by what she heard and pushed him away and then placed her hand on her tummy.





                “OMG! I was guessing when I said that. My psychology skills are still good as new. Thanks Kyuhyun, Dara would not admit that to me.” Bom said as she hugged Kyuhyun in her joy.




                “whatttttttttttttttttttt?????????????????????// you fooled me?????????????????????????/ the evil maknae of super junior????????????????????????????????????????? O-M!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Kyuhyun squealed like Key.




                “I’m happy for you guys! So how long have you been together?” Bom asked animatedly. She shook Kyuhyun who spirit seemed to have evacuated away from his body. It took him a while before snapped back to his sanity.




                “Almost 100 days already.” Kyuhyun shyly replied.



                “You guys are still new. Aigoo~~~~~~~.” Bom cooed.




                “Please don’t tell her that I told you about it.” Kyuhyun begged.





                “Sure. I want this to come from here. She needs to trust more. Does anybody else know about this?” Bom replied.




                “No one. So please help us keep this as our secret. There are few times that we almost got caught before but we managed to struggle this far so please.” Kyuhyun stated and with that she saw the sincerity in his eyes.




                “Sure but can you help me bring back a guy who fits this criteria?” Bom asked.




                “Yeah sure.” Kyuhyun retorted as he pulled Bom back into the dance floor looking for hyungs.




Kyuhyun approached Heechul who was talking to the other people and asked his hyung to come with him where Bom was quietly waiting. Heechul and Kyuhyun approached Bom who smiled at them.



                “Are you sure about this? Bom asked Kyuhyun.



                “Yeah, positively. I thought you wanted somebody like Kang Hodong?” Kyuhyun retorted.



                “What?” Heechul suddenly burst out.



                “oppa will you come upstairs with me? Bom asked Heechul as she smiled at him sweetly.



i am the type of writer who just writes what she thought of the moment so there will be times that i will encounter

writer's block, if i'm a real writer.

so sorry but i am kind of feeling pressured about writing this story already.

sorry if i failed your expectations.


BOM realization of Kyuhyun's and Dara's secret was by bcuter23 ;D

thanks for the tip :D

anyways for those ideas i used for this chapter please comment and tell me who you and which part i used.




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supersujuholic #1
Chapter 89: Wow. I cant believe that there are still people reading this. :O
The thing is.. I dont follow 2ne1 and Suju as much as before so writing about them now is really hard?? Like it wont be like this since I know more about them back then ??? but thank you for the support ;__;
araaeildid #2
Chapter 89: Still rereading and still really love this one. Hope you doing well and remember this story & write the sequel kekeke... fighting authornim!!!
Chapter 89: I so love the story and yes a sequel should be written. Thanks Authourim... more Darakyu and maybe darachul kekeke... I am trying to write a fan fic but not yet done hehehe.
Chapter 89: Pls put a sequel i will wait for it author fighting!
Chapter 89: go!!! :D I would so read that :D
Tabimuchere #6
Chapter 89: cant wait for it Authornim!! fighting:-):-)
Aban17 #7
Chapter 89: Yes, sequel please ^_^
elcielo #8
Chapter 89: Yes authornim!
lonelyangel #9
Chapter 89: Yes yes authornim it will be very great please. Thanks in advance hehe
13Joya #10
Chapter 89: Yes sequel please